Can we use Ember.js to build a static website? - web

Can we use Ember.js to build a static website? We are going to store the website in AWS S3.
Kind regards

Yes building a static site is how the website it build.
Prember is the tool to build static sites with ember.

The simple answer is yes! Ember is a fantastic technology to build static sites in 🎉 as #kiwiupover mentioned Prember is the main way to turn an Ember app into a "static site", and if you already have your website built as an Ember App it is very straightforward to add Prember and deploy it on a static site hosting (like AWS S3 or Netlify). If you want the simplest possible way to get started I would recommend deploying to Netlify.
The Ember Website is a great example of a site that is built using Ember and gets great Lighthouse scores because it's also a static site. You can see the code in the public github repo
All that is if you want to build something from scratch, but if you're looking for a super quick way to build a static blog then you could check out empress-blog and you can get a blog up and running in less than 5 minutes if you follow the "super quick start" in the readme on empress-blog.
I have a bunch of other recommendations for building static sites with Ember but you can reach out to me on the Ember Discord (you can find a link on the Community Page)


NODE JS Project Demo

I have a toDo web application made in NODEJS. I want to include it in my resume and want 2 links , one for project code and other for project demo ? Is there any way to show live demo of this nodejs project just like we can have github pages for a frontend project ?
To show the code, you can put the github link, and for the demo, you have to host your site, for example on AWS or Azure. But these hosting are not free and I don't know if it's possible to host a Node.js site for free
When I hosted my first site, Heroku was the easiest of the free options I looked at. Today I think Netlify is easier.

How to publish and host MEAN stack project in GitHub

How to host AngularJS, MonogDB, Node.js, ExpressJS project on GitHub?
I have uploaded normally like a static HTML page but it didn't work.
How to host this project as it consists of four technologies
You can't host a MEAN stack site on GitHub Pages:
GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service and doesn't support server-side code such as, PHP, Ruby, or Python.
Similarly, GitHub Pages doesn't support Node.js or MongoDB.
Since github pages host only static resources like html, css and javascript you cannot host a node application there. You could try hosting your project on Digital Ocean, Heroku, AWS etc. These provides free trials versions as well. Here you can set up your own server and get things working.

How to deploy Express app on

I have Express app, and I have index.ejs file instead of index.html and I can't deply it on surge (page not found). I use 'surge' command in project directory and than I go to the domain where it was published but my project doesn't run there. How should I deploy it? Please help me, I need to do it right now is for serving static files (html,css,media..etc). Since ejs is a server side rendering template engine it can't be served using
Note: You can upload node apps to Heroku for hosting.
Since you have learned express, you can also learn Svelte. its a React/Vue like framework that compiles everything into a simple html/css/js site that you can then deploy to your favorite static hoster like or even github pages
You can't deploy the Nodejs website on as these services do not support server-side rendering like handlebars, ejs or pug, etc.
Vercel, netlify also do not support templating engines. However, you can use as an alternative, or maybe digitlocean under their app platform.
You may want to try to bundle the project and then use surge to publish it. I am not aware of any tool that can do that for you automatically, it might require manual setting.
Check this article:

Deploying an Angular website to github pages

I am trying to deploy my personal website to Github pages, it is a very simple one page website developed in Angular2 (using Angular CLI) with some information about me.
The process seemed simple, create a repository called and push my code to it, after doing so my Angular CLI README is being displayed at my website.
A couple of questions:
Do I required a NodeJS server (that I have been using in parallel to my Angular2 app) to run my app on Github pages? (I do not need a backend, I guess that may answer my question)
How may I deploy my website using Githb pages? The documentation lets me deploy a single http file and I cannot figure out how to deploy a fully fledged website.
Here is my repository.

Do Firebase Hosting only host static file / asset?

I am newbie in web development. And I am working on ember with firebase using emberfire.
As I found that I can deploy the ember project to Firebase hosting, do firebase hosting support asset hosting only? And I have to host my ember web project in another hosting?
Thanks a lot.
From the Firebase Hosting documentation:
Firebase Hosting provides fast and secure static hosting for your web app.
Embjer.js is a front-end only framework. Web applications built using Ember.js can be run on Firebase Hosting.
Give it a try and report back if you have a specific problem.
Ember requires NodeJS (npm) installed on your hosting to work. Firebase Hosting doesn't have anything like that.
Point of correction: Ember.js is a front-end tool like AngularJS, therefore you can use it with Firebase, which supports only static files hosting.
Firebase Hosting only stores assets (css, js and images files) and doesn't have any form of installing serverside packages.
fast forward to 2019, firebase now offers functions where you can write dynamic code for your static app. It uses node (express.js).
