Xamarin IOS Opentk - BlendFunc with transparent textures - xamarin.ios

I'm trying to render some label textures with transparent background using OpenTK in Xamarin. At first the labels seemed display properly (see picture 1) but when the view rotated, the some label background are not transparent any more (see picture 2).
The enabled BlendFunc is GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha).
My question is how can I always have labels transparency on despite of their positions?
The same code and shader can run properly on Android Devices by the way.

Ah yes, the good old transparency problem. Unfortunately this is one that a graphics programmer has to solve on his own.
For just a few labels, the most straight foward solution is likely to sort your labels by z-depth and then render them from farthest to closest. You'd probably need to do some matrix math on that label position to adjust for viewport rotation.
For the 3d game I'm working on I have chosen to implement the order-independent transparency method called WBOIT by Morgan McGuire, which is fairly simple to implement and yields relatively good results.


How to detect that a sprite has encountered a color in pygame

I want to detect that the sprite has encountered a color in pygame, which function should I use to achieve this function.
Though it is possible to get the color at any point in the surface that you want to check against using get_at() (docs here). You would need to find the new area that your sprite covered that it did not cover last time and check every pixel in that, and if other things were moving around you would have to check if your sprite now overlapped with any of those area and check that. Or you could decide that was too complicated and just run through every pixel under your sprites location (without you sprite drawn yet) and check for that color.
It is possible, but would likely not be very fast.
An alternative is if you know where those colors are you can mark those areas using rects, circles, sprites or masks (see here and here) that you can check against. That is usually much faster. These do not have to be drawn and so would be invisible. They would just be used to mark areas for the collision check.
If you do not know exactly where the colors are in the background or the other images, you can create masks based on the colors in them using pygame.mask.from_surface() or pygame.mask.from_threshold() (docs here and here).

Erase Pixels From Sprite Cocos2d-JS

I'm getting the feeling this won't be possible, but worth asking anyway I guess.
I have a background sprite and a foreground sprite, both are the same size as the window/view.
As the player sprite moves across the screen I want to delete the pixels it touches to reveal the background sprite.
This is not just for display purposes, I want the gaps the player has drawn or "dug" out of the foreground layer to allow enemies to travel through, or objects to fall into. So hit detection will be needed with the foreground layer.
This is quite complex and maybe Cocos2D-JS is not the best platform to use, if not possible could you recommend another which would be easier to achieve this effect with?
I believe it's possible, but I'm not capable of giving you a proper answer.
All I can say is that you'll most likely have two choices:
a. Make a physics polygonal shape and deform it, then use it as a "filter" to display your terrain image (here's a proof of concept example in another language using box2d).
b. Directly manipulate pixels and use a mask for collision detection (here's pixel-perfect collision detection in cocos2d-js, sadly I've got no info in modifying pixels).

SDL2 / Surface / Texture / Render

I'm trying to learn SDL2. The main difference (as I can see) between the old SDL and SDL2 is that old SDL had window represented by it's surface, all pictures were surfaces and all image operations and blits were surface to surface. In SDL2 we have surfaces and textures. If I got it right, surfaces are in RAM, and textures are in graphics memory. Is that right?
My goal is to make object-oriented wrapper for SDL2 because I had a similar thing for SDL. I want to have class window and class picture (has private texture and surface). Window will have it's contents represented by an instance of the picture class, and all blits will be picture to picture object blits. How to organize these picture operations:
Pixel manipulation should be on surface level?
If I want to copy part of one picture to another without rendering it, it should be on surface level?
Should I blit surface to texture only when I want to render it on the screen?
Is it better to render it all to one surface and then render it to the window texture or to render each picture to the window texture separately?
Generally, when should I use surface and when should I use texture?
Thank you for your time and all help and suggestions are welcome :)
First I need to clarify some misconceptions: The texture based rendering does not work as the old surface rendering did. While you can use SDL_Surfaces as source or destination, SDL_Textures are meant to be used as source for rendering and the complimentary SDL_Renderer is used as destination. Generally you will have to choose between the old rendering framework that is done entirely on CPU and the new one that goes for GPU, but mixing is possible.
So for you questions:
Textures do not provide direct access to pixels, so it is better to do on surfaces.
Depends. It does not hurt to copy on textures if it is not very often and you want to render it accelerated later.
When talking about textures you will always render to SDL_Renderer, and is always better to pre-load surfaces on textures.
As I explained in first paragraph, there is no window texture. You can either use entirely surface based rendering or entirely texture based rendering. If you really need both (if you want to have direct pixel access and accelerated rendering) is better do as you said: blit everything to one surface and then upload to a texture.
Lastly you should use textures whenever you can. The surface use is a exception, use it when you either have to use intensive pixel manipulation or have to deal with legacy code.

libgdx - how to change the color of a pixel in a TiledMapTile?

I succeeded in retrieving the exact tile my player is on, at runtime when walking around the tiledmap. I'd like now to add some alpha marks on the terrain when passing over, and to do that I need to modify the color of some pixels of the tile.
I really don't know how to do it right now.. any hints?
You probably want to draw decorations on top of the tiles, rather than modifying the tiles themselves. The tile images are shared across all cells using a tile, so if you modify the tile itself you would see the change everywhere it was used. Further, modifying the texture is a relatively expensive operation that you probably should try to avoid.
To draw on top the tiles, you might draw additional sprites, or use a custom shader.

Banding with alpha transparency in XNA WP7

Having some issues with smooth alpha gradients in texture files resulting in bad banding issues.
I have a 2D XNA WP7 game and I've come up with a fairly simple lighting system. I draw the areas that would be lit by the light in a separate RenderTarget2D, apply a sprite to dim the edges as you get further away from the light, then blend that final lighting image with the main image to make certain areas darker and lighter.
Here's what I've got so far:
As you can see, the banding is pretty bad. The alpha transparency is quite smooth in the source image, but whenever I draw the sprite, it gets these huge ugly steps between colors. Just to check I drew the spotlight mask straight onto the scene with normal alpha blending and I still got the banding.
Is there any way to preserve smooth alpha gradients when drawing sprites?
Is there any way to preserve smooth alpha gradients when drawing sprites?
No, you cannot. WP7 phones currently use 16 bit color range system. One pixes got: 5 red bits, 5 blue, 6 green (humans see a wider spectrum of green color).
Found out that with Mango, apps can now specify that they support 32bpp, and it will work on devices that support it!
For XNA, put this line at the top of OnNavigatedTo:
SharedGraphicsDeviceManager.Current.PreferredBackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color;
For Silverlight add BitsPerPixel="32" to the App element in WMAppManifest.xml.
