Adding a service charge to an order with Square API - node.js

How do you add a service charge to an order using the Square API? Here is the documentation but they don't give an example.
This is what I tried to add to my request but I'm not seeing this charge in my order. My line items and sales tax works but I can't get the service charges added to an order.
"idempotencyKey" : "ABC",
"order" : {
"locationId" : "123",
"lineItems" : [
"name" : "My Item",
"quantity" : "1",
"basePriceMoney" : {
"amount" : 2499,
"currency" : "USD"
"taxes" : [
"uid" : "state-sales-tax",
"name" : "State Sales Tax",
"percentage" : "7.30",
"scope" : "ORDER"
"service_charges" : [
"uid" : "delivery-fee",
"name" : "Delivery Fee",
"amount_money" : {
"amount" : 700,
"currency" : "USD"
"calculation_phase" : "TOTAL_PHASE"


How to find triple conditions in MongoDB

I have database like below.
"_id" : ObjectId("628bed8298b81711c01b6ab1"),
"status" : true,
"city" : "Kefar Sava",
"request" : [
"deadline" : {
"from" : ISODate("2022-05-03T00:00:00.000+0000"),
"to" : ISODate("2022-05-31T00:00:00.000+0000")
"ownerId" : "628c424431884d1c140f56bc",
"type" : "Developer",
"name" : "Apollo",
"status" : "posted",
"_id" : ObjectId("628d496d38360a30a4c39ebd"),
"deadline" : {
"from" : ISODate("2022-05-03T00:00:00.000+0000"),
"to" : ISODate("2022-06-02T00:00:00.000+0000")
"ownerId" : "628c424431884d1c140f56bb",
"type" : "Developer",
"name" : "Apollo",
"status" : "posted",
"_id" : ObjectId("628d4a00a4ec7e12a02e74a3"),
"date" : ISODate("2022-05-23T20:24:34.052+0000"),
"__v" : NumberInt(0),
I want to find by ownerId, type, city and set status to canceled.
I use
const owner = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{$and: [{city: city, "request.ownerId": ownerId, "request.type": type }]},
{$set: {"request.$.status": "canceled"}},
{new: true})
But I can't find by type. When I change order of that(ownerId and type), then I can't find by ownerId.
Please tell me what's wrong with my code.

MongoDB aggregate and then flatten

I'm dealing with a legacy DB structure. A part of my MongoDB looks like this currently:
Events (_id, name (string), ...)
Orders (_id, eventId (as string), products (array of {prodIdentifier (string), quantity (number)}), customer_ID (string), signee (string), sign_time (date), ...)
Products (_id, prodIdentifier (string), price (number), sku (string), ...)
The relations are as follows:
Event 1..N Orders (via eventId)
Orders 1..N Products (via products array)
I need to query in a way that given an eventId, I return
Order ID Customer Name (can be a cascade request / premeditated
by frontend), Product SKU, Product Name, Quantity,
Value (quantity * price), Signee Name, Sign time
Mind that, my interface requires filters and sorts on all of the above fields along with limit and offset for pagination, to reduce query time, fast UI, etc.
I could use populate on orders, but how am I supposed to honor the limit and offset via mongoose then. I'm wondering if I should make a view, in which case how should I flatten it to send/receive a list that honors the limit and offset.
Or will it have to be a very manual, step-by-step build of the resulting list?
Sample data in the DB:
Event Object:
"_id" : ObjectId("6218b9266487367ba1c20258"),
"name" : "XYZ",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2022-02-03T13:25:43.814+0000"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-02-14T09:34:47.819+0000"),
"_id" : ObjectId("613ae653d0112f6b49fdd437"),
"orderItems" : [
"quantity" : NumberInt(2),
"productCode" : "VEO001",
"quantity" : NumberInt(2),
"productCode" : "VEO002",
"quantity" : NumberInt(1),
"productCode" : "VEO003",
"orderCode" : "1000",
"customerCode" : "Customer 1",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2021-09-10T05:00:03.496+0000"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-02-08T10:06:42.255+0000"),
"eventId" : "6218b9266487367ba1c20258"
"_id" : ObjectId("604206685f25b8560a1cd48d"),
"Product name" : "ABC",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2021-03-05T10:22:32.085+0000"),
"tag" : "VEO001",
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-03-28T07:29:21.939+0000"),
"Product Price" : NumberInt(0),
"photo" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("6042071a5f25b8560a1cd4a9"),
"key" : "e8c9a085-4e8d-4ac4-84e9-bb0a83a59145",
"name" : "Screenshot 2021-03-05 at 11.24.50.png"
"name" : "ABC",
"_costprice" : NumberInt(12),
"_sku" : "SKUVEO001",
"_id" : ObjectId("604206685f25b8560a1cd48a"),
"Product name" : "DEF",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2021-03-05T10:22:32.085+0000"),
"tag" : "VEO002",
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-03-28T07:29:21.939+0000"),
"Product Price" : NumberInt(0),
"photo" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("6042071a5f25b8560a1cd4a9"),
"key" : "e8c9a085-4e8d-4ac4-84e9-bb0a83a59145",
"name" : "Screenshot 2021-03-05 at 11.24.50.png"
"name" : "DEF",
"_costprice" : NumberInt(13),
"_sku" : "SKUVEO002",
"_id" : ObjectId("604206685f25b8560a1cd48a"),
"Product name" : "GHI",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2021-03-05T10:22:32.085+0000"),
"tag" : "VEO003",
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-03-28T07:29:21.939+0000"),
"Product Price" : NumberInt(0),
"photo" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("6042071a5f25b8560a1cd4a9"),
"key" : "e8c9a085-4e8d-4ac4-84e9-bb0a83a59145",
"name" : "Screenshot 2021-03-05 at 11.24.50.png"
"name" : "GHI",
"_costprice" : NumberInt(13),
"_sku" : "SKUVEO003",
Expected output:
You can do something like:
{$match: {eventId: "6218b9266487367ba1c20258"}},
$lookup: {
from: "products",
localField: "orderItems.productCode",
foreignField: "tag",
as: "orderItemsB"
"$addFields": {
"orderItems": {
"$map": {
"input": "$orderItemsB",
"in": {
"$mergeObjects": [
"$arrayElemAt": [
{"$indexOfArray": ["$orderItems.productCode", "$$this.tag"]}
orderItemsB: 0
$unset: "orderItemsB"
$lookup: {
from: "events",
let: {eventId: "$eventId"},
pipeline: [
$match: {$expr: {$eq: [{$toString: "$_id"}, "$$eventId"]}}
as: "event"
$set: {event: {"$arrayElemAt": ["$event", 0]}}
{$unwind: "$orderItems"}
As you can see on this playground example. This will give you a document for each product of the order with all the data.

How to find collection records contains string in objects of array in MongoDB?

I have MongoDB collection with multiple records. Each record has an array which contains objects with multiple fields.
I have collection like below:
"name" : "Karthik Thurairaja"
"universities" : [
"name" : "Anna University",
"city" : "Chennai"
"name" : "Punjab University",
"city" : "Chandigarh"
"name" : "University of Delhi",
"city" : "New Delhi"
"name" : "Sathish Kumar"
"universities" : [
"name" : "Anna University",
"city" : "Chennai"
"name" : "University of Hyderabad",
"city" : "Hyderabad"
"name" : "University of Delhi",
"city" : "New Delhi"
I need to find all the records universities city is equal to Chennai.
I have tried query like below:
Collection.find({ : "Chennai" }).exec(...);
You can use an $elemMatch query to achieve this.
Collection.find({ universities: { $elemMatch: { city: "Chennai" } } }).exec(...);

How to fetch particular array elements from object's array in mongo db

I've a row, which contains data like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5bcef76b0c9a4c194cf6d0a7"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5bc5ae4355418805b8caabb3"),
"transactionid" : "ch_1DON67EzCa9AoDtY51kialzs",
"adminid" : [
"amount" : 3220,
"ispaid" : true,
"products" : [
"productid" : ObjectId("5bceba35003c87043997a1d4"),
"quantity" : 2,
"price" : 200,
"type" : "product",
"isCanceled" : false,
"isDeliverd" : false,
"createdby" : "schooladmin",
"userid" : ObjectId("5b87948d97b752099c086708"),
"isReadyToPickup" : false,
"name" : "The Second Product",
"description" : " "
"productid" : ObjectId("5bc5b2df55418805b8caabbd"),
"quantity" : 2,
"price" : 100,
"type" : "product",
"isCanceled" : false,
"isDeliverd" : false,
"createdby" : "superadmin",
"userid" : ObjectId("5b5af339bc69c511816e8a2f")
"productid" : ObjectId("5bc5bc5fe84c3d028aaa269c"),
"quantity" : 2,
"price" : 100,
"type" : "product",
"isCanceled" : false,
"isDeliverd" : false,
"createdby" : "superadmin",
"userid" : ObjectId("5b5af339bc69c511816e8a2f")
"paymentUsing" : "card",
"cardBrand" : "Visa",
"country" : "US",
"paymentDate" : "2018-10-23T10:26:51.856Z"
I want to perform search on products object's all element. And if any of them match, that entire object will be store in array variable.
Suppose, I try to search The Second Product string from name object
of products array. then it would be give me the all element. like
"productid" : ObjectId("5bceba35003c87043997a1d4"),
"quantity" : 2,
"price" : 200,
"type" : "product",
"isCanceled" : false,
"isDeliverd" : false,
"createdby" : "schooladmin",
"userid" : ObjectId("5b87948d97b752099c086708"),
"isReadyToPickup" : false,
"name" : "The Second Product",
"description" : " "
And if two or more elements founds then it will return it array accordingly.
Please suggest me the solution.
Thank You in Advance. :)
Something like this:
db.collection.find({products: {$elemMatch: {name:'The Second Product'}}})
Using aggregation pipeline we can get the desired result.
Approach 1:
A simpler approach if we don't have nested arrays
$filter is used within $project to get the desired result
$project: {
products: {
$filter: {
input: "$products",
as: "product",
cond: {
$eq: [
"The Second Product"
Approach 2:
$unwind to unwind the products array
$match to retrieve the matching documents
$project to project only the required output elements
{ $unwind: "$products" },
{ $match:{"":"The Second Product"} },
{ $project:{products:1}}
Output of the above queries(Approach 1 or Approach 2)
"_id" : ObjectId("5bcef76b0c9a4c194cf6d0a7"),
"products" : {
"productid" : ObjectId("5bceba35003c87043997a1d4"),
"quantity" : 2,
"price" : 200,
"type" : "product",
"isCanceled" : false,
"isDeliverd" : false,
"createdby" : "schooladmin",
"userid" : ObjectId("5b87948d97b752099c086708"),
"isReadyToPickup" : false,
"name" : "The Second Product",
"description" : " "

count many different values with mongoDB

Here is a clear example of documents
"_id" : ObjectId("56d8559b634049654854f621"),
"nameFile" : "FDR-IA 444",
"type" : "type",
"branch" : "branch",
"service" : "service",
"bin" : { "$binary" : 'binary code of the file'}
"_id" : ObjectId("56d8559b634049654854f622"),
"nameFile" : "FDR-IA",
"type" : "type",
"branch" : "branch1",
"service" : "service",
"bin" : { "$binary" : 'binary code of the file'}
"_id" : ObjectId("56d8559b634049654854f623"),
"nameFile" : "FDR",
"type" : "type1",
"branch" : "branch2",
"service" : "service",
"bin" : { "$binary" : 'binary code of the file'}
"_id" : ObjectId("56d8559b634049654854f624"),
"nameFile" : "FDR -test",
"type" : "type1",
"branch" : "branch2",
"service" : "service",
"bin" : { "$binary" : 'binary code of the file'}
My mongoDB contains documents with this format and I want to count all the services, all the branchs for each service, all the types for each service, all the files for each service.
A file belongs to a unique type, a type belongs to a unique branch, and a branch belongs to a unique service: that's my conception.
To count each value, I know that I should make many mongo requests with callbacks, I want to optimize my code, I tried to use bulk but it doesn't have the count option.
For the given example: I want this result :
name of service numbBranchs numbTypes numbFiles
'service' 3 2 4
"$group": {
"_id": "$service",
"files": {
"$sum": 1
"branches": {
"$addToSet": "$branch"
"types": {
"$addToSet": "$type"
}, {
"$project": {
"name of service ": "$_id",
"numbFiles": "$files",
"numbBranches": {
"$size": "$branches"
"numbTypes": {
"$size": "$types"
MongoDB output:
"waitedMS" : NumberLong(0),
"result" : [
"_id" : "service",
"name of service " : "service",
"numbFiles" : 4,
"numbBranchs" : 3,
"numbTypes" : 2
"ok" : 1.0000000000000000
