Dynamic Linker does not resolve symbol although the library is already loaded - linux

I stumbled over the following problem in my large-grown project: I have a set of libraries which depend on each other and on external libraries. Of one dependency ("libvtkCommonCore-*.so"), there are different variants, which need to be used interchangeably. The variants have different suffixes ("libvtkCommonCore-custom1.so", "libvtkCommonCore-custom2.so" and so on). Thus I cannot link the library, which needs symbols from it, directly to the providing library. Rather I link the application of the library which uses it to the appropriate variant and then load my own library.
This approach generally works but fails under some circumstances and I'm a bit lost while finding out what goes wrong.
This situation is working:
Sketch of situation 1
("libA" needs symbols from "libvtkCommonCore". It is loaded at run time by the constructor of some static object in "libB" using a "dlopen" call with flags RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL. libvtkCommonCore* and libB were linked at build time to an executable)
This situation now ceases to work:
Sketch of situation 2
(actually the same as before but complicated by the fact that libvtkCommonCore* and libB are linked to another library libC at build time. This library is loaded from an executable at run time using "dlopen")
I investigated the case by setting LD_DEBUG to "files", "symbols" and/or "binding" and study the output. It reveals that libvtkCommonCore* is loaded, initialized and kept in memory all the time and before libA is loaded. When the linked tries to resolve "SymbolX" in libA, it does not search libvtkCommonCore, although it did for other libraries which needed the same symbol.
Note: I use Linux (Ubuntu 20) with the recent Gcc and CMake. Both the executable in situation 1 and "libC" in situation 2 were built with the flags "-Wl,--add-needed -Wl,--no-as-needed".
Note 2: if I launch the executable in situation 2 with LD_PRELOAD=libvtkCommonCore-custom1.so set, no errors appear.
I would be grateful for any hint how to continue debugging this issue.
A minimum example of the problem is comprised by these files:
#include <iostream>
void SymbolX()
std::cout<<"This just does nothing useful."<<std::endl;
void SymbolX(); // in libvtkCommonCore-custom1.so
struct LibAStaticObject
} libAStaticObject;
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <iostream>
class LibALoader
void *handle = dlopen ( "libA.so", RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_NODELETE );
if ( !handle )
std::cerr<<"Could not load module library libA!\nReason: " << dlerror() << std::endl;
} libAloader;
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <dlfcn.h>
class LibCLoader
void *handle = dlopen ( "libC.so", RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_NODELETE );
if ( !handle )
std::cerr<<"Could not load module library libC.so!\nReason: " << dlerror() << std::endl;
} libCloader;
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
return 0;
add_library(vtkCommonCore-custom1 SHARED libvtkCommonCore-custom1.cpp)
add_library(A SHARED libA.cpp)
add_library(B SHARED libB.cpp)
target_link_libraries(B dl)
add_library(C SHARED libC.cpp)
target_link_libraries(C vtkCommonCore-custom1 B)
set_target_properties(C PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--add-needed -Wl,--no-as-needed -Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries")
add_executable(executable_situation1 executable_situation1.cpp)
target_link_libraries(executable_situation1 vtkCommonCore-custom1 B)
set_target_properties(executable_situation1 PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--add-needed -Wl,--no-as-needed -Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries") #"-Wl,--no-as-needed")
add_executable(executable_situation2 executable_situation2.cpp)
target_link_libraries(executable_situation2 dl)
Run it by these commands:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. && make
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./executable_situation1
This just does nothing useful.
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./executable_situation2
./executable_situation2: symbol lookup error: ./libA.so: undefined symbol: _Z7SymbolXv

Indeed, the problem is that in situation 2 the libvtkCommonCore is not in the lookup scope of libA while in situation 1 it is in the global scope.
The only (probably ugly) solution I found was to put in a kind of a stub library that loads libvtkCommonCore along with libB using "dlopen" with option "RTLD_GLOBAL". This places libvtkCommonCore in the global lookup scope. The new library is then linked to libC instead of its direct dependencies.


code within statically linked library src files returning null

This is for windows using MSVC compiler version 14.28.29910:
Libraries built using colcon. This was meant for a ROS2 application but I dont believe ROS has anything to do with it.
I have been stuck on this issue for two days now and I still am at a loss as to what is going on. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I have a library that I am statically linking against. Library A. it is built with colcon. Could this be a linking issue or an issue with the fact that I build library A with a certain set of preprocessors and I build library B with a different set of preprocessors that change the Gameobject class to a different version shown below but same function implementations.
ament_auto_add_library(A STATIC
ament_target_dependencies(A ${ALL_DEPENDS})
EXPORT A_export
ament_export_libraries(A_export HAS_LIBRARY_TARGET)
I then link to it from a ros2 package using the standard
target_link_libraries(B A)
I have a object called Gameobject that is defined in library A.
#file --------------------------Gameobject.h
#ifdef InLibraryA
class Gameobject
int GetPosx(){return data.x;}
class Gameobject
int GetPosx(){return data.x;}
#file --------------------------MoveGameObject.h
class MoveGameObject
int MoveGObj_inline(Gameobject* g)
return g->getPosx();
int MoveGObj(Gameobject* g);
#file --------------------------MoveGameObject.cpp
int MoveGameObject::MoveGObj(Gameobject* g)
return g->getPosx();
Now in library B , I do this within a subscription callback
Gameobject* g = GetGObjectFromPool();
MoveGameObject* m= new MoveGameObject();
//this will return NULL value
int posx = m->MoveGObj(g);
//this will be fine because it was inlined?
int possx = m->MoveGObj_inline(g);
You will see that I get null when calling the function that was NOT inlined for calling the getter function from Gameobject. I dont get null for the inlined function even though they run the exact same code. Note that this only happens to non-inline functions that call Gameobject functions. Does not happen to functions that do not read memory from Gameobject. addingTwoInts() for example works fine Non-inline. There are no errors. It is undefined behavior. Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong for this to happen? The simplified code above is the same as to what is happening in my code, just removed unnecessary details.

Visual C++ lambdas always output debug information

If I instantiate a lambda somewhere (and the compiler doesn't inline it), I can find a string showing where the lambda is located in my c++ code like this:
... ?AV<lambda_1>#?0??MyFunction#MyScopedClass#MyNamespace##SAXXZ# ...
I don't want this information in the executable, as it could give away important names of classes and functions.
All kinds of output debug information are turned off. If I use a normal function instead, the final executable doesn't have this information, so manually converting all lambdas into normal functions would "fix it". But what's the best way to handle this? Can we tell the compiler to transform lambdas into normal functions?
UPDATE: I tested with other compilers: g++ and clang. They both leave the same references. I also found another unanswered question about this Gcc - why are lambdas not stripped during release build Please don't come with the "why do you care about a few symbols anyway".
Here's some code you can test with:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
class MyUnscopedClass
MyUnscopedClass(const std::function<void(int x)>& f) :
std::function<void(int x)> f;
namespace MyNamespace
class MyScopedClass
static void temp1(int x)
std::cout << x * (x + 1);
static void MyFunction()
//MyUnscopedClass obj(temp1); // no symbols
MyUnscopedClass obj([](int x) // ?AV<lambda_1>#?0??MyFunction#MyScopedClass#MyNamespace##SAXXZ#
std::cout << x;
int main()
With the help of #dxiv in the comments, I found the problematic setting.
Configuration Properties > General > C++ Language Standard
can't be, for some reason,
Preview - Features from the Latest C++ Working Draft (std:c++latest)
So I set it to the second most recent one
ISO C++17 Standard (std:c++17)
and I get a random identifier instead.
I'm still curious how this identifier is chosen though.

using a globals struct in several .cpp files, and initializing it in the constructor

I know similar questions have been asked, but none address this issue. I want to create a globals struct and initialize it with default values. I implemented it as below, but the project won't build.
I've tried everything I can think of, most notably moving the "extern" declaration of *gxg in and out of the header guard and changing the struct to a class, but get the same results: the project won't build because of duplicate symbols for the globals constructor. It builds if I don't use it in more than one .cpp file, or if I don't include a constructor or destructor in the struct's implementation file.
// globals.hpp
#ifndef globals_hpp
#define globals_hpp
struct gxGlobals{
double radius;
bool easement;
gxGlobals(); // constructor
} ;
extern "C" gxGlobals *gxg;
#endif /* globals_hpp */
// globals.cpp
#include "globals.hpp"
// main_file.cpp
#include "globals.hpp"
gxGlobals *gxg = new gxGlobals();
// other_file.cpp
#include "globals.hpp"
// ERROR: Duplicate symbol gxGlobals::gxGlobals()
I can include globals.h in one file, but not in two or more. It also works if I remove the self-initialization in the .cpp file.
There are too many members in the actual struct to make an initializer list practical, so my last option is a function that runs on startup that plugs all of the default values in. Am I mistaken that this should work?

CppUnit: Run a single Test Case

In http://cppunit.sourceforge.net/doc/lastest/cppunit_cookbook.html
They give a simple TestCase but do not show how to run it (There is no main function). I've looked through their documentation and can't find how to just run a test and get text output about whether or not it succeeded. I don't want to put together a fixture or use a registry or anything.
How do I run that single test case? I.E. What is the main function that would go along with that?
I gather you were asking for a SSCCE of CppUnit. As CppUnit is a framework, so a minimal example must put minimal test structure in place -- like a TestFixture, because otherwise one could do without the whole CppUnit and just use std::assert. All this can be done in one file, say Main.cpp of the following form:
//Declaration file: MTest.h
#ifndef MTEST_H
#define MTEST_H
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
class MTest : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture
void simpleTest();
#endif // MTEST_H
// Implementation file, e.g. MTest.cpp
#include <cppunit/config/SourcePrefix.h>
//#include "MTest.h"
// Registers the fixture into the 'registry'
// Some code to be tested.
void MTest::simpleTest() {
// Main file, Main.cpp
#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
#include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CPPUNIT_NS::TextUi::TestRunner runner; //the runner
// Get the top level suite from the registry
CPPUNIT_NS::Test* suite =
// Adds the test to the list of test to run
// Run the test.
bool wasSucessful = runner.run();
// Return error code 1 if the one of test failed.
return wasSucessful ? 0 : 1;
which would need to be compiled/linked with cppunit library e.g. g++ Main.cpp ../../src/cppunit/.libs/libcppunit.a (if you happen to start 2 levels below the main directory of the library [insert the static or dynamic version of libcppunit library as is required by your environment]).
A "cleaner" examply would split the code into separate MTest (.h and .cpp, as indicated) and Main.cpp. In this case CppUnit methods from Main.cpp call methods provided by CppUnit helper macros in MTest files. They should therefore be linked together, e.g. by g++ MTest.o Main.o ../../src/cppunit/.libs/libcppunit.a.
The base class for all your test class is CppUnit::TestFixture, you can override some function like setUp and tearDown to initialize you test objects and delete them.
Consider you have a test class called MyFirstTest, to register the test functions with Cpp framework you will have to do:
... //any other function you want to register with appropriate macros
Also you will have to register each test class (in their respective header or cpp file)
Once your test class is setup, you can run it. Main function will look like:
bool wasSuccessful = false;
CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
runner.setOutputter( new CppUnit::CompilerOutputter(&runner.result(), std::cerr));
CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry &registry = CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry("YouTestName");
wasSuccessful = runner.run("", false);
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
wasSuccessful = false;
If you wish to add more test classes, the main function will remain the same. You just create test class (deriving from that CppUnit::TestFixture class), register your methods and the the important step is to register you class with framework using CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION. The getRegistry method that is used in main function, will get all the test classes that you have registered with the framwork and executes all the methods of those classes that you have registered using CPPUNIT_TEST or any other appropriate macro.
The page you're referring to describes the whole process, including a lot of extra stuff on how you'd manually write the code in TestFixtures, then how you'd register those in TestSuites, then how you'd use the macros to write and register them, and it's very wordy. Sometimes it's better just to show people an easy example. They have this one at the very bottom of the page:
#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
#include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
int main( int argc, char **argv)
CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry &registry = CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry();
runner.addTest( registry.makeTest() );
bool wasSuccessful = runner.run( "", false );
return wasSuccessful;
The infrastructure is pretty simple, really. You create a test runner, then retrieve the list of registered tests, add them to the runner, have the runner run the tests, and report back to you. But yeah, it's always best to make things easy. People don't want to do hard things.
Simple but dumb solution: comment out the CPPUNIT_TEST lines you do not like.

extern template DLLs and programs (crypto++)

I've been using Crypto++ with VS2005 and VS2010 for a while now. But recently I needed to use it with and application directly. The same code compiles fine when I'm compiling as a DLL and does not compile when compiling as an application.
This is the smallest sample that reproduces the error is this (based on cryptopp561\algparam.h:301 CryptoPP::AlgorithmParametersTemplate
class Base
virtual void MoveInto(void *p) const = 0;
template<class T>
class Test: public Base
void MoveInto(void * buffer) const
Test<T> *x = new(buffer) Test<T>(*this);
extern template class Test<bool>;
The compilation parameters are the same, only difference that I saw was the configuration type in the project ("Application (.exe)" generates the error and "Dynamic Library (.dll)" does not).
This is the compiler error:
main.h(15): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'buffer'
main.h(14) : while compiling class template member function 'void Test<T>::MoveInto(void *) const'
main.h(20) : see reference to class template instantiation 'Test<T>' being compiled
It seems to occur only when theres inheritance. Ommiting : public Base in the class Test declaration makes the error go away.
The problem was in a header included somewhere that defined a a debug version for operator new but didn't declared the placement new version.
Did you #include <new>, the header file that declares placement-new?
Funnily, extern templates are to tell the compiler to not instantiante at some point, so the second error does not make sense to me. Are you certain your compiler has support for extern templates? What if you do the opposite, explicit instantiation:
template class Test<bool>;
