How to optimize mongodb insert query in nodejs? - node.js

We are doing manipulation and insertion of data in mongo db. So for single insert in mongo db it is taking 28ms. I have to insert 2 times per request. At a time, if I get 6000 requests, I have to insert each data individually and it takes lot more time. How can I optimize this? Kindly help me on this.
var obj = new gnModel({
id: data.EID,
val: data.MID,
let response = await insertIntoMongo(gnModel);

If it is not vital for the data to be stored immediately, you can implement some form of batching.
For example, you can have a service which queues operations and commits them to the database every X seconds. In the service itself, you can use mongo's Bulk and more specifically for insertion: Bulk.insert(). It lets you queue operations to be executed as a single query(or at least minimal amount of queries/round trips).
It would also be a good idea to serialize and store this operation log/cache somewhere, as server restart will wipe it out if it is stored entirely in memory. A possible solution is Redis as it can both persist data to disk and is also distributed thus enabling you to queue operations from different application instances.
You'll achieve even better performance if the operations are unrelated and not dependent on each other. In this case you can use db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp() which will allow mongo to execute the operations in parallel instead of sequentially and a single operation fail won't affect the execution of the rest of the set(contrary to OrderedBulkOp).


Firestore Query performance issue on Firebase Cloud Functions

I am facing timeout issues on a firebase https function so I decided to optimize each line of code and realized that a single query is taking about 10 seconds to complete.
let querySnapshot = await admin.firestore()
The enrollment collection has about 23k documents, totaling approximately 6MB.
To my understanding, since the https function is running on a cloud function stateless server, it should not suffer from the query result size. Both Firestore and Cloud Functions are running on the same region (us-central). Yet 10 seconds is indeed a high interval of time for executing such a simple query that results in a small snapshot size.
An interesting fact is that later in the code I update those 23k documents back with a new field using Bulk Writter and it takes less than 3 seconds to run bulkWriter.commit().
Another fact is that the https function is not returning any of the query results to the client, so there shouldn't be any "downloading" time affecting the function performance.
Why on earth does it take 3x longer to read values from a collection than writing to it? I always thought Firestore architecture was meant for apps with high reading rates rather than writing.
Is there anything you would propose to optimize this?
When we perform the get(), a query is created to all document snapshots and the results are returned. These results are fetched sequentially within a single execution, i.e. the list is returned and parsed sequentially until all documents have been listed.
While the data may be small, are there any subcollections? This may add some additional latency as the API fetches and parses subcollections.
Updating the fields with a bulk writer update is over 3x the speed because the bulkwriter operation is performed in parallel and is queued based upon Promises. This allows many more operations per second.
The best way to optimize listing all documents is summarised in this link, and Google’s recommendation follows the same guideline being to use an index for faster queries and to use multiple readers that fetch the documents in parallel.

Synchronicity of Azure stored procedures [duplicate]

Can documentDb stored procedures run in parallel and update the same object? Will documentDb process them sequentially?
Consider the following scenario.
I have an app and I have 10000 coins to give away to my users when they complete a task. And I have the following object
remainingPoints: 10000
I have a stored procedure that subtracts 10 points from this object and adds them to the users' points.
Now lets say 10 users complete the task at the same time and I call the stored procedure 10 times at the same time, will DocDb execute them sequentially? Or will I have to execute the stored procedures sequentially?
I had similar questions when I first started using DocumentDB and got good answers here and in email from the DocumentDB product managers. Quoting:
Stored procedures ... get an isolated snapshot of the database for transactional support. The snapshot reflects the current state of the world (no stale data) at the time the sproc begins execution (strongly consistent).
Caveat – since stored procedures are operating on a snapshot, you can still get a stale read in a sproc if a new write come in from the outside world during execution.
Also, stored procedures will ALWAYS read their owns writes.
Sprocs are DocumentDB’s mechanism for multi-document transactions. Sproc writes are committed when a sproc successfully complete execution. If an exception is thrown, all work done in a sproc gets rolled back.
So if two are sprocs are running concurrently, they won’t see eachother’s writes.
If both sprocs happen to write to the same document (replace) – then the 2nd one will fail due to an etag mismatch when it attempts to commit writes.
From that, I went forward with my design making sure to use ETags in my writes as #Julian suggests. I also automatically retry up to 3 times each sproc execution to handle the case where they fail due to parallel operations among other reasons. In practice, I've never exceed the 3 retries (except in cases where my sproc had a bug) and I rarely even get a single retry.
I assume from the behavior that I observe that it sends each new sproc execution to a different replica until it runs out of replicas and then it queues them for sequential execution, so it's a hybrid of parallel and serial execution.
One other tip that I learned through experimentation is that you are better off doing pure read operations (no writes and no significant aggregation) client-side rather than in a sproc when you are on a heavily loaded system. I assume the advantage is because DocumentDB can satisfy different reads from different replicas in parallel. I have modularized my sproc code using the expandScript functionality of documentdb-utils to make sure that I use the exact same code for write validation, intra-document consistency, and derived fields both client-side and server-side, which is possible using node.js. Even if you are mostly .NET, you may want to use expandScripts to build your sprocs in a modular DRY way. You'll still need to run node.js in your build process to pre-process your sprocs or use Edge.NET (node running inside of .NET) to do so on the fly.
It will depend on the consistency you have choose for your collection. But the idea is that DocumentDb handle concurrency using etag and executes stored procedure on a snapshot of a document version, and commit the result only if the execution succeed.
This thread may help too: Atomically increment an integer in a document in Azure DocumentDB

How to run multiple queries in Scylla using "Non Atomic" Batch/Pipeline

I understand that Scylla allows batch statements like these.
<insert-stmt>/ <update-stmt>/ <delete-stmt>
These statements have performance implications as it ensures atomicity. However, I simply have many insert statements which I want to perform from my node client in a single IO. Atomicity among these inserts is not needed. Any idea how I can do that? Can't find anything.
Batching multiple inserts in Cassandra world usually is an antipattern (except when they go into one partition, see the docs). When you're sending inserts into multiple partitions in one batch, the coordinator node will need to take care for taking data from this batch and sending them to nodes that are owning the data. And this puts an additional load onto the coordinating node that first needs to backup the content of the batch just not to lose it if it crashes in the middle of execution, and then need to execute all operations, and wait for results of execution before sending it back to caller (see this diagram to understand how so-called logged batch works).
When you don't need atomicity, then the best performance would be by sending multiple parallel inserts, and waiting for their execution - it will be faster, it will put less load onto nodes, and driver can use token-aware load balancing policy, so requests will be sent to nodes that own data (if you're using prepared statements). In node.js you can achieve this by using Concurrent Execution API - there are several variants of its usage, so it's better to look into the documentation to select what is best for your use case.

DocumentDB: How to run a query without timing out

I am new to the documentDb. I wrote a stored procedure that checks all records and update them under certain circumstances.
Current scenario:
It would run 100 records at a time, updates them and after running few times( taking 100 records at a time and updating) it is timing out.
Run the script on all the records without timing out.
The document has close to a million records. So, running the same script multiple times manually is not a the way I am looking for.
Can anyone please advise me how I can achieve that?
tl;dr; Keep calling the sproc with the query continuation token being passed back and forth.
A few thoughts:
There is no capacity of RUs for collections that will allow you to do all million in one call to the sproc.
Sprocs run in isolation on a single replica. This means that they can be transactional but their use will have lower throughput than a regular query that can use all replicas to satisfy the request, so unless you need it to be in a sproc, I recommend using direct queries for reads that don't need to be transactional with writes. Even then, with a million documents, your queries will max out and you'll have to run the query again with a continuation token.
If you must use a sproc... As you are probably aware since you have done the 100 at a time thing, each query returns a continuation token. You can actually add that to the package that you send back from your sproc when it times out. Then you can pass that back into another call to the same sproc and write your sproc to pick up where you left off. The documentdb-utils library for node.js automatically re-calls the sproc until done as long as you follow this pattern for writing your sprocs. If you are using node.js, you could use that (but it has not yet been upgraded to support partitioned collections) or you could write the equivalent in whatever platform you are using.

Bulk operation by mongoose

I want to store bulk data (more than 1000 or 10000 records) in a single operation by MongoOSE. But MongoOSE does not support bulk operations so I will use the native driver (MongoDB, for insertion). I know that I will bypass all MongoOSE middlewares but its ok. (Please correct me If I am wrong! :) )
I have an option to store data by insert method. But MongoDB also provides Bulk class (ordered and unordered operations). Now I have the following questions:
Difference between insert and bulk operation (both can store bulk data) ?
Any specific difference between initializeUnorderedBulkOp() (performs operation in serially) and initializeOrderedBulkOp() (performs operations in parallel) ?
If I will use initializeUnorderedBulkOp then it will effect on by range search or any side-effects ?
Can I do it by Promisification (by BlueBird) ?? (I am trying to do it.)
EDIT: I am talking about bulk vs insert regarding to multiple insertions. Which one is better? Insertion one by one by bulk builder OR insertion by batches (1000) in insert method. I hope now it will clear Mongoose (mongodb) batch insert? this link
If you are calling this from a mongoose model you need the .collection accessor
var bulk = Model.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
// examples
bulk.insert({ "a": 1 });
bulk.find({ "a": 1 }).updateOne({ "$set": { "a": 2 } });
bulk.execute(function(err,result) {
// result contains stats of the operations
You need to be "careful" when doing this though. Apart from not being bound to the same checks and validation that can be attached to mongoose schemas, when you call .collection you need to be "sure" that the connection to the database has already been made. Mongoose methods look after this for you, but once you use the underlying driver methods you are all on your own.
As for diffferences it's all there in the naming:
Ordered: Means that the batched instructions are executed in the same order they are added. They execute one after the other in sequence and one at a time. If an error occurs at any point, the execution of the batch is halted and the error response returned. All operations up until then are "comitted". This is not a rollback.
UnOrdered: Means that batched operations can execute in "any" sequence and often in parallel. This can lead to faster updates, but of course cannot be used where one bulk operation in the batch is meant to occur before another ( example above ). Any errors that occur are merely "reported" in the result, and the whole batch will complete as sent to the server.
Of course the core difference for either type of execution from the standard methods is that the "whole batch" ( actually in lots of 1000 maximum ) is sent to the server and you only get one response back. This saves network traffic and waiting for each idividual .insert() or other like operation to complete.
As for can a "promise" be used, well anything else with a callback that you can convert to returning a promise follows the same rules as here. Remember though that the "callback/promise" is on the .execute() method, and that what you get back complies to the rules of what is returned from Bulk operations results.
For more information see "Bulk" in the core documentation.
