AWS: Your system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore and Amazon EC2 Linux SSL certbot-auto - linux

I want to Configure SSL / TLS on Amazon Linux "Using Let's Encrypt with Certbot on Amazon Linux ami / 2018.03-release-notes" as described in the document document but but
when I run the sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
I have some kind of strange messageenter image description here
enter image description here
I don't know what to do anymore, I failed everywhere without success, I don't know if that's the problem.
I have already successfully configured SSL / TLS on Amazon Linux "Using Let's Encrypt with Certbot on Amazon Linux ami / 2018.03-release-notes" as described in the document /AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/SSL-on-amazon-linux-ami.htmldescribed in the document this way and I never got this message.
After I try to install certbot as described on the amazon document I have this error
enter image description here
Please help me.


Certbot on Debian 11 - notification?

This is my first post here. Recently I have changed my server. Now I am using Debian 11 and can't figure out how to setup certbot to behave like previous version.
Renewal of certs works like a charm. The strange thig was that certbot installed by snapd did not setup auto renewal or at least there was now cron.d, cronatab and also systemctl timres entries. So I put simple crontab: certbot renew >> /var/log/logfile.
On my previous server when it was run I received meesages like that:
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Cert not yet due for renewal
and when it was renewed there was also information. Now in the latest version of certbot 1.22.0 I got email only saying that certbot was run: "Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log"
Is there any way to change this to tell that certs are not renewed? And the second question is do I need to restart apache server after such cronjob to install new certs?

Renewed my SSL certificate but getting UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE in nodejs on AWS EC2 server

I have a nodejs/express api on a AWS EC2 server with a ssl certificate that is generated with Let's encrypt every 3 months.
Auto renewal isn't on and we let it exipre before trying to renew but after renewing it we are getting an error saying:
Unable to verify the first certificate
depending on what we are testing with.
We are using Certbot for renewing with the following command (and not $ certbot renew) :
$ sudo certbot certonly --dns-route53 -d * -d --server
Certificates are generated as expected with an expiration date 3 months from now.
Any ideas on what's going on ? I've tried most of the things I could find on SO and elsewhere but nothing worked.
P.S. Servers and I don't go along very well :/ (I do mobile app dev) so assume that I don't know anything when replying :D
Solution was quite easy, just needed to use the fullchain.pem file (and reboot your server if applicable).
If someone on your team tells you that they've tested a solution and that it didn't work, don't just blindly trust them but test it yourself if all other possible solutions didn't work...(have lost 1+ day because someone thought they did test with the fullchain.pem (or did it wrongly)

Setting up SonarQube on AWS using EC2

Trying to setup SonarQube on EC2 using what should be basic install settings.
List item
Setup a standard EC2 AWS LINUX Ami attached to M4 large
SSH into EC2 instance
Install JAVA
Set to use JAVA8
unzip into the /etc dir
run sudo ./ start
Instance starts
But when I try to go to the app it never comes up when I try either the IPv4 Public IP (ex not real IP) or try (not real IP either just for example)
Perhaps it is my ignorance or me not configuring something correctly as it pertains to the initial EC2 setup.
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
Issue was that SonarQube default port is 9000. and by default this port is not open in the security group if you dont apply the default security group in which all the ports are open(which is Not recommended).
As suggested in comment #Issac, opened the 9000 port to allow incoming request to SonarQube, in AWS security group setting of instance. Which solved the issue.
need to have an db and give permissions to the db file in sonar nd need to open firewalls

Launched Ubuntu VM via EC2 on AWS and installed icecast2

I am new to Linux environments and trying my hand on Ubuntu on AWS cloud. I have an Ubuntu AMI running on Amazon cloud. I have successfully installed Icecast2 on my ubuntu VM and configured all required passwords initially. I am not sure what should I edit for
< location > Earth < / location >
< admin > icemaster#PUBLIC IP FOR MY UBUNTU EC2 INSTANCE:8000 < / admin >
I have made sure to make the ubuntu server open for SSH and HTTP protocols, both inbound and outbound.
Kindly help me if I am missing something. Much Appreciated.
I'd recommend a look at The Fine Manual:
Also make sure you have edited /etc/default/icecast2.

Web2Py on AWS EC2 Linux

I have an instance running Linux at Amazon AWS EC2 after carefully following the instructions provided by Amazon here: Setting Up to Host a Web App on AWS.
I have set-up the security groups as mentioned in the documentation provided by Amazon.
The default security group has all traffic, all protocols, on all ports open.
In addition to the above security rule, I have setup SSH on port 22 and then, using CyberDuck (a great FTP app), I have uploaded the Web2Py source code into a folder named web2py at AWS.
After successfully FTP the source code into this web2py folder, I have SSH'ed into the AWS machine using the Terminal (on Mac locally) having the my-keys-file.pem on hand:
ssh -i my-keys-file.pem
(where the xx are the numbers in the Public DNS as they appear on my instance on EC2 page)
Then I have checked whether my AWS instance has python installed and it does have it.
Thus, I have proceeded to install Web2Py.
password = pwd
it warns that GUI not available since Tlk library is not installed, but Massimo says here ( that it's not critical.
Running the Web2Py ....
If I try:
python -a pwd -i -p 80
It says:
there is an error with the Rocket Server with that specific port (used by another process that is not willing to share...)
If I try:
python -a pwd
it says nothing (which begs the question: is web2py running ?) and when I try to access the web2py server
in both cases it says page is not available since it takes too long to access it (nothing about security cause).
If I try:
python -a pwd -i -p 8000
again - it says nothing (is web2py running ?)
trying to access the Web2Py server at
in both cases it says page is not available, same as above.
I have tried to use the IP address instead, but it is immediately translated to the amazon format of ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.etc...
I have tried to access web2py by explicitly mentioning the port (8000) in the address - still it doesn't work while giving no reason except page is not available
My questions:
Is there any DETAILED recipe on how to install AND run Web2Py on AWS EC2 ?
Is the web2py server running ? How can I know if it is running ? If it is not - what am I doing incorrectly ?
If the web2py server is running how can I access it ?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I have deployed my Web2py to an EC2 instance running Ubuntu, but I guess you can adapt the same approach to your system.
The simplest way to deploy Web2py is following the 'One step production deployment' script introduced in the official Web2py book.
chmod +x
sudo ./
Running this will install and configure everything you need.
When finished, simply type your IP or domain name into a web browser and you will see the default web2py website.
