How to select a random Entry on a tkinter canvas? - python-3.x

I'm making a simple sudoku generator, and have got 81 different entries (e1, e2, e3, e4 ... etc).
I would like to know if there is any way to select a random entry to insert a number into.
So kind of like this:
num = randint(0, 81)
entry = "e" + str(num)
With the above code you get an error saying
str object has no attribute 'insert'
which makes sense, but is there any way to 'convert' a string to a variable name?
Thanks in advance.

Store the entries in a list, then use random.choice to pick one of the entries.
entries = []
for i in range 81:
entry = tk.Entry(...)
random_entry = random.choice(entries)


Is there any way to pass letters to this library expecting a tuple?

I'm pulling data from google sheet columns like so:
latitude = list(map(float, wks.col_values(3)[1:]))
longitude = list(map(float, wks.col_values(4)[1:]))
name = list(map(float, wks.col_values(2)[1:]))
I use this loop to access my list:
for x,y in enumerate(latitude):
gmap.marker(latitude[x], longitude[x], title=name[x])
name will only pass if the cells contain numbers only. If I have a single letter anywhere in any column, my map is never generated. I don't even see an error. I'm using gmplot to generate my .html map. Is there any way to get text to pass here?
name = (wks.col_values(2)[1:])
doesn't need to be a float. :|

Return the reference of Tkinter control variable

I am not an experienced programmer so advance apologies if I am asking a basic question. I am using a for loop to print tkinter Entries and trying to return the reference of these Entries to the calling function. But when I try to get the text typed in the entry it always returns empty string? So my question is whether it is possible to return the reference of the control variable in python ? or I am using a wrong approach?
def data_entry_txtfield(self,rn,cn,pu,pd):
# Creates the Entry to enter data - rn is the row and cn is column
# pd and pu are padding up and padding down
entry = tk.StringVar()
return entry
tbtlocationentry = self.data_entry_txtfield(9,4,0,12)
text = tbtlocationentry.get()
There are a lot of errors in this code like the bottom line your using self.data_entry_txtfield to call the function but you dont need the self. unless your using in a class. Also the entry needs a variable name to be able to change stuff inside it. I've fixed some errors and here is the code
def data_entry_txtfield(self,rn,cn,pu,pd):
# Creates the Entry to enter data - rn is the row and cn is column
# pd and pu are padding up and padding down
entry = tk.StringVar()
ety = tk.Entry(self.inputlab,width=32,bg=entrycolor,textvariable=entry)
return entry
tbtlocationentry = self.data_entry_txtfield(9,4,0,12)
text = tbtlocationentry.get()
I've left in the self. because i'm assuming your using this inside a class

Look up a number inside a list within a pandas cell, and return corresponding string value from a second DF

(I've edited the first column name in the labels_df for clarity)
I have two DataFrames, train_df and labels_df. train_df has integers that map to attribute names in the labels_df. I would like to look up each number within a given train_df cell and return in the adjacent cell, the corresponding attribute name from the labels_df.
So fore example, the first observation in train_df has attribute_ids of 147, 616 and 813 which map to (in the labels_df) culture::french, tag::dogs, tag::men. And I would like to place those strings inside one cell on the same row as the corresponding integers.
I've tried variations of the function below but fear I am wayyy off:
def my_mapping(df1, df2):
tags = df1['attribute_ids']
for i in tags.iteritems():
df1['new_col'] = df2.iloc[i]
return df1
The data are originally from two csv files:
I tried this from #Danny :
sample_train_df['attribute_ids'].apply(lambda x: [sample_labels_df[sample_labels_df['attribute_name'] == i]
['attribute_id_num'] for i in x])
*please note - I am running the above code on samples of each DF due to run times on the original DFs.
which returned:
I hope this is what you are looking for. i am sure there's a much more efficient way using look up.
df['new_col'] = df['attribute_ids'].apply(lambda x: [labels_df[labels_df['attribute_id'] == i]['attribute_name'] for i in x])
This is super ugly and one day, hopefully sooner than later, i'll be able to accomplish this task in an elegant fashion though, until then, this is what got me the result I need.
split train_df['attribute_ids'] into their own cell/column
helper_df = train_df['attribute_ids'].str.split(expand=True)
combine train_df with the helper_df so I have the id column (they are photo id's)
train_df2 = pd.concat([train_df, helper_df], axis=1)
drop the original attribute_ids column
train_df2.drop(columns = 'attribute_ids', inplace=True)
rename the new columns
train_df2.rename(columns = {0:'attr1', 1:'attr2', 2:'attr3', 3:'attr4', 4:'attr5', 5:'attr6',
6:'attr7', 7:'attr8', 8:'attr9', 9:'attr10', 10:'attr11'})
convert the labels_df into a dictionary
def create_file_mapping(df):
mapping = dict()
for i in range(len(df)):
name, tags = df['attribute_id_num'][i], df['attribute_name'][i]
mapping[str(name)] = tags
return mapping
map and replace the tag numbers with their corresponding tag names
train_df3 = train_df2.applymap(lambda s: my_map.get(s) if s in my_map else s)
create a new column of the observations tags in a list of concatenated values
helper1['new_col'] = helper1[helper1.columns[0:10]].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.astype(str)), axis = 1)

Write values from Pandas DataFrame columns into tkinter TreeView/Table Columns

I want to write values from a dataframe into a tkinter treeview/Table, I am not able to do this.
my code:
#Setting up tkinter window.
root = Tk()
tree = ttk.Treeview(root)
#taking file input through a dialog box from the user.
file = filedialog.askopenfile(parent=root,mode='rb',title='Choose a xlsx file')
#readinf the excel file selected by the user and then creating a dataframe of that file.
xls = pd.read_excel(file)
df = pd.DataFrame(xls)
#taking all the columns heading in a variable"df_col".
df_col = df.columns.values
#all the column name are generated dynamically.
counter = len(df)
#generating for loop to create columns and give heading to them through df_col var.
for x in range(len(df_col)):
tree.column(x, width=100 )
tree.heading(x, text=df_col[x])
#generating for loop to print values of dataframe in treeview column.
for i in range(counter):
tree.insert('', 0, values=(df[df_col[x]]][i]))
It is not printing the columns and showing the KeyError:0.
Output Required:
The first argument of tree.column() should be the column name, which you assigned with:
The problem is that you have named the columns using a string, but you are attempting to access them using integers in:
for x in range(len(df_col)):
tree.column(x, width=100 )
tree.heading(x, text=df_col[x])
Above, you are attempting to access tree.columns(0), instead of tree.columns('Company'), hence the key error.
Try instead:
for x in range(len(df_col)):
tree.column(df_col[x], width=100)
tree.heading(df_col[x], text=df_col[x])
Note that df_col is an ndarray, not a dataframe, which is why df_col[x] works correctly (df[x] would give a key error). This is because df.columns.values returns an ndarray. As a side note, it may be a bit confusing to name an ndarray df_col.
There are also a few issues with your insert. The second argument should correspond to the index of the entry you wish to address. One solution is then to use a row index as the second argument, followed by a row label as text="rowLabel", followed by a list of values for the row:
tree.insert('', i, text=rowLabels[i], values=df.iloc[i,:].tolist())
Where rowLabels should be defined as whatever you want to use in the first column of the table. I would suggest using an index column from the spreadsheet here, if possible. It could be defined by:
rowLabels = df.iloc[:,indexColumn].tolist()
rowLabels = df.index.tolist()
The latter is viable if df has named indices defined by a column during the spreadsheet import. In the former, indexColumn is an int referring to a column number in df that contains unique identifiers.
The option values=df.iloc[i,:].tolist() converts all columns of the ith row into a list, and, since we have passed an index value (the second argument) that gets larger, the call will insert a new row every loop (from the python tkinter docs entry on Treeview --> insert: "if index is greater than or equal to the current number of children, it is inserted at the end").
Finally, I am not sure if you did not post the end of your code, but, in order for the tree to show up, you will also need to use pack, grid, etc.
tree.grid(row=0, column=0)
This helpful example makes a few of the steps clear:
As I was reading over your code. I noticed at the end line you have an extra bracket #:
for i in range(counter):
tree.insert('', 0, values=(df[df_col[x]]][i]))
I would assume that would explain the KeyError.

Openpyxl: Manipulation of cell values

I'm trying to pull cell values from an excel sheet, do math with them, and write the output to a new sheet. I keep getting an ErrorType. I've run the code successfully before, but just added this aspect of it, thus code has been distilled to below:
import openpyxl
#set up ws from file, and ws_out write to new file
def get_data():
first = 0
second = 0
for x in range (1, 1000):
if ws.cell(row=x, column=1).value == 'string':
for y in range (1, 10): #Only need next ten rows after 'string'
ws_out.cell(row=y, column=1).value = ws.cell(row=x+y, column=1).value
second = first #displaces first -> second
first = ws.cell(row=x+y, column=1).value/100 #new value for first
difference = first - second
ws_out.cell(row=x+y+1, column=1).value = difference #add to output
Throws a TypeError message:
first = ws.cell(row=x+y, column=1).value)/100
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'int'
I assume this is referring to the ws.cell value and 100, respectively, so I've also tried:
first = int(ws.cell(row=x, column=1))/100 #also tried with float
Which raises:
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number
I've confirmed that every cell in the column is made up of numbers only. Additionally, openpyxl's cell.data_type returns 'n' (presumably for number as far as I can tell by the documentation).
I've also tested more simple math, and have the same error.
All of my searching seems to point to openpyxl normally behaving like this. Am I doing something wrong, or is this simply a limitation of the module? If so, are there any programmatic workarounds?
As a bonus, advice on writing code more succinctly would be much appreciated. I'm just beginning, and feel there must be a cleaner way to write an ideas like this.
Python 3.3, openpyxl-1.6.2, Windows 7
cfi's answer helped me figure it out, although I used a slightly different workaround. On inspection of the originating file, there was one empty cell (which I had missed earlier). Since I will be re-using this code later on columns with more sporadic empty cells, I used:
if ws.cell(row=x+r, column=40).data_type == 'n':
second = first #displaces first -> second
first = ws.cell(row=x+y, column=1).value/100 #new value for first
difference = first - second
ws_out.cell(row=x+y+1, column=1).value = difference #add to output
Thus, if a specified cell was empty, it was ignored and skipped.
Are you 100% sure (=have verified) that all the cells you are accessing actually hold a value? (Edit: Do a print("dbg> cell value of {}, {} is {}".format(row, 1, ws.cell(row=row, column=1).value)) to verify content)
Instead of going through a fixed range(1,1000) I'd recomment to use openpyxl introspection methods to iterate over existing rows. E.g.:
for ws in wb.worksheets:
for row in ws.rows:
for cell in row: value = cell.value
When getting the values do not forget to extract the .value attribute:
first = ws.cell(row=x+y, column=1).value/100 #new value for first
As a general note: x, and y are useful variable names for 2D coordinates. Don't use them both for rows. It will mislead others who have to read the code. Instead of x you could use start_row or row_offset or something similar. Instead of y you could just use row and you could let it start with the first index being the start_row+1.
Some example code (untested):
def get_data():
first = 0
second = 0
for start_row in range (1, ws.rows):
if ws.cell(row=start_row, column=1).value == 'string':
for row in range (start_row+1, start_row+10):
ws_out.cell(row=start_row, column=1).value = ws.cell(row=row, column=1)
second = first
first = ws.cell(row=row, column=1).value/100
difference = first - second
ws_out.cell(row=row+1, column=1).value = difference
Now with this code I still don't understand what you are trying to achieve. Is the break indented correctly? If yes, the first time you are matching string, the outer loop will be quit by the break. Then, what is the point of the variables first and second?
Edit: Also ensure that your reading from and writing into cell().value not just cell().
