How to create invoices using Stripe Connect Express, on Stripe Subscriptions invoices are automatically created, but not on Stripe Connect payments - stripe-payments

I charge Customers using this guide adding amount, application fee and Service provider accound_id, after that I listen for "charge.succeeded" event with webhooks. If the payment was successful I generate invoice using this this guide -, but I get this error
"Nothing to invoice for customer"
Is it possible Stripe automatically to create Invoice for me?
Do I have to manually create this invoice and then make it paid.
Should I generate the Invoice before Payment or after Payment?

When you process a payment, Stripe will send your customers a receipt automatically per your email settings [1]. In some respects, this receipt serves as an invoice of services rendered, and might be sufficient for your needs. You can see an example of what a receipt will look like for a given payment by looking at a given payment in the dashboard (under the 'Receipt history' heading).
Now, if the receipt automatically generated by Stripe doesn't meet your needs (e.g., you want to be able to list more customer info on there), then you'll want to use the Invoices API [2] instead of the Payment Intents API to process the payment. Using the Invoices API also allows you send the invoice to the customer so they can initiate payment on their own [3].
So, with that out of the way, if you intend to create Invoices for your customers you need to first create Invoice Items on the Customer and then create an invoice off that Customer. Once you finalize the Invoice, Stripe will either process a payment automatically under the hood, or send the Invoice to your Customers via email so they can initiate the payment (through a Stripe hosted page). At that point you can send your customers a copy of the Invoice PDF. With this integration there is no need to process the payment on your own or deal with any other APIs. The Invoices API takes care of everything for you. These steps are documented in detail here:
To answer your questions more directly:
No. Stripe will only automatically create invoices when you make subscriptions. But, Stripe does automatically create receipts as described above.
Yes, you manually would need to add Invoice Items to the Customer, then create an Invoice off that Customer. Note that this step will also charge the customer, so you don't need to do that separately.
Invoices process the payment under the hood once they are finalized.


How can I sent an payment invoice to my client email using node.js

Now I want to make an eCommerce website. In this website, I want to implement a feature like when a client or user buy something from my website and they also pay with any payment gateway (In case I use Stripe payment gateway) After completing payment, I want to send an automatic order completion invoice to my client email with product name, quantity, subtotal, total and so on. That means we receive our client order and payment.
Advanced Thank's
Ariful Islam JR.
MERN Stack Developer**
I have no idea about this problem to get a solution.
It sounds like what you really want is a receipt to be sent to your customer on payment completion. There's a couple ways to achieve this. Assuming you want the customer to pay on your website and not on a Stripe-hosted page, then you could use the accept a payment guide with a custom flow and add a receipt email when creating the PaymentIntent. This would email your customer a receipt on successful payment completion. You could also achieve this with Stripe Checkout if you want a Stripe-hosted payment page by enabling email receipts in your settings.

How do you generate a stripe invoice after a successfull checkout session

Quite suprisingly, it is not possible to automatically generate an invoice after as successfull checkout session with Stripe.
An invoice must always come before a payment in the stripe system.
I am left with having to recreate the invoice through a bunch of API calls fetching the PaymentIntent or the CheckoutSession that was just performed to recompute the data for the invoice and mark it as paid (not even sure I can retrieve everything I need)
This seems quite hacky... Is this the right way to do it or shall I just handle invoicing outside of stripe (quite annoying too) ?
just want clarify if you need Invoice or Receipt, because they are two different things
Invoice is something you send to customer to ask for payment (before payment)
Receipt is a proof of succeeded payment (after payment)
My understanding is that the payment is already collected upon a succeeded checkout session, so you probably want to send receipts to customers. To enable email receipts, you can go to Settings -> Emails and tick the Email customers about Successful payment box. Please note that emails won't be sent in test mode.
Let me explain a solution that you can use to generate invoices after payment in stripe. This solution is based on Zapier connectors.
There are three systems that we should connect.
Plumsail Documents
First, you have to set up a Stripe connection to Zapier. Go to Zapier, create a Zap, find the Stripe connection, and select "New Payment" as the trigger event. Then, connect your Stripe account with Zapier and make a test in Zap. If everything ok, go to the second step.
Second. After you have done the Zap connection for Stripe, go to Plumsail Documents, create the process, and make a template for your invoice.
Third. Set up a Plumsail Documents connection to Zapier. Go to your Zap (where you have made the connection to Stripe before), find the Plumsail Documents action, and set the Start Process as Action Event. Next, you have to select your process and match output data from Stripe payment with your invoice template in Plumsail Documents.
It seems a bit complicated, so you can read the article with a more detailed description of this solution. Also, there are screenshots for all processes.
As a result, you will get a fully automated custom invoice generation whenever you will get a payment in Stripe.
Max, product manager at Plumsail.

How to create an invoice for one-time payments in Stripe checkout

So, I noticed the following behavior. When I create a checkout session with at least on recurring item (subscription), an invoice is automatically created. When the customer opens their Customer Portal, he will see the previous invoices for all subscriptions.
But, when I create a checkout session with no recurring items (one-time payment), invoice is not automatically created. Because of that, when customer opens Customer Portal, he will not see invoices for these orders.
I would like to show all customer invoices in the Customer Portal, both for recurring and one-time payments. So, is there a way generate an invoice for one-time payment and link it to the checkout session?
I contacted Stripe Support for this:
With regards to the invoices for one time charge, the checkout session
for one-time payment doesn't generate an invoice. I understand that it
is helpful for your business to create invoices for a one time charge
on the checkout session. While there’s currently no way to do that,
the workaround we can provide for your customer to see their invoices
on the customer portal, is for you to create the invoice for one time
charge rather than using the Stripe Checkout.
This is now available, but it's a little hidden in the Stripe documentation at the moment, and it's been renamed since the beta checkout invoice feature, which doesn't make it that easy to find. You just need to pass the following for non-reoccurring products...
invoice_creation => true
...when creating your Checkout Session.
Official Stripe documentation here.

Xero Workflow and payment accounts when creating paid invoices via API?

I'm trying to work out the correct method of attributing payments on invoices that are automatically created after a user purchases something on site, payment handled by Stripe (or other payment gateway). Here is the current flow from user action to Xero interaction (all working fine):
User purchases membership on site
Payment is processed by Stripe on-site
If payment is successful, an Invoice is generated in Xero (and a contact if it doesn't exist)
Payment is added to the invoice immediately after it is generated, and it's status is set to Paid.
Paid invoice is emailed to new member from Xero
Stripe deposits money in nominated business account each day
I have two questions about this workflow
What is the normal practise for dealing with PaymentAccount when applying a payment? Should we create a new payment account just for Stripe? A new "Bank" account for Stripe? The context of this question is selecting the correct PaymentAccount ID for the payment when creating the invoice.
Will reconciliation still be possible for these paid invoices when Stripe sends payments (assuming they send itemised payments)? Even if the money is deposited in a different (Real) account integrated in Xero?
Your questions about stripe are more appropriate in Xero forums, since they are bookkeeping questions not API qestions.
Stripe can provide a bank feed to Xero, and you should set this up.
This means you have a Stripe bank account, which is the therefore the payment account. Payment reconcilations are easy (but can't be done via API).
The actual deposit of real money into a real bank account will be a consolidated amount typically called a 'settlement', typically one day of transactions, less fees, refunds and possible timing issues etc. The Stripe bank feed will have an entry for this. It is reconciled by a Xero user as a bank transfer between the Stripe bank and the real bank, and is nothing to do with the payment on the invoice.

How can I send invoices to customers with subscriptions taking auto charges?

I would like to see how I can send subscription invoices with auto charge.
From the Invoice API, billing can be either set to charge automatically or send to customers for manual payment.
But I want to charge my customers automatically and send them the invoices. It seems that it's a common option in Saas monthly subscription. Not sure how I can achieve it.
I've finished creating a subscription for a customer. But the record and invoice are only on the Stripe dashboard.
One way I thought of is to get the invoice pdf file from API and send them on my own. I am using Python / Django now.
Can someone help me out?
There are 2 ways to go about it:
1) Send the invoice with the send_invoice (see the Python example). It will know that the payment was already settled for that invoice based on the invoice ID.
2) Add a webhook endpoint to your Django app and subscribe to the webhook events invoice.created, invoice.finalized, invoice.sent, invoice.payment_succeeded. This way though you need to create your own template (email or PDF up to you)
