having problems in importing from one file to another - python-3.x

For example :-Class B import some functions of Class A (Works fine). Problem arise when I tried to import some function of class B in class A.
file : a_class.py
from b_class import B
class A:
def fun(self):
def b(self):
print("Function is to test")
B().hello() #having issue
file : b_class.py
from a_class import A
class B:
def fun2(self):
print("more fun")
A().fun() # works fine
def hello(self):
print("want this function on class A")
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = B()
bo = A()
Could someone please try to run this program and post the correct code in comment section because am working on one project and am having the same problem as I posted above.

I worked it out : you have to put the importstatement in a_class.py AFTER the class definition, like so:
file : a_class.py
class A:
def fun(self):
def b(self):
print("Function is to test")
B().hello() #having issue (not anymore)
from b_class import B
file : b_class.py
from a_class import A
class B:
def fun2(self):
print("more fun")
A().fun() # works fine
def hello(self):
print("want this function on class A")
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = B()
bo = A()


Pytest object created by object assert_called_once_with

I known how I can test if an injected object was called with a specific argument. But in my case the injected object will create an object that object will create another object and I want to test if that last object was called with the right argument.
in the example below the question would be if c.dirve was called with 100 as argument:
class car:
def drive(self, distance):
print("so fast")
class car_shop:
def buy_car(self):
return car()
class shop_shop:
def buy_shop(self):
return car_shop()
class processor:
def __init__(self, sshop):
self.sshop = sshop
def run(self):
cshop = self.sshop.buy_shop()
c = cshop.buy_car()
def main():
sshop = shop_shop()
proc = processor(sshop)
if __name__ == "__main__":
is there a way to test that?
Since this was requested here my approach for testing these objects:
import pytest
from unittest.mock import Mock
from object_returns_object_test_for_arguments import processor, shop_shop
def mock_shop_shop():
return Mock(spec=shop_shop)
def test_processor_car_called_with_100(mock_shop_shop):
proc = processor(mock_shop_shop)
assert mock_shop_shop.car_shop.car.drive.assert_called_once_with(100)
assert mock_shop_shop.car_shop.car.drive.call_count == 1
If using just the code shown in the question, you only have to mock car.drive. This could be done for example this way:
from unittest import mock
from object_returns_object_test_for_arguments import processor, shop_shop
def test_processor_car_called_with_100(drive_mock):
proc = processor(shop_shop())
As I don't know your real code, you may have to mock more stuff.
As an aside: class names in Python are written upper-case, camelcase-style by default.

Can we skip explicit object creation in Python

When I do not crate object for CP class, the operations are not captured. I am referring to the code below, Can somebody help me understand why we need obj creation in this case
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class P(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self._pre_map = {}
self._pre_order = []
def set_pre(self, tag_value):
index = len(self._pre_map)
self._pre_map[index] = tag_value
def execute(self):
class CP(P):
def __init__(self):
def execute(self):
def prnt(self):
print (self._pre_map)
print (self._pre_order)
print("\n++++++++ working")
obj = CP()
obj.set_pre("test string added")
#Not Working
print("\n+++++++ not working")
CP().set_pre("test string added")
It produces,
{0: 'test string added'}
+++++++not working
When you call the class the second time with CP.execute(), you have created a completely new instance of the CP class. It is not going to have the text string you specified.
If you actually wanted it to print the values like the working one you can make the functions return self after each call in the P class. If you did that you could do something like this.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class P(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self._pre_map = {}
self._pre_order = []
def set_pre(self, tag_value):
index = len(self._pre_map)
self._pre_map[index] = tag_value
##need to return self here
return self
def execute(self):
class CP(P):
def __init__(self):
def execute(self):
def prnt(self):
print (self._pre_map)
print (self._pre_order)
print("\n++++++++ working")
obj = CP()
obj.set_pre("test string added")
#Not Working
print("\n+++++++ not working: but now working after returning self in the P class")
CP().set_pre("test string added").execute()
++++++++ working
{0: 'test string added'}
+++++++ not working: but now working after returning self in the P class
{0: 'test string added'}
This would print the result you want.
The reason for the difference is the fact that in the first one, you are creating an instance, and using that instance the whole way through, whereas in the second one, you are using two different instances of your class.
The two different instances cannot share their attributes, so you are unable to recall what happened. If you really don't want to use a dedicated variable, change your P class to look like this:
class P(ABC):
def set_pre(self, tag_value):
index = len(self._pre_map)
self._pre_map[index] = tag_value
return self
And use CP().set_pre("test string added").execute()

Why are my class functions executed when importing the class?

it's probably a very basic question but I was unable to find an answer that I could thoroughly understand.
In my main program main_program.py, I'm importing a class that itself imports another class:
in main_program.py:
from createTest import *
in createTest.py:
from recordRecallQused import *
now in recordRecallQused:
class recordRecallQused:
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
with open(self.path, 'r',newline = '') as question_used:
except IOError:
#if file doesnt exist
print("the file doesn't exist")
with open(self.path, 'w',newline = '') as question_used:
def recallQused(self):
list_Qused = []
print("I'm being executed")
with open(self.path, 'r',newline = '') as question_used:
questionused = csv.reader(question_used)
for item in questionused:
if len(item)>0:
return list_Qused
What I obtain in the kernel:
>I'm being executed
so functions inside the class are executed even though they are not called, but I have read that it's "normal", "def" are no statements but "live" things.
Still, I have tried something much more simple:
in main_program_TEST.py
from class1 import *
a = class1()
in class1.py:
from class2 import *
class class1:
def __init__(self):
def message(self):
in class2.py:
class class2:
def __init__(self):
def message(self):
When executing main_program_TEST.py the kernel displays
so this time the functions in class2.py have not been executed, otherwise the kernel would show instead:
I really wonder why.
Stephen Rauch you are right, part of my code in recordRecallQused.py was calling the function.
"""#load all list
print("loading questions info")
# questions info: answers, category
list_AllQ = []
with open('questionsInfoTo130.csv', newline = '') as csvfile:
questionsInfo = csv.reader(csvfile)
# loop over the questions information rows
for (i,row) in enumerate(questionsInfo):
path = 'question_used.csv'"""
list_AllQ = [[0,1,2,1,"que"],[0,1,2,2,"que"],[0,1,2,3,"que"],[0,1,2,4,"que"],[0,1,2,55,"que"],[0,1,2,6,"que"],[0,1,2,7,"que"],[0,1,2,8,"que"],[0,1,2,9,"que"]]
a = recordRecallQused('question_used.csv')
list_Qused = a.recallQused()
list_avQ = a.createListavQ(list_Qused, list_AllQ)
list_Qtest = a.createListQtest(list_avQ)

Python 3 threadings.Thread callback error when targeting abstract method

import threading
import websocket
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class A:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
self.some_var = 0
def failed_method(self):
def on_websocket_message(self, ws, msg):
var = self.failed_method()
def open_websocket(self):
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp('http://some_url.com',
on_message=self.on_websocket_message, ...)
def callback_method(self):
websocket_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.open_websocket, name='some_websocket_name')
another_var = self.failed_method()
print('Another variable\'s value is [{}]'.format(another_var))
from base_class import A
class B(A):
def failed_method(self):
return 3
import threading
from child_class import B
def main():
child_class_instance = B()
some_thread = threadings.Thread(target=child_class_instance.callback_method, name='some_name')
The result of main() is printed None, not 3, i.e., abstract class' method is called instead of child's one. (Assume all the modules are in the one place.)
Can anyone explain this behaviour? Or what is the thing I do not understand in inheritance in Python combined with threadings.Thread?
P.S. With the similar code I've met error from callback <bound method BaseClass... of < ...ChildClass...> > from websocket.WebSocketApp._callback().
P.P.S. Important to note that I use websocket-client, not websockets.

python3 mock doesn't work for all paths

The Production file (production_file.py) is:
class MyError(Exception):
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.value = None
def set_value(self, value):
self.value = value
def foo(self):
raise RuntimeError("error!")
class Caller:
def bar(self, smth):
obj = MyClass()
except MyError:
Test file (test.py):
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
from unittest.mock import call
from production_file import MyClass, Caller
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_caller(self):
with patch('production_file.MyClass', autospec=MyClass) as MyClassMock:
my_class_mock_obj = MyClassMock.return_value
my_class_mock_obj.foo.side_effect = [MyError("msg"), "text"]
caller = Caller()
calls = [call("str1"), call("str2")]
if __name__ == '__main__':
This above works. But if I move the production classes (MyError, MyClass, Caller) into the test file, and update patch to:
with patch('test.MyClass', autospec=MyClass) as MyClassMock:
then the instance method "foo" is no longer mocked.
Does anybody have any idea why that is?
I have also experienced a similar problem with some more complex code, where the production code is in my_package/src/production_file.py while the test is in my_package/tests/test_file.py. Python yields no error for the path, the path is correct, but still the mock doesn't work.
If you are running test.py as __main__ then it is not test.MyClass it would be __main__.MyClass, or in both cases __name__+".MyClass".
I was able to determine that the class used and the class patched were different by adding a print statement:
class Caller:
def bar(self, smth):
print(MyClass) #lets see what we are actually making an instance of...
obj = MyClass()
When the patch is applied to the class that this is using you would see something like this:
<MagicMock name='MyClass' spec='MyClass' id='4387629656'>
But when the class in moved into test.py you will see something like:
<class '__main__.MyClass'>
Which indicates:
There was no patching applied to MyClass (at least the one that is used for the test.)
The name of the class that needs to be patched is __main__.MyClass
However It is quite likely that your "more... complicated situation" is not working because of a setup like this:
from production_file import MyClass
class MyError(Exception):
class Caller:
def bar(self, smth):
obj = MyClass()
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_caller(self):
with patch('production_file.MyClass', autospec=MyClass) as MyClassMock:
In this case production_file.MyClass is being patched and MyClass is being imported from production_file so the correct class is being patched but still the output is:
<class 'production_file.MyClass'>
This is because the Class was directly imported to the local namespace, so when the patch is applied to the production_file the local namespace is still unaffected, we can check that the patch was actually applied with:
def bar(self, smth):
from production_file import MyClass as pf_MyClass
<class 'production_file.MyClass'>
<MagicMock name='MyClass' spec='MyClass' id='4387847136'>
If this is the case you just need to import the module, not the class directly. Then once the patch is applied you will be using it right from the file:
import production_file
class Caller:
def bar(self, smth):
obj = production_file.MyClass()
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_caller(self):
with patch('production_file.MyClass', autospec=MyClass) as MyClassMock:
