type error in functions to run point in polygon query on RAPIDS - python-3.x

I want to create a point in polygon query for 14million NYC taxi trips and find out which of the 263 taxi zones the trips were located.
I want to the code on RAPIDS cuspatial. I read a few forums and posts, and came across cuspatial polygon limitations that users can only perform queries on 32 polygons in each run. So I did the following to split my polygons in batches.
This is my taxi zone polygon file
(0 0
1 1
2 34
3 35
4 36
258 348
259 349
260 350
261 351
262 353
Name: f_pos, Length: 263, dtype: int32,
0 0
1 232
2 1113
3 1121
4 1137
349 97690
350 97962
351 98032
352 98114
353 98144
Name: r_pos, Length: 354, dtype: int32,
x y
0 933100.918353 192536.085697
1 932771.395560 191317.004138
2 932693.871591 191245.031174
3 932566.381345 191150.211914
4 932326.317026 190934.311748
... ... ...
98187 996215.756543 221620.885314
98188 996078.332519 221372.066989
98189 996698.728091 221027.461362
98190 997355.264443 220664.404123
98191 997493.322715 220912.386162
[98192 rows x 2 columns])
There are 263 polygons/ taxi zones in total - I want to do queries in 24 batches and 11 polygons in each iteration.
def create_iterations(start, end, batches):
iterations = list(np.arange(start, end, batches))
return iterations
pip_iterations = create_iterations(0, 264, 24)
#loop to do point in polygon query in a table
def perform_pip(cuda_df, cuspatial_data, polygon_name, iter_batch):
cuda_df['borough'] = " "
for i in range(len(iter_batch)-1):
start = pip_iterations[i]
end = pip_iterations[i+1]
pip = cuspatial.point_in_polygon(cuda_df['pickup_longitude'], cuda_df['pickup_latitude'],
cuspatial_data[0][start:end], #poly_offsets
cuspatial_data[1], #poly_ring_offsets
cuspatial_data[2]['x'], #poly_points_x
cuspatial_data[2]['y'] #poly_points_y
for i in pip.columns:
cuda_df['borough'].loc[pip[i]] = polygon_name[i]
return cuda_df
When I ran the function I received a type error. I wonder what might cause the issue?
pip_pickup = perform_pip(cutaxi, cusptaxizone, pip_iterations)
TypeError: perform_pip() missing 1 required positional argument: 'iter_batch'

It seems like you are passing in cutaxi for cuda_df, cusptaxizone for cuspatial_data and pip_iterations for polygon_name variable in perform_pip function. There is no variable/value passed for iter_batch defined in perform_pip function:
def perform_pip(cuda_df, cuspatial_data, polygon_name, iter_batch):
Hence, you get the above error which states that iter_batch is missing. As stated in the above comment as well you are not passing the right number of parameters for perform_pip function.
If you edit your code to pass in the right number of variables to perform_pip function the above mentioned error :
TypeError: perform_pip() missing 1 required positional argument: 'iter_batch'
would be resolved.


PyTorch error isDifferentiableType(variable.scalar_type()) for calculating det of a complex matrix

Following up this post
When I want to use complex_det function to calculate det of a complex matrix I face this error:
RuntimeError: isDifferentiableType(variable.scalar_type()) INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/pytorch/torch/csrc/autograd/functions/utils.h":59, please report a bug to PyTorch.
any idea how I can fix it?
<ipython-input-76-246d142f8871> in complex_det(A)
3 return torch.view_as_complex(torch.stack((A.real.diag(), A.imag.diag()),dim=1))
4 #Perform LU decomposition to matrix A:
----> 5 A_LU, pivots = A.lu()
6 P, A_L, A_U = torch.lu_unpack(A_LU, pivots)
7 #Det. of multiplied matrices is multiplcation of det.:
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/tensor.py in lu(self, pivot, get_infos)
332 r"""See :func:`torch.lu`"""
333 # If get_infos is True, then we don't need to check for errors and vice versa
--> 334 LU, pivots, infos = torch._lu_with_info(self, pivot=pivot, check_errors=(not get_infos))
335 if get_infos:
336 return LU, pivots, infos

Find the shortest paths between connected nodes (csv files)

I'm trying to find the longest shortest path(s) between 2 counties. I was given 2 .txt files, one with all of the nodes (county ID, population, latitude and longitude, and commuters inside the county) and one with the links (source county, destination county, distance, number of commuters).
01001 43671 32.523283 -86.577176 7871
01003 140415 30.592781 -87.748260 45208
01005 29038 31.856515 -85.331312 8370
01007 20826 33.040054 -87.123243 3199
01009 51024 33.978461 -86.554768 8966
01011 11714 32.098285 -85.704915 2237
01013 21399 31.735884 -86.662232 5708
01015 112249 33.741989 -85.817544 39856
01017 36583 32.891233 -85.288745 9281
01019 23988 34.184158 -85.621930 4645
01021 39593 32.852554 -86.689982 8115
01023 15922 32.027681 -88.257855 3472
01025 27867 31.688155 -87.834164 7705
01001 01001 0 7871
01001 01007 76.8615966430995 7
01001 01013 87.9182871130127 37
01001 01015 152.858742124667 5
01001 01021 38.1039665382023 350
01001 01031 140.051395101308 8
01001 01037 57.6726084645634 12
01001 01047 48.517875245493 585
01001 01051 38.9559472915165 741
01001 01053 169.524277177911 5
01001 01059 245.323879285783 7
01001 01065 102.775324022097 2
01001 01073 114.124721221283 142
01003 48439 932.019063970525 9
01003 53033 3478.13978129133 11
01003 54081 997.783781484149 10
01005 01005 0.000134258785931453 8370
01005 01011 44.3219329413987 72
01005 01021 168.973302699063 7
The first file with the nodes is called "THE_NODES.txt" and the second is "THE_LINKS.txt".
How would I use python code to find the longest shortest path(s) between any of the two counties? I assume I start with making a graph of the network, and since the second file has the connections, use 'THE_LINKS.txt' for the edges(I don't know if the weights would be the distance?)? Also, I think these files can only be read as a csv (correct me if I'm wrong), so I can't (or don't know how to) use networkx for this problem.
You can use the read_table function with | separator to read .txt files
node = pd.read_table('node.txt', sep='|', header=None)
links = pd.read_table('links.txt', sep='|', header=None)
Then you need to find the location of countries ( please refer this link : How to select rows from a DataFrame based on column values? ). Then you have to calculate the distance between the countries.
What have you tried so far ? Include that too.

Parsing error when reading a specific Pajek (NET) file with Networkx into Jupyter

I am trying to reading this pajek file in Google Colab's version of Jupyter and I get an error when executing the following very simple code:
J = nx.MultiDiGraph()
The error is the following:
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/networkx/readwrite/pajek.py in parse_pajek(lines)
211 except AttributeError:
212 splitline = shlex.split(str(l))
--> 213 id, label = splitline[0:2]
214 labels.append(label)
215 G.add_node(label)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
With pip show networkx, I see that I'm running Networkx version: 2.3. Am I doing something wrong in the code?
Update: Pasting below the file's first few lines:
*Vertices 198
1 8 1
1 24 1
1 35 1
1 42 1
1 46 1
1 60 1
1 74 1
1 78 1
According to the Pajek definition the first two lines of your file are not according to the standard. After *vertices n, n lines with details about the vertices are expected. In addition, *edges and *arcs is a duplicate. NetworkX assumes use for an edge list, which started with *arcs a MultiDiGraph and for *edges a MultiGraph (see current code). To resolve your problem, you only need to delete the first two lines of your .net-file.

HaxeFlixel findPath

I've got a little problem with the findPath function.
I'm working with a mix of two tutorials (one from Haxeflixel, and the second from haxecoder) and the second one uses CSV instead of Ogmo and uses a findPath when we click.
But when I click, the game crashes, nice.
This is my code: http://hastebin.com/xunidubiyi.avrasm
The problem is on the 86th line (split into multiple lines to fit the width):
var nodes:Array<FlxPoint> = _mWalls.findPath(
_player.x + 16 / 2,
_player.y + 16 / 2
tileCoordX * 16 + 16 / 2,
tileCoordY * 16 + 16 / 2
Invalid field access : allowCollisions
Called from flixel.tile.FlxTilemap::computePathDistance line 1806
Called from flixel.tile.FlxTilemap::findPath line 796
Called from PlayState::update line 87
Called from flixel.FlxState::tryUpdate line 155
Called from flixel.FlxGame::update line 700
Called from flixel.FlxGame::step line 648
Called from flixel.FlxGame::onEnterFrame line 493
Called from openfl._legacy.events.EventDispatcher::dispatchEvent line 98
Called from openfl._legacy.display.DisplayObject::__dispatchEvent line 182
Called from openfl._legacy.display.DisplayObject::__broadcast line 161
Called from openfl._legacy.display.DisplayObjectContainer::__broadcast line 286
Called from openfl._legacy.display.Stage::__render line 1103
Called from openfl._legacy.display.Stage::__checkRender line 351
Called from openfl._legacy.display.Stage::__pollTimers line 1084
Called from openfl._legacy.display.Stage::__doProcessStageEvent line 430
Does anybody know what went wrong and why?

Can't get code from bbc basic working

440 DEFPROCsave
450 phonenos=OPENUP("Phonenos")
480 FOR j= 1 TO counter
490 PRINT#phonenos,contact{(j)}.name$,contact{(j)}.phone$,contact{(j)}.email$
500 FOR f = 1 TO 10
510 PRINT#phonenos,contact{(j)}.response%(1,f)
520 NEXT f
540 NEXT j
550 CLOSE#phonenos
560 PRINT "Data saved."
Code to save details from database I'm trying to save what i have entered to a file but the error INVALID CHANNEL AT LINE 490 APPEARS/
If your error is on line 490, one of two things is likely happening.
Your FILEHANDLE for phonenos did not open.
You could be attempting to access the file from a bad location, it may not exist, or it could be write protected.
Your contact array is referencing an invalid index item.
Is counter going outside the range of the array? Is this a zero (0) or one (1) based array?
