I am manipulating an image using Pillow, and then want to send it to Discord. My code: https://paste.pythondiscord.com/comebefupo.py
When using image.show(), the manipulated image is shown fine.
however, when I want to upload the image to Discord, the bot gets stuck and no error is thrown:
got bytes from direct image string
got bytes from member/user pfp or str
opened image
opened draw
drew top text
drew bottom text
prepared buffer
prepared file
# Bot just gets stuck here, no errors
According to multiple sources (1, 2), I am doing the right thing by saving the image into a BytesIO stream, and then using seek(0).
According to the documentation for a discord.File, it takes a io.BufferedIOBase which is (I believe) I put in.
saving the image first, and then sending that works.
# Return whole image object
return image
self.convert_bytes(image_bytes, top_text, bottom_text).save('image.png')
await ctx.send(file=discord.File('image.png'))
I have no clue why this works, and the other thing doesnt...
I had a similar problem last week, this was the code I used to send the image
with BytesIO() as image_binary:
image.save(image_binary, 'PNG')
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(fp=image_binary, filename='image.png'))
This is not a full answer but it might help.
image_file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(image_bytes.encode()),filename=f"{name}.png")
await ctx.send(file=image_file )
with open('sample_image3.png','wb') as o_f:
response.raw.decode_content = True
del response
this url image is NoneType other url like 'https://oldnavy.gap.com/webcontent/0050/321/766/cn50321766.jpg' give perfect image but this one 'https://lsco.scene7.com/is/image/lsco/288331060-front-pdp?fmt=avif&qlt=40&resMode=bisharp&op_usm=0.6,0.6,8&fit=crop,0&wid=900&hei=982' Give me error
Please give me solution of it
I'm trying to download images with Python 3.9.1
Other than the first 2-3 images, all images are 1 kb in size. How do I download all pictures? Please, help me.
Sample book: http://web2.anl.az:81/read/page.php?bibid=568450&pno=1
import urllib.request
import os
bibID = input("ID: ")
first = int(input("First page: "))
last = int(input("Last page: "))
if not os.path.exists(bibID):
for i in range(first,last+1):
Doesn't look like there is an issue with your script. It has to do with the APIs you are hitting and the sequence required.
A GET http://web2.anl.az:81/read/img.php?bibid=568450&pno=<page> just on its own doesn't seem to work right away. Instead, it returns No FILE HERE
The reason this happens is that the retrieval of the images is linked to your cookie. You first need to initiate your read session that's generated when first visiting the page and clicking the TƏSDİQLƏYIRƏM button
From what I could tell you need to do the following:
POST http://web2.anl.az:81/read/page.php?bibid=568450 with Content-Type: multipart/form-data body. It should have a single key value of approve: TƏSDİQLƏYIRƏM - this starts a session and generates a cookie for you which you have to add as a header for all of your API calls from now on.
requests.post('http://web2.anl.az:81/read/page.php?bibid=568450', files=dict(approve='TƏSDİQLƏYIRƏM'))
Do the following in your for-loop of pages:
a. GET http://web2.anl.az:81/read/page.php?bibid=568450&pno=<page number> - page won't show up if you don't do this first
b. GET http://web2.anl.az:81/read/img.php?bibid=568450&pno=<page number> - finally get the image!
The purpose is to take data from a virtual camera (from a camera in Gazebo simulation, updating every second) and use Detectron2 (requires data come from cv2.VideoCapture) to recognize other objects in the simulation. The virtual camera of course does not appear in lspci so I can't simply use cv2.VideoCapture(0).
So my code is
bridge = CvBridge()
cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding='bgr8') #cv_image is numpy.ndarray, size (100,100,3)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture()
ret, frame = cap.read(image=cv_image)
print(ret, frame)
but it just prints False None, I assume because there's nothing being captured in cap. I
f I replace line 2 with cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cv_image) I get the error,
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
since I believe it requires either and integer (representing webcam number) or string (representing video file).
And for reference,
cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding='bgr8') # cv_image is numpy.ndarray
cv2.imshow('image', cv_image)
displays the image perfectly fine. Could there be a way to use imshow() or something similar as input for VideoCapture()?
However, cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cv2.imshow('image', cv_image))opens a blank window and gives me,
[ERROR:0] global /io/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap.cpp (116) open VIDEOIO(CV_IMAGES): raised OpenCV exception:
OpenCV(4.2.0) /io/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_images.cpp:293: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !_filename.empty() in function 'open'
How can I create a cv2.VideoCapture() object that can use the image data that I have? Or what's something that might point me in the right direction?
Ubuntu 18.04 and Python 3.6 with opencv-python
From what I found on Gazebo tutorials page:
In Rviz, add a ''Camera'' display and under ''Image Topic'' set it to /rrbot/camera1/image_raw.
In your case it probably won't be /rrbot/camera1/ name, but the one you are setting in .gazebo file
So you can create subscriber and use cv2.VideoCapture() for every single image from that topic.
My solution was to rewrite Detectron2's --input flag in the demo to constantly run a ROS2 callback with demo.run_on_image(cv_data). So instead of making it process video, it just quickly processes each new image one at a time. This is a workaround so that cv2.VideoCapture() is not needed.
I'm a noob PyQt5 user following a tutorial and I'm confused how I might extend the sample code below.
The two handlers canInsertFromMimeData and insertFromMimeData Qt5 methods accept an image mime datatype dragged and dropped onto document (that works great). They both receive a signal parameter source which receives a QMimeData object.
However, If I try to paste an image copied from the Windows clipboard into the document it just crashes as there is no handler for this.
Searching the Qt5 documentation at https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmimedata.html just leads me to further confusion as I'm not a C++ programmer and I'm using Python 3.x and PyQt5 to do this.
How would I write a handler to allow an image copied to the clipboard to be pasted into the document directly?
class TextEdit(QTextEdit):
def canInsertFromMimeData(self, source):
if source.hasImage():
return True
return super(TextEdit, self).canInsertFromMimeData(source)
def insertFromMimeData(self, source):
cursor = self.textCursor()
document = self.document()
if source.hasUrls():
for u in source.urls():
file_ext = splitext(str(u.toLocalFile()))
if u.isLocalFile() and file_ext in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS:
image = QImage(u.toLocalFile())
document.addResource(QTextDocument.ImageResource, u, image)
# If we hit a non-image or non-local URL break the loop and fall out
# to the super call & let Qt handle it
# If all were valid images, finish here.
elif source.hasImage():
image = source.imageData()
uuid = hexuuid()
document.addResource(QTextDocument.ImageResource, uuid, image)
super(TextEdit, self).insertFromMimeData(source)
code source: https://www.learnpyqt.com/examples/megasolid-idiom-rich-text-editor/
I was exactly in the same position as you. I am also new to Python, so there might be mistakes.
The variable uuid in document.addResource(QTextDocument.ImageResource, uuid, image) is not working. It should be a path -> QUrl(uuid).
Now you can insert the image. However, because the path to an image from the clipboard is changing, it would be better to use a different path, for example to the directory where you are also saving the files.
Also be aware that the user has to select the file type when saving (.html)
For my own project I am going to print the file as pdf. That way you dont have to worry about paths to images ^-^
I got around this by converting to base64 inline embedding of the images, then no resource files as it is all in one file.
I'm using wand in a Django project, to generate a thumbnail from different kind of files, e.g pdf, all the thumbnail generation process is done in memory, the source file is get from a request and the thumbnail is saved to a temporary file, then Django FileFiled saves the image in the correct path, but the thumbnail generated keeps the initial size, this is my code:
with image.Image(file=self.content.file, format="png") as im: # self.content is a django model FileField didn't saved yet, so the file inside is still in memory (from the request)
im.resize(200, 200)
name = self.content.file.name
self.temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.thumbnail = InMemoryUploadedFile(self.temp, None, name + ".png", 'image/png', 0, 0, None) # then self.thumnail as FileField saves the image
Do you have any idea what happen? could be a bug? I've already reported it as issue on wand github page.
The problem comes from the fact that your PDF has more than one page. If you only resize the first page (which is the one you want to display), it works. Try adding the following line after your with statement:
im = image.Image(image=im.sequence[0])
But I agree with you that your version should work as well.