Problems publishing a ASP.NET Core 3.1 project to azure Getting a message "Your account is at risk" - azure

I am trying to publish a project from Visual Studio 2019 (fully updated) to azure. But when I try to login I get the message:
Your account is at risk
To help you—and only you—get back into . I verify my account by sms message and enter the old and new email address. But then again when I try to login it again wants me to verify.
At the same time, the email works when I go into Azure portal and I also managed to deply a Microsoft SQL database into Azure SQL. (Though initially I had to add the IP address in the firewall on Azure). Also I updated the location of the user to Thailand (Where I am), in case the system matches the IP address to the location.
OTher things I have in place are for example the resource group. And I also tried to create an app in Azure portal and then publish it to this, but the issue is that I can't login from Visual Studio.
Any suggestions on how I can publish a project to Azure?
------- UPDATE --------------
Still in the loop of login, verify, new password and login again. The screen I get is like this:
The following screens are:
enter code send by sms
Enter old and new password
-. And back at the verify screen again.
Any suggestions.
Based on the suggestion below I also removed some of the credentials in the credential manager (those that I thought might have to do with this issue).

One possiblity is that there is an old version of your password stored in Credential Manager.
When you try to login via Visual Studio it fails because the password is incorrect. Trying to login with the incorrect password also causes the account to lock, requiring you to verify with SMS.

If this is an Azure WebApp, your best bet is to download the publish profile and use it in your Visual Studio, this way you'll be able to publish your app.


Web deployment task failed. ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED

I am trying to deploy my Bot to azure. I have created it in azure and i downloaded the source code. But now im trying to deploy it again i'm getting the error on the title. I got all the credentials correct because i wrote it down before. This is the error.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Web deployment task failed. (Connected to the remote computer ("") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site. Learn more at:
Make sure the site name, user name, and password are correct. If the issue is not resolved, please contact your local or server administrator.
Error details:
Connected to the remote computer ("") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site. Learn more at:
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. AzureBot 0
If ever my username or password is wrong is there a way to change them?
please delete the publish profiles and rebuilt them by going through the wizard again.
Yes. Sign in to your Azure account and hit 'get publish profile' at the top of the dashboard after you click into your project and you can send it to Notepad. Much stuff there. It all repeats; It is userPWD="the long password is here"

Unable to sign in windows azure account using Visual studio 2013 after changing password

I have just changed my Azure portal login password as it was about to expire in next 4 days. After this when I tried to deploy my cloud service VS 2013 ask "ReEnter Credentials your Credentials", After entering new credentials it keep asking me ReEnter your credentials also No subscription shows.
I tried to log in via Server Explorer also but the same problem occurs with Object Reference not set to an instance of an object error.
Can anyone have the solution of this?
Many thanks.
I have had this before on VS2015, the following worked for me:
Reboot and sign in (to ensure there are no processes locking relevant files)
Delete the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%.IdentityService
Go to Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Credential Manager and removing associated web and windows credentials
Delete the contents of %temp%
If that fails, try running Visual Studio as administrator and sign in again.

Sign in to Azure Account from VS Code

I have the latest version of Visual Studio Code 1.19.2. It's a clean installation.
I've installed Azure Extension Pack from Microsoft with Azure Account (0.2.2). But I am not able to sign in to my Azure subscription. When I type Azure: Sign In in the commands pallete (CTRL+Shift+P), it only shows Azure: Logging in... in the bottom purple line, but nothing happens. I am not signed in.
As far as I know it should open browser window with login screen, but it does not. My default browser is Edge, my operating system is Windows 10 Enterprise x64 1709 with all updates.
How to sign in to my Azure subscription?
For me I just copied the Azure tenant ID from the portal: Go to ActiveDirectoy in Azure then go to properties you'll see the tenant ID.
Now just paste the tenant ID in vscode: File->Preferences->Settings, then search for keyword "tenant" and add your Azure tenant id.
It happens because your corporate network has blocked the proxy to execute the Azure: SignIn command. So the solution is to add value HTTPS_PROXY in the environment variable to allow the web browser to open up the Azure Sign in the login page.
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://username:password#proxy:8080
export HTTP_PROXY=http://username:password#proxy:8080
Can you see this strip pop out?
Edit: if not install Azure Tools For VScode
only after clicking "Sign in" you should get a browser window open where you have to paste the code.
For me I was confused by the message, it copies the code to your clipboard automatically, I'm just dumb..
I also had this issue and was rectified by changing my default browser from Edge to Chrome. Signing in via Chrome worked whereas Edge signed in successfully in browser but not reflected in VS Code.
Upgrade the VS Code to the latest version, Also ensure environment variable contains the necessary http proxy. No need to change the default browser

Visual Studio: User account you used to sign in is not supported for this application

I use to sign-in to server explorer & query AzureTable entities.
However since I have updated to Visual Studio Update 4, I have not been able to login.
I tried using same credentials on azure portal & they work perfectly fine.
Visual Studio
Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in
User account you used to sign in is not supported for this
application. Please use a different account to sign in.
To my surprise, Google did not return any relevant search result for this error.
P.S. I have double checked my Microsoft account credentials & they are working. This issue has been happening with other team members on different PCs as well.
I have learned to live with this error. This is definitely a bug in VS-2013 Update 4 which Microsoft should look into.
I use to sign-out from current subscription in Azure
Right click Azure in server explorer
Click Connect to Microsoft Azure Subscription
It works for one and only time. Next time repeat the process 1 to 3 again.
I believe I've had the exact same issue. Here's how I resolved it:
In the log-in page that "pops up" from Visual Studio I deleted the Microsoft account id that I usually sign in with and entered a different account ID that I own.
As soon as I finished typing the account id in, the page was refreshed and I was redirected to a Microsoft account log-in page. In that log-in page I made sure to type in the correct Microsoft account ID (the one I use for Azure) and its password. Having successfully signed in there, I was able to continue working as usual.
This was roughly based on guidance I found in this Microsoft Technet discussion.
Same here with Visual Studio 2015. I did logout user from visual studio and log in again and problem went away for good.
I recently received the same error after deploying an app to Azure and trying to connect to a DB server I had launched. When you first create an account, MS gives you a default active directory where you're sign in account is assigned the role of global administrator. You need to create a user account for this directory and use these credentials to sign in (different from signing into Visual Studio, you're providing credentials to access something on Azure).
In the Azure Portal, open up Active Directory and click on the default directory (or whichever one your project lives in). Go to the Users tab and select "Add User" from the panel at the bottom of the window. For "Type of User" select "New user in your organization", fill in the rest of the details and create the account. You get a temporary password and an awkward username. Now if you refresh server explorer you should be able to enter these credentials (and get prompted to enter a new password).
Just wanted to inform all of you that I had the same problem. Since this Sunday it disappeared magically on my VS 2013 Update 4 on all my machines. Here are my experiences:
Last week I had to re-enter my subscription after any VS-restart.
Sunday I opened VS and I was asked to reenter my VS-credentials in the upper-right corner.
I did not reenter my VS-credentials but simply expanded "Azure" in the Server Explorer and then expanded "SQL Databases" which led to the login-prompt formerly. Now the "Server Explorer" acted as expected.
I thought that the missing VS-login was the solution but I was wrong. Even with my VS logged on I know can restart the Studio as many times I want -> it works.
To ensure this I did several restarts of my machine too.
This is a stuff up on Microsoft's side, just replace your email address with one that isn't linked already and it will work.
To fix it: Use your a different email address with the same account through visual studio.

"Run as different user" Visual Studio, cannot clear cached TFS credentials

I managed to solve it by getting my user granted permissions to remotely connect to the desktop using credential set 2 and thus being able to remove the stored credentials from Credential Manager.
I log onto my server with one set of credentials and open Visual Studio 2012 using "Run as different user" (Shift + Right-click) as I need a second set of credentials to deploy to my dev. env. SharePoint site.
I have previously done above and then connected to TFS using a third set of credentials, as the my user (second set credentials) didn't have access yet. Now my user have access and I wish to use these credentials instead.
TFS automatically logs me in with the third set credentials every time I open VS using "Run as different user" - However, if I open VS normally without using "Run as different user" I get prompted for login to the TFS.
I have tried checking the Windows credentials and there is nothing there. And I can't log onto the server using the second set credentials as only the first set can access the server with Remote Desktop.
So how do I "clear" cached TFS credentials when using "Run as different user"?
Go to control panel > User Accounts > Manage Your Credentials > select your Team foundation Server and choose remove/edit - viola! Next time you go into Team Explorer you will be prompted for a new set of credentials.
You can try clearing the cache manually here:
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache
You could also try using the /profile parameter and specifying the username's profile when you run it.
Runas /profile /user:[DOMAIN]\[administrator] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
For me it was not username/PASSWORD, but the cached username that was the issue. And that IS stored in VersionControl.config in the cache. Whacking just that file was enough to get TFS to stop trying to connect with the old email.
I ran into this issue as well, but clearing out the AppData settings didn't help.
I had created a console application to connect to TFS and it prompted me for credentials the first time I ran it. After that, the credentials were stored and would supersede any other credentials I provided. I finally figured out that VS had added a registry entry in:
Deleting the key worked, but I also discovered that one can accomplish the same programmatically:
var clientCredentails = new VssClientCredentialStorage();
// URI of the target TFS server
var tfsUri = new Uri("https://[username]");
// Find the cached credentials
var federatedCredentials = clientCredentails.RetrieveToken(tfsUri, VssCredentialsType.Federated);
// Remove the credentials from the cache
clientCredentails.RemoveToken(tfsUri, federatedCredentials);
I had a similar problem where I needed to log into a local TFS as another account than my Windows account (found in Active Directory which TFS is connected to) - but I could not see any credentials in the manager.
The solution was to disconnect inside VS (Menu Team->Disconnect).
Then create a Windows account in the Credentials Manager with the same user as my Windows user - but with a password that is incorrect. The URL/server was just "tfs" (no port etc).
When I start VS it fails the login to TFS and asks for correct password and username too. Then I can change this to another user and VS default to this the next time.
