How can I call convert a piece of SVG to MVG via RMagick? - svg

I want to convert a piece of SVG to MVG. Could I do something similar to this convert msvg:pram.svg pram.mvg using RMagick methods? I don't want to save the output in a file, but I want to have it in a variable in Ruby.

In general, converting an image in one format to another format is as simple as making a copy of the image using a different suffix.
Use the to_blob method to get an image as a Ruby string:


ZPL II decode Z64 (base64 and LZ77) to human readable text in Python

I am trying to put together an app in python that will split a .prn file generated from Zebra Designer software containing thousands of labels in one file into single label files. I need to extract a highlighted below field and decode it to human readable form to use as names for the single label files. I have tried to decode base64 and decompress LZ77 as per instructions here on page 1435 that states:
Z64 encoding do the following:
• Compress the data using the LZ77 algorithm.
• Encode the compressed data using the MIME Base64 algorithm.
• Calculate a CRC across the encoded data.
• Add a unique header to differentiate the new format from the existing ASCII hexadecimal encoding.
Below is part of the label I am trying to decode back to human readable form just the same way the printer does.
I tried to use python code like below just to decode this line "eJztlL9uHDcQxoegExYp(...)fLrEEkssscQS/8/4BE9yVVQ=" so i stripped the ZPL language coding which is :Z64: prefix and :BB36 CRC output.
Code comes from this thread.
import zlib
import base64
def decode_base64_and_inflate(b64string):
decoded_data = base64.b64decode(b64string)
return zlib.decompress(decoded_data, 0)
Output I get is as such:
When run the original label code through Labelary viewer it shows as text with some special charactes. How do I calculate this compressed text back to human readable form?
You can try to use this method to create the PNG:

How to add dicom tags for a series of dicom images?

I want to add Dicom tags to a series of Dicom images and want to save that modified batch.
I have written a simple python script using pydicom which can edit and add dicom tags in a single Dicom image, but i want to do same procedure for complete image set (say 20 or 30 images).
can anybody suggest me a way to do such task using pydicom or python?
Just collect your filenames in a list and process each filename (read the file, edit contents, save as new or maybe use the same name).
Have a look at the os module from python. For instance, os.listdir('path') returns a list of filenames found in the given path. If that path points to a directory that contains only dicom images you now have a list of dicom filenames. Next use os.path.join('path', filename) to get an absolute path that you can use as input for reading a dicom file with pydicom.
Also you might want to use a for loop.
Let's suppose you have a list of dicom image file paths in an array named dicom_paths. Then:
import pydicom
dicom_paths = [ list of image paths here ]
dicom_data = [pydicom.read_file(s) for s in dicom_paths]
for dicom_data_item in dicom_data:
#do what you want here
Hope it helps

How to define the input image format for imagemagick convert?

How to define the input image format for imagemagick convert, if convert -identify can't identify the input format by content, but I know it format well, and I can define it directly?
For example, I want to convert the svg file to png, but I have an example of valid svg which can't be identified by content.
Step to reproduce
Take this valid
Rename file Svg.svg to image
Try to convert image image.png
Got the
convert.exe: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat ' # error/constitute.cReadImage/501.
ImageMagick version is 6.9.2-0 Q16 x86 2015-08-15
Like this - you need to tell ImageMagick what to expect with the svg: prefix as it can't work out what is coming from the extension since there isn't one:
curl > image
convert svg:image image.png

Is it possible to read a standard etherpad as a text document over the api?

I have a public etherpad containing an yaml-file. Using php I would like read this yaml and convert it to a json-string.
There are some great libraries for converting yaml to json. for example:
What i'm looking for is an url that will return the contents of a pad as pure text.
You want the text export then. You can easily get the contents of a pad exported as raw text, using the following url:

Creating an image from a nsIBinaryInputStream

I create a binary input stream using some js trickery which contains compressed image data like jpeg or gif. I want to decode and display this data either using imgITools::decodeImageData or some other way but couldn't find a way yet. Where should I start?
The easiest way is to read the image data into a string, base64 encode the string, then turn that into a data: URL and set that as the src of your image. Unfortunately stackoverflow won't let me create a live data: link, but it would look like this:
