How can I keep HLS files of a stream in Ant Media Server? - http-live-streaming

I am using Ant Media Server and know that HLS segment(ts) files are deleted automatically when their count reaches to hls_list_size+1 and also all HLS files are deleted at the end of the stream.
How can I keep HLS files after the stream finishes?

You should add the following lines into the application settings file which is located at /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/APP_NAME/WEB-INF/
to disable the periodic deletion by adding settings.hlsflags=
to disable the deletion at the end by adding settings.deleteHLSFilesOnEnded=false


Play Audio File Stored in AWS S3

I have successfully uploaded some audio files via Nodejs to AWS, the file url is also returned from my function. I plan to save this url in MongoDB Atlas as a reference to the original file but before doing that, I tried to play the file (from the url) in my mobile app and it won't play.
The file is in .m4a format. How do I get this to work in any audio player for mobile and web? I'm using flutter for both. I don't want to do piping, chunking and streaming manually as this is just a dummy test of the system. The original files to be used in the app will be much larger.
Here's the file url
.m4a audios aren't natively streamed from S3, but after a test I can verify that .mp3 files are. Most browsers will recognize that filetype and render a built-in player for you.
You can convert from one format to another using a lot of free tools. I used Audacity.
And yes, you need to make at least the file public. Or if you're going to do this a lot I would recommend making a bucket policy that makes everything public, no matter what you throw in there.

Unable to encode an asset with two videos in azure media services v3

I am capturing multiple videos and trying to store them all in one media asset and later encode them. But I always get the below error. There are no issues however if I upload one file to asset and run the encoding job.
Output 'BuiltInStandardEncoderPreset_0', Error : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media.Models.JobError : While trying to download the input files, the files were not accessible, please check the availability of the source.
Do I need to use one media asset for each upload? Is having multiple files in one asset not the right approach?
FYI: I tried all thesew steps on media servicer explorer desktop app. So please be sure I didn't write any code for this.
You would indeed need to use a separate Asset for each video. We'll follow up with a service update to improve the error message in this situation.
I think the problem here is not the upload of multiple files in one asset, but the fact that the encoding job will not pick each blob of the asset and encoding them. That's why you need to use one asset per video file to be encoded.

How to develop a real time file upload with Angular 2 and Node.js?

Usually, while we upload it takes files to the temp directory first and then move it to the desired directory. But I'm working on Big Data e.g. uploading thousands of files at once. So I need to upload those files directly to the desired location and as each one of them uploaded to that directory, the user must see the changes on the dashboard in real time.
Also I need to show user
If any exception has occurred while uploading e.g. if a file causing a problem in the uploading process.
There should be an option to skip that file or retry upload.
Report to show the list of files uploaded successfully vs files that failed to upload.
If there is any network outage, the upload manager should keep retrying until the network is restored.
User can pause upload and can restart it on next login(if it is feasible)
This is about full manipulation of the upload process to give user the best user experience while uploading large sets of data.
You can use ng2-file-upload, it has most of the feature you require.
You can also find demo here.
For rest of the features you require, you can implement those on top of this library (It's better than writing your own code from scratch).

Linux: Traverse Server Directory and build List of Checksums for all Files

I am running a web server with several CMS sites.
To be aware of hacks on my web server, I am looking for a mechanism, by the help of which I can detect changed files in my web server.
I think of a tool / script, which traverses the directory structure, builds a Checksums for each file and writes out a list of files, with file size, last modified date and checksums.
At the next execution, I would then be able to compare this list with the previous one and detect new or modified files.
Dies anyone know a script or tool, which can accomplish this?

Multiple media encode and Merge (join) media file in azure

I am new to azure, I ref media encoding sample tutorial & it working fine too,
but when I upload multiple file it successfully upload but while encoding job, my job.Submit(); method throw an exception
and another is I want single file in output (in short I want merge video files and add some snaps in between video)
No, currently (as of October the 7th) you can't join/combine multiple files into single one.
As for the errors you get while job.Submit() - in order to receive a proper answer, you have to ask the question properly - provide relevant code lines/snippet, full stack trace, exact steps to reproduce etc.
Also, then doing media trans-coding, always keep an eye on the list of supported media codecs here. Make sure you are using supported codecs before asking question.
Azure's Media Encoder Stander (MES) supports combining multiple video files using a custom preset.
Azure MES Doc: Concatenate two or more video files
