Linux shell: web-safe variant of a binary RSA signature of base64 - linux

In Linux, I have a file 'signature.bin' with a binary RSA signature, and I would like to get a web-safe variant of it of base64.
How can I do it with the shell?

There is a base64 command in the GNU Coreutils. So simply
base64 signature.bin
should do the trick.


iconv command is not changing the encoding of a plain text file to another encoding

In Linux I created a plain text file. using "file -i" I am seeing file encoding is "us-ascii" . After trying below commands it is still showing output file encoding as "us-ascii". Could you please tell me how to change encoding? or Is there any way to download some encoded file which I can't read.
iconv -f US-ASCII -t ISO88592//TRANSLIT -o o.txt ip.txt
iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT -o op.txt ip.txt
I am expecting either iconv change the encoding or I can download some encoded file.
If your file contains only ASCII character, then there's no difference between the ASCII, UTF-8 and different ISO8859-x encoding. So after conversion, you will end up with the exactly same file.
A text file does not store any information about what encoding was used. Therefore, the file applies a few rules but at the end of the day, it's just a guess. And as the files are identical, the result will alwazys be the same.
To see a difference, you will must use characters that are encoded differently with the different encoding or are not avaialbe at all in one of the encodings, e.g. ă, € or 😊.

base64 gives incorrect result

Because I am setting up vnc server, I need to convert string to base64 to setup password. (How to setup vnc password
Say, if I want my password to be qwerty, I have to place the encoded string into the password into conf file.
I see there is a base64 utility in Ubuntu. man base64. echo qwerty | base64 gives cXdlcnR5Cg==. But this doesn't work.
But if I use the online base 64 tool. qwerty is encoded to cXdlcnR5. This string WILL WORK.
Question: why the two base64 encode gives different result?
echo adds a '\n' ; try echo -n
$ echo -n qwerty | base64

Node.JS crypto.createHmac('sha256') command line analog

In Node.js I use following code
hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', SECRET).update(file).digest('hex');
to calculate HMAC. However Linux command line analog produces different hash code:
> openssl sha256 -hmac "SECRET" file
What is wrong in command line? What are correct arguments?

Why is base64 encoding my file on a Mac not resulting in a proper base64 string?

I'm using Mac OS 10.13.3. I'm trying to base64 encode a binary file but am having some issues. Specifically, I thought all base64 encoded files have to have a length that is a multiple of 4. However, when I encode my file, notice taht the length is not divisible by 4 ...
localhost:lib davea$ openssl base64 -in myfile.binary -out ~/Downloads/myfile.base64
localhost:lib davea$ ls -al ~/Downloads/myfile.base64
-rw-r--r-- 1 davea staff 93162 May 31 14:22 /Users/davea/Downloads/myfile.base64
Also when I look at the contents of the base64 file, I don't see the traditional "=" or "==" at the end, which usually indicates padding
localhost:lib davea$ cat ~/Downloads/myfile.base64
Am I doing something wrong, or is there another way to base64 encode my file?
OK. I believe we were over thinking this quite a bit. Here is what you are looking for to get the desired behavior:
openssl base64 -A -in myfile.binary -out ~/Downloads/myfile.base64
This will convert to base64 without any line endings. The -A option is what does the trick.
Am I doing something wrong,
or is there another way to base64 encode my file?
Yes, you can use base64. It takes a parameter to specify line length but is otherwise similar, the equivalent to your command is:
base64 -b 64 -i myfile.binary -o ~/Downloads/myfile.base64
Also when I look at the contents of the base64 file, I don't see the traditional "=" or "==" at the end, which usually indicates padding
Base64 maps 3 input bytes to 4 output bytes. Your file is 93162 bytes which is divisible by 3, so no padding required.

duplicating stdin to check the end

I need to call openssl from a binary, I wrote xml text in a popen( ) call to a script embedding openssl
I get a problem if my binary fails during writing, openssl ends succesfully to write my file, but when I decode I get a truncated file.
I would like to check at the end of openssl call if the received stream ends with "< /myEndTag>"
Context: my binary must never write a file not encrypted, I would like not to openssl decode
here is an example, to illustrate (thanks to comments, this is not a valid statement, just a way to make you get an idea):
echo "blablaf foo bar" | openssl -out file.crypt | grep -E "bar$"
then, if grep has found "bar$", my file.crypt is good
I found a solution fitting my needs:
my script now use a tee to tail before openssl
tee >(tail -n2 > ${checkfile} ) | /usr/bin/openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -out ${outfile} -e -K ${KEY} -iv ${KEYOPTION}
grepping my end xml tag in the checkfile which only contains 2 lines is secure enough.
As I mentionned, checking openssl return code is not enough since I write to openssl via a popen statement.
If my binary hangs while he is writing, it seems the streams goes to openssl, which find his end, no matter if it's the real end or a broken stream. openssl finely make a valid encrypted output file with the truncated content.
