I want to batch update the titles of all objects in a PDF. Is there a way for me to do this? I had in mind to iterate through the fields and change the T values, but this appears not to work; changes to the fields don't persist from one iteration to the next, much less appear in the saved output file:
var doc = new PDFDoc(infile.getAbsolutePath)
var iter = doc.fdfExtract().getFieldIterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
var field = iter.next
var obj = field.findAttribute("T")
if (obj != null && obj.isString) {
obj.setString("new title")
println(field.getName) // Outputs "new title"
iter = doc.fdfExtract().getFieldIterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
var field = iter.next
var obj = field.findAttribute("T")
if (obj != null && obj.isString) {
println(field.getName) // Outputs the original title
doc.save(new FileOutputStream("out.pdf"), SDFDoc.SaveMode.INCREMENTAL, null)
Here's a decompressed, toy pdf on which I've experimented (uploaded as a text file). It has only one input.
The issue is that you are calling fdfExtract() which exports (makes a copy) of the fields and returns them as a FDFDoc, so you are editing a temporary object. Which is why later when you call fdfExtract() you are getting the same original data, since you never edited the original PDFDoc.
If your intention is to edit the FDFDoc then keep the reference.
FDFDoc fdfdoc = pdfdoc.fdfExtract();
If your intention is to edit the PDF itself, then erase your fdfExtract calls and instead call
I am making a discord bot where you can use the command tcp freeitem to obtain your free item.
I am trying to alter that value of an Account by adding a new item object into the account. When I map the array to replace a value, it erases the name (allAccounts) of the array of the json. More information below. Here is what I have:
const listOfAllItemNames = require(`C:/Users///censored///OneDrive/Desktop/discord bot/itemsDataList.json`)
const accountList = require(`C:/Users///censored///OneDrive/Desktop/discord bot/account.json`)
const fs = require('fs')
var accountThatWantsFreeItem = accountList.allAccounts.find(user => message.author.id === user.userId);
var randomFreeItem = listOfAllItemNames.allItems[Math.floor(Math.random() * listOfAllItemNames.allItems.length)]
if(accountThatWantsFreeItem === undefined) {message.reply('You need to make an account with tcp create!'); return; }
if(accountThatWantsFreeItem.freeItem === true) {message.reply('You already got your free one item!'); return;}
fs.readFile('C:/Users///censored///OneDrive/Desktop/discord bot/account.json', 'utf8', function readFileCallback(err,data) {
} else {
var accountsArray = JSON.parse(data)
var whoSentCommand = accountsArray.allAccounts.find(user => message.author.id === user.userId)
whoSentCommand.freeItem = true;
var test = accountsArray.allAccounts.map(obj => whoSentCommand === obj.id || obj)
//I believe the issue is trying to map it returns a new array
test = JSON.stringify(test, null, 5)
//fs.writeFile('C:/Users///censored///OneDrive/Desktop/discord bot/account.json', test, err =>{ console.error(err)} )
when I write the file back to json file, it removes the "allAccounts" identifier in this file
//json file
//array name "allAccounts" is removed, I need this still here for code to work
"allAccounts" : [
"userId": "182326315813306368",
"username": "serendipity",
"balanceInHand": 0,
"balanceInBank": 0,
"freeItem": false,
"Items": []
(No "allAccounts" array name)
to this: output after writing file
So, the final question is
How would I alter the array so that I only alter the account I want without editing the array name?
Please feel free to ask any questions if I was unclear.
Array.map() method returns the converted array.
So in the below line, map() method takes allAccounts array and perform actions and put the target array (not object) to the test variable.
var test = accountsArray.allAccounts.map(obj => whoSentCommand === obj.id || obj)
So for making code works, please change the code like this:
var test = {
"accountsArray": accountsArray.allAccounts.map(obj => whoSentCommand === obj.id || obj)
When posting questions, please please reduce the code to a minimal example that will demonstrate the problem, and use words, not code, to describe the problem.
It looks like you are expecting .map to do something other than what it does.
Please consult the documentation for Array.map().
It takes the array that you pass it (in this case accountsArray.allAccounts) and transforms it, returning the transformed array.
You have essentially done test = accountsArray.allAccounts but for some reason are expecting test to contain an Object with the key allAccounts, when in fact it will only contain an Array, because that is what you have assigned it.
Has a transaction function that worked in first pass and at 2nd pass, got "TypeError: Cannot set _id to Null value. Both passes were to create a new transaction. Besides, system seemed to indicate that there was value for variable that was being used to assign to_id. In this case,
print"this.selectedLeave_id" and saw value as expected. However, Angular right away in next statement complaining that Null value was set to "this.SLTran.leave_id".
Below pls find code and any help is appreciated.
if (this.selectedLeaveTran_id != 0) // means first loaded all trans and then select from table to modify
this.sLTran = this.tempSLTran; // tempSLTran was from row selected to be modified
this.sLTran.leaveType = this.tempLeaveType; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.leaveStartDate = this.tempLeaveStartDate; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.leaveEndDate = this.tempLeaveEndDate; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.numDaysRequested = this.tempNumDaysRequested; // from dialog box edited data
console.log('2-2.5 inside onSubmit Leave Tran for update :',this.sLTran);
this.staffLeaveDataSvc.updateSLTran(this.sLTran).subscribe((sLTran:staffLeaveTran) => {this.sLTran = sLTran});
{ // a new tran
console.log('2-2.4 inside onSubmit Leave Tran selectedLeave_id for new tran:',this.selectedLeave_id);
this.sLTran.leave_id = this.selectedLeave_id; // first established the leave_id associated with this new tran
this.sLTran.leaveType = this.tempLeaveType;
this.sLTran.leaveStartDate = this.tempLeaveStartDate;
this.sLTran.leaveEndDate = this.tempLeaveEndDate;
this.sLTran.numDaysRequested = this.tempNumDaysRequested;
(sLTran:staffLeaveTran) => {
this.sLTran = sLTran
Here is my scenario, i am parsing via javascript a webpage and then post the result to an restApi to store the json in a db. The code works fine as long as all fields i defined in my script are send. Problem is over time they website might change names for fields and that would cause my code to crash.
Originally i used code like this
const mySchool = new mls.School();
mySchool.highSchoolDistrict = data["HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT"].trim();
mySchool.elementary = data.ELEMENTARY.trim();
mySchool.elementaryOther = data["ELEMENTARY OTHER"].trim();
mySchool.middleJrHigh = data["MIDDLE/JR HIGH"].trim();
mySchool.middleJrHighOther = data["MIDDLE/JR HIGH OTHER"].trim();
mySchool.highSchool = data["HIGH SCHOOL"].trim();
mySchool.highSchoolOther = data["HIGH SCHOOL OTHER"].trim();
newListing.school = mySchool;
but when the element does not exist it complains about that it can not use trim of undefined. So to fix this i came up with this
if (data["PATIO/PORCH"]) {
newExterior.patioPorch = data["PATIO/PORCH"].trim();
this works but i am wondering if there is a more global approach then to go and check each field if it is defined ?
You could leverage a sort of helper function to check first if the item is undefined, and if not, return a trim()-ed version of the string.
var data = Array();
data["HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT"] = " 123 ";
function trimString(inputStr) {
return (inputStr != undefined && typeof inputStr == "string") ? inputStr.trim() : undefined;
console.log(trimString(data["HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT"]));
console.log(trimString(data["ELEMENTARY OTHER"]));
I'm creating a file in Acumatica by calling an action from the API, so that I can retrieve the file in my application.
Is it possible to delete the file via API after I'm done with it? I'd rather not have it cluttering up my Acumatica database.
Failing this, is there a recommended cleanup approach for these files?
Found examples of how to delete a file from within Acumatica, as well as how to save a new version of an existing file! The below implementation saves a new version but has the deletion method commented out. Because I built this into my report generation process, I'm not later deleting the report via API, but it would be easy to translate a deletion into an action callable by the API.
private IEnumerable ExportReport(PXAdapter adapter, string reportID, Dictionary<String, String> parameters)
//Press save if the SO is not completed
if (Base.Document.Current.Completed == false)
PX.SM.FileInfo file = null;
using (Report report = PXReportTools.LoadReport(reportID, null))
if (report == null)
throw new Exception("Unable to access Acumatica report writer for specified report : " + reportID);
PXReportTools.InitReportParameters(report, parameters, PXSettingProvider.Instance.Default);
ReportNode reportNode = ReportProcessor.ProcessReport(report);
IRenderFilter renderFilter = ReportProcessor.GetRenderer(ReportProcessor.FilterPdf);
//Generate the PDF
byte[] data = PX.Reports.Mail.Message.GenerateReport(reportNode, ReportProcessor.FilterPdf).First();
file = new PX.SM.FileInfo(reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf", null, data);
//Save the PDF to the SO
UploadFileMaintenance graph = new UploadFileMaintenance();
//Check to see if a file with this name already exists
Guid[] files = PXNoteAttribute.GetFileNotes(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current);
foreach (Guid fileID in files)
FileInfo existingFile = graph.GetFileWithNoData(fileID);
if (existingFile.Name == reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf")
//If we later decide we want to delete previous versions instead of saving them, this can be changed to
//But in the meantime, for history purposes, set the UID of the new file to that of the existing file so we can save it as a new version.
file.UID = existingFile.UID;
//Save the file with the setting to create a new version if one already exists based on the UID
graph.SaveFile(file, FileExistsAction.CreateVersion);
//Save the note attribute so we can find it again.
PXNoteAttribute.AttachFile(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current, file);
//Return the info on the file
return adapter.Get();
The response from Acumatica:
S-b (Screen-base) API allows clean way of downloading report generated as file. C-b (Contract-base) simply does not have this feature added. I suggest you provided feedback here: feedback.acumatica.com (EDIT: Done! https://feedback.acumatica.com/ideas/ACU-I-1852)
I think couple of workaround are:
1) use s-b using login from c-b to generate report and get as file (see example below), or
2) create another method to delete the file once required report file is downloaded. For that, you will need to pass back FileID or something to identify for deletion.
example of #1
using (DefaultSoapClient sc = new DefaultSoapClient("DefaultSoap1"))
string sharedCookie;
using (new OperationContextScope(sc.InnerChannel))
sc.Login("admin", "123", "Company", null, null);
var responseMessageProperty = (HttpResponseMessageProperty)
sharedCookie = responseMessageProperty.Headers.Get("Set-Cookie");
Screen scr = new Screen(); // add reference to report e.g. http://localhost/Demo2018R2/Soap/SO641010.asmx
scr.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
scr.CookieContainer.SetCookies(new Uri(scr.Url), sharedCookie);
var schema = scr.GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value { LinkedCommand = schema.Parameters.OrderType, Value = "SO" },
new Value { LinkedCommand = schema.Parameters.OrderNumber, Value = "SO004425" },
var data = scr.Submit(commands);
if(data != null && data.Length > 0)
Hope this helps. Also, it would be great if you update the stackover post based on these suggestions.
Nayan Mansinha
Lead - Developer Support | Acumatica
I have a userevent script to change the Field in Contract record from PO record. The Script is running fine. But whenever I edit a contract record and try to submit it : It throws the error "Another user has updated this record since you began editing it. Please close the record and open it again to make your changes".
May I know the reason behind this ?
Description : Whenever the PO vendor is changed(due to Split vendor) that should replace the same in Contract page record automatically.
Script type : User Event Script
Script id : customscript452
Version : 1.0
Applied to : Contract
function srchfield()
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); //returns the contract id
if(stRecordid== undefined || stRecordid== null || stRecordid==' ')
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType(); //returns the contract record type = jobs
var stRecord = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), stRecordid);
nlapiLogExecution('debug','Load Object',stRecord);
var stContractID = stRecord.getFieldValue('entityid'); //returns the value of the field contractid whose fieldid is = entityid
var stCompanyName = stRecord.getFieldValue('companyname'); //returns the value of the field company name whose fieldid is = companyname
var stConcatenate = stContractID+" : "+stCompanyName; //Concatenate the two Fields to get the result which needs to be found in PO
var arrFilters = new Array(); // This is Array Filters all the Purchase Order Record Search
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('type', null, 'anyof',
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('mainline', null, 'is', 'T')); //This is to exclude line level results
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('custbodycontract', null, 'is', stRecordid)); //This is Filters in Contracts Search
var arrColumns = new Array();
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('entity')); //This is Search Column Field in Records
var arrSearchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('purchaseorder', null, arrFilters, arrColumns); //This is Filters in Search Result Purchase Order
if(arrSearchresults== undefined || arrSearchresults== null || arrSearchresults==' ')
var length = arrSearchresults.length;
if(length== undefined || length== null || length==' ')
for (var i = 0; arrSearchresults != null && i < arrSearchresults.length; i++)
var objResult = arrSearchresults[i];
var stRecId = objResult.getId();
var stRecType = objResult.getRecordType();
var stCntrctName = objResult.getValue('entity'); //This is Value are Get Purchase Order Records and Field for Vendor = entity
//var record = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), stRecordid, stCntrctName);
if (stCntrctName =='custentityranking_vendor_name')
var stChangeName = stRecord.setFieldValue('custentityranking_vendor_name', stCntrctName); //This is Value are the Set in Main Vendor Field = custentityranking_vendor_name
nlapiSubmitRecord(stRecord, null, null); // Submit the Field Value in Record Type
The User Event script executes as the Contract record is being saved to the database. At the same time, you are loading a second copy of the record from the database and trying to submit the copy as well. This is causing the error you're seeing.
You fix this by just using nlapiSetFieldValue to set the appropriate field on the Contract.
I might also recommend getting more familiar with JavaScript by going through the JavaScript Guide over at MDN. In particular, take a look at the Boolean description so that you know how JavaScript evaluates Boolean expressions. This will help you greatly reduce the amount of code you've written here, as many of your conditionals are unnecessary.
What userevent do you have? It is happening depending on what type of user event and API you are using. Looking at your code, you are trying to load contract record that is already updated at the database. So you might consider below to address your issue. Hope, it helps.
If it is a before submit, you don't need to load the record where the script is deployed.
Just use nlapiGet* and nlapiSet* to get and set values. You also don't need to use nlapiSubmitRecord to reflect the change. With before submit, it executes before the record is being saved to the database. So your changes will still be reflected.
Then if it is after submit, it will be executed after the record has been saved to the database, Thus you might use the following API depending on your needs. Actually, this is the best practice to make sure the solution .
nlapiGetNewRecord - only use this if the script only needs to retrieve info from header and sublists. And nothing to set.
nlapiLookupField - use this if the script only needs to get value/s at the header and nothing from the line.
nlapiSubmitField - the script don't need to load and submit record if the changes only on header. Just use this API.
nlapiLoadRecord and nlapiSubmitRecord- use the former if the script will have changes at the line and then use the latter api to commit it on the database.
Being a user event script code, The code you showed is very not good considering performance.
Here is the sample you can merge
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); //returns the contract id
// Every record has an internal id associated with it. No need to add condition explicitly to check if its null
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType();
var fields = ['entityid','companyname'];
var columns = nlapiLookupField(stRecordtype, stRecordid, fields);
var stContractID = columns.entityid;
var stCompanyName = columns.companyname;
var stConcatenate = stContractID+" : "+stCompanyName; //Concatenate the two Fields to get the result which needs to be found in PO
//your code of search
//you can improve that code also by using nlapilook up
nlapiSubmitField(stRecordtype, stRecordid, 'custentityranking_vendor_name', 'name to be updated');