Fluid clients get out of sync when server is rebooted - fluid-framework

I got the HelloWorld example to run fine. But once I stopped & restarted the server the clients got out of sync--even when I set a consistent document (i.e. location.hash = "12345").
Setting createNew=false broke the app (no dice--literally).
And I get a lot of repeating errors:
[start:server] error: Connect Document error: {} {"messageMetaData":{"documentId":"1608237690408","tenantId":"tinylicious"},"label":"winston","timestamp":"2020-12-17T20:45:13.160Z"}
[start:server] info: Disconnect of 60c72737-3e05-4bc7-bf9b-f7ca6439a431 from room {"messageMetaData":{"documentId":"1608237690408","tenantId":"tinylicious"},"label":"winston","timestamp":"2020-12-17T20:45:13.161Z"}
Does Fluid support this scenario? Or am I doing something wrong?

The tinylicious service could support turning off & on with durable data, but it's really meant to be a test service. When you restart the service, you'll probably want to pick a new documentID.
createNew is a more interesting story. The Hello World application is somewhat contrived example. In general, the app developer will get a signal from the user that a new document should be created. Think about Google Docs.
"Create New Google Doc" -> createNew === true
"Open existing Google Doc" -> createNew === false
However, for the Hello World scenario, we want to have as little code as possible. We certainly don't want to write out a whole document management schema. So we rely on a nifty little trick: If you paste in a URL with a specific documentID we assume you are loading an existing document, otherwise we will make a new one for you.
That's what the below is doing!
You'll see the effects in the URLs, which look something like this: http://localhost:8080/#1608592296522
let createNew = false;
if (location.hash.length === 0) {
createNew = true;
location.hash = Date.now().toString();
const documentId = location.hash.substring(1);
document.title = documentId;


IFeatureManager Unit Testing

I have a Feature Flag in the Azure portal, used from some controllers in a .NET Core Web App.
At runtime, it works correctly switching on and off the FF on the real portal.
I should write 2 Unit tests, simulating when the Feature Flag is On and when Off.
For the Off, I can write
var featMan = new Mock<IFeatureManager>().Object;
And it works, the problem is to simulate when On.
I found this page, https://github.com/microsoft/FeatureManagement-Dotnet/issues/19#issue-517953297 , but in the downloadable code there is no StubFeatureManagerWithFeatureAOn definition.
You just need to configure your Mock to return specific value in specific cases. For example to emulate that test-feature is On you'd write something like this
public async Task TestFeatureManager()
var featureManageMock = new Mock<IFeatureManager>();
.Setup(m => m.IsEnabledAsync("test-feature"))
var featureManager = featureManageMock.Object;
Assert.IsTrue(await featureManager.IsEnabledAsync("test-feature"));

How to detect that iOS App was launched for first time by specific user (not on specific device)?

I am using in my App cloudKit + Core Data in my App (iOS 13+) (swift).
I cannot figure out how to detect very first run of the app regardless of device to initialize some default data.
There are many posts how to detect first launch of a iOS app on specific device - that's easy. I cannot find solution for detecting the first run of app for specific user or in other words - if in user's iCloud does exist initialized container with specific containerIdentifier.
If user had already used the app on another device before, so during first launch on new device, there will be sync with iCloud and app will use user's data. But if the user has never used the app before I need to initialize some data.
I am searching for clue how to deal with it for hours, cannot find nothing relevant.
Any idea?
Thanks for help in advance.
A bit more information on your cloudkit schema would help, but assuming you are using a publicDB to store information, a unique record will be create for the user when they first take an action that saves data to cloudkit.
So you could check and look at the createDate timestamp of the User object in cloudkit and compare to the current time (a bit clunky, but possible).
Example code to fetch the user:
iCloudUserIDAsync { (recordID: CKRecord.ID?, error: NSError?) in
if let userID = recordID?.recordName {
self.loggedInUserID = userID
self.loggedInWithiCloud = true
} else {
self.loggedInWithiCloud = false
print("Fetched iCloudID was nil")
Alternatively, and more elegantly, you could write a boolean flag to the user object CloudKit (or locally in CoreData) on first launch. Then on any launch get the entire user object for the logged in iCloud user, you can then initialize it and then act on your Boolean variable from there.
Example code to get the full user and initialize it locally:
CKContainer.default().publicCloudDatabase.fetch(withRecordID: userRecordID) { (results, error ) in
if results != nil {
//now that you have the user, you can perform your checks
self.currentUser = MyUser(record: results!)
if let error = error {
print("couldn't set user reference")
DispatchQueue.main.async {

Firefox Add-on SDK equivalent to Chrome's chrome.storage.sync? [duplicate]

I'm currently converting a Chrome extension into a Firefox add-on and would appreciate to replicate the chrome.storage.sync feature.
However, I cannot manage to find whether the data stored by a Firefox add-on using simple-storage will be automatically synced whenever a user of the add-on is signed into Firefox Sync.
Given that all the pieces of data stored via the latter method can be found in the user profile, I presume it will... as long as the add-on is available at https://addons.mozilla.org ?
Any information on the topic would be greatly appreciated.
simple-storage is not synced. But you can sync it with little effort.
The trick it to store the storage object, it is serializable by definition, as a string preference and tell to the sync service to synchronize it.
Lets name that preference syncstorage and mark it as synchronizable.
var self = require("sdk/self");
var prefs = require("sdk/preferences/service");
prefs.set("services.sync.prefs.sync.extensions." + self.id + ".syncstorage", true);
When storing something to simple-storage reflect the change to syncstorage.
var sp = require("sdk/simple-prefs");
var ss = require("sdk/simple-storage");
sp.prefs["syncstorage"] = JSON.stringify(ss.storage);
For the opposite effect watch syncstorage for changes
sp.on("syncstorage", function(prefname){
ss.storage = JSON.parse(sp.prefs["syncstorage"]);
Last but not least, It would nice and perhaps mandatory to sync only with the explicit consent of the user.

Windows 10 sharing app settings between devices with same account

Is there any possibility to do this ?
I'd like to identify the user and one easy way is to save GUID that is automatically visible on other devices with same MS Account.
You can use roaming settings for this
var roamingSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings;
// Create a simple setting
roamingSettings.Values["exampleSetting"] = "Hello World";
// Read data from a simple setting
Object value = roamingSettings.Values["exampleSetting"];
if (value == null)
// No data
// Access data in value
// Delete a simple setting
Oh my...
I spent half a day reading forums and suddenly found an answer, right after posting SO Queston :( Sorry.
Microsoft has good buch of Win10 samples, and one of them describes ApplicationData.Roaming -
Any file that is put to this folder is synced to other devices automatically.

Error registering SharePoint WebDeleting event receiver in some environments

I am trying to register a WebDeleting event receiver within SharePoint. This works fine in my development environment, but not in several staging environments. The error I get back is "Value does not fall within the expected range.". Here is the code I use:
using (SPSite elevatedSite = new SPSite(web.Site.ID))
using (SPWeb elevatedWeb = elevatedSite.OpenWeb(web.ID))
elevatedWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPEventReceiverDefinition eventReceiver = elevatedWeb.EventReceivers.Add(new Guid(MyEventReciverId));
eventReceiver.Type = SPEventReceiverType.WebDeleting;
Type eventReceiverType = typeof(MyEventHandler);
eventReceiver.Assembly = eventReceiverType.Assembly.FullName;
eventReceiver.Class = eventReceiverType.FullName;
elevatedWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
catch (Exception ex)
// Do stuff...
I realize that I can do this through a feature element file (I am trying that approach now), but would prefer to use the above approach.
The errors I consistently get in the ULS logs are:
03/11/2010 17:16:57.34 w3wp.exe (0x09FC) 0x0A88 Windows SharePoint Services Database 6f8g Unexpected Unexpected query execution failure, error code 3621. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. "The statement has been terminated." Query text (if available): "{?=call proc_InsertEventReceiver(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"
03/11/2010 17:16:57.34 w3wp.exe (0x09FC) 0x0A88 Windows SharePoint Services General 8e2s Medium Unknown SPRequest error occurred. More information: 0x80070057
Any ideas?
UPDATE - Some interesting things I have learned...
I modified my code to do the following:
I call EventReceivers.Add() without the GUID since most examples I see do not do that
Gave the event receiver a Name and Sequence number since most examples I see do that
I deployed this change along with some extra trace statements that go to the ULS logs and after doing enough iisresets and clearing the GAC of my assembly, I started to see my new trace statements in the ULS logs and I no longer got the error!
So, I started to go back towards my original code to see what change exactly helped. I finally ended up with the original version in source control and it still worked :-S.
So the answer is clearly that it is some caching issue. However, when I was originally trying to get it to work I tried IISRESETs, restarting some SharePoint services OWSTimer (this, I believe runs the event hander, but probably isn't involved in the event registration where I am getting the error), and even a reboot to make sure no assembly caching was going on - and that did not help before.
The only thing I have to go on is maybe following steps such as:
Clear the GAC of the assembly that contains the registration code and event hander class.
Uninstall the WSP.
Install the WSP.
To get it working I never did a reboot or restarted SharePoint services, but I had done those prior to getting it working (before changing my code).
I suppose I could dig more with Reflector to see what I can find, but I believe you get to a dead end (unmanaged code) pretty quick. I wonder what could be holding on to the old DLL? I can't imagine that SQL Server would be in some way. Even so, a reboot would have fixed that (the entire farm, including SQL Server are on the same machine in this environment).
So, it appears that the whole problem was creating the event receiver by providing the GUID.
EventReceiverDefinition eventReceiver = elevatedWeb.EventReceivers.Add(new Guid(MyEventReciverId));
Now I am doing:
EventReceiverDefinition eventReceiver = elevatedWeb.EventReceivers.Add();
Unfortunately this means when I want to find out if the event is already registered, I must do something like the code below instead of a single one liner.
// Had to use the below instead of: web.EventReceivers[new Guid(MyEventReceiverId)]
private SPEventReceiverDefinition GetWebDeletingEventReceiver(SPWeb web)
Type eventReceiverType = typeof(MyEventHandler);
string eventReceiverAssembly = eventReceiverType.Assembly.FullName;
string eventReceiverClass = eventReceiverType.FullName;
SPEventReceiverDefinition eventReceiver = null;
foreach (SPEventReceiverDefinition eventReceiverIter in web.EventReceivers)
if (eventReceiverIter.Type == SPEventReceiverType.WebDeleting)
if (eventReceiverIter.Assembly == eventReceiverAssembly && eventReceiverIter.Class == eventReceiverClass)
eventReceiver = eventReceiverIter;
return eventReceiver;
It's still not clear why things seemed to linger and require some cleanup (iisreset, reboots, etc.) so if anyone else has this problem keep that in mind.
