Execute SQL script stored in Azure Blob container via Azure Data Factory - azure

I have a SQL script stored in Azure Blob container as a ".sql" file. I want to execute/invoke this code using Azure Data factory. Please note that the script already has the SQL query I wish to execute and I simply intend to point to it and invoke it using ADF. How can we achieve this ?

Data Factory more focus on data transferring not executing the script directly. It can't achieve that for now. You need achieve that in code level and call the function in ADF.
Like you said, you will have to write a function for the same and execute the function using ADF.


Is it possible to store variables in Azure Data Factory pipelines?

In my Azure Data Factory pipeline, I want to use a variable, which gets updated on each run and which is also read on each run. At the moment, I am using a Database to achieve that. But it would be much simpler if Azure Data Factory provided a way of storing variables. So, my question is, is there any such facility in Azure Data Factory?
As #Joel Cochran says, ADF doesn't support persist a variable inside pipeline runs. We need to write data to a storage, eg. database or azure storage. Use Lookup Activity to get the value from blob storage file or DB. :)

Create a generic data factory with multiple linked services

Use Case: To create a generic data factory which can read data from different azure blob containers which has flat files into Azure SQL. I have created a data pipeline which uses stored procedures to populate the Azure SQL tables.
Issue: The trouble that I have is that I want to execute this data factory from my code and change the database and blob container on the fly and execute the same data factory with this new parameters. The Table names will remain the same on the Azure SQL side and the File name will also remain same in the blob storage. The change will the the Container or the folder name inside the Container which will be know before hand.
Please help me out or point me in the direction as to what could help me achieve this and if this can be at all be achieved or not.
You would need to use the parameterized datasets and linked services. Define parameters on your data factory pipeline (which you want to pass from your code e.g. container name or the folder name, connection string for SQL azure and connection string for blob storage). Once this is defined - you would need to pass these values downstream all the way till the linked service
i.e. something like this
Pipeline Parameters > Dataset Parameters > Linked Service Parameters

Dynamically generate Extract scripts from metadata in USQL

I have a requirement to read metadata information that comes in json format and dynamically generate extract statements to further transform data for that table.
I have currently loaded metadata information in Azure SQL DB. So, I would need to read this data and create extract statements on the fly and pass them to the USQL as a parameter.
Need some help in how to proceed with this and also whether this is the correct approach that I am following.
Thanks in advance.
Don't equate executing U-SQL to something like Stored Procedures in SQL Server: the two are quite different under the covers. For instance, passing parameters is kinda supported, but not like you may think, and [to the best of my knowledge] dynamic script elements aren't supported.
I do, however, think you could accomplish this with Azure Data Factory (ADF) and some custom code.
ADF executes U-SQL scripts by referencing a blob in Blob Storage, so you could have an ADF custom activity (Azure Batch) that reads your metadata and dynamically generates the U-SQL script to an Azure Blob.
Once available, the Data Factory can execute the generated script based on a pipeline parameter that holds the script name.
Doing this in ADF allows you to perform this complex operation dynamically. If you go this route, be sure to use ADF V2.

Sql to Azure Blob to LogicApp

I am new Azure functions, One of my task is to read data from Sql database and upload that data as a csv file in azure Blob storage using Azure functions and then using logicapps to retreive it. I am stuck with Sql to file to Azure Blob
I would start with the Azure Functions documentation. I did a quick internet search and found this article on how to access to SQL database from an Azure Function: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-scenario-database-table-cleanup
Here is another article which shows how to upload content to blob storage: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-storage-blob#output
Apply your learnings from both and you should be able to accomplish this task.
What about if instead you create a trigger to start the logic apps when something happen in your DB. Interesting article here : https://flow.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-triggers-in-the-sql-connector/
you can then pass the information to a function to process the data and push the new csv file to the storage : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-quickstart-blobs-dotnet?tabs=windows
Optionally you might need to transform what the trigger from sql returns you, there you can use the logic apps transform the input : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-enterprise-integration-transform

Scheduling U - SQL Job

I am trying to schedule a U SQL job. Please let me know whether I can schedule the U SQL job.If so,how can I schedule.
To my mind, the best way to orchestrate your U-SQL job along with concomitant data management such as getting source data, pushing output data and etc is Azure Data Factory V2. ADF has reach API. Basically, you can run your jobs using either PowerShell or C# or a trigger.
See my very simple example of the job and how to add a trigger below. In this example, I process the documents with my U-SQL job and then push output file (CSV or Avro file) into Azure SQL Server
You could use Azure Automation (with the help of the Azure Data Lake Analytics Cmdlets) or Azure Data Factory to schedule a U-SQL script in the cloud.
You can get some guidance regarding creating a ADF Pipeline here:
