I want to store my RSA key in Azure vault, is this possible?
I did not find any methods to do this.
Please find the Microsoft link for this:
Azure KeyVault support storing RSA keys
Azure SDK JavaScript
There are few ways how you can import or create RSA key in Azure Vault:
Using AzureSDK for JavaScript https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/#azure/keyvault-keys/creatersakeyoptions?view=azure-node-latest
Using REST API https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/keyvault/importkey/importkey
I want to store the private key credentials in an azure keyvault. I crated the keyvault, and then generated the SSH private key that is stored in the keys blade of the keyvault. Now, I want to use the private key in my keyvault when creating the VM for the first time with Ubuntu. The problem is that through the portal, after selecting "Use existing key stored in Azure", it doesn't see any keys in my keyvault.
Basic question, how do I get the key with this method? Is it an access issue?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
the public key is an Azure resource that it's looking for.
the private key is the downloadable file that needs to be stored in a keyvault.
I am looking to deploy Azure function by using Terraform, in the same way which is mentioned here in the Ms docs.
One of my need to store and Storage SAS key to Key Vault. I have seen some exmaple where we can below setting is used, but I can't use sas key without storing to Key Vault.
WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_ZIP = "https://${azurerm_storage_account.this.name}.blob.core.windows.net/${azurerm_storage_container.this.name}/${azurerm_storage_blob.this.name}${data.azurerm_storage_account_sas.this.sas}"
Any suggestion?
Thank you !
For this requirement, you can use the Key Vault reference to get the secrets to the Azure Function like this:
But this means only support system-assigned managed identities. So you need to enable the system-assigned managed identity and assign the right role of the Key Vault to it. Here is more details.
I have my database connection string stored in Azure Key Vault as a secret. My SSIS package which is on-premises needs to read connection string from Azure Key Vault.
Usually, when I configure my SSIS package, I configure my connection string at development time and wondering how I can connect Azure Key Vault and consume a secret.
We can connect to Azure key vault from SSIS using ZappySys(Rest API Task).
Need to have below Azure key vault related information.
App registration name
Client ID
App Client Secret
Redirect URI
I want to create a secret in the azure key vault which will be having multiple keys (like JSON).
is it possible to create?
And then by using PowerShell script, I want to update a particular key in the above-created secret with a new one. Please help me.
Yes, it is possible. You will need to upload the content of a file as a secret. It can be done via the Azure CLI as follow:
az keyvault secret set --name [SECRET-NAME] --vault-name [VAULT_NAME] --file C:\path\to\file.txt --subscription [AZURE-SUBSCRIPTION-ID]
If we will do that....it will reduce large number of calls to the KeyVault services.
I didn't understand how it will be a security threat if we use multiple keys in single secret.
Is it possible to create a Key Vault in Azure via c#? I'm able to manipulate secrets and keys via the KeyVaultClient but I need to
A). See if a key vault already exists and
B). Create a key vault if it doesn't exist.
Yes, you can use the KeyVault management client to list where a key vault exists in an Azure subscription and create the KeyVault if necessary. There is C# SDK for these operations which are against Azure Resource Manager.