How to solve "Node is not recognised as an internal or external command, etc" - node.js

Every time I enter node-v on command prompt, I get the following message: Node is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch.
I have added node to PATH, restarted command prompt, restarted my computer but every time I get that message. I dont know what else I could try to solve this problem! Any help? Thank youu

node -v with the space? If it's not that, 99.999% is your path problem. So triple check, make sure the path folder is 100% correct.


"'wmic.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" in nodejs and angular

'wmic.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I saw this kind of error whenever I run ng serve --open on my command prompt. It doesn't affect much when I run my program in Angular9, but I am just worried about this, because maybe this may cause a problem in the future.
I sold this a long time ago but didn't manage to put the answer here. So I solve this by updating my Angular and doing the --port 1234 whenever I run that program.

'tsc' is not recognized as an internal or external command on Windows when installed globally

I've seen bunch of 'tsc' is not recognized as an internal or external command issues here on StackOverflow but none of them could help me solve my problem.
I've installed typescript globally with:
npm install -g typescript
There are tsc and tsc.cmd files in C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\npm directory. So %AppData%\npm\tsc --version command works.
I've got C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\npm directory in my user's PATH.
More, when I run where tsc command in arbitrary directory, I get:
C:\Users\<user_name>\Desktop>where tsc
However, when I simply try to run tsc, I got:
'tsc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Exactly the same problem occurs with grunt and uglifyjs.
I managed to solve this problem.
C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\npm indeed was in user's PATH variable. I also have system variable called Path (yes, just first letter is uppercased) and there was no C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\npm in there.
When I added it to system's Path, it finally started to work.
Not sure that this is ok that two of my path variables have different names (in terms of cases). Also not sure that this situation led to problems.
Would be glad if someone could clarify this.
Try installing the linux console for windows the cygwin console., And run the command tsc from that console, I know it does not change much but sometimes I have solved many problems with that console.

YEOMAN YO ERROR yo it is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batch file executable.

When installing node.js for the first time and using the YEOMAN library, I found that it did not recognize the library despite installing it correctly.
When executing in console
yo swaggerize
Returns the error "yo it is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batch file executable"
After several laps the problem is in node.js and in the PATH.
I post the solution in the next post.
The solutiĆ³n for me, it's simple.
In windows-> go to pc properties->advanced configuration-> environment variables
Show Path variable and edit.
C:\Program Files\nodejs;
Save restart your console and run the command again
Each and every thing was fine
only problem was path
so I set path in environment variable.
This path I set in environment variabel
where 'user' is my user name, please use your user name.
Then my 'yo', 'bower' command start to executed

Cannot run node.js program in command prompt

Arch-noobie here. When I try to run a node.js program in windows command prompt by stating its location, it will invariably say "[stated location] is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
In all answers to similar questions, in all node.js manuals, it is assumed you can just run a node.js file by calling it from its location. There will always be the suggestion of trying some "hello world" example BEFORE establishing a server and so on.
Even if I clean the command prompt with "prompt $ cmd", and then write the whole location manually, I get the same message.
Can anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance.
By default, your node.js should be installed in C:\Program Files\nodejs location. Check for it.
Next, look for environment variables to be set at C:\Program Files\nodejs\bin
You can follow this link to check for the PATH and environment variables.
Then, restart your system. It should start working.
make sure you are typing node NOT npm

After Initializing "npm init", I fill the every requirements, when come "Is This ok? (yes)" in cmd, Nothing is happening

Nothing is happening after pressing enter when come Is This ok? (yes) in bash. please help. I install NodeJs Currectly. please see the below image to better understand.
Instead of "yes", 'y' or 'Y' you should press "Enter"
(I have also run 'npm install' may be this have helped)
`Is this ok? (yes)
'yes' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Just use Windows command prompt to execute the command. It works fine.
And obviously, firstly you should go to the Project directory in my case (C:/Project/iochat). After that execute the commands.
