Airflow 2.0 Docker setup - python-3.x

Recently been trying to learn Airflow, but a majority of resources online depended on this repo which unfortunately has been removed.
I am not familiar with docker so I'm just trying to set up locally and play around with Airflow. I'm on a windows setup and have already gotten docker working on my computer. Does Airflow have a quick-set-up file for a docker-compose? Or is there any other resources I can look at? Thanks.

Its a duplicate question.
Use official official docker-compose.yml see here

I recently added a quick start guides to the official Apache Airflow documentation. Unfortunately, this guide has not been released yet. It will be released in Airflow 2.0.1.
For now, you can use the development version, and when a stable version is released it will be very easy for you to migrate. I don't expect any major changes to our docker-compose.yaml files.


Upgrade gitlab from 12.10.3 to 14.1

I have a self hosted gitlab-ce in a docker environment.
As upgrading GitLab is a pain, I did not do it for a while and now it looks way too complex.
Also there are no good material on how to do this step wise.
Has anyone done this before: what process are you following?
The main advice from the official documentation is to avoid skiping a major version.
In your case, upgrade first to 13.11.
Then 14.1.0.
That way, you can detect any specific setting to update fro one version to the next.

Ansible 2.7 in Azure Cloud Shell

I'm looking for - and struggling to locate - any indication of when Ansible 2.7 will be released to the Azure Cloud Shell Bash environment. Currently Cloud Shell is at 2.6.3. Googling and DuckDuckGoing etc. and searching Microsoft's sites has not yielded much on this.
As of today, Ansible is showing 2.7.0 in Azure Cloud Shell. We make a regular release update every 2 weeks, coinciding with new releases of Azure CLI 2.0. We try to bundle OSS tooling updates as well - keep in touch with us at for tooling you believe may be outdated.
Thanks for being a user!

Migrate GitLab CE 11 Omnibus to Docker

Which steps are necessary to migrate a GitLab CE 11 omnibus installation to Docker?
I found this blog post -
But the content seems pretty irrelevant and the commands are all messed up, like too much whitespace and the wrong methods in the dockerfile. Seems pretty dated when comparing the current release to the release this was written for. Could be a good start point though.

CoreNLP Add Relations and other options?

I am using CoreNLP Built in API server to process some text for a small project.
using the demo I can see that they provide multiple options such as "relations", "wikipedia entities", "sentiment" and others.
However, After downloading coreNLP from the official website, Running the server on my local machine using the command: java -d64 -mx8g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -timeout 500000, I don't have the mentioned options. All i have is what's visible in this image:
Unfortunately, I am not able to figure out how to add all the options available online to my local machine..
Can anyone please shed some light about what am I missing? How can i add the options? especially relations?
These are recent additions that are in the GitHub version of the code, but not in the official 3.6.0 release.

What are the way programmers are using to deploy its node.js app in ubuntu?

What is the recommended way to deploy Node.js on Ubuntu 12.04 in a production environment?
I saw this ppa but I don't know if is well maintained or if it will and if is a source in witch one can trust.
I know that is easy install Node.js manually, but seem to me that install it using the Ubuntu packages manager will allow me safe some management time and will be more integrated with the way the underlying server is being currently management. So, what are your recommendations? Thanks in advanced.
we are using Chef with the existing node.js cookbook
Well, after read lot of posts and pages that talk about Node.js deployment-installation, I must said that Chris PPA is mentioned in tons of them as an official source. Beside one can see her PPA linked at the Github Node.js wiki.
So, seem to me that is trust enough to be used in production, what made it the choice if you want keep your system updated using standards Ubuntu tools.
