Closest point on a B-Spline Curve? - graphics

This thread asks how to get the closest point on a Bezier curve given an arbitrary point on the same plane: Closest point on a cubic Bezier curve?
How can I accomplish the same thing but for a B-SPline curve?


Using bezier curves to draw variable width paths

Given two points and a control point, one can easily draw a bezier path between the two points. What I would like to do use a bezier curve to draw a path that with changing width, by a assigning a "weight" to a the points of the curve which will determine its width. For example, if I give weight=0 to the first point of the curve and weight = 1 to the second point of the curve then something like the following path should be generated (the curve in the picture is cubic, but I am working with quadratic bezier curves):
In order to do this I would need to find the control points of the "edge" curves that determine the shape and then fill the shape that is found between the two new curves. However, I am quite unsure on how this can be done. One thing I thought about was to determine the starting and ending points of the new curves by simple drawing perpendicular segments to the line connecting the original control point and the original end points, but this still doesn't solve the problem of finding the new control points for the new curves.
I would use cubics instead of quadratics.
Yes you offset the control points perpendicularly by your weight but not the control points of BEZIER but control points of interpolation cubic (or catmull-rom) and then just convert that into Bezier control points. See related QAs:
How can i produce multi point linear interpolation?
How to create bezier curves for an arc with different start and end tangent slopes
draw outline for some connected lines
However much easier would be to directly render curve using Shaders and (perpendicular) distance. See:
Draw Quadratic Curve on GPU
That way you would not need to offset anything just interpolate the width of your curve ...
Maybe this could help, also there is an example on variable offseting

Curve drawing, not Bezier

As a kid I would draw curves like the red line below, hopefully it is reasonably clear how I have constructed that.
I understand that the green line is the quadratic Bezier curve, what is the red line called?
The red curve in your picture is a parabola (which still can be represented as a quadratic Bezier curve). See this link for more details.

Find the closest point on a curve to a given point

The curve is in fact the trajectory of a bus, the curve is represented by many (up to a few thousand) discrete points on the curve (the points were recorded by a GPS device installed on the bus).
Input a point P, I need to find the closest point on the curve to the point P. The point P is usually no more than 30m away from the trajectory of the bus. Note, the closest point isn't necessary a point recorded by the GPS device, it could be a point somewhere between two recorded points.
First I need an algorithm to recover the trajectory from those recorded points. It would be great if the interpolated curve could show sharp turns made by the bus. Which curve is best for such task ? Is Bezier curve good enough ? And finally I have to calculate the closest point on the curve, of course the algorithm completely depends on the kind of curve chosen.
I'm doing some research, and don't have much knowledge in curve interpolation, so any suggestions are welcome.
For computing the trajectory from recorded points, I recommended using the centripetal or chord-length Catmull-Rom splines. See link for more details. Catmll-Rom splines are in fact special cubic Hermite curves, which can be easily converted into cubic Bezier curves. Please note that the result from Catmull-Rom spline is a G1 curve only in general. If you want the trajectory to be with higher continuity (such as C2), you can go with natural cubic splines or general B-spline interpolation. Whatever approach you take, it is advised to keep the spline's degree no higher than 5. Degree 3 is a popular choice.
Once you have the mathematical representation for the trajectory, you can compute the minimum distance between a given point P and the trajectory. In general, the squared distance between point P and a curve C(t) is represented as D(t) = |P-C(t)|^2. The minimum of D will happen at where its first derivative is zero, which means we have to find the root for the following equation:
dD/dt = 2*(P-C(t)).C'(t) =0
When C(t) is of degree 3, dD/dt will be of degree 5. This is the reason why it is recommended to use a low degree curve earlier.
There are many literatures or online materials talking about how to find the root of a polynomial (of any degree) efficiently and robustly. Here is another SO post that might be useful.

How to apply perspective transform to Bezier curve?

Should I apply transform to Bezier control points only? Will this be correct?
Or should I add some corrections?
Transform is 2D->2D with matrix
a b c
d e f
g h 1
No, it is not correct. You can apply affine transform to Bezier control points and obtain new Bezier curve.
But perspective transformation transforms polynomial curve (traditional Bezier) into rational curve. It may be described by rational Bezier curve or NURBS (short reference p.111)
So it is possible to represent usual Bezier curve as rational curve (it is always possible), apply persp. transform to control points of rational curve (using weights in homogeneous form), and draw new rational curve.

How to calculate control points for cubic curve, which approximates an elliptic arc?

Almost all vector graphics applications (like Corel) approximate elliptic arcs with several cubic Bezier curves. I need to add similar functionality to my application. So my question is: how to calculate control points of that Bezier curve?
There are lots of pages explaining how to do this. This paper by Don Lancaster, for example, gives control parameters for divisions of an ellipse into between 2 and 8 cubic splines, with a detailed analysis of the 4-spline case.
