How to include field names when printing a Racket struct - struct

Suppose I have this Racket code:
(struct pos (x y))
(displayln (pos 5 6))
This displays #<pos>. Is there a way to make it display the field names and values too?
With the #:transparent option, the values are displayed:
(struct pos (x y) #:transparent)
(displayln (pos 5 6))
This displays #(struct:pos 5 6), but I also want to display the field names (x and y). Is there a way to display both the field names and values? For example: #(struct:pos #:x 5 #:y 6).
I am looking for something similar to how Common Lisp structs are displayed. Common Lisp example:
(defstruct pos x y)
(format t "~A~%" (make-pos :x 5 :y 6))
This prints #S(POS :X 5 :Y 6).

If you don't want to use third-party libraries, take a look at the very last example of make-constructor-style-printer.
If you don't mind using third-party libraries, you can just use Rebellion's record.


Mutable variables in Haskell?

I'm starting to wrap my head around Haskell and do some exciting experiments. And there's one thing I just seem to be unable to comprehend (previous "imperativist" experience talks maybe).
Recently, I was yearning to implement integer division function as if there where no multiply/divide operations. An immensely interesting brain-teaser which led to great confusion.
divide x y =
if x < y then 0
else 1 + divide (x - y) y
I compiled it and it.. works(!). That's mind-blowing. However, I was told, I was sure that variables are immutable in Haskell. How comes that with each recursive step variable x keeps it's value from previous step? Or is my glorious compiler lying to me? Why does it work at all?
Your x here doesn't change during one function call (i.e., after creation) - that's exactly what immutable means. What does change is value of x during multiple (recursive) calls. In a single stack frame (function call) the value of x is constant.
An example of execution of your code, for a simple case
call divide 8 3 -- (x = 8, y = 3), stack: divide 8 3
step 1: x < y ? NO
step 2: 1 + divide 5 3
call: divide 5 3 -- (x = 5, y = 3), stack: divide 8 3, divide 5 3
step 1: x < y ? NO
step 2: 1 + divide 2 3
call divide 2 3 -- (x = 2, y = 3), stack: divide 8 3, divide 5 3, divide 2 3
step 1: x < y ? YES
return: 0 -- unwinding bottom call
return 1 + 0 -- stack: divide 8 3, divide 5 3, unwinding middle call
return 1 + 1 + 0 -- stack: divide 8 3
I am aware that the above notation is not anyhow formalized, but I hope it helps to understand what recursion is about and that x might have different values in different calls, because it's simply a different instance of whole call, thus also different instance of x.
x is actually not a variable, but a parameter, and isn't that different from parameters in imperative languages.
Maybe it'd look more obvious with explicit return statements?
-- for illustrative purposes only, doesn't actually work
divide x y =
if x < y
then return 0
else return 1 + divide (x - y) y
You're not mutating x, just stacking up several function calls to calculate your desired result with the values they return.
Here's the same function in Python:
def divide(x, y):
if x < y:
return 0
return 1 + divide(x - y, y)
Looks familiar, right? You can translate this to any language that allows recursion, and none of them would require you to mutate a variable.
Other than that, yes, your compiler is lying to you. Because you're not allowed to directly mutate values, the compiler can make a lot of extra assumptions based on your code, which helps translating it to efficient machine code, and at that level, there's no escaping mutability. The major benefit is that compilers are way less likely to introduce mutability-related bugs than us mortals.

Haskell's subset operation doesn't give me all results, only part of it is shown?

I've learning LYAH and the last question from Chapter 1 is to find a,b and c where (a,b,c) form a right triangle, and their sum is 24. a,b,c are all Ints.
So I have the code below(not the same from the book).
Prelude> [(a,b,c)|c<-[1..10],b<-[1..10],a<-[1..10],a^2+b^2==c^2,a+b+c==24]
I expect to get all possible combinations like
Why only part of it is shown? I tried different versions of ghci but got same results. Thanks.
You guard for a^2 + b^2 == c^2, but for e.g. (8, 10, 6), it is not true that 8^2 + 10^2 == 6^2. Hence, they are not included in the result.

How to convert (0,0) to [0,0] in prolog?

I'm making a predicate distance/3 that calculates the distance between 2 points on a 2d plane. For example :
?- distance((0,0), (3,4), X).
X = 5
My predicate only works if (0,0) is the list [0,0]. Is there a way to make this conversion?
You can do this with a simple rule that unifies its left and right sides:
convert((A,B), [A,B]).
Although the others have answered, keep in mind that (a,b) in Prolog is actually not what you might think it is:
?- write_canonical((a,b)).
So this is the term ','/2. If you are working with pairs, you can do two things that are probably "prettier":
Keep them as a "pair", a-b:
?- write_canonical(a-b).
The advantage here is that pairs like this can be manipulated with a bunch of de-facto standard predicates, for example keysort, as well as library(pairs).
Or, if they are actually a data structure that is part of your program, you might as well make that explicit, as in coor(a, b) for example. A distance in two-dimensional space will then take two coor/2 terms:
distance(coor(X1, Y1), coor(X2, Y2), D) :-
D is sqrt((X1-X2)^2 + (Y1-Y2)^2).
If you don't know how many dimensions you have, you can then indeed keep the coordinates of each point in a list. The message here is that lists are meant for things that can have 0 or more elements in them, while pairs, or other terms with arity 2, or any term with a known arity, are more explicit about the number of elements they have.
If you just have a simple pair, you can use the univ operator and simply say something like:
X = (a,b) ,
X =.. [_|Y] .
which produces
X = (a,b) .
Y = [a,b] .
This doesn't work if X is something like (a,b,c), producing as it does
X = (a,b,c) .
Y = [a,(b,c)] .
[probably not what you want].
The more general case is pretty simple:
csv2list( X , [X] ) :- % We have a list of length 1
var(X) . % - if X is UNbound
csv2list( X , [X] ) :- % We have a list of length 1
nonvar(X) , % - if X is bound, and
X \= (_,_) . % - X is not a (_,_) term.
cs22list( Xs , [A|Ys] ) :- % otherwise (the general case) ,
nonvar(Xs) , % - if X is bound, and
Xs = (A,Bs) , % - X is a (_,) term,
csv2list(Bs,Ys % - recurse down added the first item to result list.
. % Easy!

Could a concatenative language use prefix notation?

Concatenative languages have some very intriguing characteristics, such as being able to compose functions of different arity and being able to factor out any section of a function. However, many people dismiss them because of their use of postfix notation and how it's tough to read. Plus the Polish probably don't appreciate people using their carefully crafted notation backwards.
So, is it possible to have prefix notation? If it is, what would the tradeoffs be?
I have an idea of how it could work, but I'm not experienced with concatenative languages so I'm probably missing something. Basically, a function would be evaluated in reverse order and values would be pulled from the stack in reverse order. To demonstrate this, I'll compare postfix to what prefix would look like. Here are some concatenative expressions with the traditional postfix notation.
5 dup * ! Multiply 5 by itself
3 2 - ! Subtract 2 from 3
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) [2 >] filter length ! Get the number of integers from 1 to 5
! that are greater than 2
The expressions are evaluated from left to right: in the first example, 5 is pushed on the stack, then dup duplicates the top value on the stack, then * multiplies the top two values on the stack. Functions pull their last argument first from the stack: in the second example, when - is called, 2 is at the top of the stack, but it is the last argument.
Here is what I think prefix notation would look like:
* dup 5
- 3 2
length filter (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) [< 2]
The expressions are evaluated from right to left, and functions pull their first argument first from the stack. Note how the prefix filter example reads much more closely to its description and looks similar to the applicative style. One issue I noticed is factoring things out might not be as useful. For example, in postfix notation you can factor out 2 - from 3 2 - to create a subtractTwo function. In prefix notation you can factor out - 3 from - 3 2 to create a subtractFromThree function, which doesn't seem as useful.
Barring any glaring issues, perhaps a concatenative language that uses prefix notation could win over the people who dislike postfix notation. Any insight is appreciated.
Well certainly, if your words are still fixed-arity then it's just a matter of executing tokens right to left.
It's only because of n-arity functions that prefix notation implies parenthesis, and it's only because of wanting human "reading order" to match execution order that being a stack language implies postfix.
I'm writing such a language right now as it happens, and so far I like some of the side-effects of using prefix notation. The semantics are based on Joy:
Files are parsed from left to right, but executed from right to left.
By extension, definitions must come after the point at which they are used.
As a nice side-effect, comments are simply lists which are dropped.
Here's the factorial function, for instance:
def 'fact [cond [* fact - 1 dup] [1 drop] dup]
I also find it easier to reason about the code as I'm writing it, but I don't have a strong background in concatenative languages. Here's my (probably-naive) derivation of the map function over lists. The 'nb' function drops something and is used for comments. 'stash [f]' pops into a temp, runs 'f' on the rest of the stack, then pushes the temp back on.
def 'map [q [cons map stash [head swap i] dup stash [tail dup]] [nb] is_cons nip]
nb [map [f] (cons x y) -> cons map [f] x f y
stash [tail dup] [f] (cons x y) = [f] y (cons x y)
dup [f] y (cons x y) = [f] [f] y (cons x y)
stash [head swap i] [f] [f] y (cons x y) = [f] x (f y)
cons map [f] x (f y) = cons map [f] x f y
map [f] [] -> []]
I just came from reading about the Om Language
Seems just what you are talking about. From it's description (emphasis mine):
The Om language is:
a novel, maximally-simple concatenative, homoiconic programming and algorithm notation language with:
minimal syntax, comprised of only three elements.
prefix notation, in which functions manipulate the remainder of the program itself. [...]
It also states that it's not finished, and will experience much change yet.
Still, it seems to be working, and really interesting as proof of concept.
I imagine a concatenative prefix language without stack. It could call functions, which would then themselves interpret code until they got all needed operands. Interpreter would then call next function. It would only need one memory construct - the result. Everything else could be read from the source code at time of execution. As you might have noticed, I am talking about interpreted language, not compiled one.

Racket refresh-now, thread, and yield

I've been writing some simple racket GUI programs to prepare for a class I'm teaching in the fall. I'm having some problems with animation. I'm using a basic canvas, and using the model for animation in which the entire canvas is refreshed each frame, by calling the paint procedure. An example program is below.
My problem is that I have to either run the animation as a separate thread, or call yield after each instance of refresh-now. Why is this? I expected the refresh-now to cause the image to refresh right away, without additional work on my part.
I have read the animation examples on the racket pages, and see that they usually draw directly to the canvas. I understand that since the canvas is double-buffered this works fine ... but for my application it's easier to just have the paint procedure carry the load, since I need a working paint procedure anyway in case of minimizing, etc. (Of course, the yield is not a huge burden, but it would be easier to teach if it were not needed.)
#lang racket
; Demonstrate simple animation in Racket
(require racket/gui)
(define min-x 0)
(define min-y 0)
(define max-x 200)
(define max-y 200)
; Three vertexes of the triangle, expressed relative to a starting x and y location.
(define triangle-vertexes [list
(list 10 0)
(list 0 20)
(list 20 20)])
(define triangle-x 20)
(define triangle-y 20)
; Move a triangle by a (delta-x, delta-y) pair
(define (move-triangle adjust)
(set! triangle-x (+ triangle-x (first adjust)))
(set! triangle-y (+ triangle-y (second adjust))))
; Adjust the location of a vertex by adding an (x,y) adjustment to it.
; Could also be defined using map.
(define (triangle-adjust adjust vertex)
(list (+ (first adjust) (first vertex))
(+ (second adjust) (second vertex))))
; Create the paint-callback function.
; It should:
; - draw a triangle at the current location
(define (draw-triangle dc)
(let ((vertex1 (triangle-adjust (list triangle-x triangle-y) (first triangle-vertexes)))
(vertex2 (triangle-adjust (list triangle-x triangle-y) (second triangle-vertexes)))
(vertex3 (triangle-adjust (list triangle-x triangle-y) (third triangle-vertexes))))
(send dc draw-line (first vertex1) (second vertex1) (first vertex2) (second vertex2))
(send dc draw-line (first vertex2) (second vertex2) (first vertex3) (second vertex3))
(send dc draw-line (first vertex3) (second vertex3) (first vertex1) (second vertex1))))
(define frame (new frame%
[label "Animation Example"]
[width 800]
[height 800]))
(define triangle-canvas (new canvas% [parent frame]
(lambda (canvas dc)
(display "callback called")
(draw-triangle dc))]))
(send frame show #t)
; run a thunk (a procedure of zero arguments) n times
; only useful if thunk has side-effects
(define (loop n thunk)
((> n 0) (thunk)
(loop (- n 1) thunk))
(else false)))
; Animate the triangle. We have to either run this in a different thread from
; the event loop or yield each time we want something to be drawn.
(define (animate-triangle)
(loop 30
(lambda ()
(move-triangle (list 10 10))
(send triangle-canvas refresh-now)
; (send triangle-canvas flush)
; (sleep 0.1)
This isn't an answer to your question about refresh-now, but a better alternative to an explicit thread and loop is the timer% class:
;; This goes after (send frame show #t), replacing loop and animate-triangle
(define timer-counter 0)
(define timer
(new timer%
(interval 100) ;; update every 100 ms
(lambda ()
(cond [(< timer-counter 30)
(set! timer-counter (add1 timer-counter))
(move-triangle (list 10 10))
(send triangle-canvas refresh)]
(send timer stop)])))))
If you redefine your stopping condition based on the triangle's state, you can get rid of the auxiliary timer-counter; I put it in to mimic the behavior of your original code.
The timer is created in the same eventspace as the frame, and the eventspace has an event-handling thread, which is why you don't have to create your own thread explicitly.
How to Design Programs, 2nd ed has another approach to animation, where the canvas and updates are managed automatically. You just call big-bang with functions to (functionally) update the "state of the world" and render the "state of the world" as an image. Depending on exactly what you're teaching, it may or may not be useful to you.
