How to create new angular app without downloading node_modules files - node.js

I'm new in angular and every time I want to create new angular application it downloads approximately 316MB files from internet.
I was wondering if there is any way to skip downloading node_modules folder and just download other angular files neccessary to run my app and then copy&paste my (existing) node_modules folder to root folder of my app.

you can run the command ng new <YourProjectName> --skip-install, It will create a package without node_modules folder.

Yes, it's possible. Copy package.json, package-lock.json and node_modules. node_modules usually doesn't contain any project specific files or configurations.


How can a (vue/vite) (node/express) share same .env and node_modules files and foolder structure?

How to make vue (npm init vue#latest) and node/express server/api in root folder in a way that there are no duplicate
folders and files, like node_modules, .env files, etc.
Plan is to build client(spa) to public folder inside server(api), so everything is neat!
Is that usual practice?
I tried usual approach to generate everything separately, but no success in telling vite to install dependencies in node_modules outside client folder.

Uploading a reactjs code in github, without the node_modules folder

I want to upload a react app in github. But, I dont want to HOST IT. I only want to keep the codes there. But while uploading, I had problem with uploading the node_modules folder. I searched other repo, and even there node_modules folder wasn't present. Still their code could be used by running a command called npm install or something similar to that.
What are the steps to upload My ReactJS Code without uploading the node_modules. But in such a way, by which anyone can install all the node modules by npm install or something similar to that?
To tell git to exclude something in your project, you use a .gitignore file. In the .gitignore file, you can add patterns to files or folders and git will not track any of those files.
Here is a template for Node projects given by GitHub. It excludes the node_modules folder. Put it in your project root and remember to rename it to just .gitignore (note the period in front).

Move node_modules folder to different location?

I want to use various cloud sync services to safely backup my project and keep it updated on the cloud. But I do not want to sync the node_modules folder. I am working with a React project setup using create-react-app.
So how can I move the node_modules folder from the project folder to anywhere else on my system? What changes do I need to make in my project files and how can I use npm start to launch hot-reload server like I normally do?

How to correctly setup folders / files in nodejs?

I am currently starting out in node.js and I am a bit confused with the folder/file setups. Let´s say I have a main folder where all my different projects are located, and those are folders too. Now where do I need to keep my node-modules folder? Also how about the package.json file, do I need that inside each project folder?
use npm init first
it will make a package.json file.
Install the dependencies which be stored in Node_modules folder
Now make a folder named Public
with subfolders assets, css, js, index.html -- the FrontEnd part

Reference node modules in Angular2 cli project

I have Angula2 -cli project and set it like the site guide.
To start with new project I need to run cmd: ng new my-project-name
and the project folder is created with some files and also node_module folder.
How can I avoid the node_module folder creation every time I create a new project ?
Can I just reference to the node.js module that is located in my PC?
The node_modules folder is created to hold dependencies of your project, so you will need that in order to run or test your application.
With that being said, if you'd like to just create the project without installing all of them, you can use the skip-npm argument, but note that you will not be able to run or test your application.
ng new my-project-name --skip-npm
