Why won't Azure OCR code loop through media? - azure

I'm trying to get a project going where I can extract text from JPGs, PNGs, and PDFs. I found this article where someone made something similar
I tried following this person's guide and tried tying it to my Azure instance, but when I run the code (basically copied exactly what he did), I get an error of KeyError: 'regions'
Any idea what the issue may be? I have the error screenshot below, as well as the code (with my API key and endpoint removed.

So turns out I was just using the wrong end point in the code. I was copying what was given to me in Azure and not what the guy had in his video. Ooops


Django 4 By Example code doesn't show body-contents at all

I'm reading a book the title is Django 4 By Example.
I tried to make chapter01 & 02.
I wrote codes following the explanation of the book, everything is okay without bugs, but the result was not good.
In my case, the body is empty.
So I download & migrate the canonical codes and execute it, but the result was the same.
Naturally I made some articles by admin as a superuser.
This result is like this.
I'm new to django, and to make web application, but this code is undoubtly the same as example codes.I'm using windows11 so I tried to do the same thing on windows10, but the result was the same.I tried to do on the Microsoft Edge & Google Chrome.
code is here. This image is chapter02.
django 4 by example github
Do you know this is what kind of problems?
Is this occured to me only?I don't find out the person who run into the same problem.
Many readers say this book is wonderful, yes, I think so, too. But I'm embarassed at this result.
This is the command prompt message.

HPQC (or MicroFocus ALM) - Errors when using Doc Generator on VDI

I work in a company that started using VDIs for certain SQAs. We have just noticed that in Microfocus ALM in the VDI only, when anyone tries to print a report through the Document Generator, an error occurs. See first screenshot. If you close this out, it freezes the browser and you have to close. When you try again, you'll get the second error below. In researching these, it seems the first could be caused by a Word incompatibility, which we have checked and ruled out. The second can be caused by files in the path of the TD_80 folder, which we have tried to remove as suggested, but the error persists.
Does anyone know what else might cause this error on the VDIs only?
Details from first error
Details from second error
After submitting a ticket to Micro Focus, they said Report Generator is no longer supported. They pointed us to their documentation on creating reports in the Analysis View module under the Dashboard. This seems to work similarly, but the filtering is a little bit different.

Does Office 365 image search work? If so, how?

According to Microsoft ("Image Analysis" in https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-SharePoint-Blog/Enrich-your-SharePoint-Content-with-Intelligence-and-Automation/ba-p/194174, from May 21, 2018), we should be able to search for text within images.
Is this working for you/anyone? If so, I would like to know what you had to do to get it to work.
I have a SharePoint modern team site with PNG images that contain clearly readable text...but search will not find anything. I have requested re-indexing.
I have had a Microsoft Support request (#10638094) open since June 27 with this question/issue, and no one--even after escalation--has been able to answer it.
Based on the article above, it appears that "MediaService" column(s) should be added to the library to support this; however, I can find no such columns in the environment (using PnP export to review).
Naomi Moneypenny and Kathrine Hammervold highlighted this functionality at Ignite 2017 (https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite/Microsoft-Ignite-Orlando-2017/BRK2181, about 27:00), but it doesn't seem to be available/working (at least not for me).
August 24: So, after research, digging yet further, I have an escalated support ticket at Microsoft (#10638094, unsolved) and there are conversations at https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Intelligent-Search-Discovery/Search-for-words-in-your-images-in-Office-365/ba-p/135703, https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-SharePoint-Blog/Enrich-your-SharePoint-Content-with-Intelligence-and-Automation/bc-p/236625, and Does Office 365 image search work? If so, how?. I have yet to hear of this functionality working for anyone. I will keep digging, and I will certainly post if I hear anything. J
After some digging, from official it seems already released at the end of 2017. However there is no any related doc or official guide to this Text in image search function.
The 2 way i can think of perform text in image search.
Perform OCR yourself on the image before uploading the image and embed the text in image metadata.
Use support image type like IIRC and TIF that image are recognized.
In your case, you can upload the image and have another column that contains text and apply metadata to the image in a list/ library column.
OneDrive in another hand also has this function. For example, search for things like "cat" and it * should* pull up most pictures you have of cats. Its more likely using tag as label for the image instead of reading the picture it self.
Also, i believe OneNote has its index recognizable text and handwriting. Maybe this can point you to the right directions.
*Microsoft Azure's computer Vision offer service to recognized text in image. Maybe this can help.
"Is this working for you/anyone?" Yes, I responded to this post elsewhere and see it posted here, as well. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you HOW to get it to work or to verify that it is correctly configured. I can only suggest a test for you to see if it is working for you, as it works for me. I have not tested every way in which it could or should work. I have only discovered it working with PNGs I inserted into Wiki Pages in SharePoint Online. Those PNGs are generated using Snag-It to take Screen Captures and I do not see where Snag-It would be doing any OCR on the image to embed anything, etc. OCR is not even in the Snag-It help file, so I believe the PNG files are just simple PNGs. I insert them into the SharePoint Wiki page, which uploads them to the Site Assets library. And, when I search for a word in the image, the image is returned as a result - not the Wiki page. So, suggest you try a simple test of just inserting a PNG with text in it into a Wiki Page and give the index a bit of time to run to see if it works for you.
It seems like the functionality has matured recently. I have been testing it more thoroughly, and I have documented the results in my blog at http://www.collaboration-foundry.com/SharePointImageAnalysis.
Bottom line: It works for me in OneDrive and SharePoint (modern and classis), but I've only seen it work on the out-of-the-box Document content type--which limits custom solutions somewhat.
It's cool functionality when it works. Looking forward to seeing Microsoft build on this.

XPath Data Scraping From Online Community

I recently read this article on how to scrape the Inbound.org community members profile using Excel. And you can watch the video here if you prefer it that way.
Since the release of this tutorial, the Inbound website structure has changed a bit, as you can see at minute 11:00 in the video, if you attempt to copy the XPath of the social media icons it appears slightly different and because of this I haven't been able to extract that information.
Here's what I get now:
This is how I wrote the syntax in Excel:
And then like this:
Although I tried in many different ways, none of them showed me the link to the member's social media profile.
I even tried changing the xpath in multiple ways to get different data from the page, but none of it was the social media information:
I honestly don't know what to try anymore, something's wrong and I can't figure it out. Anybody have enough experience with this or can pinpoint the problem here with my syntax?
Thanks a lot
The first formula you tried looks fine, but this is the one that works for me (SEO Tools version 4.3.4) :

FlashChartHelper for OpenFlashChart2 in CakePHP: blank charts

So I have recently started playing with Ubuntu, PHP, and CakePHP and have been pretty happy with the LAMP stack. Except now I'm trying to build a simple web page that can display collected data in a graph. Apparently OpenFlashChart2 with the FlashChartHelper plugin is pretty good, but I cannot get it to actually display a graph. I got the "hello world" sample described in the OpenFlashChart2 documentation to work, but when I try the FlashChartHelper samples I just get a blank spot where my graph is supposed to be. There is no error message, just... nothing. I verified that all the files are installed as listed on the page, and I made sure to define $helpers in my controller
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Flash','FlashChart');
Could it be a pathing issue? My webroot is /var/www/, but I unzipped cake into /var/www/www2/ . The rest of my site, including entering data, works just fine.
Has anyone else seen this before? What did you do to resolve the issue? Failing that, can you recommend another graphing library? Specifically, I need to render a scatter graph. I have a collection of data points that are collected at irregular intervals. Either suggestions on fixing FlashChartHelper or another library would be appreciated
I would perhaps take a look at this resource:
It seems to have everything you need?
