Avoid multiple try catch in python3 - python-3.x

I have created my custom exception and placed that in django settings file.
I have a created a create api operation.My api takes data as input and calls multiple third party create api's if any one fails it reverts create operation of all third party api's.
class InsertionOrderViewset(viewsets.ViewSet): #my api
''' Manages insertion order dsp operations'''
def create(self, request, format=None):
// create api 1
except error as e:
return e
// create api 2
except error as e:
// undo api 1
return e
// create api 3
except error as e:
// undo api 1
// undo api 2
return e
Is there a way to avoid writing multiple try catch in such rollback scenerios?

Looking at your code I'm thinking this should give you the same output like that.
class InsertionOrderViewset(viewsets.ViewSet): # my api
"""Manages insertion order dsp operations"""
def create(self, request, format=None):
# create api 1
except error as e:
# undo api 1
# create api 2
except error2 as e:
# undo api 2
# create api 3
except Exception as e:
return e


SQLAlchemy Session Errormessages

I want to wrap my database-operations into sessions (transactions). For a good user experience I want to try to handle as many possible errors inside my code. My basic structure of a database transaction is in the code block.
There are two kinds of error:
My code can try to handle them, for ex. a user try to insert a key that already exists.
Some other exception raise, that was not handled by the code.
In both situations, I want to show the user a message.
How can I give out the error, so that I can display it after the session was closed?
# Transaction
session = Session()
db_operation1(session, ...)
db_operation2(session, ...)
# Show error
# ???
After some investigation, I change my code to this:
# Transaction
session = Session()
db_operation1(session, ...)
db_operation2(session, ...)
except Exception as e:
# Show Error
But in the case, my code can handle the exception, I need some more user friendly message.
As snakecharmerb points me to, it is better to handle the exception outside the session-scope, I change the code again:
# Transaction
session = Session()
db_operation1(session, ...)
db_operation2(session, ...)
except Exception as e:
# Show Error

Can an except block of python have 2 conditions simultaneously?

I was trying to learn stock prediction with the help of this github project. but when I run the main.py file given in the repository, via the cmd. I encountered an error
File "/Stock-Predictor/src/tweetstream/streamclasses.py", line 101
except urllib2.HTTPError, exception:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The below given code is part of a PyPi module named tweetstreami.e. named as tweetstream/streamclasses.py. Which while implementing in a Twitter sentiment analysis project gave the error
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
import socket
from platform import python_version_tuple
import anyjson
from . import AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, USER_AGENT
class BaseStream(object):
"""A network connection to Twitters streaming API
:param username: Twitter username for the account accessing the API.
:param password: Twitter password for the account accessing the API.
:keyword count: Number of tweets from the past to get before switching to
live stream.
:keyword url: Endpoint URL for the object. Note: you should not
need to edit this. It's present to make testing easier.
.. attribute:: connected
True if the object is currently connected to the stream.
.. attribute:: url
The URL to which the object is connected
.. attribute:: starttime
The timestamp, in seconds since the epoch, the object connected to the
streaming api.
.. attribute:: count
The number of tweets that have been returned by the object.
.. attribute:: rate
The rate at which tweets have been returned from the object as a
float. see also :attr: `rate_period`.
.. attribute:: rate_period
The amount of time to sample tweets to calculate tweet rate. By
default 10 seconds. Changes to this attribute will not be reflected
until the next time the rate is calculated. The rate of tweets vary
with time of day etc. so it's useful to set this to something
.. attribute:: user_agent
User agent string that will be included in the request. NOTE: This can
not be changed after the connection has been made. This property must
thus be set before accessing the iterator. The default is set in
:attr: `USER_AGENT`.
def __init__(self, username, password, catchup=None, url=None):
self._conn = None
self._rate_ts = None
self._rate_cnt = 0
self._username = username
self._password = password
self._catchup_count = catchup
self._iter = self.__iter__()
self.rate_period = 10 # in seconds
self.connected = False
self.starttime = None
self.count = 0
self.rate = 0
self.user_agent = USER_AGENT
if url: self.url = url
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *params):
return False
def _init_conn(self):
"""Open the connection to the twitter server"""
headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent}
postdata = self._get_post_data() or {}
if self._catchup_count:
postdata["count"] = self._catchup_count
poststring = urllib.urlencode(postdata) if postdata else None
req = urllib2.Request(self.url, poststring, headers)
password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, self.url, self._username, self._password)
handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
self._conn = opener.open(req)
except urllib2.HTTPError, exception: #___________________________problem here
if exception.code == 401:
raise AuthenticationError("Access denied")
elif exception.code == 404:
raise ConnectionError("URL not found: %s" % self.url)
else: # re raise. No idea what would cause this, so want to know
except urllib2.URLError, exception:
raise ConnectionError(exception.reason)
The second item in the except is an identifier used in the body of the exception to access the exception information. The try/except syntax changed between Python 2 and Python 3 and your code is the Python 2 syntax.
Python 2 (language reference):
except <expression>, <identifier>:
Python 3 (language reference, rationale):
except <expression> as <identifier>:
Note that can be a single exception class or a tuple of exception classes to catch more than one type in a single except clause, so to answer your titled question you could use the following to handle more than one possible exception being thrown:
x = array[5] # NameError if array doesn't exist, IndexError if it is too short
except (IndexError,NameError) as e:
print(e) # which was it?
Try: #code here
Except MyFirstError: #exception handling
Except AnotherError: #exception handling
You can repeat this many times

How can I keep sensitive data out of logs?

How can I keep sensitive data out of logs?
Currently I have an exception which is raised in a method A. In method B this exception is re-raised adding further information. In method C I want to log the exception with a further information.
My first attempt was to add a string replace method before logging the exception, but this does not affect the whole traceback. Especially because I call the Python library request in methodA. The first exception takes place in this library.
first excepton in requests: urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError
second exception in requests: requests.exceptions.ProxyError
Both exceptions within the request library contain already the sensitive data in the traceback.
def methodA():
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError as err:
raise MyExceptionA(f"this log contains sensitive info in err: {err}")
def methodB():
except MyExceptionA as err:
raise MyExceptionB (f"add some more info to: {err}")
def methodC():
return True
except MyExceptionB as err:
err = re.sub(r"(?is)password=.+", "password=xxxx", str(err))
logger.exception(f("methodB failed exception {err}")
return False
How can I parse the whole traceback before logging the exception in order to mask out sensitive data?
I use loguru as logging library.
The Django framework seems to address the same problem with their own methods. See here

How to have more than one handler in AWS Lambda Function?

I have a very large python file that consists of multiple defined functions. If you're familiar with AWS Lambda, when you create a lambda function, you specify a handler, which is a function in the code that AWS Lambda can invoke when service executes my code, which is represented below in my_handler.py file:
def handler_name(event, context):
return some_value
Link Source: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/python-programming-model-handler-types.html
However, as I mentioned above, I have multiple defined functions in my_handler.py that have their own events and contexts. Therefore, this will result in an error. Are there any ways around this in python3.6?
Your single handler function will need to be responsible for parsing the incoming event, and determining the appropriate route to take. For example, let's say your other functions are called helper1 and helper2. Your Lambda handler function will inspect the incoming event and then, based on one of the fields in the incoming event (ie. let's call it EventType), call either helper1 or helper2, passing in both the event and context objects.
def handler_name(event, context):
if event['EventType'] == 'helper1':
helper1(event, context)
elif event['EventType'] == 'helper2':
helper2(event, context)
def helper1(event, context):
def helper2(event, context):
This is only pseudo-code, and I haven't tested it myself, but it should get the concept across.
Little late to the game but thought it wouldn't hurt to share. Best practices suggest that one separate the handler from the Lambda's core logic. Not only is it okay to add additional definitions, it can lead to more legible code and reduce waste--e.g. multiple API calls to S3. So, although it can get out of hand, I disagree with some of those critiques to your initial question. It's effective to use your handler as a logical interface to the additional functions that will accomplish your various work. In Data Architecture & Engineering land it's often less-costly and more efficient to work in this manner. Particularly if you are building out ETL pipelines, following service-oriented architectural patterns. Admittedly, I'm a bit of a Maverick and some may find this unruly/egregious but I've gone so far as to build classes into my Lambdas for various reasons--e.g. centralized, data-lake-ish S3 buckets that accommodate a variety of file types, reduce unnecessary requests, etc...--and I stand by it. Here's an example of one of my handler files from a CDK example project I put on the hub awhile back. Hopefully it'll give you some useful ideas, or at the very least not feel alone in wanting to beef up your Lambdas.
import requests
import json
from requests.exceptions import Timeout
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from datetime import date
import csv
import os
import boto3
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
class Asteroids:
"""Client to NASA API and execution interface to branch data processing by file type.
This class doesn't look like a normal class. It is a simple example of how one might
workaround AWS Lambda's limitations of class use in handlers. It also allows for
better organization of code to simplify this example. If one planned to add
other NASA endpoints or process larger amounts of Asteroid data for both .csv and .json formats,
asteroids_json and asteroids_csv should be modularized and divided into separate lambdas
where stepfunction orchestration is implemented for a more comprehensive workflow.
However, for the sake of this demo I'm keeping it lean and easy.
def execute(self, format):
"""Serves as Interface to assign class attributes and execute class methods
Exception: If file format is not of .json or .csv file types.
Have fun!
# method call below used when Secrets Manager integrated. See get_secret.__doc__ for more.
# self.api_key=get_secret('nasa_api_key')
if self.file_format == "json":
elif self.file_format == "csv":
def nasa_client(self, endpoint):
"""Client component for API call to NASA endpoint.
endpoint (str): Parameterized url for API call.
Timeout: If connection not made in 5s and/or data not retrieved in 15s.
HTTPError & Exception: Self-explanatory
See Cloudwatch logs for debugging.
response = requests.get(endpoint, timeout=(5, 15))
except Timeout as timeout:
print(f"NASA GET request timed out: {timeout}")
except HTTPError as http_err:
print(f"HTTP error occurred: {http_err}")
except Exception as err:
print(f'Other error occurred: {err}')
return json.loads(response.content)
def process_asteroids(self, payload):
"""Process old, and create new, data object with content from response.
payload (b'str'): Binary string of asteroid data to be processed.
near_earth_objects = payload["near_earth_objects"][f"{self.today}"]
asteroids = []
for neo in near_earth_objects:
asteroid_object = {
"id" : neo['id'],
"name" : neo['name'],
"hazard_potential" : neo['is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid'],
"est_diameter_min_ft": neo['estimated_diameter']['feet']['estimated_diameter_min'],
"est_diameter_max_ft": neo['estimated_diameter']['feet']['estimated_diameter_max'],
"miss_distance_miles": [item['miss_distance']['miles'] for item in neo['close_approach_data']],
"close_approach_exact_time": [item['close_approach_date_full'] for item in neo['close_approach_data']]
return asteroids
def asteroids_json(self, payload):
"""Creates json object from payload content then writes to .json file.
payload (b'str'): Binary string of asteroid data to be processed.
json_file = open(f"/tmp/asteroids_{self.today}.json",'w')
json_file.write(json.dumps(payload, indent=4))
def asteroids_csv(self, payload):
"""Creates .csv object from payload content then writes to .csv file.
csv_file=open(f"/tmp/asteroids_{self.today}.csv",'w', newline='\n')
writer=csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fields)
def get_secret(self):
"""Gets secret from AWS Secrets Manager
Have yet to integrate into the CDK. Leaving as example code.
secret_name = os.environ['TOKEN_SECRET_NAME']
region_name = os.environ['REGION']
session = boto3.session.Session()
client = session.client(service_name='secretsmanager', region_name=region_name)
get_secret_value_response = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name)
except ClientError as e:
raise e
if 'SecretString' in get_secret_value_response:
secret = get_secret_value_response['SecretString']
secret = b64decode(get_secret_value_response['SecretBinary'])
return secret
def write_to_s3(self):
"""Uploads both .json and .csv files to s3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
s3.upload_file(f"/tmp/asteroids_{self.today}.{self.file_format}", os.environ['S3_BUCKET'], f"asteroid_data/asteroids_{self.today}.{self.file_format}")
def handler(event, context):
"""Instantiates class and triggers execution method.
event (dict): Lists a custom dict that determines interface control flow--i.e. `csv` or `json`.
context (obj): Provides methods and properties that contain invocation, function and
execution environment information.
*Not used herein.
asteroids = Asteroids()

python eve gracefully exit from callback

I'm wondering if it's possible to update an item without completely process the PATCH request.
What I'm trying to do is to randomly generate and insert a value inside the db when a user sends a PATCH request to the accounts/ endpoint.If I don't exit from the PATCH request I will get an error because it expects a value but I cannot give it in advance because it will be randomly generated.
def pre_accounts_patch_callback(request, lookup):
if not my_func():
return HTTP 201 OK
What can I do?
Not sure I get what you want to achieve, however keep in mind that you can actually update lookup within your callback, so the API will get back and process the updated version, with validation and all.
import random
def pre_accounts_patch_callback(request, lookup):
lookup['random_field'] = random.randint(0, 10)
app = Eve()
app.on_pre_PATCH_accounts += pre_accounts_patch_callback
if __name__ == '__main__':
