Use Azure App Service Authentication to log into Api Management Service - azure

I was able to setup Azure Active Directory (aad) to authenticate users for the App Service running an angular front-end, now I want to secure the backend by allowing only this authenticated users to send requests to the Api Management Service endpoint.
So, I followed this article and I am facing 2 major problems:
The /.auth/me endpoint only returns an id_token, not an access_token
When I try with postman, I keep on getting invalid audience, but postman uses an audience that looks like 00000-00000...
Here's the api management service inbound request policy jwt-validate:
<base />
<validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" failed-validation-httpcode="401" failed-validation-error-message="failed message">
<openid-config url="{tenant-id}/.well-known/openid-configuration" />
<base />
<base />
<base />

For your first problem:
Actually, it can just response id token when you request the /.auth/me endpoint because you just implement login but not specify a resource(or a backend app/api protected by AD) in your app service. So the response contains id token and without access token.
If you want to get access token when you request /.auth/me endpoint, you need to specify the resource in your app service. Here I assume you have already registered an app in Azure AD to represent your APIM. Then you can use the Resource Explore to modify the settings like below:
1 . locate your app service
2 . locate the config->authsettings (the resource below is the client id of the app you registered to represent your APIM)
"additionalLoginParams": [
"response_type=code id_token",
3 . config the redirect_uri for Azure app like below:
Then after you login in the angular app, you can get the access_token via the endpoint:
The steps above come from this post, you can also refer to it for detail information.
For your second problem:
When you request the APIM api in postman, you should put the access token in the request header. And you mentioned that the access token which you used in postman contains the audience like 00000-00000... But in your validate-jwt policy, you use:
It seems {app-id-uri} is not only a id but should be a uri like: api://00000-00000.... So please change {app-id-uri} from uri format to id format (just remove api://).


Unauthorized Issue while Authenticating Azure Function with APIM

I created 1 Azure Function app (.NET Core 6) with a few functions.
Function Details:
ListUsers - GET Method with Routing(v1/listusers)
Step1: I registered a new Azure B2C Application for function app in B2C Tenant with Redirect URL as JWT MS (For testing purpose) and created B2C_1A_SIGNUP_SIGNIN custom policy in to get token.
Step2: I enabled Managed Identity (System Identity) ON for function app.
Step3: I provided authentication to azure function app with identity provider OPENID Connect and configured metadataURL, Client Id ,CLient Secret etc., of Step1 endpoint details
Step4: I Created APIM resource, enabled managed Identity(System Identity) and imported Function App and can see apim-Samplefunction host keys under function app keys.
Step4: I Created APIM resource and imported Function App added APIM Policy in under all operations and enabled CORS.
//Resource Id is taken from Step1 (ClientID)
<authentication-managed-identity resource="63b20196-e62b-4cf0-a60e-9e895ee5f1a2" />
Step5: I tested function URL in postman with authentication and host key and its success.
URL: GET METHOD<<HOST KEY Taken from Azure Function APP>>
Authorization : Bearer <<Token received from JWT.MS web page >>
APIM URL: When i tried same token with APIM Url, I am getting errorYou do not have permission to view this directory or page. with authentication-managed-identity policy with Azure Function App Client Id
I created another B2C application registration for APIM and used authentication-managed-identity policy with Azure APIM Client Id. At this time I am getting Internal Server Error.
My Queries:
Which client id I have to use to authorize APIM Url?
Does both APIM B2C & Azure Function B2C Registration is required?
Get Method
Authorization:Bearer <<Token received from JWT.MS web page >>
Inbound Policy settings for All Operations:
- Policy elements can appear only within the <inbound>, <outbound>, <backend> section elements.
- To apply a policy to the incoming request (before it is forwarded to the backend service), place a corresponding policy element within the <inbound> section element.
- To apply a policy to the outgoing response (before it is sent back to the caller), place a corresponding policy element within the <outbound> section element.
- To add a policy, place the cursor at the desired insertion point and select a policy from the sidebar.
- To remove a policy, delete the corresponding policy statement from the policy document.
- Position the <base> element within a section element to inherit all policies from the corresponding section element in the enclosing scope.
- Remove the <base> element to prevent inheriting policies from the corresponding section element in the enclosing scope.
- Policies are applied in the order of their appearance, from the top down.
- Comments within policy elements are not supported and may disappear. Place your comments between policy elements or at a higher level scope.
<base />
<cors allow-credentials="false">
<authentication-managed-identity resource="13b20196-e62b-4cf0-a60e-9e895ee5f1a2" />
<base />
<base />
<base />

Multiple Authentication policies in Azure APIM

I have two scenarios where in first client will call the APIM with bearer token and other one is Function App will call our APIM with Managed identity. I have the code which will validate the jwt. but I want to know how can I skip the other one if either one is available(e.g I want to skip the jwt validation if its get called with managed Identity). From examples I can see I can do a choose and when but not sure what will be the headers for the managed identity. Here is what I am thinking I should be updating.
<when condition="#(context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("Authorization","") != "")">
<validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" failed-validation-httpcode="401" failed-validation-error-message="Invalid or Expired token" require-expiration-time="true" require-signed-tokens="true">
<openid-config url=".well-known/openid-configuration" />
<when condition="to validate managed identity">
<authentication-managed-identity resource="resource" client-id="clientid of user-assigned identity" output-token-variable-name="token-variable" ignore-error="true|false"/>
For this requirement, I think there isn't any difference between the two request(request APIM with bearer token directly and request APIM from function app by managed identity). Both of them will provide a bearer token in header(Authorization) of the request.
You can refer to this document about calling APIM from function app according to managed identity. You can find the lines of code shown as below in the document which are used to get access token and set the token in header when request APIM.
var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider(identity);
string accessToken = await azureServiceTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(target,tenantID);
wc.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
So the second request scenario is same with the first request scenario. We can not distinguish them in APIM policy before <validate-jwt>. To implement your requirement, I think you can add a property into the header of the two requests and then check the header in APIM policy. For example, in function app code, you can add a header like below:
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("comeFrom", "fromFunApp");
Then check the header in policy:
<when condition="#(context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("comeFrom","") != "fromFunApp" && context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("Authorization","") != "")">

Azure Apim authentication for apis

I have an api endpoint which is being used by multiple public clients. And each client is configured with different clientids. I am using Authorization Code flow with Oauth2 openid protocol. I would like to introduce an Azure Apim service and would like to validate the jwt token before forwarding the request to apis. Could you please let me know how can i achieve this?
Note: I can't use single client id as redirect uri is different for each client.
You can use the Validate JWT policy to pre-authorize requests in API Management, by validating the access tokens of each incoming request. If a request does not have a valid token, API Management blocks it. For example, add the following policy to the <inbound> policy section of the Echo API. It checks the audience claim in an access token, and returns an error message if the token is not valid.
<validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" failed-validation-httpcode="401" failed-validation-error-message="Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid.">
<openid-config url="{aad-tenant}/.well-known/openid-configuration" />
<claim name="aud">
<value>{Application ID of backend-app}</value>
For more details, you could refer to the article about Configure a JWT validation policy to pre-authorize requests

Azure API Management: authorization with Oauth2 401 gives "Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid."

I have a few APIs (Logic Apps, Functions) that I want to expose through Azure API Management.
They work fine, so I decided to add OAuth2 autorization.
I followed step by step
Register an application (backend-app) in Azure AD to represent the API.
Register another application (client-app) in Azure AD to represent a client application that needs to call the API.
In Azure AD, grant permissions to allow the client-app to call the backend-app.
Configure the Developer Console to call the API using OAuth 2.0 user authorization.
Add the validate-jwt policy to validate the OAuth token for every incoming request.
Also use Postman to test
Everything works until the "validate-jwt" policy step.
When I add it, I get a "401 - Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid."
I can get the token, in Developer Console and Postman, but as soon as I do the API call... 401!
When I used to check the content of the token, I noticed that the aud param has nothing to do with the backend Application ID.
The value in the token is "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000", whereas the backend app ID is like "16caXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXc0".
I'm running out of ideas and need the help of some Azure gurus out there!
Help would be very much appreciated...
Here below the inbound policy as per the MS doc:
<validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" failed-validation-httpcode="401" failed-validation-error-message="Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid.">
<openid-config url="" />
<claim name="aud">
<forward-request />
<outbound />
<on-error />
Screen cap of the Postman screen where I get the token (this works, but then when I send the request --> 401)
Screen cap of aud param in
I had some problems with validating Azure AD tokens a couple of years back - see my write up.
I suspect the problem is the nonce in the JWT header.
You're not really required to check value of aud parameter. You could remove required-claims alltogether, this way token presence and signature would still be validated. If you want to make sure that token was issued for your app, just find the claim that contains app id and use it in name="..." to match against your app id value.
if using v2 version endpoint, go to -> azure ad -> app registration -> select backend-app -> manifest -> update property "accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2,"

JWT validation failure error in azure apim

I am currently trying to implement Oauth2.0 to protect API using below documentation
And currently using the DEMO CONFERENCE API provide by azure apim to test the implementation.
And currently receiving error during test in developer portal as :
"message": "JWT Validation Failed: Claim value mismatch: aud=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx.."
Compared the token passed with the claim value by decoding it and its matching.
I have the jwt token validation policy as below
<base />
<validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" failed-validation-httpcode="401" failed-validation-error-message="Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid." require-expiration-time="false" require-signed-tokens="false">
<openid-config url="" />
<claim name="aud" match="all" separator="-">
First, you need to validate your JWT token. Then when we register an application its getting registered with version V1 and Access token issuer comes with sts url and if we try to pass Access Token with V2 its failed V2 issuer is
So fix is to go in manifest file "accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2 for registered applications in AD. Refer to this issue.
