Injected script unable to access API - google-chrome-extension

I am writing a chrome extension, using a content script to inject some javascript code. As follows:
let actualCode = 'My Injected JS Code';
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = actualCode;
For the injected script, I would like to use some value stored in However, I found that the API is unaccessible to the injected script (storage.sync is undefined). The API is only accessible within the content script, but not for the injected script. Any ideas how I could access API for the injected script too?
PS: I've registered the storage API in manifest.json
PS: When I open the developer's console on chrome and type "", it returns undefined too. I think this might be a permission problem?

The inject way you used for the script, made it work in the web page environment, which doesn't have access to most of Chrome Extensions API.
However, there is an option to use Messages API which allows sending requests from a webpage to the extension by ID.
In this case, you also need to implement a listener in your background page, to answer such requests.
P.S. API also shouldn't be available from page console. You may want to debug it from your background page console or select a content script environment (if the extension has such):

you can use window.postMessage({type : "MESSAGE_NAME"}) in injected script to send "message" event. then use windows.addEventListner("message", callback) in content_script to listen on "message" event.
You can specify the type of message to which you want to listen in the callback function. for instance
in content_script.js
function func_callback(){
if ( && === "MESSAGE_NAME") {
# Your code
}`enter code here`
windows.addEventListner("message", func_callback)
in injected_script.js
<button onClick={()=>window.postMessage({type : "MESSAGE_NAME"})}></button>


How to get a variable which can be viewed from console

I'm coding an extension which downloads a file, before downloading the file, I need to get a token which is already generated from the website on loading.
This token can be viewed from the console by typing >GetPublicTokenResult
How can I read this variable into my content script?
I've tried the following:["GetPublicTokenResult"], function(items){ items = [ { "yourBody": "myBody" } ]
but it seems that this variable is not stored in Storage, but it can be viewed in Memory snap
Content scripts run in an isolated environment from the page. They can only interact with the DOM, javascript code can't be accesed. You need to inject your code directly in the page. Check out Insert code into the page context using a content script for a detailed tutorial.

How to execute a callback on the devtools page from page's JS?

I am trying to write a Chrome devtools extension for a JS SDK we have developed. This SDK has an API addEventListener (the events are not DOM events) that I would like to use to be able to display all the events that are being published in the devtools panel I made.
Basically I would like to be able to have the following code in my devtools page script :
"mySDKonTheContentPage", function(result, isException){
mySDK =result;
mySDK.addEventListener("myEvent", function(){
Since content scripts don't have access (do they?) to the page's JS objects, I don't really know where to start.
In the script on your page, you can use window.postMessage to send your data to the content script. From there you can set up communication between the content script and the DevTools panel via a background page.
See: Messaging from Injected Scripts to the DevTools Page and Messaging from Content Scripts to the DevTools Page for examples of this in the documentation.

Optionally inject Content Script

Content Script can be injected programatically or permanently by declaring in Extension manifest file. Programatic injection require host permission, which is generally grant by browser or page action.
In my use case, I want to inject gmail, and yahoo mail web site without user action. I can do by declaring all of them manifest, but by doing so require all data access to those account. Some use may want to grant only, but not gmail. Programatic injection does not work because I need to know when to inject. Using tabs permission is also require another permission.
Is there any good way to optionally inject web site?
You cannot run code on a site without the appropriate permissions. Fortunately, you can add the host permissions to optional_permissions in the manifest file to declare them optional and still allow the extension to use them.
In response to a user gesture, you can use chrome.permission.request to request additional permissions. This API can only be used in extension pages (background page, popup page, options page, ...). As of Chrome 36.0.1957.0, the required user gesture also carries over from content scripts, so if you want to, you could add a click event listener from a content script and use chrome.runtime.sendMessage to send the request to the background page, which in turn calls chrome.permissions.request.
Optional code execution in tabs
After obtaining the host permissions (optional or mandatory), you have to somehow inject the content script (or CSS style) in the matching pages. There are a few options, in order of my preference:
Use the chrome.declarativeContent.RequestContentScript action to insert a content script in the page. Read the documentation if you want to learn how to use this API.
Use the webNavigation API (e.g. chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted) to detect when the user has navigated to the page, then use chrome.tabs.executeScript to insert the content script in the tab (or chrome.tabs.insertCSS to insert styles).
Use the tabs API (chrome.tabs.onUpdated) to detect that a page might have changed, and insert a content script in the page using chrome.tabs.executeScript.
I strongly recommend option 1, because it was specifically designed for this use case. Note: This API was added in Chrome 38, but only worked with optional permissions since Chrome 39. Despite the "WARNING: This action is still experimental and is not supported on stable builds of Chrome." in the documentation, the API is actually supported on stable. Initially the idea was to wait for a review before publishing the API on stable, but that review never came and so now this API has been working fine for almost two years.
The second and third options are similar. The difference between the two is that using the webNavigation API adds an additional permission warning ("Read your browsing history"). For this warning, you get an API that can efficiently filter the navigations, so the number of chrome.tabs.executeScript calls can be minimized.
If you don't want to put this extra permission warning in your permission dialog, then you could blindly try to inject on every tab. If your extension has the permission, then the injection will succeed. Otherwise, it fails. This doesn't sound very efficient, and it is not... ...on the bright side, this method does not require any additional permissions.
By using either of the latter two methods, your content script must be designed in such a way that it can handle multiple insertions (e.g. with a guard). Inserting in frames is also supported (allFrames:true), but only if your extension is allowed to access the tab's URL (or the frame's URL if frameId is set).
I advise against using declarativeContent APIs because they're deprecated and buggy with CSS, as described by the last comment on
Use the new content script registration APIs instead. Here's what you need, in two parts:
Programmatic script injection
There's a new contentScripts.register() API which can programmatically register content scripts and they'll be loaded exactly like content_scripts defined in the manifest:
matches: ['*'],
js: [{file: 'content.js'}]
This API is only available in Firefox but there's a Chrome polyfill you can use. If you're using Manifest v3, there's the native chrome.scripting.registerContentScript which does the same thing but slightly differently.
Acquiring new permissions
By using chrome.permissions.request you can add new domains on which you can inject content scripts. An example would be:
// In a content script or options page
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
origins: ['*']
}, granted => {
if (granted) {
/* Use contentScripts.register */
And you'll have to add optional_permissions in your manifest.json to allow new origins to be requested:
"optional_permissions": [
In Manifest v3 this property was renamed to optional_host_permissions.
I also wrote some tools to further simplify this for you and for the end user, such as
webext-domain-permission-toggle and webext-dynamic-content-scripts. They will automatically register your scripts in the next browser launches and allow the user the remove the new permissions and scripts.
Since the existing answer is now a few years old, optional injection is now much easier and is described here. It says that to inject a new file conditionally, you can use the following code:
// The lines I have commented are in the documentation, but the uncommented
// lines are the important part
//chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, callback) => {
// if (message == “runContentScript”){
file: 'contentScript.js'
// }
You will need the Active Tab Permission to do this.

Opening and writing to a new window from a Google Chrome extension sandbox page

(Cross posted here)
I have a sandboxed page (specified in my manifest) which is loaded into an iframe in my extension's background page. From within my sandboxed page, I'd like to open a new window and write to it, i.e.:
var win =; win.document.write('<p&gtHello!</p>');
This works from my extension's background page and from regular web pages, but when invoked from either content scripts or my sandboxed page, the window opens, but I cannot access the win object (it's defined, but empty---console.log outputs "Window {}").
I assume this is due to same-origin policies (with every window being given a uinque-origin within the sandboxed environment). However, since the window opens an about:blank page, I'm confused why this would matter.
Is this a feature? Is there a parameter I can add to my manifest to avoid this? And does anyone know of work-arounds that don't involve using postMessage back to my background page? My ideal solution is to have my sandboxed script open a new window and interact with it directly, not with message passing.
I can provide a full example if necessary, but I'm hoping someone might just know off the top of their head. I'm running Chrome 24.0.1312.57 on Mac and 24.0.1312.68 on Ubuntu if that helps.
Content scripts, by definition, are part of external regular web pages you load so I'm not really sure how your script could work on a "regular web page" but not the content script. Do you mean the code works when you embed it in your own pages, but not in other pages via the content script?
Regardless, if the script is working properly from your background page, you could always try messaging. (more here:
Script for your sandbox/contentscript:
//send message to background page
chrome.extension.sendMessage({todo: "newWindow"});
In background page:
//create a listener
function(request, sender) {
if (request.todo === "newWindow") {
//do your stuff here
var win =; win.document.write('<p&gtHello!</p>');
Per the cross-post here, the issue is indeed that the opened window is given a unique origin. This was intentional as the members of the standards working group (SWG) felt that it would be more secure to not make an exception for about:blank pages where they inherit the sandbox's origin.
However, to get around this issue, at least for my purposes, I can use the following method. First, forget sandboxing. This workaround uses an iframe embedded in a background page with the src url set to data:text/html,.... This gives a unique origin to the iframe so it's no longer in extension space. That means eval can be used and chrome apis cannot be accessed. Unlike in a sandbox, windows opened from the iframe share that same origin as the iframe, allowing created windows to be accessed. For example:
In a background html page:
<script src="background.js"></script>
<iframe id="myframe"></iframe>
In background.js:
document.getElementById('myframe').setAttribute('src', 'data:text/html,'+
'<script src='+chrome.extension.getURL('jquery.js')+'></script>'+
'<script src='+chrome.extension.getURL('myscript.js')+'></script>'+
In myscript.js
// To receive messages from background.js.
window.addEventListener('message', function(e){ ... } );
// To send messages to background.js.
parent.postMessage({...}, '*');
// To open AND ACCESS a window.
var win =;
win.document.write('Hello'); // Fails in sandbox, works here.
// Eval code, if you want. Can't do this from an extension
// page loaded normally unless you allow eval in your manifest.
// Here, it's okay!
eval( 'var x =; x.document.write("Hi!")' );
// No chrome apis.
chrome.log( chrome.extension ); // -> undefined
chrome.log( ); // -> undefined
// No direct access to background page (e.g., parent).
chrome.log( parent ); // -> Window with no properties.

Google Chrome Extension- Messages + call to function between popup page and content script

In a Google Chrome extension I want to pass messages between a content script and a popup page. I also want a function in the content script to be fired when a signal to do this is sent by the popup page to the content script.
The section in Google Chrome Extensions developer docs for messages, states that messages can be passed "from your content script to an extension page, or vice versa" (quoted from )
Does this mean that I can send/receive messages between the content script and the popup page? Because the usage I have seen is for communication between background page and content script.
Or do I have to set up a 3 - way message passing route-- viz.
content script <--> background page <--> popup page. And if this is the case, how do I set up messaging between background page <--> popup page?
And how do I fire a function in the content script, after sending signal to content script from the popup page? Does this also require background script to be present?
Content scripts can only send a message to the background page. If you want to send a message from a content script to a popup, you have to:
Send the message from the Content script to the background page.
chrome.runtime.sendMessage( ...message... , function() { /*response*/ });
Receive the message at the background.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) { ... });
Pass the message to the popup. To get a reference to the global window object of the popup, use chrome.extension.getViews. Note: Unlike most of the other chrome APIs, this method is synchronous:
var popupWindows = chrome.extension.getViews({type:'popup'});
if (popupWindows.length) { // A popup has been found
// details is the object from the onMessage event (see 2)
popupWindows[0].whatever(message, sendResponse);
In the popup, define the whatever method.
function whatever(message, sendResponse) {
// Do something, for example, sending the message back
When sendResponse (4) is called, details.sendResponse (see 3) is called. This, in turn, calls function() { /*response*/ } from 1.
Note: chrome.runtime.sendMessage/onMessage is only supported in Chrome 26+. Use chrome.extension.sendMessage if you want to support older browsers as well.
