Rename directory name having junk characters in AIX - rename

4000 - LCL**\010**PL CPS Test Bank A
directory name having some junk chars as shown above and I am unable to rename it and unable to go neither inside this directory nor copy contents
Please help me to rename directory name having junk in AIX/UNIX server

Use some script like this:
for i in "$#"; do
To="$(printf '%s' "$i" | tr '\n\r' '_' | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9.-_]/_/g')"
mv -- "$i" "$To"
When call it, use a file-mask as parameter, eg:
./myscript *LCL*


How to move files in Linux based on its name in a folder with a corresponding name?

I would need to move a series of files in certain folders via scripts. The files are of the format and I have to move them to a folder whose name is the same value given.
For example:
file hello.20190131.0000
in folder 20190131
The ideal would be to be able to create folders even before moving files but it is not a priority because I can create them by hand. I managed to get the value of dates on video with
ls * .0000 | awk -F. '{Print $ 2}'
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed?
The initial awk command provided much of the answer. You just need to do something with the directory name you extract:
A simple option:
ls *.0000 | awk -F. '{printf "mkdir -p '%s'; mv '%s' '%s';",$2,$0,$2}' | sh
This might be more efficient with a large number of files:
ls *.0000 | awk -F. '{print $2}' |\
sort | uniq |\
while read dir; do
mkdir -p "$dir"
mv *."$dir".0000 "$dir"
I would do something like this:
ls *.0000 |\
sort |\
while read f; do
foldername="`echo $f | cut -d. -f2`"
echo mkdir +p "$foldername/"
echo mv "$f" "$foldername/"
i.e.: For eache of your files, I build the folder name using the cut command with a dot as field separator, and getting the second field (the date in this case); then I create that folder with mkdir -p (the -p flag avoids any warning if the folder should exist already), and finally I move the file to the brand new folder.
You can do that with rename, a.k.a. Perl rename.
Try it on a COPY of your files in a temporary directory.
If you use -p parameter, it will make any necessary directories for you automatically. If you use --dry-run parameter, you can see what it would do without actually doing anything.
rename --dry-run -p 'my #X=split /\./; $_=$X[1] . "/" . $_' hello*
Sample Output
'hello.20190131.0000' would be renamed to '20190131/hello.20190131.0000'
'hello.20190137.0000' would be renamed to '20190137/hello.20190137.0000'
All you need to know is that it passes you the current name of the file in a variable called $_ and it expects you to change that to return the new filename you would like.
So, I split the current name into elements of an array X[] with the dot (period) as the separator:
my #X = split /\./
That gives me the output directory in $X[1]. Now I can set the new filename I want by putting the new directory, a slash and the old filename into $_:
$_=$X[1] . "/" . $_
You could also try this, shorter version:
rename --dry-run -p 's/.*\.(\d+)\..*/$1\/$_/' hello*
On ArchLinux, the package you would use is called perl-rename.
On debian, it is called rename
On macOS, use homebrew like this: brew install rename

How to rename file based on parent and child folder name in bash script

I would like to rename file based on parent/subparent directories name.
For example:
test.xml file located at
how to save test.xml file in /usr/local/data/output as
tried shall script as below but does not help.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for file in /usr/local/data/*/*/test.xml; do
echo cp "$file" "${target_dir_path}/${target_file_name}"
Anything i am doing wrong in this shall script?
You can use the following command to do this operation:
source_folder="usr/local/data/";target_folder="target"; find $source_folder -type f -name test.xml | awk -v targetF=$target_folder 'BEGIN{FS="/"; OFS="_"}{printf $0" "; print targetF"/"$(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF}' | xargs -n2 cp;
or on several lines for readibility:
find $source_folder -type f -name test.xml |\
awk -v targetF=$target_folder 'BEGIN{FS="/"; OFS="_"}{printf $0" "; print targetF"/"$(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF}' |\
xargs -n2 cp;
target_folder is your target folder
source_folder is your source folder
the find command will search for all the test.xml named files present under this source folder
then the awk command will receive the target folder as a variable to be able to use it, then in the BEGIN bloc you define the field separator and output field separator, then you just print the initial filename as well as the new one
you use xargs to pass the result output grouped by 2 to the cp command and the trick is done
you will just need to set up your source_folder and target_folder variables with what is on your environment and eventually put it in a script and you are good to go!
I've modified your code a little to get it to work. See comments in code
for file in /usr/local/data/*/*/test.xml; do
curr="${file#"$tmp/"}" # Extract wanted part of the filename
mod=${curr//[\/]/_} # Replace forward slash with underscore
mv "$file" "$target_dir_path$mod" # Move the file
if you have perl based rename command
$ for f in tst/*/*/test.xml; do
rename -n 's|.*/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(test.xml)|./$1_$2_$3|' "$f"
rename(tst/A/20180101/test.xml, ./A_20180101_test.xml)
rename(tst/A/20180102/test.xml, ./A_20180102_test.xml)
rename(tst/B/20180101/test.xml, ./B_20180101_test.xml)
-n option is for dry run, remove it after testing
change tst to /usr/local/data and ./ to /usr/local/data/output/ for your usecase
.*/ to ignore file path
([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(test.xml) capture required portions
$1_$2_$3 re-arrange as required

Copy text from multiple files, same names to different path in bash (linux)

I need help copying content from various files to others (same name and format, different path).
For example, $HOME/initial/baby.desktop has text which I need to write into $HOME/scripts/baby.desktop. This is very simple for a single file, but I have 2500 files in $HOME/initial/ and the same number in $HOME/scripts/ with corresponding names (same names and format). I want append (copy) the content of file in path A to path B (which have the same name and format), to the end of file in path B without erase the content of file in path B.
Example content of $HOME/initial/*.desktop to final $HOME/scripts/*.desktop. I tried the following, but it don't work:
cd $HOME/initial/
for i in $( ls *.desktop ); do egrep "Icon" $i >> $HOME/scripts/$i; done
Firstly, I would backup $HOME/initial and $HOME/scripts, because there is lots of scope for people misunderstanding your question. Like this:
cd $HOME
tar -cvf initial.tar initial
tar -cvf scripts.tar scripts
That will put all the files in $HOME/initial into a single tarfile called initial.tar and all the files in $HOME/scripts into a single tarfile called scripts.tar.
Now for your question... in general, if you want to put the contents of FileB onto the end of FileA, the command is
cat FileB >> FileA
Note the DOUBLE ">>" which means "append" rather than single ">" which means overwrite.
So, I think you want to do this:
cd $HOME/initial/baby.desktop
cat SomeFile >> $HOME/scripts/baby.desktop/SomeFile
where SomeFile is the name of any file you choose to test with. I would test that has worked and then, if you are happy with that, go ahead and run the same command inside a loop:
cd $HOME/initial/baby.desktop
for SOURCE in *
echo Appending "$SOURCE" to "$DESTINATION"
When the output looks correct, remove the "#" at the start of the penultimate line and run it again.
I solved it, if some people want learn how to resolve is very simple:
using Sed
I need only the match (or pattern) line "Icon=/usr/share/some_picture.png into $HOME/initial/example.desktop to other with same name and format $HOME/scripts/example.desktop, but I had a lot of .desktop files (2500 files)
cd $HOME/initial
STRING_LINE=`grep -l -R "Icon=" *.desktop`
for i in $STRING_LINE; do sed -ne '/Icon=/ p' $i >> $HOME/scripts/$i ; done
If you need only copy all to other file with same name and format
using cat
cd $HOME/initial
STRING_LINE=`grep -l -R "Icon=" *.desktop`
for i in $STRING_LINE; do cat $i >> $HOME/scripts/$i ; done

Removing 10 Characters of Filename in Linux

I just downloaded about 600 files from my server and need to remove the last 11 characters from the filename (not including the extension). I use Ubuntu and I am searching for a command to achieve this.
Some examples are as follows:
aarondyne_kh2_13thstruggle_or_1250556383.mus should be renamed to aarondyne_kh2_13thstruggle_or.mus
aarondyne_kh2_darknessofunknow_1250556659.mp3 should be renamed to aarondyne_kh2_darknessofunknow.mp3
It seems that some duplicates might exist after I do this, but if the command fails to complete and tells me what the duplicates would be, I can always remove those manually.
Try using the rename command. It allows you to rename files based on a regular expression:
The following line should work out for you:
rename 's/_\d+(\.[a-z0-9A-Z]+)$/$1/' *
The following changes will occur:
aarondyne_kh2_13thstruggle_or_1250556383.mus renamed as aarondyne_kh2_13thstruggle_or.mus
aarondyne_kh2_darknessofunknow_1250556659.mp3 renamed as aarondyne_kh2_darknessofunknow.mp3
You can check the actions rename will do via specifying the -n flag, like this:
rename -n 's/_\d+(\.[a-z0-9A-Z]+)$/$1/' *
For more information on how to use rename simply open the manpage via: man rename
Not the prettiest, but very simple:
echo "$filename" | sed -e 's!\(.*\)...........\(\.[^.]*\)!\1\2!'
You'll still need to write the rest of the script, but it's pretty simple.
find . -type f -exec sh -c 'mv {} `echo -n {} | sed -E -e "s/[^/]{10}(\\.[^\\.]+)?$/\\1/"`' ";"
one way to go:
you get a list of your files, one per line (by ls maybe) then:
ls....|awk '{o=$0;sub(/_[^_.]*\./,".",$0);print "mv "o" "$0}'
this will print the mv a b command
kent$ echo "aarondyne_kh2_13thstruggle_or_1250556383.mus"|awk '{o=$0;sub(/_[^_.]*\./,".",$0);print "mv "o" "$0}'
mv aarondyne_kh2_13thstruggle_or_1250556383.mus aarondyne_kh2_13thstruggle_or.mus
to execute, just pipe it to |sh
I assume there is no space in your filename.
This script assumes each file has just one extension. It would, for instance, rename "foo.something.mus" to "foo.mus". To keep all extensions, remove one hash mark (#) from the first line of the loop body. It also assumes that the base of each filename has at least 12 character, so that removing 11 doesn't leave you with an empty name.
for f in *; do
if [ -f "$new_f" ]; then
echo "Will not rename $f, $new_f already exists" >&2
mv "$f" "$new_f"

Script for renaming files with logical

Someone has very kindly help get me started on a mass rename script for renaming PDF files.
As you can see I need to add a bit of logical to stop the below happening - so something like add a unique number to a duplicate file name?
rename 's/^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/' *
rename -n 's/^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/' *
Annexes 123114345234525.pdf renamed as Annex.pdf
Annexes 123114432452352.pdf renamed as Annex.pdf
Hope this makes sense?
for i in *
x='' # counter
j="${i:0:2}" # new name
e="${i##*.}" # ext
while [ -e "$j$x" ] # try to find other name
((x++)) # inc counter
mv "$i" "$j$x" # rename
$ ls
he.pdf hejjj.pdf hello.pdf wo.pdf workd.pdf world.pdf
$ ls
he.pdf he1.pdf he2.pdf wo.pdf wo1.pdf wo2.pdf
This should check whether there will be any duplicates:
rename -n [...] | grep -o ' renamed as .*' | sort | uniq -d
If you get any output of the form renamed as [...], then you have a collision.
Of course, this won't work in a couple corner cases - If your files contain newlines or the literal string renamed as, for example.
As noted in my answer on your previous question:
for f in *.pdf; do
tmp=`echo $f | sed -r 's/^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/'`
mv -b ./"$f" ./"$tmp"
That will make backups of deleted or overwritten files. A better alternative would be this script:
for f in $*; do
tar -rvf /tmp/backup.tar $f
tmp=`echo $f | sed -r 's/^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/'`
while [ -e tmp ]; do
tmp=`echo $tmp | sed "s/\./-$i/"`
mv -b ./"$f" ./"$tmp"
Run the script like this:
find . -exec thescript '{}' \;
The find command gives you lots of options for specifing which files to run on, works recursively, and passes all the filenames in to the script. The script backs all file up with tar (uncompressed) and then renames them.
This isn't the best script, since it isn't smart enough to avoid the manual loop and check for identical file names.
