DDD: Can aggregates get other aggregates as parameters? - domain-driven-design

Assume that I have two aggregates: Vehicles and Drivers, And I have a rule that a vehicle cannot be assigned to a driver if the driver is on vacation.
So, my implementation is:
class Vehicle {
public void assignDriver(driver Driver) {
if (driver.isInVacation()){
throw new Exception();
// ....
Is it ok to pass an aggregate to another one as a parameter? Am I doing anything wrong here?

I'd say your design is perfectly valid and reflects the Ubiquitous Language very well. There's several examples in the Implementing Domain-Driven Design book where an AR is passed as an argument to another AR.
Forum#moderatePost: Post is not only provided to Forum, but modified by it.
Group#addUser: User provided, but translated to GroupMember.
If you really want to decouple you could also do something like vehicule.assignDriver(driver.id(), driver.isInVacation()) or introduce some kind of intermediary VO that holds only the necessary state from Driver to make an assignation decision.
However, note that any decision made using external data is considered stale. For instance, what happens if the driver goes in vacation right after it's been assigned to a vehicule?
In such cases you may want to use exception reports (e.g. list all vehicules with an unavailable driver), flag vehicules for a driver re-assignation, etc. Eventual consistency could be done either through batch processing or messaging (event processing).
You could also seek to make the rule strongly-consistent by inverting the relationship, where Driver keeps a set of vehiculeId it drives. Then you could use a DB unique constraint to ensure the same vehicule doesn't have more than 1 driver assigned. You could also violate the rule of modifying only 1 AR per transaction and model the 2-way relationship to protect both invariants in the model.
However, I'd advise you to think of the real world scenario here. I doubt you can prevent a driver from going away. The system must reflect the real world which is probably the book of record for that scenario, meaning the best you can do with strong consistency is probably unassign a driver from all it's vehicules while he's away. In that case, is it really important that vehicules gets unassigned immediately in the same TX or a delay could be acceptable?

In general, an aggregate should keep its own boundaries (to avoid data-load issues and transaction-scoping issues, check this page for example), and therefore only reference another aggregate by identity, e.g. assignDriver(id guid).
That means you would have to query the driver prior to invoking assignDriver, in order to perform validation check:
class MyAppService {
public void execute() {
// Get driver...
if (driver.isInVacation()){
throw new Exception();
// Get vehicle...

Suppose you're in a micro-services architecture,
you have a 'Driver Management' service, and an 'Assignation Service' and you're not sharing code between both apart from technical libraries.
You'll naturally have 2 classes for 'Driver',
An aggregate in 'Driver Management' which will hold the operations to manage the state of a driver.
And a value object in the 'Assignation Service' which will only contain the relevant information for assignation.
This separation is harder to see/achieve when you're in a monolithic codebase
I also agree with #plalx, there's more to it for the enforcement of the rule, not only a check on creation, for which you could implement on of the solutions he suggested.
I encourage you to think in events, what happens when:
a driver has scheduled vacation
when he's back from vacation
if he changes he vacation dates
Did you explore creating an Aggregate for Assignation?


CQRS Aggregate and Projection consistency

Aggregate can use View this fact is described in Vaughn Vernon's book:
Such Read Model Projections are frequently used to expose information to various clients (such as desktop and Web user interfaces), but they are also quite useful for sharing information between Bounded Contexts and their Aggregates. Consider the scenario where an Invoice Aggregate needs some Customer information (for example, name, billing address, and tax ID) in order to calculate and prepare a proper Invoice. We can capture this information in an easy-to-consume form via CustomerBillingProjection, which will create and maintain an exclusive instance of CustomerBilling-View. This Read Model is available to the Invoice Aggregate through the Domain Service named IProvideCustomerBillingInformation. Under the covers this Domain Service just queries the document store for the appropriate instance of the CustomerBillingView
Let's imagine our application should allow to create many users, but with unique names. Commands/Events flow:
CreateUser{Alice} command sent
UserAggregate checks UsersListView, since there are no users with name Alice, aggregate decides to create user and publish event.
UserCreated{Alice} event published // By UserAggregate
UsersListProjection processed UserCreated{Alice} // for simplicity let's think UsersListProjection just accumulates users names if receives UserCreated event.
CreateUser{Bob} command sent
UserAggregate checks UsersListView, since there are no users with name Bob, aggregate decides to create user and publish event.
UserCreated{Bob} event published // By UserAggregate
CreateUser{Bob} command sent
UserAggregate checks UsersListView, since there are no users with name Bob, aggregate decides to create user and publish event.
UsersListProjection processed UserCreated{Bob} .
UsersListProjection processed UserCreated{Bob} .
The problem is - UsersListProjection did not have time to process event and contains irrelevant data, aggregate used this irrelevant data. As result - 2 users with the same name created.
how to avoid such situations?
how to make aggregates and projections consistent?
how to make aggregates and projections consistent?
In the common case, we don't. Projections are consistent with the aggregate at some time in the past, but do not necessarily have all of the latest updates. That's part of the point: we give up "immediate consistency" in exchange for other (higher leverage) benefits.
The duplication that you refer to is usually solved a different way: by using conditional writes to the book of record.
In your example, we would normally design the system so that the second attempt to write Bob to our data store would fail because conflict. Also, we prevent duplicates from propagating by ensuring that the write to the data store happens-before any events are made visible.
What this gives us, in effect, is a "first writer wins" write strategy. The writer that loses the data race has to retry/fail/etc.
(As a rule, this depends on the idea that both attempts to create Bob write that information to the same place, using the same locks.)
A common design to reduce the probability of conflict is to NOT use the "read model" of the aggregate itself, but to instead use its own data in the data store. That doesn't necessarily eliminate all data races, but you reduce the width of the window.
Finally, we fall back on Memories, Guesses and Apologies.
It's important to remember in CQRS that every write model is also a read model for the reads that are required to validate a command. Those reads are:
checking for the existence of an aggregate with a particular ID
loading the latest version of an entire aggregate
In general a CQRS/ES implementation will provide that read model for you. The particulars of how that's implemented will depend on the implementation.
Those are the only reads a command-handler ever needs to perform, and if a query can be answered with no more than those reads, the query can be expressed as a command (e.g. GetUserByName{Alice}) which when handled does not emit events. The benefit of such read-only commands is that they can be strongly consistent because they are limited to a single aggregate. Not all queries, of course, can be expressed this way, and if the query can tolerate eventual consistency, it may not be worth paying the coordination tax for strong consistency that you typically pay by making it a read-only command. (Command handling limited to a single aggregate is generally strongly consistent, but there are cases, e.g. when the events form a CRDT and an aggregate can live in multiple datacenters where even that consistency is loosened).
So with that in mind:
CreateUser{Alice} received
user Alice does not exist
persist UserCreated{Alice}
CreateUser{Alice} acknowledged (e.g. HTTP 200, ack to *MQ, Kafka offset commit)
UserListProjection updated from UserCreated{Alice}
CreateUser{Bob} received
user Bob does not exist
persist UserCreated{Bob}
CreateUser{Bob} acknowledged
CreateUser{Bob} received
user Bob already exists
command-handler for an existing user rejects the command and persists no events (it may log that an attempt to create a duplicate user was made)
CreateUser{Bob} ack'd with failure (e.g. HTTP 401, ack to *MQ, Kafka offset commit)
UserListProjection updated from UserCreated{Bob}
Note that while the UserListProjection can answer the question "does this user exist?", the fact that the write-side can also (and more consistently) answer that question does not in and of itself make that projection superfluous. UserListProjection can also answer questions like "who are all of the users?" or "which users have two consecutive vowels in their name?" which the write-side cannot answer.

What is the best way to rehydrate aggregate roots and their associated entities in an event sourced environment

I have seen information on rehydrating aggregate roots in SO, but I am posting this question because I did not find any information in SO about doing so with in the context of an event sourced framework.
Has a best practice been discovered or developed for how to rehydrate aggregate roots when operating on the command side of an application using the event sourcing and CQRS pattern
OR is this still more of a “preference“ among architects?
I have read through a number of blogs and watched a number of conference presentations on you tube and I seem to get different guidance depending on who I am attending to.
On the one hand, I have found information stating fairly clearly that developers should create aggregates to hydrate themselves using “apply“ methods on events obtained directly from the event store..
On the other hand, I have also seen in several places where presenters and bloggers have recommended rehydrating aggregate roots by submitting a query to the read side of the application. Some have suggested creating specific validation “buckets“ / projections on the read side to facilitate this.
Can anyone help point me in the right direction on discovering if there is a single best practice or if the answer primarily depends upon performance issues or some other issue I am not thinking about?
Hydrating Aggregates in an event sourced framework is a well-understood problem.
On the one hand, I have found information stating fairly clearly that
developers should create aggregates to hydrate themselves using
“apply“ methods on events obtained directly from the event store..
This is the prescribed way of handling it. There are various ways of achieving this, but I would suggest keeping any persistence logic (reading or writing events) outside of your Aggregate. One simple way is to expose a constructor that accepts domain events and then applies those events.
On the other hand, I have also seen in several places where presenters
and bloggers have recommended rehydrating aggregate roots by
submitting a query to the read side of the application. Some have
suggested creating specific validation “buckets“ / projections on the
read side to facilitate this.
You can use the concept of snapshots as a way of optimizing your reads. This will create a memoized version of your hydrated Aggregate. You can load this snapshot and then only apply events that were generated since the snapshot was created. In this case, your Aggregate can define a constructor that takes two parameters: an existing state (snapshot) and any remaining domain events that can then be applied to that snapshot.
Snapshots are just an optimization and should be considered as such. You can create a system that does not use snapshots and apply them once read performance becomes a bottleneck.
On the other hand, I have also seen in several places where presenters
and bloggers have recommended rehydrating aggregate roots by
submitting a query to the read side of the application
Snapshots are not really part of the read side of the application. Data on the read side exists to satisfy use cases within the application. Those can change based on requirements even if the underlying domain does not change. As such, you shouldn't use read side data in your domain at all.
Event sourcing has developed different styles over the years. I could divide all o those into two big categories:
an event stream represents one entity (an aggregate in case of DDD)
one (partitioned) event stream for a (sub)system
When you deal with one stream per (sub)system, you aren't able to rehydrate the write-side on the fly, it is physically impossible due to the number of events in that stream. Therefore, you would rely on the projected read-side to retrieve the current entity state. As a consequence, this read-side must be fully consistent.
When going with the DDD-flavoured event sourcing, there's a strong consensus in the community how it should be done. The state of the aggregate (not just the root, but the whole aggregate) is restored by the command side before calling the domain model. You always restore using events. When snapshotting is enabled, snapshots are also stored as events in the aggregate snapshot stream, so you read the last one and all events from the snapshot version.
Concerning the Apply thing. You need to clearly separate the function that adds new events to the changes list (what you're going to save) and functions what mutate the aggregate state when events are applied.
The first function is the one called Apply and the second one is often called When. So you call the Apply function in your aggregate code to build up the changelist. The When function is called when restoring the aggregate state from events when you read the stream, and also from the Apply function.
You can find a simplistic example of an event-sourced aggregate in my book repo: https://github.com/alexeyzimarev/ddd-book/blob/master/chapter13/src/Marketplace.Ads.Domain/ClassifiedAds/ClassifiedAd.cs
For example:
public void Publish(UserId userId)
=> Apply(
new V1.ClassifiedAdPublished
Id = Id,
ApprovedBy = userId,
OwnerId = OwnerId,
PublishedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now
And for the When:
protected override void When(object #event)
switch (#event)
// more code here
case V1.ClassifiedAdPublished e:
ApprovedBy = UserId.FromGuid(e.ApprovedBy);
State = ClassifiedAdState.Active;
// and more here

DDD About a design decision

I have to solve a domain problem and I have some doubts about what is the better solution. I am going to present the problem:
I have Applications and each Application has many Process. An Application has some ProcessSettings too. I have some business rules when I have to create a Process, for example, based on the process settings of application, I have to apply some rules on some process properties.
I have considered Application as aggregate root and Process as other aggregate root, and ProcessSettings as a value object inside Application aggregate.
I have a use case to create processes, and the logic is to create a valid instance of process and persist it with ProcessRepository. Well, I think I have two options to apply the process settings:
In the use case, get the process settings from Application aggregate by ApplicationId through a domain service in Application aggregate, and pass ProcessSettings to process create method.
In the use case, to create the process and through a domain service in Application aggregate pass a copy of process (a value object) to apply the process settings.
What approach do you believe is most correct to use?, or do you implement it in another way?
Thanks in advance!
Our product owner told us that if the client paid for some settings in
a moment and created a process that settings will be valid for that
process if the client does not update it. If the client leave to paid
some settings then, when the client want to update that process our
system will not allow update it because the actual settings will not
be fit to the process data
That makes the implementation much easier, given that process settings-based validation only has to occur in process creation/update scenarios. Furthermore, I would guess that race conditions would also be irrelevant to the business, such as if settings are changed at the same time a process gets created/updated.
In light of this, we can assume that ProcessSettings and Process can be in distinct consistency boundaries. In other words, both can be part of separate aggregate roots.
Furthermore, it's important to recognize that the settings-based validation are not Process invariants, meaning the Process shouldn't be responsible for enforcing these rules itself. Since these aren't invariants you also shouldn't strive for an always-valid strategy and use a deferred validation strategy instead.
From that point there are many good ways of modeling this use case, which will all boil down to something like:
//Application layer service
void createProcess(processId, applicationId, data) {
application = applicationRepository.applicationOfId(applicationId);
process = application.createProcess(processId, data);
//Application AR
Process createProcess(processId, data) {
process = new Process(processId, this.id, data);
return process;
If ProcessSettings are part of the Application AR then it could make sense to put a factory method on Application for creating processes given it holds the necessary state to perform the validation, like in the above example. That removes the need from introducing a dedicated domain service for the task, such as a stand-alone factory.
If ProcessSettings can be it's own aggregate root you could always do the same, but introduce a lookup domain service for settings:
//Application AR
Process createProcess(processId, data, settingsLookupService) {
process = new Process(processId, this.id, data);
processSettings = settingsLookupService.findByApplicationId(this.id);
return process;
Some might say your aggregate is not pure anymore however, given it's performing indirect IO through calling the settingsLookupService. If you want to avoid such dependency then you may introduce a domain service such as ProcessDomainService to encapsulate the creation/update logic or you may even consider the lookup logic is not complex enough and put it directly in the application layer.
//Application layer service
void createProcess(processId, applicationId, data) {
processSettings = processRepository.findByApplicationId(applicationId);
process = application.createProcess(processId, data, processSettings);
There's no way for us to tell which approach is better in your specific scenario and sometimes there isin't even a perfect way and many various ways could be equally good. By experience it's a good idea to keep aggregates pure though as it's easier for unit tests (less mocking).

Loading aggregates on reacting to domain events

I am implementing an application with domain driven design and event sourcing. I am storing all domain events in a DomainEvents table in SQL Server.
I have the following aggregates:
- City
+ Id
+ Enable()
+ Disable()
- Company
+ Id
+ CityId
+ Enable()
+ Disable()
- Employee
+ Id
+ CompnayId
+ Enable()
+ Disable()
Each one encapsulates its own domain logic and invariants. I designed them as separate aggregates, because one city may have thousands (maybe more) companies and company may also have very large number of employees. If this entities would belong to the same aggregate I had to load them together, which in most cases would be unnecessary.
Calling Enable or Disable will produce a domain event (e.g. CityEnabled, CompanyDisabled or EmployeeEnabled). These events contain the primary key of the enabled or disabled entity.
Now my problem is a new requirement forcing me to enable/disable all related Companies if a City is enabled/disabled. The same is required for Employees, if a Company is enabled/disabled.
In my event handler, which is invoked if for example CityDisabled has occurred
I need to execute DisableCompanyCommand for each company belonging to that city.
But how would I know what companies should be affected by that change?
My thoughts:
Querying the event store is not possible, because I can't use conditions like 'where CityId = event.CityId'
Letting the parent know its child ids and putting all child ids in every event the parent produces. Is also a bad idea because the event creator shouldn't care who will consume the events later. So only information belonging to the happening event should be in the event.
Executing the DisableCompanyCommand for every company. Only the companies having the matching CityId would change their state. Even though I would do that asynchronously it would produce a huge overhead loading every company on those events. And also for every company getting disabled the same procedure should be repeated to disable all users.
Creating read models mapping ParentIds to ChildIds and loading the childIds according to the parentId in the event. This sounds like the most appropriate solution, but the problem is, how would I know if a new Company is created while I am disabling the existing ones?
I am not satisfied with any of the solutions above. Basically the problem is to determine the affected aggregates for a happened event.
Maybe you have better solutions ?
What you are describing can be resolved by a Saga/Process manager that listen to the CityDisabled event. Then it finds the CompanyIds of all Companies in that City (by using an existing Read model or by maintaining a private state of CityIdsxCompanyIds) and sends each one a DisableCompany command.
The same applies to CompanyDisabled event, regarding the disabling of Employee.
P.S. Disabling a City/Company/Employee seems like CRUD to me, these don't seem terms from a normal ubiquitous language, it's not very DDD-ish but I consider your design as being correct in regard to this question.
Do your requirements mean you have to fire a CompanyDisabled event when disabling a city?
If not - and your requirement is just that a disabled city means all companies are disabled, then what you would do is on your city read model projection you'd listen for CityDisabled events and mark the companies disabled in your read model. (If your requirements are to fire an event for each city then Constantin's answer is good)
Your model is more of a child / parent relationship - its kind of a break in traditional "blue book" thought, but I recommend represent this relationship in your domain with more than a CityId.
In my app something like this would be coded as
public Task Handle(DoSomething command, IHandlerContext ctx)
var city = ctx.For<City>().Get(command.CityId);
var company = city.For<Company>().Get(command.CompanyId);
public Company : Entity<City>
public void DoSomething()
// Parent is the City
throw new BusinessException("City is disabled");
Apply<SomethingDone>(x => {
x.CityId = Parent.Id;
x.CompanyId = Id;
(Psuedo code is NServiceBus style code and using my library Aggregates.NET)
It's quite probable that you don't have to explicitly force rules like 'enable/disable all related Companies if a City is enabled/disabled' in the domain (write) side at all.
If so, there's no need to disable all Companies when a City is disabled, within the domain. As Charles mentioned in his answer, just introduce a rule that e.g., "a Company is disabled if it is disabled itself (directly) or its City is disabled". The same with Company and its Employees.
This rule should be realized at the read side. A Company in the read model will have 2 properties: the first one is Enabled which is directly mapped from the domain; the second one is EnabledEffective which is calculatable based on the Company's Enabled value and its City's Enabled value. When a CityDisabled event happens, the read model's event handler traverses the City's all Companies in the read model and sets their EnabledEffective property to false; when a CityEnabled event happens, the handler sets the City's every Company's EnabledEffective property back to its own Enabled value. It is EnabledEffective property that you will use in the UI.
The logic can be a bit more complex with CompanyEnabled/CompanyDisabled event handling (in respect to Empoyees) as you must take into account both event info and enabled/disabled status of the host City.
If (effective) enabled/disabled status of a Company/Employee is really needed in the domain side (e.g. affecting the way these aggregates handle their commands), consider taking EnabledEffective value from the read side and passing it along with the command object.

When and why should I use a domain service?

I have a Rental entity that is an aggregate root. Among other things it maintains a list of Allocations (chunks of time that is reserved).
How do I add a new allocation? Since Rental is aggregate root, any new allocation should go through it but it is impossible to say if a rental can be allocated, before we try to save the allocation in the database. Another user could have reserved it in the meantime. I'm guessing, I should use a Domain Service for this?
I would hate to have to inject anything every time I need a new Rental but what is the difference between injecting a Domain Service, instead of a Repository, other than the terminology being different?
When and why should I use a domain service?
You use a domain service to allow an aggregate to run queries. Tax calculation is an example that shows up form time to time. The aggregate passes some state to the calculator, the calculator reports the tax, the aggregate decides what to do with that information (ignore it, reject the update that needs it, etc).
Running the query doesn't modify the domain service instance in any way, so you can repeat queries as often as you like without worrying that the calculations contaminate each other.
Think read only service provider.
Since Rental is aggregate root, any new allocation should go through it but it is impossible to say if a rental can be allocated, before we try to save the allocation in the database. Another user could have reserved it in the meantime. I'm guessing, I should use a Domain Service for this?
No - completely the wrong use case.
If an allocation is part of the Rental aggregate, then it's fine to have the Rental aggregate create allocations of its own. You don't need a service for that (you could, potentially, delegate the work to a factory if you like separation of concerns).
If "another user could have reserved that allocation in the meantime", then you have contention -- two users trying to change the same aggregate at the same time. This is normally managed in one of two ways.
Locking: you only let one user at a time modify the Rental aggregate. So in a data race, the loser has to wait for the winner to finish, then the aggregate can reject the loser's command because that particular allocation is already taken.
Optimistic concurrency: you allow both users to modify different copies of the aggregate at the same time, but save is only allowed if the original state is unchanged. Think "compare and swap"; the race is in the save, between these two instructions
state.compareAndSwap(originalState, loserState)
state.compareAndSwap(originalState, winnerState)
Winner's compare and swap succeeds, but the loser's fails (because originalState != winnerState), and so the losers modification is rejected.
Either way, only one write to your database reserving the allocation is allowed.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying that in this case it would be okay to use a repository from inside the Rental domain entity?
No, you shouldn't need to - the allocation, being part of the Rental aggregate, gets created by the aggregate in memory, and first appears in your data store when the aggregate is saved.
Why use aggregates at all, if everything of consequence has to be extracted into surrounding code or factories?
Some of the answer here is separation of concerns - the primary concern of the aggregate is enforcing the business invariant: ensuring that creating an allocation with some specific state is consistent with everything else going on. The factory is responsible for ensuring that the created object is wired up correctly.
To use your example: the factory would have responsibility for creating the allocation in memory, but would not need to know anything about making sure that the allocation is unique. The rules to ensure that the allocation is unique are described and enforced by the aggregate.
Use a static factory method to create a Rental object.
public static class RentalFactory
public Rental CreateRental()
var allocationSvc = new RentalAllocationService();
return new Rental(allocationSvc);
Repositories should only be concerned about persistence to underlying store.
Domain services primary concern is carrying out some behavior involving entities or value objects.
