I am trying to update the dropdown values for Reason field in Cases if Status is set to Open.
if (InvokeBaseHandler != null)
InvokeBaseHandler(cache, e);
var row = (CRCase)e.Row;
if (row == null) return;
if (row.Status == CRCaseStatusesAttribute._OPEN)
PXStringListAttribute.SetList<CRCase.resolution>(cache, row,
new string[] { "IP", "AD", "ES", "QQ", "CC" },
new string[] { "In Process", "Updated", "In Escalation", "Pending Quote", "Pending Closure"}
But it doesn't seem to be reflecting on the UI.
I checked if anything else is overriding my code in CRCaseMaint graph but couldn't find any which seem to be affecting the List.
I couldn't see anything off in Field definition though.
#region Resolution
public abstract class resolution : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<resolution> { }
[PXDBString(2, IsFixed = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Reason")]
public virtual String Resolution { get; set; }
public sealed class CRCaseResolutionsAttribute : PXStringListAttribute
public const string _CUSTOMER_PRECLOSED = "CC";
public const string _CUSTOMER_REPLIED = "AD";
public const string _RESOLVED = "RD";
public const string _ASSIGNED = "AS";
public const string _UNASSIGNED = "UA";
public const string _UPDATED = "AD";
public CRCaseResolutionsAttribute();
public sealed class CustomerPreclosed : BqlType<IBqlString, string>.Constant<CustomerPreclosed>
public CustomerPreclosed();
public sealed class CustomerReplied : BqlType<IBqlString, string>.Constant<CustomerReplied>
public CustomerReplied();
public sealed class Resolved : BqlType<IBqlString, string>.Constant<Resolved>
public Resolved();
public sealed class Assigned : BqlType<IBqlString, string>.Constant<Assigned>
public Assigned();
public sealed class Unassigned : BqlType<IBqlString, string>.Constant<Unassigned>
public Unassigned();
public sealed class Updated : BqlType<IBqlString, string>.Constant<Updated>
public Updated();
I think I can definitely use different labels and values than the one listed above. Is there anything else that I am missing and/or need to look into?
Note: Acumatica 2019 R1 (Build 19.112.0045) is the version that I am working on.
I have a Rich Text field attached to the PMQuote and CRQuote DACs. On the CRQuote, the user field is on the standalone class and the regular class, and that is working as desired. However, Acumatica's reporting does not show the HTML formatting so I am creating an unbound Plain Text field to put on the reports and in GI's. This field works fine on the PMQuote, but not on the CRQuote. On the CRQuote, the field is there, but it is always blank. I'm sure it is something to do with the projection, but I'm not sure how it should be created.
Here is the PMQuote field (working properly)
[PXString(IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(Visible = false, DisplayName = "Scope Text")]
public virtual String UsrScopePlainText
return PX.Data.Search.SearchService.Html2PlainText(UsrScope);
public abstract class usrScopePlainText : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<usrScopePlainText> { }
And here is what I have on the CRQuote (not working):
public class CRQuoteExt : PXCacheExtension<CRQuote>
#region UsrScope
[PXDBText(IsUnicode = true, BqlField = typeof(CRQuoteStandaloneExt.usrScope))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Scope")]
public virtual string UsrScope { get; set; }
public abstract class usrScope : IBqlField { }
#region UsrScopePlainText
[PXString(IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(Visible = false, DisplayName = "Scope Text")]
public virtual String UsrScopePlainText
return PX.Data.Search.SearchService.Html2PlainText(UsrScope);
public abstract class usrScopePlainText : IBqlField { }
public class CRQuoteStandaloneExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.CR.Standalone.CRQuote>
#region UsrScope
[PXDBText(IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Scope")]
public virtual string UsrScope { get; set; }
public abstract class usrScope : IBqlField { }
#region UsrScopePlainText
[PXString(IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(Visible = false, DisplayName = "Scope Text")]
public virtual String UsrScopePlainText
return PX.Data.Search.SearchService.Html2PlainText(UsrScope);
public abstract class usrScopePlainText : IBqlField { }
An alternative solution could be to have a reusable attribute that you can attach to any field. I think this is cleaner than adding logic directly in the Data Access class...
using PX.Objects.IN;
using PX.Data;
using System;
namespace PX.Objects.IN
public class InventoryItemPlainTextBodyExt : InventoryItem
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Body (Plain Text)")]
public virtual string BodyPlainText { get; set; }
public abstract class bodyPlainText : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<bodyPlainText> { }
public class HtmlToTextAttribute : PXEventSubscriberAttribute, IPXFieldSelectingSubscriber
protected Type _htmlField;
public HtmlToTextAttribute(Type htmlField) :base()
_htmlField = htmlField;
public void FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
e.ReturnValue = PX.Data.Search.SearchService.Html2PlainText(sender.GetValue(e.Row, _htmlField.Name) as string);
I'm not sure what happened, but I put the original code I posted above back into the customization project and it started working as expected.
How do I format a BQL query to use the 'like' sql functionality. I want to get all the rows where the first two characters of a particular field match a string variable.
Sql example:
Select item, customer, uom from table where uom like 'CA%'
Somethng like this :
public static class Constants
public class likeCA : Constant<string>
public likeCA() : base("CA%") { }
public PXSelect<MyTable,Where<MyTable.uom,Like<Constants.likeCA>>> MySelect;
public class ItemFilter : IBqlTable
#region FullDescription
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Full Description")]
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public abstract class fdescription : IBqlField { }
#region SearchDescrWildcard
[PXString(IsUnicode = true)]
public virtual string SearchDescrWildcard
return SearchWildcardUtils.CreateWildcard(this.Description);
public abstract class searchDescrWildcard : IBqlField { }
public class SearchWildcardUtils
public static bool IsSearchWildcardEmpty(string aSub)
return aSub == null || aSub == "" || new Regex("^[_\\?]*$").IsMatch(aSub);
public static string CreateWildcard(string text)
ISqlDialect sqlDialect = PXDatabase.Provider.SqlDialect;
if (SearchWildcardUtils.IsSearchWildcardEmpty(text))
return sqlDialect.WildcardAnything;
if (text[text.Length - 1] != '?' && text[text.Length - 1] != ' ')
text = $"?{text}?";
return Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(text, "[ \\?]+$", sqlDialect.WildcardAnything), "[ \\?]", sqlDialect.WildcardAnything);
public PXSelect<MyTable, Where<MyTable.description, Like<Current<ItemFilter.searchDescrWildcard>>>> SelectMyTable; // Sql Table select
cmd.WhereAnd<Where<MyTable.description, Like<Current<ItemFilter.searchDescrWildcard>>>>();// BQL query select
I am struggling with getting my Process Delegate to wire up correctly after implementing the advice pointed out in this ticket Implementing a DAC with no persisted fields. The processing page for the most part now behaves as we need. The records autoload based off of data pulled in via a ReST web service and we are not persisting any data to the ERP until the processing buttons are used. The issue I am having now is the SetProcessDeligate method is now not doing anything when I hit the process buttons. When I wire the older code into place that has one persistent field and requires a user to hit a load button the Process and Process All buttons work as expected.
I have created this screencast to walk through and give visual context to the issue. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j8vnp8p3556nj1e/issue%20with%20the%20PXProcessing%20page%20not%20wiring%20into%20the%20event%20handler%202019-01-03_12-57-50.mp4?dl=0
As always I am very grateful for any help. Thank you
//This is how my Graph is defined now.
public class CtpPaymentProcess : PXGraph<CtpPaymentProcess>
//public PXAction<CtpPayment> checkForC2PPayments;
public PXSetup<CtpSetup> setup;
public PXProcessing<CtpPayment> Payments;
public QueryPaymentsResponseViewModel paymentsFromCtpServer { get; internal set; }
public IEnumerable payments()
paymentsFromCtpServer = CtpAcumatica.CheckForAllNewPayments(100);
PXTrace.WriteInformation("Processing " + (paymentsFromCtpServer.Payments.Count) + " paymentsFromCtpServer");
if (paymentsFromCtpServer.Payments != null)
// Loop processing each payment returned from the gateway, storing the
// information into non persisted cache.
foreach (var payment in paymentsFromCtpServer.Payments)
if (!payment.IsMarkedRetrieved)
yield return BuildCtpPayment(payment);
private CtpPayment BuildCtpPayment(PaymentViewModel payment)
var customer = (Customer)PXSelect<Customer,
Where<Customer.bAccountID, Equal<Required<Customer.bAccountID>>>>
.Select(this, payment.CustomerId).FirstOrDefault();
//Todo: add assertion that will assert payment is made to only matching company payment.CompanyId
//Todo: find out if we need to handel Bank Account Types differently payment.BankAccountType
DateTime.TryParse(payment.Date, out var payDate);
return new CtpPayment
CustomerID = int.Parse(payment.CustomerId),
Customer = $"{customer.AcctCD}:{customer.AcctName}",
Amount = payment.Amount,
Description = $"Payment:{payment.Id}",
Id = payment.Id,
ApsTransactionID = payment.ApsTransactionId,
Currency = payment.Currency,
PaymentDate = payDate,
Invoices = InvoicesAsString(payment)
private static string InvoicesAsString(PaymentViewModel payment)
var Invoices = payment.Invoices.Select(x => x.InvoiceId);
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string inv in Invoices)
stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0} ", inv);
string result = stringBuilder.ToString();
if (result.Length > 100) result = result.Substring(0, 96) + "...";
return result;
private CtpAcumatica _ctpAcumatica;
public CtpAcumatica CtpAcumatica
if (_ctpAcumatica == null)
var graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<PXGraph>();
_ctpAcumatica = new CtpAcumatica(setup.Current.CtpUrl,
"NoLongerNeeded", //todo: refactor this out.
"NoLongerNeeded", //todo: refactor this out.
return _ctpAcumatica;
public CtpPaymentProcess()
Payments.SetProcessCaption("Process Payments");
Payments.SetProcessAllCaption("Process All Payments");
delegate (CtpPaymentProcess graph, CtpPayment payment)
graph.ProcessPayment(payment, true);
//Alternate attempt proved un-successful
/* implemented as a test. will remove from production code
private void PaymentGenerationDelegate(List<CtpPayment> list)
foreach (var payment in list)
ProcessPayment(payment, true);
private void ProcessPayment(CtpPayment payment, bool massProcess)
PXTrace.WriteInformation($"Processing {payment}");
//for now we will only write to the trace window.
//Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
//PXTrace.WriteInformation($"Payment {payment.ApsTransactionID} finished in {stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} Seconds");
//todo: unfinished
private void createPayment(CtpPayment paymentData)
var paymentFromCtp = CtpAcumatica.GetPaymentRecord(long.Parse(paymentData.Id));
ARPaymentEntry arPaymentEntry = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ARPaymentEntry>();
ARPayment payment = new ARPayment
CustomerID = int.Parse(paymentFromCtp.CustomerId),
CuryOrigDocAmt = paymentData.Amount
foreach (var invoice in paymentFromCtp.Invoices)
ARAdjust adj = new ARAdjust
AdjdRefNbr = invoice.InvoiceId,
CuryAdjgAmt = invoice.Amount
//This is the DAC definition.
//[PXNonInstantiatedExtension] this looked close
//to what we are looking for but experimenting
//with it did not yield desired results.
public class CtpPayment : IBqlTable
#region Selected
public abstract class selected : IBqlField{ }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Selected")]
public virtual bool? Selected { get; set; }
public abstract class id : IBqlField { }
//todo: find out what size we need 50 is just a guess.
//[PXString(50, IsKey = true)] //We are able to get this to work only if
//we have at least one persisting field.
//we can live with this but would prefer to
//have the whole class as non-persistent
[PXString(50,IsKey = true)] //having only non persisting attributes will result in a
//Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'. error.
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Click To Pay Id")]
public virtual string Id { get; set; }
public abstract class customer : IBqlField { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Customer")]
public virtual string Customer { get; set; }
public abstract class description : IBqlField {}
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Payment Description")]
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public abstract class amount : IBqlField { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Payment Amount")]
public virtual decimal? Amount { get; set; }
public abstract class customerId : IBqlField { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Customer ID")]
//todo: decorate this with the needed attributes to display friendly key instead of int.
public virtual int? CustomerID { get; set; }
public abstract class apsTransactionID : IBqlField { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Transaction ID")]
public virtual string ApsTransactionID { get; set; }
public abstract class currency : IBqlField { }
[PXString(10)]//todo: determine best size. 10 is a guess.
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Currency")]
public virtual string Currency { get; set; }
public abstract class paymentDate : IBqlField { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Payment Date")]
public virtual DateTime? PaymentDate { get; set; }
public abstract class invoices : IBqlField { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Invoices")]
public virtual string Invoices { get; set; }
Thanks, HB_Acumatica for the direction on this.
Changing my code to use the following got to the end result I needed. I Hope this helps someone in the future.
//old implementation that would not render any result when the process buttons where clicked.
//public IEnumerable payments()
// paymentsFromCtpServer = CtpAcumatica.CheckForAllNewPayments(100);
// PXTrace.WriteInformation("Processing " + (paymentsFromCtpServer.Payments.Count) + " paymentsFromCtpServer");
// if (paymentsFromCtpServer.Payments != null)
// {
// // Loop processing each payment returned from the gateway, storing the
// // information into non persisted cache.
// foreach (var payment in paymentsFromCtpServer.Payments)
// {
// if (!payment.IsMarkedRetrieved)
// {
// yield return BuildCtpPayment(payment);
// }
// }
// }
public IEnumerable payments()
paymentsFromCtpServer = CtpAcumatica.CheckForAllNewPayments(100);
PXCache cache = Caches[typeof(CtpPayment)];
cache.AllowInsert = false;
cache.AllowUpdate = false;
if (cache.Current == null)
foreach (var payment in paymentsFromCtpServer.Payments)
if (!payment.IsMarkedRetrieved)
cache.SetStatus(BuildCtpPayment(payment), PXEntryStatus.Held);
return Payments.Cache.Cached;
We have a custom processing screen that is updating a custom field called UsrDateNotified in the ARTran table where the UsrDateNotified is prior to the RevisionDateReceived in a custom table ItemBaseDocument. We also need to update the UsrDateNotified field in table ItemBaseDocument which is linked to the InventoryID in ARTran. Our current code below validates for updating the ARTran table, but we are struggling with how to also update the related ItemBaseDocument for the selected ARTran records. What is the right approach for this scenario?
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using PX.Data;
using PX.SM;
using PX.Objects.AR;
using PX.Objects.CR;
using PX.Objects.IN;
namespace DocCenter
public class UpdateLastNotified : PXGraph<UpdateLastNotified>
public PXFilter<UpdateLastNotifiedFilter> MasterView;
public PXCancel<UpdateLastNotifiedFilter> Cancel;
public PXSelect<ARTran> DetailsView;
public UpdateLastNotified()
Cancel.SetCaption("Clear Filter");
this.DetailsView.Cache.AllowInsert = false;
this.DetailsView.Cache.AllowDelete = false;
this.DetailsView.Cache.AllowUpdate = true;
protected virtual IEnumerable detailsView()
UpdateLastNotifiedFilter filter = MasterView.Current as UpdateLastNotifiedFilter;
PXSelectBase<ARTran> cmd = new PXSelectJoinOrderBy<ARTran,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<ARTran.inventoryID, Equal <InventoryItem.inventoryID>>,
InnerJoin<ItemBaseDocument, On<InventoryItemExt.usrDocumentNumber, Equal<ItemBaseDocument.baseDocumentCode>>,
InnerJoin<Contact, On<ARTranExt.usrContactID, Equal<Contact.contactID>>>>>,
if (filter.BaseDocumentCode != null)
return cmd.Select();
public PXAction<UpdateLastNotifiedFilter> Process;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Process")]
protected virtual IEnumerable process(PXAdapter adapter)
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, delegate()
foreach(ARTran tran in DetailsView.Select())
if (tran.Selected==true)
ARTranExt tranExt = tran.GetExtension<ARTranExt>();
ARInvoiceEntry tranEntry = new ARInvoiceEntry();
tranExt.UsrDateNotified = MasterView.Current.DateNotified;
return adapter.Get();
public class UpdateLastNotifiedFilter : IBqlTable
public static class NotificationPriority
public const string None = "N";
public const string Alert = "A";
public const string Express = "E";
public const string Shipment = "P";
public const string Subscription = "S";
#region NotificationPriority
public abstract class notificationPriority : PX.Data.IBqlField
[PXDBString(1, IsFixed = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Notification Type")]
new string[]
new string[]
#region BaseDocumentID
public abstract class baseDocumentCode : PX.Data.IBqlField
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Document Number")]
public virtual String BaseDocumentCode
#region DateNotified
public abstract class dateNotified : PX.Data.IBqlField
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Date Notified")]
public DateTime? DateNotified { get; set; }
Your best bet would be to create a view that selects ItemBaseDocument.
PXSelect<ItemBaseDocument> ViewName;
In your for loop of your action button, you will want to create a new ItemBaseDocument object and set it equal to the corresponding ItemBaseDocument row entry. You can then update the date of this object, and when you execute your Save.PressButton() action, that should save the updates to that entry as well.
foreach(ARTran tran in DetailsView.Select())
if (tran.Selected==true)
ARTranExt tranExt = tran.GetExtension<ARTranExt>();
ARInvoiceEntry tranEntry = new ARInvoiceEntry();
tranExt.UsrDateNotified = MasterView.Current.DateNotified;
//Target Added Code
ItemBaseDocument doc = PXSelect<ItemBaseDocument, Where<ItemBaseDocument.inventoryID,
doc.UsrDateNotified = MasterView.Current.DateNotified;
Disclaimer: There may be a syntax error in the added code above. If there is, please let me know and I will fix it.
I have extended a APTran DAC for Bills and Adjustments screen (ID - AP301000).
I am trying to populate a value from different table based on the current line item.
The value I need is from CrossReference based on current Inventory on line item and VendorID of current Bill.
Below is the code. Please let me know if I am missing anything.
public class string_VendorType : Constant<string>
public string_VendorType() : base("0VPN")
{ }
protected string _UsrVendorPartNum;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Vendor Part Number", Enabled = false, IsReadOnly = true)]
LeftJoin<InventoryItem, On<INItemXRef.inventoryID, Equal<InventoryItem.inventoryID>>,
LeftJoin<APTran, On<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<APTran.inventoryID>>,
LeftJoin<APInvoice, On<APInvoice.refNbr, Equal<APTran.refNbr>,
And<APInvoice.vendorID, Equal<INItemXRef.bAccountID>>>>>>,
Where<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<Current<APTran.inventoryID>>,
And<INItemXRef.alternateType, Equal<string_VendorType>,
And<APInvoice.refNbr, Equal<Current<APTran.refNbr>>>>>>))]
public virtual string UsrVendorPartNum
return _UsrVendorPartNum;
_UsrVendorPartNum = value;
public abstract class usrVendorPartNum : IBqlField { }
However, the value isn't populating. Please advise.
I got the following working (using PXUnboundDefault). The query you have can be simplified to the following working example:
public class APTranExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.AP.APTran>
protected string _UsrVendorPartNum;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Vendor Part Number", Enabled = false, IsReadOnly = true)]
Where<INItemXRef.inventoryID, Equal<Current<APTran.inventoryID>>,
And<INItemXRef.alternateType, Equal<INAlternateType.vPN>,
And<INItemXRef.bAccountID, Equal<Current<APTran.vendorID>>>>>>))]
public virtual string UsrVendorPartNum
return _UsrVendorPartNum;
_UsrVendorPartNum = value;
public abstract class usrVendorPartNum : IBqlField { }
Note that you do not need to create your own constant. You can reuse INAlternateType and the vPN constant.
Simply for reference...
I would say if this was a DB field you could look into using the AlternativeItemAttribute, however it requires a subitem field which oddly APTran does not have in it.
Example usage of AlternativeItemAttribute on POLine.AlternateID:
public abstract class alternateID : PX.Data.IBqlField
protected String _AlternateID;
[AlternativeItem(INPrimaryAlternateType.VPN, typeof(POLine.vendorID), typeof(POLine.inventoryID), typeof(POLine.subItemID))]
public virtual String AlternateID
return this._AlternateID;
this._AlternateID = value;