Snowflake ODBC to Excel, errors on field names containing spaces - excel

We have a highly complex set of tables, with nested views that eventually feed a series of dashboards on a Tableau server. The base view uses "as" clauses on some data fields to create fields with spaces in the field name (i.e.somefieldname as "Some Field Name"). Later views use the * wildcard to retrieve all values. Tableau is able to handle it.
The problem is now users want to access those final views in Excel.
We set up an ODBC connection on their workstations and when they pull the data from one of the final views. However, the fields that contain blanks in the field names show as errors and are blank in the resulting worksheet. I'm trying to build a view on that final view and use "as" clauses to remove the spaces in the field names, but haven't been able to find the proper SQL syntax for the source field. I've tried brackets but that didn't work.
Would we be better off trying Power BI? Our data management people are just getting started with it; I haven't seen it yet but will be tomorrow.
Thanks in advance for any tips you can provide!

Creating a view on top of your final view with renamed columns is probably your easiest solution. The SQL syntax for selecting from a column that has been created with spaces (more generally: a column that has been created with " around its field name/s) is to put the column in double quotes (") when you select from it. Here is an example:
-- Create a sample table. The first column contains spaces and capitals
create or replace table test_table
"Column with Spaces" varchar, -- A column created with quotes around it means that you can put anything into the field name. Including spaces & funky characters
col_without_spaces varchar
-- Insert some sample data
insert overwrite into test_table
values ('row1 col1', 'row1 col2'),
('row2 col1', 'row2 col2');
-- Create a view that renames columns
create or replace view test_view as
"Column with Spaces" as col_1, -- But now you have to select it like this since the spaces and capital letters have been treated literally in the create table statement
col_without_spaces as col_2
from test_table
-- Select from the view
select * from test_view;
|COL_1 |COL2 |
|row1 col1|row1 col2|
|row2 col1|row2 col2|


How to fix the SQL query in databricks if column name has bracket in it

I have a file which has data like this , I have converted that file into a databricks table.
Select * from myTable
Product[key] Product[name]
123 Mobile
345 television
456 laptop
I want to query my table for laptop data.
I am using below query
Select * from myTable where Product[name]='laptop'
I am getting below error in databricks:
AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'Product' given input columns:
When certain characters appear in column names of a table in SQL, you get a parse exception. These characters include brackets, dots (.), hyphens (-), etc. So, when such characters appear in column names, we need an escape character to parse these characters just as a part of column name.
For SQL in Databricks, this character is Backtick (`). Enclosing your column name in backticks ensures that your column name is parsed correctly as it is even when it includes characters like ‘[]’ (In this case).
Since you have converted a file data into Databricks table, you were not able to see the main problem which is parsing the column name. If you manually create a table with specified schema in Databricks, you will get the following result:
Once you use Backtick in the following way, using the column name would not be a problem anymore.
create table mytable(`Product[key]` integer, `Product[name]` varchar(20))
select * from mytable where `Product[name]`='laptop'

Power query nested table

I have xml file that i need to process. My output look like this :
In the nested table there is only one value but i cant figure out how to ungroup them.
Add a column and insert the following M (replacing with whatever your column name actually is).
if [] is table then Record.ToList([]{0}){0} else []

Is there a workaround for the maximum length of an ODBCConnection.CommandText string in VBA?

I have a VBA script that generates a query string for a SAP HANA ODBC Connection in Excel. The query is determined by user inputs and can vary greatly in length. The query itself uses many versions of a similar query appended to one another using UNION ALL syntax.
The script sometimes throws a runtime error when trying to refresh. From my research, it has become clear that the reason for this is that the CommandText string exceeds a maximum allowed length of 32,767 (
I wondered whether there is a workaround for this, other than using a stored procedure (I am not against this if there is a way to create a stored procedure at runtime then execute it, but I cannot use a predefined stored procedure as my query is always different hence the need for VBA to create it)
Some more info about the dynamic query in VBA:
Column names, as well as parameters, are created dynamically and can be different every time
The query uses groups of lists of product numbers to generate an IN statement for each product group, then sums the sales for those products under the name of the group. These are then all UNION'd together to create one table with grouped records
Example of user input:
Example of resulting query:
SELECT GEND "Gender", 'Attribute 1' "Attribute", SUM(UNITS) "Units", SUM(VAL) "Value", SUM(MARGIN) "Margin"
WHERE PRODUCT IN ('12345', '23456', '34567', '45678')
WHERE PRODUCT IN ('01234', '02345', '03456', '03567')
ORDER BY "Gender", "Attribute"
...and so on.
As you can see, with 2 attribute groups containing 4 products each there is no problem, but when we get to about 30 with several hundred each, it could be too long.
Note: I have tried things like shortening field references in the repeated parts of the query string to 1 character etc. which helps but does not solve the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One workaround is to send multiple queries. Since you are using union all, you could execute every time single select statement, i.e.
create table in (for example) master database (don't create temporary tables! as they will be dropped after every query) - but before that, make sure you create new table, so delete old one if exists (also drop the table after you are done with it). Now every single select statement you'll change to insert statement, which will insert records to your so-called temporary table.
This way, you'll avoid lengthy queries, you'll just send single insert .. into.. select statements.
At the end, to get all results, you just need simple select query. After getting this data, you should drop that table, as it's no longer needed.

How to delete a row in cql based on Set<text> content

I have a Cassandra table and one column is defined as Set<text>. I want to delete rows that contain specific elements in that set.
For example if the table had a column names contained random values like ["Alice","Bob","Eve"],
I want a command to delete all the rows that contain the word Eve.
If namewas of type text then the command would go something like:
delete from keyspace.table where name='Eve';
however that does not work since name is not text but Set<text>. What would be an equivalent command here?
delete from keyspace.table where name CONTAINS 'Eve';
however you need to have secondary index on name column.

Excel 2010 - filter pivot table by pattern

in Excel 2010 I am trying to analyze some data from an external analysis service.
In a pivot table I am trying to filter the report by one field which has multiple values separated by a comma. These look like this:
AB, CD1, EF1-5
AB, CD1,3, EF1
So as you can see, there are hundreds of values in any possible order and no fixed scheme.
What I'm trying to achieve is to select all the fields which have a key beginning with an E (EF1-5, EF1, EFG, EXG, ...) and those beginning with H. These literals are never part of another key, so I could imagine using wildcards and creating a filter pattern like
*E* OR *H*
contains(E) || contains(H)
or equal.
Is there any way to do this?
With best regards,
edit: I've tried selecting some of the Keys manually by deselecting all and searching e.g. for EF1-5 to select them. But even then there are more than 10000 Keys with EF1-5 at different locations. So I can't even select them all. The plan was to create two or more pivot tables and merge the results.
Go to the drop down filter that you have in the pivot table, click on Select Multiple Items and deselect ALL. Then in the search bar (again at the pivot table filter) write *e* and select add current selection to filter. Repeat for *h*.
Do not forget to select add current selection to filter in both cases.
