Plugin Flutter not working, Android Studio - android-studio

Flutter is not running on my Android Studio correct, the emulator does not open the Standart beginning App. I believe it is because of some internal mixed up. I reinstalled everything without success. Right now when I run flutter doctor this is shown:
flutter doctor
Can I put the plugins manually in some Folder? Because opening Android Studio and just downloading the plugin does not change anything. Although I can now create flutter Projects and come as far as writing the code but not seeing the app.
Any Response is helpfull!

Your flutter doctor clearly shows that the correct plugins(Dart and Flutter) are not installed. To install the plugins just follow the steps:
File->Settings->Plugins-> Type/ To see options. Here search for flutter.
Install the plugin and restart the Android Studio.
If you face any kind of problem after restarting try doing the following:
File-> Invalidate Caches/ Restart

Based on the Flutter doctor output, your android studio is missing Flutter and Dart Plugins. to install them,
Open Android Studio and open settings and go to plugins and search for Flutter. install it and the Dart plugin. then restart the android studio


Flutter plugins already installed but displaying not installed

I am trying to install Flutter in Android Studio. I have installed flutter and dart plugins in Android Studio and I have also downloaded the flutter sdk and set the path.
But when I am running Flutter Doctor in the terminal it displays:
Flutter plugins not installed
Dart plugins not installed
Following is the image of the error:
I also tried uninstalling the flutter and dart plugins and re install them, but still getting the same error.
Can someone help me with this please?
If you are using android studio 4.1, then it's likely bug of the Android Studio or the flutter itself (you can read this github issue) as the plugins path may be changed in android studio 4.1.
For a temporary solution, you can use flutter dev channel that contains a fix for the issue.
flutter channel dev
flutter upgrade
And try to run flutter doctor again.
flutter doctor
If you do nothing, it's okay as long as you have installed the plugin. You can create project and working on it as usual (see this issue).
It's a bug in either android studio or flutter.
You can ignore it because everything still works as usual.

Did I miss something for Android Studio?

I installed VSC, Doctor and Android Studio, and I can run emulator without any problems, but I found there is a ! and two X when I run flutter doctor, what should I do next?
You are safe to ignore these if using VSC.
In VSC go to extension then download and install Flutter and Dart
Ignore this. Android Studio 4.x has problem plugin compatibility.
try to follow this steps
Uninstall the android studio flutter and dart plugins from the plugin window of android studio.(double click the shift button and search for plugins).
2.Restart android studio
3 run flutter doctor(and ignore the signs)
4 open android studio and reinstall the plugins

Flutter is not being recognized on the machine

I formatted my computer and installed windows 10 again because I wanted to play and Linux was having problems.
I am trying to install flutter and dart for application development, but he is accusing this error.
Flutter doctor
I tested it before changing the flutter to beta and it recognized the flutter and dart plugins, however I want to leave it in the stable channel.
However, my code doesn't recognize it, I believe it is because of these errors with the flutter and dart plugins.
I already installed the plugins through android studio and also vscode.
I tried to uninstall and install again, restart the computer, set path ...
I managed to solve it, I will leave here the solution for those who had the same problem as me.
I changed the channel to the Master and ran a flutter upgrade.
Now everything is running smoothly.
Maybe some bug with the stable channel, I can't say.
Flutter channel master
Flutter upgrade
Flutter doctor
Did you install flutter plugin in android studio properly? (Recheck in android studio.)
if yes then remove it and reinstall it.
if (1) not working then update your android studio.
keep your flutter sdk in c drive
if still flutter cannot trace plugin then set flutter sdk and dart sdk manually in android studio.
for dart
for flutter

Android Studio not showing Chrome as Flutter device

I got a small problem which accured after reinstalling Android Studio:
Android Studio
Android Studio is not showing Chrome as Device for my Flutter Web project, while flutter doctor shows clearly everything is enabled correctly:
Flutter doctor
I can normally run the flutter project on google chrome using the console or VS Code, but Android Studio does not work. I already checked the Flutter and Dart plugin.
I would be glad if someone who maybe had the same issue or knows how to fix this gets back to me!
Best Regards
Clearly it is not the issue with flutter. It is an issue with your Android Studio installation. You can verify the same by navigating to the your project folder in the terminal (or command prompt) and type
flutter run -d Chrome.
NOTE: The above command works only if you are on master, beta or dev branch and you have already enabled your flutter web support by typing
flutter config --enable-web
I noticed that your path to Android Studio as: C:\Program Files\Android\ Android Studio1
It means that during installation the original Android Studio folder is not deleted. A duplicate folder has been created in the same location. Hence the Android sdk location is must be changed as well.
You can solve this by:
Uninstall Android Studio. Delete the folder at the above location. Reinstall Android Studio. Update sdk path in your sdk manager as well as in your environment variable. (recommended).
Update the sdk folder in the sdk manager as well as your environment variables.

plugin issue of flutter and dart in android studio

output after i clicked to install plugini have recently updated android studio to 3.4 because of that there is problem in plugin .It says flutter plugin is not compatible with this version of android studio .
how Can i solve this issue ?
Update Flutter plugin to latest(34.0.2) version.
How I update flutter plugin version in MacOS:
Android Studio -> Preference
Select plugins in sidebar
Select flutter and click update button.
File -> Invalidate Caches & Restart.
Installed plugin version in Android Studio
Dart version : 183.5901
Flutter : 34.0.2
Seems the issue has been fixed. I updated the plugins and they're all working as they're supposed to.
Resolved this on android studio.
click on file on android studio UI
Go to settings and click on plugins
Click on installed tab
In the middle task pane, look for flutter and Dart and then click on update.
Restart android studio.
It seems like both the latest Dart and Flutter plugins are't compatible with Android Studio 3.4. I just opened up an Issue on GitHub, I see that you are also running on Linux like me, this may be the issue?
Actually uninstalling, invalidating caches and installing the Flutter and Dart plugins again fixed the problem. This issue didn't happen for Intellij Idea so I'm guessing the problem is with Android Studio.
Android Studio -> File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart
flutter clean
if problem is not resolved, Uninstall plugins then reinstall them.
if that does not solve your problem. then run a command
flutter upgrade
