I have a tensor with shape [1,100,34] which needs to be added with 2 tensors [1,100,17] shape at alternative indexes. Current Implementation is like this in pytorch.
kps[..., ::2] += xs.view(batch, K, 1).expand(batch, K, num_joints)
kps[..., 1::2] += ys.view(batch, K, 1).expand(batch, K, num_joints)
This gets successfully converted to onnx model using opset>=11. This is achieved using the scatternd operation. However, this operation is not yet supported in tensorrt. It fails with error
ERROR: INVALID_ARGUMENT: getPluginCreator could not find plugin ScatterND version 1
Parse Failed, Layers = 4447
In node -1 (importFallbackPluginImporter): UNSUPPORTED_NODE: Assertion failed: creator && "Plugin not found, are the plugin name, version, and namespace correct?"
Is there anyway to avoid converting this code to use scatternd operation in onnx. Or any other alternative workaround?
ScatterND is now supported on Tensorrt > 8 versions.
This is begin from curious....I download the pretrained yolov5s.pt from public google drive, and convert it as yolov5s.onnx file with input shape [1,3,640,640] by using yolov5's models/export.py. Then I use openvino's deployment tools/mo.py to convert the yolov5s.onnx into openvino inference engines file (.xml+.bin). The conversion is success without error. At last, I try to run the predict by using these files by using openvino's demo program the prediction is successfully return the result. But all the result return negative numbers, and the array level is wrong. Is it impossible to convert the yolov5 weights for openvino?
YOLOv5 is currently not an officially supported topology by the OpenVINO toolkit. Please see the list of validated ONNX and PyTorch topologies here https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/openvino_docs_MO_DG_prepare_model_convert_model_Convert_Model_From_ONNX.html
However, we have one recommendation for you to try, but it was no guaranteed it will succeed. You can do it by change export.py to include the Detect layer:
Line 28 in a1c8406
model.model[-1].export = True # set Detect() layer export=True
The above needs to be changed from True to False. For more detail, you can follow this thread here.
Try this :python mo.py --input_model yolov5s.onnx -s 255 --reverse_input_channels --output Conv_245,Conv_261,Conv_277 (use Netron to check your architecture)
When trying to define transformer for a batch transform process for a sklearn estimator, i am getting the following error : TypeError: init() got multiple values for argument 'entry_point'"
These are the steps i followed:
from sagemaker.sklearn.estimator import SKLearn
script_path = 'transformer.py'
sklearn_preprocessor = SKLearn(
sklearn_preprocessor.fit({'train': "s3://training-data/train.csv"})
training was successful.
transformer = sklearn_preprocessor.transformer(
assemble_with = 'Line',
accept = 'text/csv')
Error at Step3:
TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'entry_point'
The issue was reported to the AWS Sagemaker Python SDK's Github repository
It seems like the issue has been resolved with PR https://github.com/aws/sagemaker-python-sdk/pull/978
Looking at the CHANGELOG, the fix was released in version v1.36.3. Updating the SDK to a later version should resolve the issue
I'm building a CNN text classifier using TensorFlow which I want to load in tensorflow-serving and query using the serving apis. When I call the Predict() method on the grcp stub I receive this error: AttributeError: 'grpc._cython.cygrpc.Channel' object has no attribute 'unary_unary'
What I've done to date:
I have successfully trained and exported a model suitable for serving (i.e., the signatures are verified and using tf.Saver I can successfully return a prediction). I can also load the model in tensorflow_model_server without error.
Here is a snippet of the client code (simplified for readability):
with tf.Session() as sess:
host = FLAGS.server
channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:9001')
stub = prediction_service_pb2.beta_create_PredictionService_stub(channel)
request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest()
request.model_spec.name = 'predict_text'
request.model_spec.signature_name = 'predict_text'
x_text = ["space"]
# restore vocab processor
# then create a ndarray with transform_fit using the vocabulary
vocab = learn.preprocessing.VocabularyProcessor.restore('/some_path/model_export/1/assets/vocab')
x = np.array(list(vocab.fit_transform(x_text)))
# data
temp_data = tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(x, shape=[1, 15], verify_shape=True)
request.inputs['input'].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(x, shape=[1, 15], verify_shape=True))
# get classification prediction
result = stub.Predict(request, 5.0)
Where I'm bending the rules: I am using tensorflow-serving-apis in Python 3.5.3 when pip install is not officially supported. Various posts (example: https://github.com/tensorflow/serving/issues/581) have reported that using tensorflow-serving with Python 3 has been successful. I have downloaded tensorflow-serving-apis package from pypi (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tensorflow-serving-api/1.5.0)and manually pasted into the environment.
Versions: tensorflow: 1.5.0, tensorflow-serving-apis: 1.5.0, grpcio: 1.9.0rc3, grcpio-tools: 1.9.0rcs, protobuf: 3.5.1 (all other dependency version have been verified but are not included for brevity -- happy to add if they have utility)
Environment: Linux Mint 17 Qiana; x64, Python 3.5.3
A github issue (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-python/issues/2258) indicated that a historical package triggered this error was related to grpc beta.
What data or learning or implementation am I missing?
beta_create_PredictionService_stub() is deprecated. Try this:
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_service_pb2_grpc
stub = prediction_service_pb2_grpc.PredictionServiceStub(channel)
Try to use grpc.beta.implementations.insecure_channel instead of grpc.insecure_channel.
See example code here.
Please help me
I am not able plot using fancyRpart command though I have installed rattle and other dependency like RGtk2,rpart.plot& rpart.
I am using R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28) on windows 10 getting following error
modelFit<-train(classe ~.,method="rpart", data=TrainSet)
Error: the object passed to prp is not an rpart object
In addition: Warning message:
In max(model$frame$yval) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Please do provide complete reproducible exapmles otherwise we have to guess.
I think you are using caret::train(). This returns an object of class "train", not the actual final model but it does encapsulate the model and much more meta data: see ?caret::train.
A reproducible example:
modelFit<-train(Species ~., method="rpart", data=iris)
I have some experience with writing machine learning programs in python, but I'm new to TensorFlow and am checking it out. My dev environment is a lubuntu 14.04 64-bit virtual machine. I've created a python 3.5 conda environment from miniconda and installed TensorFlow 0.12 and its dependencies. I began trying to run some example code from TensorFlow's tutorials and encountered this warning when calling fit() in the boston.py example for input functions: source.
WARNING:tensorflow:Rank of input Tensor (1) should be the same as
output_rank (2) for column. Will attempt to expand dims. It is highly
recommended that you resize your input, as this behavior may change.
After some searching in Google, I found other people encountered this same warning:
Tensorflow - Boston Housing Data Tutorial Errors
However, they also experienced errors which prevent code execution from completing. In my case, the code executes with the above warning. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a single answer in those links regarding what caused the warning and how to fix the warning. They all focused on the error. How does one remove the warning? Or is the warning safe to ignore?
Extra info, I also see the following warnings when running the aforementioned boston.py example.
WARNING:tensorflow:TensorFlow's V1 checkpoint format has been
deprecated. WARNING:tensorflow:Consider switching to the more
efficient V2 format: WARNING:tensorflow:
WARNING:tensorflow:now on by default.
in predict.: calling BaseEstimator.predict (from
tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators.estimator) with x is
deprecated and will be removed after 2016-12-01. Instructions for
updating: Estimator is decoupled from Scikit Learn interface by moving
into separate class SKCompat. Arguments x, y and batch_size are only
available in the SKCompat class, Estimator will only accept input_fn.
Example conversion: est = Estimator(...) -> est =
UPDATE (2016-12-22):
I've tracked the warning to this file:
and this code block:
except NotImplementedError:
with variable_scope.variable_scope(
tensor = column._to_dense_tensor(transformed_tensor)
tensor = fc._reshape_real_valued_tensor(tensor, 2, column.name)
variable = [
shape=[tensor.get_shape()[1], num_outputs],
predictions = math_ops.matmul(tensor, variable[0], name='matmul')
Note the line: tensor = fc._reshape_real_valued_tensor(tensor, 2, column.name)
The method signature is: _reshape_real_valued_tensor(input_tensor, output_rank, column_name=None)
The value 2 is hardcoded as the value of output_rank, but the boston.py example is passing in an input_tensor of rank 1. I will continue to investigate.
If you specify the shape of your tensor explicitly:
tf.constant(df[k].values, shape=[df[k].size, 1])
the warning should go away.
After I specify the shape of the tensor explicitly.
continuous_cols = {k: tf.constant(df[k].values, shape=[df[k].size, 1]) for k in CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS}
It works!