Multiple Subscriptions in Azure Account Streaming to a single EventHub - azure

I want to stream the events from different subscription to a single eventhub on azure.
At present I have configured eventhub to a single subscription and events are being streamed. I have a java client which consumes these events and stores it on my persistence layer. My java client looks like..
private void processUsingProcessorClient(){
List<Disposable> subscriptions = null;
try {
EventHubConsumerAsyncClient eventHubConsumerAsyncClient = new EventHubClientBuilder()
ReceiveOptions receiveOptions = new ReceiveOptions().setTrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties(true);
List<String> block = eventHubConsumerAsyncClient.getPartitionIds().collectList().block();
Iterator<String> iterator =;
String partitionID = null;
subscriptions = new ArrayList<>(block.size());
partitionID =;
Disposable subscription = eventHubConsumerAsyncClient.receiveFromPartition(
}catch (Exception ex){
} finally {
if(subscriptions != null){
subscriptions.forEach( subscrip -> {
private final Consumer<PartitionEvent> PARTITION_PROCESSOR = partitionEvent -> {
EventData event = partitionEvent.getData();
PartitionContext partitionContext = partitionEvent.getPartitionContext();
String contents = new String(event.getBody(), UTF_8);
LastEnqueuedEventProperties properties = partitionEvent.getLastEnqueuedEventProperties();
System.out.printf("Information received at %s. Last enqueued sequence number: %s%n",properties.getRetrievalTime(), properties.getSequenceNumber());
System.out.printf("Partition[%s] with Offset-[%s] and Sequence Number[%s] has contents: '%s'%n",
private final Consumer<Throwable> ERROR_HANDLER = errorContext -> {
System.out.printf("Error occurred in partition processor");
public ClientSecretCredential createClientSecretCredential() {
ClientSecretCredential clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
return clientSecretCredential;
I'm able to read all the events from a single subscription. However I need to do data analytics on these events from different subscriptions too. How do I configre Azure Eventhub to listen to multiple subscriptions ?
I read on Stackoverflow suggestions about creating consumer groups to solve this issue, however I'm not able to figure out how? I did create the consumer group, but how do i connect the newly created consumer group to different subscriptions in my azure aaccount and get the events streamed to the eventhub that i just created?
[Note : I have followed - to create an evenhub on azure]
Just in case if i need to clarify on what subscription I'm talking about, below is the screenshot
How do i achieve this?
Thank you in advance

So i figured out a way to solve my problem (stated above). After going through Microsoft documentation and some trial and error methods, Here's how i solved it;
I have SUBSCRIPTION-1 and SUBSCRIPTION-2. I have created an eventhub in SUBSCRIPTION-2.
I go to SUBSCRIPTION-1 one and create a Resource-Group. After creating an Resource-Group, I create a EVENT-GRID. Within the eventgrid, I create a EVENT-SUBSCRIPTION that givens an option to point it to an endpoint. I chose the endpoint and selected the eventhub that was created in SUBSCRIPTION-1.
Now, i able to stream all the events from SUBSCRIPTION-1 to SUBSCRIPTION-2.


Sending message to a specific group of subscriber in azure service bus topic with masstransit

I'm new to azure service bus and masstransit. I'm looking for a solution to a specific situation.
I have a azure service bus topic with multiple subscribers. Subscriber will receive message based on filters. I've created the topic and subscriber with code below
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string connectionString = "Endpoint connection string";
// the names of topics and subscriptions we'll be working with
const string topicName = "MyTestTopic";
const string allMessagesSubName = "AllMessages";
const string filteredSubName1 = "Filtered1";
const string filteredSubName2 = "Filtered2";
// let's create the topic if it doesn't already exist...
var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
if (!namespaceManager.TopicExists(topicName))
var td = new TopicDescription(topicName);
if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists(topicName, allMessagesSubName))
namespaceManager.CreateSubscription(topicName, allMessagesSubName);
if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists(topicName, filteredSubName1))
new SubscriptionDescription(topicName, filteredSubName1),
new Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.SqlFilter("From LIKE '%Smith'"));
if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists(topicName, filteredSubName2))
new SubscriptionDescription(topicName, filteredSubName2),
new Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.SqlFilter("sys.Label='important'"));
var message1 = new BrokeredMessage("Hello World");
var message2 = new BrokeredMessage("Second message");
message2.Label = "important";
var message3 = new BrokeredMessage("Third message");
message3.Properties["From"] = "Kelly Smith";
message3.Label = "information";
var client = TopicClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, topicName);
Here in the code we're adding Message custom properties like From.
Now I want to send such message using masstransit. In masstransit I cannot find any option of adding Message custom properties using the Publish() method. Is there any way that I can send these messages using masstransit where these filters can be used?
NB: I've read the answer of this question But the anwer here tells us to filter the messages in subscriber side. What I want is that this filtering will occur before reaching the subscriber.
When using Azure Service Bus with MassTransit, you can add subscription endpoints in additional to regular endpoints. When configuring a subscription endpoint, you should be able to specify rules and/or filters as part of the subscription. Which is exactly what you're doing above, so that is handled.
The other part, adding properties to the message, can be done by adding text headers to the SendContext. Those headers are copied to the message Properties collection, which I believe can be used to filter messages using a "SQL" filter (which is configured on the subscription endpoint, or the topic subscription on a receive endpoint).

Application Insights correlation through Event Grid

I have an application composed of two ASP.NET Core apps, app A and app B.
App A makes HTTP calls to App B, and Application Insights automatically correlates this and shows them as a single request. Great!
However, I'm now moving to a more event-based system design, where app A publishes an event to an Azure Event Grid, and app B is set up with a webhook to listen to that event.
Having made that change, the telemetry correlation is broken and it no longer shows up as a single operation.
I have read this documentation: which explains the theory around correlation headers - but how can I apply this to the Event Grid and get it to forward the correlation headers on to the subscribing endpoints?
The Header pass-trough idea for a custom topic in the AEG has been recently (Oct.10th) unplanned.
However, the headers can be passed via the AEG model to the subscribers in the data object of the event message. This mediation can be done, for example, using the Policies in Azure API Management.
The following documents can help for manual instrumentation of the webhook endpoint handler (subscriber side) using a custom tracking operations:
Track custom operations with Application Insights .Net SDK
Application Insights API for custom events and metrics
Add two correlation properties to all your events:
public string OperationId { get; set; }
public string OperationParentId { get; set; }
Publisher side: create Dependency and fill up these properties.
private Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient _telemetryClient;
async Task Publish<TEventData>(TEventData data)
var #event = new EventGridEvent
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
EventType = typeof(TEventData).FullName,
Data = data
string operationName = "Publish " + #event.EventType;
// StartOperation is a helper method that initializes the telemetry item
// and allows correlation of this operation with its parent and children.
var operation =
operation.Telemetry.Type = "EventGrid";
operation.Telemetry.Data = operationName;
// Ideally, the correlation properties should go in the request headers but
// with the current implementation of EventGrid we have no other way
// as to store them in the event Data.
data.OperationId = operation.Telemetry.Context.Operation.Id,
data.OperationParentId = operation.Telemetry.Id,
AzureOperationResponse result = await _client
.PublishEventsWithHttpMessagesAsync(_topic, new[] { #event });
operation.Telemetry.Success = true;
catch (Exception ex)
operation.Telemetry.Success = false;
Consumer side: create Request and restore correlation.
void YourEventDataCosumer([EventGridTrigger] EventGridEvent #event)
var data = (YourEventData)#event.Data;
var operation = _telemetryClient.StartOperation<RequestTelemetry>(
"Handle " + #event.EventType,
// Do some event processing.
operation.Telemetry.Success = true;
operation.Telemetry.ResponseCode = "200";
catch (Exception)
operation.Telemetry.Success = false;
operation.Telemetry.ResponseCode = "500";
This works, but not ideal as you need to repeat this code in every consumer. Also, some early log messages (e.g. emitted by constructors of injected services) are still not correlated correctly.
A better approach would be to create a custom EventGridTriggerAttribute (recreate the whole Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventGrid extension) and move this code into IAsyncConverter.ConvertAsync().

Service Bus Not Reading from Subscription

I am creating a sample Azure Service Bus application. I created a namespace, topic and Subscription. I have written test messages to the topic and if I go to the subscription in the portal, I see that I have a new message every time I write a new one using the writer application.
But when I go to pull the message, nothing is retrieved. In troubleshooting, I changed the subscription name to an incorrect value and received an error. I changed it back and I get no output and none of the messages are removed when I look in Azure portal. I'm stuck... this seems easy, but it isn't working.
string connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://redacted for obvious reasons";
SubscriptionClient Client = SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, "NewOrders", "AllOrders");
// Configure the callback options.
OnMessageOptions options = new OnMessageOptions();
options.AutoComplete = false;
options.AutoRenewTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
Client.OnMessage((message) =>
Console.WriteLine("Body: " + message.GetBody<string>());
catch (Exception)
// Indicates a problem, unlock message in subscription.
}, options);
It seems that it is not the code issue. I create a demo to retrieve message from topic, it works correctly.
Before I try to retrieve message from topic, I send the message to the topic or make sure that there are messages for subscription. We could check that from the portal
Send message code demo.
private static void SendMessages()
topicClient = TopicClient.Create(TopicName);
List<BrokeredMessage> messageList = new List<BrokeredMessage>
CreateSampleMessage("1", "First message information"),
CreateSampleMessage("2", "Second message information"),
CreateSampleMessage("3", "Third message information")
Console.WriteLine("Sending messages to topic...");
foreach (BrokeredMessage message in messageList)
while (true)
catch (MessagingException e)
if (!e.IsTransient)
Console.WriteLine($"Message sent: Id = {message.MessageId}, Body = {message.GetBody<string>()}");
I also try your mentioned code, it also works correctly for me.
We also could get the demo project from the cloud Project from the template. We also could get more info about How to use Service Bus topics and subscriptions from the document.

Same Azure topic is processed multiple times

We have a job hosted in an azure website, the job reads entries from a topic subscription. Everything works fine when we only have one instance to host the website. Once we scale out to more than one instance we observe the message is processed as many times as instances we have. Each instance points to the same subscription. From what we read, once the item is read, it won't be available for any other process. The duplicated processing is happening inside the same instance, meaning that if we have two instances, the item is processed twice in one of the instances, it is not splitted.
What can be possible be wrong in the way we are doing things?
This is how we proceed to configure the connection to the queue, if the subscription does not exists, it is created:
var serviceBusConfig = new ServiceBusConfiguration
ConnectionString = transactionsBusConnectionString
var allRule1 = new RuleDescription
Name = "All",
Filter = new TrueFilter()
SetupSubscription(transactionsBusConnectionString,"topic1", "subscription1", allRule1);
private static void SetupSubscription(string busConnectionString, string topicNameKey, string subscriptionNameKey, RuleDescription newRule)
var namespaceManager =
var topicName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[topicNameKey];
var subscriptionName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[subscriptionNameKey];
if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists(topicName, subscriptionName))
namespaceManager.CreateSubscription(topicName, subscriptionName);
var subscriptionClient = SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(busConnectionString, topicName, subscriptionName);
var rules = namespaceManager.GetRules(topicName, subscriptionName);
foreach (var rule in rules)
rules = namespaceManager.GetRules(topicName, subscriptionName);
Example of the code that process the topic item:
public void SendInAppNotification(
[ServiceBusTrigger("%eventsTopicName%", "%SubsInAppNotifications%"), ServiceBusAccount("OutputServiceBus")] Notification message)
This method is inside a Function static class, I'm using azure web job sdk.
Whenever the azure web site is scaled to more than one instance, all the instances share the same configuration.
It sounds like you're creating a new subscription each time your new instance runs, rather than hooking into an existing one. Topics are designed to allow multiple subscribers to attach in that way as well - usually though each subscriber has a different purpose, so they each see a copy of the message.
I cant verify this from your code snippet but that's my guess - are the config files identical? You should add some trace output to see if your processes are calling CreateSubscription() each time they run.
I think I can access the message id, I'm using azure web job sdk but I think I can find a way to get it. Let me check it and will let you know.

SqlFilter on Azure ServiceBus Topic subscription not filtering

I’ve got a WinRT app that I’m using the Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows 8 with. I’ve got a setup where I’d like clients subscribed to ignore messages posted to a ServiceBus Topic if they’re the originator or if the message is older than when their subscription started.
In the Properties of my BrokeredMessage, I’ve added 2 items to cover these scenarios:
message.Properties["Timestamp"] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime();
message.Properties["OriginatorId"] = clientId.ToString();
clientId is a Guid.
The subscriber side looks like this:
// ti is a class that contains a Topic, Subscription and a bool as a cancel flag.
string FilterName = "NotMineNewOnly";
// Find or create the topic.
if (await Topic.ExistsAsync(DocumentId.ToString(), TokenProvider))
ti.Topic = await Topic.GetAsync(DocumentId.ToString(), TokenProvider);
ti.Topic = await Topic.CreateAsync(DocumentId.ToString(), TokenProvider);
// Find or create this client's subscription to the board.
if (await ti.Topic.Subscriptions.ExistsAsync(ClientSettings.Id.ToString()))
ti.Subscription = await ti.Topic.Subscriptions.GetAsync(ClientSettings.Id.ToString());
ti.Subscription = await ti.Topic.Subscriptions.AddAsync(ClientSettings.Id.ToString());
// Find or create the subscription filter.
if (!await ti.Subscription.Rules.ExistsAsync(FilterName))
// Want to ignore messages generated by this client and ignore any that are older than Timestamp.
await ti.Subscription.Rules.AddAsync(FilterName, sqlFilterExpression: string.Format("(OriginatorId != '{0}') AND (Timestamp > {1})", ClientSettings.Id, DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime()));
ti.CancelFlag = false;
Topics[boardId] = ti;
while (!ti.CancelFlag)
BrokeredMessage message = await ti.Subscription.ReceiveAndDeleteAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
if (!ti.CancelFlag && message != null)
// Everything gets here! :(
I get back everything – so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. What’s the easiest way to troubleshoot problems with subscription filters?
When you create a Subscription then by default you get a "MatchAll" filter. In the code above you are just adding your filter so it is applied in addition to the "MatchAll" filter and thus all messages are recieved. Just delete the $Default filter once the Subscription is created and that should resolve the issue.
Best way to troubleshoot is using the Service Bus Explorer from Paolo Salvatori
He has done a good few blog posts on it e.g.
Windows Azure SDK 1.7 does have built in capability but the Service Bus Explorer Standalone version is still better, see comparison here.
HTH your debugging...
