How do i get a randomly selected string name and still select an existing substring without the code coming out as text - string

I'm currently trying to get info off of an object but that's randomly selected. I believe that the true problem is that what I wrote is not being taken as a variable for selecting an existing object if not as the variable for the object, I don't know if this is a clear message or not.
Example of what I have tried:
let PK = ["Random1", "Random2", "Random3"]
let PKS = Math.floor(Math.random() * PK.length)
let Random1 = {
name: "Random1",
number: "010"
let Random2 = {
name: "Random2",
number: "011"
if(message.content.toLowerCase() == "random"){[PKS].number)
There is another thing I have tried which is by using ${}. These are the results:
"Random1.number" or "Random2.number" when what I was looking for is actually "010" or "011".

You should wrap your objects inside some collection such as an Array and then you just compare the value from your random selection to the value find in the collection (if any (randoms)):
let PK = ["Random1", "Random2", "Random3"];
let PKS = Math.floor(Math.random() * PK.length);
const randoms = [
name: "Random1",
number: "010",
name: "Random2",
number: "011",
if (message.content.toLowerCase() == "random") {
const findRandom = randoms.find((v) => === PK[PKS]);
if (findRandom) {;


Best way to search march in an array of JavaScript Objects?

I'm facing a challenge to match values within an array of JS objects. Let me give you an example,
var dynamicObjectArray = [
{Id: 1422859025, FromTime: "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z", ToTime: "2023-02-12T20:00:00Z"},
{Id: 1422859027, FromTime: "2023-02-12T18:00:00Z", ToTime: "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z"}
I need to find all Ids for FromTime or ToTime match with "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z"
Using a database, it can be done easily. But, here, I need to play an array of 100 objects max. Also, data will be dynamic. Can you please suggest me a way to achieve the goal using NodeJS.
You could use the JS Date builtin constructor to compare dates instead of using the string directly.
Filter your matching objects, and map the ids.
You can do something like this.
const dynamicObjectArray = [{
Id: 1422859025,
FromTime: "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z",
ToTime: "2023-02-12T20:00:00Z"
Id: 1422859027,
FromTime: "2023-02-12T18:00:00Z",
ToTime: "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z"
const matchTime = new Date("2023-02-12T19:00:00Z").getTime();
const matchIds = dynamicObjectArray.filter(obj => {
const fromTime = new Date(obj.FromTime).getTime();
const toTime = new Date(obj.ToTime).getTime();
return matchTime === fromTime || matchTime === toTime;
}).map(obj => obj.Id);
If you want a suggestion, you can do something like this:
Create a function that takes as a parameter, the wanted Date
Create a variable containing an array where you will save all those "id's" that match your condition
Create a for loop
Create an if condition, that matches the following condition:
if date exists on "FromTime" or exists on "ToTime", push to your "id's array"
Return your ids array
Here is the code implementation:
function filterObjByDate(TO_MATCH_DATE) {
let ids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dynamicObjectArray.length; i++) {
if (
dynamicObjectArray[i].FromTime === TO_MATCH_DATE ||
dynamicObjectArray[i].ToTime === TO_MATCH_DATE
) {
return ids
That's it. If you have more question, ask me 😀👍

fs.readFileSync gives duplicated results when reading JSON files in node.js

I got two JSON files that I'm processing:
There are files for other months of the year, but for debugging purposes I'm focusing on these two because they are causing the problem.
They contain simple data in the following format:
["John", 1403],
["Peter", 1159],
However, John is available only in sorted/apr-total2.json file and not in sorted/may-total2.json.
My code is the following:
let months = ["apr", "may"];
let dataToSort = {};
function getDataFromJSONFile(month) {
let jsonData = fs.readFileSync(`sorted/${month}-total2.json`);
let convertedData = JSON.parse(jsonData);
return convertedData;
function arrayToObject(data) {
data.forEach((user) => {
dataToSort[user[0].toString()] = user[1];
return dataToSort;
for (let i in months) {
let currentMonth = months[i];
console.log("Current month is " + currentMonth);
let getDataForMonth = getDataFromJSONFile(currentMonth);
let convertedMonth = arrayToObject(getDataForMonth);
if (convertedMonth.hasOwnProperty("John") == true) {
My output is the following:
Current month is apr
Current month is may
This isn't correct, since user John isn't available in sorted/may-total2.json. So why is this happening? It seems that the object convertedMonth is causing the issue.
If I add the following code at the end of the for loop and delete the ConvertedMonth object properties:
for (let item in convertedMonth) {
delete convertedMonth[item];
It works as intended:
Current month is apr
Current month is may
I want to know why this object is causing the issue, because I reused the same code in another place of my project.
Your arrayToObject function uses a single global dataToSort, so any entries will be accumulated and overwritten there. See:
> let dataToSort = {};
> function arrayToObject(data) {
... data.forEach((user) => {
... dataToSort[user[0].toString()] = user[1];
... });
... return dataToSort;
... }
> arrayToObject([["foo", 123]])
{ foo: 123 }
> arrayToObject([["foo", 456], ["bar", 567]])
{ foo: 456, bar: 567 }
Your program simplifies to something like
let months = ["apr", "may"];
for (let currentMonth of months) {
console.log("Current month is " + currentMonth);
let jsonData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`sorted/${month}-total2.json`));
let convertedMonth = Object.fromEntries(jsonData);
if (convertedMonth["John"]) {
uses for..of for correct and simpler iteration over the months
uses Object.fromEntries to convert an array of 2-arrays into a plain object (which is what your arrayToObject did)

Remove duplicates from output

I have the following output:
output "regions_data" {
value = regions({
for region, data in var.regions :
regions => "${region}/${data.postcode}"
Which contains duplicates like(it is intentional):
regions = {
reg1 = {
postcode = "1"
reg1 = {
postcode = "1"
reg2 = {
postcode = "2"
How can I remove the duplicates from the output?
Your code does not comply to the basic rules of maps or objects. Nor there is any regions function you use in the code. The provided code is not a proper Terraform syntax.
I believe however, you might have meant the following example:
variable "regions" {
default = {
reg1 = [
postcode = 1
area = "oak-county"
postcode = 2
area = "birch-county"
reg2 = [
postcode = 1
area = "fir-county"
postcode = 2
area = "pine-county"
In a case, when the two maps have the same keys, you can use flatten to break up everything to pieces, then rejoin everything back together:
locals {
flatten = flatten([
for region_key, region in var.regions : [
for area in region :
key = "${region_key}-${area.postcode}"
value = area.area
output "flattened_regions" {
value = local.flatten
output "remap" {
value = { for key, data in local.flatten :
data.key => data.value
Even if the code above doesn't exactly fit your case, please experiment in a similar manner - or, provide more complete example of variables you have and the outcome you need.
Probably what you want
I have no idea what you've meant by regions in value = regions({ but I assume that this code will do what you want:
locals {
regions = {
reg1 = {
postcode = "1"
reg1 = {
postcode = "1"
reg2 = {
postcode = "2"
output "regions_data" {
value = {
for region, data in local.regions :
region => "${region}/${data.postcode}"
Keep in mind that I replaced var with local to have one file.
And output of such is:
regions_data = {
"reg1" = "reg1/1"
"reg2" = "reg2/2"
Thought be warned that it will use one of keys. It doesn't check for duplicates. It just takes first one.
But why you shouldn't want it
This solution is quite bad for multiple reasons:
You provide variables - why the heck would you put duplicates? :)
As I said this merge will not necessarily provide the output you what
If var is provided by some terraform code (e.g. this regions_data is in module) then logic of merging should be done outside of module and probably terraform's own merge would be the answer.

Svelte Store. Spread syntax is not merging - just adding

I am trying to add some brocolli to my basket in the svelte store I have created. My code adds the brocooli to the basket but then duplicates the baskets and adds a whole new basket to my store. Not sure if the problem is caused by my lack of understanding of javascript or svelte.
Desired result
Basket 1 OrangePineapple Basket 2 BananaApplePlumwalnuthazelnutnutmegbroccoli
Basket 1 OrangePineapple Basket 2 BananaApplePlumwalnuthazelnutnutmeg Basket 2 BananaApplePlumwalnuthazelnutnutmegbroccoli
Link to svelte codebox where you can view and run code
if you click the button you see that my basket is duplicating. I am just trying to add the brocooli to the basket.
code below
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
export const storeBaskets = writable([
"name": "Basket 1",
"items": ["Orange", "Pineapple"]
"name": "Basket 2",
"items": ["Banana", "Apple","Plum","walnut","hazelnut","nutmeg"]
//Local functions
export const add = (item,basketIndex) => {
storeBaskets.update(val => {
const newItems = [...val[basketIndex].items, item]
const newBasket = {'name':val[basketIndex].name,'items':newItems}
val = [...val,newBasket]
return val
val = [...val,newBasket]
With this line you're copying the previous store value and adding the newBasket "on top". That's how the spread operator works with arrays
let arr = [1,2,3]
let n = 4
let arr2 = [...arr, n]
console.log(arr2) // [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
I wonder if you might have thought of the different behaviour when spreading an object, where an already existing entry might be overriden if the key already exists
let obj = {key: 'value'}
let key = 'newValue'
let obj2 = {...obj, key}
console.log(obj2) // { key: "newValue" }
To make your code working you could replace the line by val[basketIndex] = newBasket
export const add = (item,basketIndex) => {
storeBaskets.update(val => {
const newItems = [...val[basketIndex].items, item]
const newBasket = {'name':val[basketIndex].name,'items':newItems}
val[basketIndex] = newBasket
return val
Or, instead of spreading, simply push the new value directly to the according nested array in just one line
export const add = (item,basketIndex) => {
storeBaskets.update(val => {
return val
You might not need to spread, because it's an array, you'r spreading the existing items of the array and then adding the new basket to it. You can map and replace by basketIndex, like:
export const add = (item,basketIndex) => {
storeBaskets.update(val => {
const newItems = [...val[basketIndex].items, item]
const newBasket = {'name':val[basketIndex].name,'items':newItems}
return, i) => i === basketIndex ? newBasket : basket)
(Working example)

Leaderboards discord js

I'm storing the xp in a json file for practice. How can I display the top 10 users? The first time I
would have wanted to sort but I don't know how it would be more efficient.
let xpAdd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 8;
if(!xp[]) {
xp[] = {
let curxp = xp[].xp;
let curlvl = xp[].level;
let nxtLevel = xp[].level * 300;
xp[].xp = curxp + xpAdd;
fs.writeFile("./xp.json", JSON.stringify(xp), (error) => {
if(error) console.log(error);
This is the code I store
And with this I show the level of xp
if(!xp[]) {
xp[] = {
xp: 0,
let curxp = xp[].xp;
let curlvl = xp[].level;
let nxtLevelXp = curlvl * 300;
let difference = nxtLevelXp - curxp;
I'd suggest you should convert your object to an array so that you can format it and sort it however you prefer.
// sample object
// I'm going to show the top three in this example for the interest of space
const xp = {
"ID #1": {
level: 3,
xp: 300,
"ID #2": {
level: 4,
xp: 400,
"ID #3": {
level: 2,
xp: 200,
"ID #4": {
level: 1,
xp: 100,
// sort entries in order of exp (descending), then single out the top three
let entries = Object.entries(xp).sort(([, a], [, b]) => b.xp > a.xp ? 1 : -1).slice(0, 3);
// map entries to the prefered format using the data in their objects
// (in your actual command, you should use `client.users.cache.get(id).tag`,
// but since I don't have access to the client object here, I'm just writing `id`
entries =[id, { level, xp }], idx) => `${idx + 1} - ${id} (level ${level}; ${xp} xp)`);
// join each user by a line break
Working With Objects
