Excel - Row-wise calculation without helpers - excel

Recently I answered a question about how to retrieve the MEDIAN() of each MEDIAN() in a 2-column matrix without helpers, e.g:
The row-wise calculation without helpers wasn't too hard because the median with only two values is always the average. Therefor a simple formula was all it took:
But for curiosity sakes however, wat if I would have at least a 3-column matrix?
The median will actually need to be calculated. Here the medians are {8,2,2}.
I can't seem to find a way to to get a row-wise calculation for 3+columns. In this case it's about MEDIAN() but I can imagine there could be other functionalities. Since this could be simplified data I don't want to resort to something like =MEDIAN(MEDIAN(A1:C1),MEDIAN(......
I tried to fiddle around with OFFSET(), though not a fan of volatile functions I was hoping it would either work directly with an array, or would be triggered correctly through using MEDIAN(LET(X,SEQUENCE(ROWS(A1:A3)),MEDIAN(OFFSET(A1:C1,X-1,0)))). I then moved on to combinations of either MMULT() or LARGE(), however none of my attempt were succesfull.
So the question ultimately is; how do we return the result (array) of an row-wise calculation without helpers. And if not possible, that's also a perfectly fine answer so I can rest my head =)

New Answer
With the new BYROW() function one could use:
The nested LAMBDA() in the 2nd parameter makes it a piece o' cake to loop all rows in a dynamic array (not a range per se).
Previous Answer (Pre-BYROW())
So. After a long thought, as far as my understanding goes this is not possible through current formulae. However, currently in BETA, Excel365 will feature the new LAMBDA() function which makes it possible to create your own function without VBA and even recursively call itself. It isn't the prettiest of solutions but I thought I would share what I did here:
Formula in E3:
Where MED() is our own LAMBDA() function created at the "name manager" menu. It reads:
As can be seen there are 4 main parameters of which 3 variables:
rng - The range to be examined.
txt - A reserved variable to be used in FILTERXML().
rws - A counter.
The 4th parameter is a nested IF() which if the counter is as 0 will return the median of all medians. This is done through FILTERXML() which I will not get into detail right now.
If the counter is not yet at 0 it will recursively call the LAMBDA() function untill it is, and what it does is using the same three parameters but we can alter them right there and then. Therefor we leave rng intact, we concatenate the MEDIAN() of the row (current counter) through TEXTJOIN() to create a valid xml construct. And last but not least we need to lower the counter.
It's a struggle, but with LAMBDA() it will now be possible to do a rowwise calculation.
Note, if you are interested in the FILTERXML() construct, you might like this post where I now also included a LAMBDA() version of a SPLIT() function.


Calculate the minimum value of each column in a matrix in EXCEL

Alright this should be a simple one.
I apologize in case it has been already solved, but I can only find posts related to solving this issue with programming languages and not specifically to EXCEL.
Furthermore, I could find posts that address a sub-problem of my question (e.g. regarding limitation of certain EXCEL functions) and should solve/invalidate my request but maybe, just maybe, there is a workaround.
Problem statement:
I want to calculate the minimum value for each column in an EXCEL matrix. Simply enough, I want to input a 2D array (mxn matrix) in a function and output an array with dimension 1xm where each item is the minimum value MIN(nj) of each nj column.
However, I want to solve this with specific constraints:
Avoid using VBA and other non-function scripting: that I could devise myself;
All in one function: what I want to achieve here is to have one and one function only, not split the problem into multiple passages (such as for example copypasting a MIN() function below each column, that wouldn't do it);
The result should be a transposable array (which is already ok, I assume);
Where I am stranded with my solution so far:
The main issue here is that any function I am trying to use takes the entire matrix as a single array input and would calculate the MIN() of the entire matrix, not each column. My current (not working) function for an exemplary 4x4 matrix in range A1:D4 would be as below (the part in bold is where it is clearly not working):
which ofc does not work, because INDEX() does probably not "understand" SEQUENCE() as an array of items to take into account. Another, not working, way of solving this is to input a series of ranges (A1:A4;B1:B4;C1:C4;D1:D4) so that INDEX() "understands" the ranges as single columns, but ofc does not know and I do not know sincerely how to formulate that. I could use INDIRECT() in some way to reference the array of ranges, but do not know how and could find a way by searching online.
Fundamental question is: can a function, which works with single arrays, also work with multiple arrays? Basically, I do not know how to communicate an EXCEL array formula, that each batch of data I am inputting is a single array and must be evaluated separately (this is very easily solved with for() cycles, I know).
Many thanks for any suggestion and any workaround, any function and solution works as longs as it fits in the constrains defined above (maybe a LAMBA() function? don't know).
This is ofc a simplification of a way more complex problem (I am trying to calculate the annual mean temperature evolution for a specific location by finding the value - for each year from 1950 to 2021 - that is associated to the lat/lon coordinates that are the nearest to the one of the location inputted, given a netCDF-imported grid of time-arrayed data; the MIN() function is used to selected the nearest location, which is then used, via INDEX() to find temp data). I need to do this in one hit (meaning just pasting the function, which evaluates a matrix of data that is referenced by a fixed range), so that I can just use it modularly for other data sets. I already have a working solution, which is "elegant"* enough, but not "elegant"* as the one I could develop solving this issue.
*where "elegant"= it saves me one click every time for 1000+ datasets when applying the function.
If I understand your problem correct then this should solve it:

Excel's LAMBDA with a "kind of" composite function

Ever since I learnt that Excel is now Turing-complete, I understood that I can now "program" Excel using exclusively formulas, therefore excluding any use of VBA whatsoever.
I do not know if my conclusion is right or wrong. In reality, I do not mind.
However, to my satisfaction, I have been able to "program" the two most basic structures of program flow inside formulas: 1- branching the control flow (using an IF function has no secrets in excel) and 2- loops (FOR, WHILE, UNTIL loops).
Let me explain a little more in detail my findings. (Remark: because I am using a Spanish version of Excel 365, the field separator in formulas is the semicolon (";") instead of the comma (",").
A- Acumulator in a FOR loop
B- Factorial (using product)
C- WHILE loop
D-UNTIL loop
And now, the time of my question has arrived:
I want to use a formula that is really an array of formulas
I want to use an accumulator for the first number in the "tuple" whereas I want a factorial for the second number in the tuple. And all this using a single excel formula. I think I am not very far away from succeeding.
The REDUCE function accepts a LET function that contains 2 LAMBDAS instead of a single LAMBDA function. Until here, everything is perfect. However, the LET function seems to return only a "single" function instead of a tuple of functions
I can return (in the picture) function "x" or function "y" but not the tuple (x,y).
I have tried to use HSTACK(x,y), but it does not seem to work.
I am aware that this is a complex question, but I've done my best to make myself understood.
Can anybody give me any clues as to how I could solve my problem?
Very nice question.
I noticed that in your attempts you have given REDUCE() a single constant value in the 1st parameter. Funny enough, the documentation nowhere states you can't give values in array-format. Hence you could use the 1st parameter to give all the constants in (your case; horizontal) array-format, and while you loop through the array of the 2nd parameter you can apply the different types of logic using CHOOSE():
This way you have a single REDUCE() function which internal processes will update the given constants from the 1st parameter in array-form. You can now start stacking multiple functions horizontally and input an array of constants, for example:
I suppose you'd have to use {0\1} and {1\2} like I'd have to in my Dutch version of Excel.
Given your accumulator:
Formula in A1:

Evaluate long string (>255 characters) as array

So I quite often find myself doing tasks on Excel which involve evaluating a text string as an array. Generally speaking I just use this:
Function EVAL(Ref As String)
EVAL = Evaluate(Ref)
End Function
So the formula will be, for example:
The cells in this example will have contents like:
(As it happens this is the precise problem I'm stuck on right now, though it has come up in different ways in the past.)
This has worked for me in the past, but I've been running into difficulties lately.
I have come to the conclusion it isn't working because application.evaluate, it turns out, has a character limit of 255. I've seen examples of VBA tricks to bypass this for text strings that are formulas rather than arrays, but copy-pasting those they don't seem to work for when I'm using it to interpret a text string as an array rather than as a formula.
Is there some trick to get this to work? (Or, indeed, is there some alternative method to achieve this altogether?)
Right, as per my comments, if you are using ms365, you could avoid your workbook to be xlsm just because you need to split values into an array. Make use of what is available with native functions, for example:
Formula in C2:
Formula in D2:
Note 1: As per time of writing you'd need to enable the BETA-channel to gain access to TEXTSPLIT(), and if I recall correctly your version (2203) is allowed to start using this function. Just google how to get access and update your Excel.
Both options can obviously be nested inside the UNIQUE() function.
Note 2: If at any point CONCAT()'s limits are reached (32767 characters, thanks #ScottCraner), maybe you can avoid using that with help of the lambda's helper function REDUCE():
Note 3: In case you can't update your Excel just yet, and you wonder how to use FILTERXML(), don't mind me refering you to another post I wrote a while back here.

Renaming CUBEVALUE function to something shorter?

I've been using a rather long embedded CUBEVALUE() function, which is a pain to work with. It looks something like:
Due to the CUBEVALUE function and its arguments, it's becoming a REALLY long function and thus not easy to work with. Since there are only 3 arguments, which are written in different cells, I'd like to create something like
and use A1, A2 and A3 as "arg1, arg2, arg3" in the function mentioned first. This way its possible to "pull" the function so it would calculate using the input in B1:B3 and C1:C3 etc. as well.
The function works fine and can be pulled through and such, but my question is how to rename this loooong function into something more user-friendly, as it requires only 3 cells as an input and the rest of the text in the function just makes it hard to use for end-users.
Using UDF is not an option because CUBEVALUE can't be called through VBA... and any attempt to stich strings together and using the final result with INDIRECT also seems to fail..
In a similar question on this site, someone refers to using "asynchronous UDF's", but no further information was given (and what I could find seemed irrelevant).
You shouldn't really have several long cube functions. Allocate some space in hidden rows/columns or in header rows/columns to add your cubemember functions. Then throughout most of your report, you should just have cubevalue functions that reference other cells with error handling around them. Proper use of absolute and relative references are your friend.
Peter Meyers has some great tips for this here, slides 20 - 24. I have an example Excel file with cube functions on my blog here.

Array evaluation of find_text argument in SEARCH() function

Say I have the following:
Entering the following formulas in cell C1 and then clicking Evaluate Formula->Evaluate produces very different results:
Formula 1: B$1:B$5 evaluates as non-array
Formula 2: B$1:B$5 evaluates as an array
Why, exactly, is this? What is the cause of this behavior? If possible, please provide other examples using other Excel functions to illustrate what is happening here.
My question came about while experimenting with the accepted answer to this question.
In general, an array of values will only be returned by a worksheet function given that the following two conditions are satisfied:
1) The formula in question is either in itself capable of returning an array of values, or else is contained within a larger set-up of several functions, one or more of those which precede the function in question (and therefore act upon it) having that property. Whether that capability is something which requires coercion (i.e. via array-entry (CSE)) or is an in-built feature of the function is not important in terms of the answer you are seeking.
2) The array generated must be passed to a further function for processing. Excel is more teleological than you think: it has no great belief in returning an array of values as an end in itself.
As for your example, it's not that SEARCH, when array-entered, isn't capable of processing arrays (it is). It's more that there is no further function incited which is to act upon that array. In the IF version, there is precisely that, though again, if you process that one more time you'll find that your current array is reduced to just the first element in that array. Wrap a further function around the IF, e.g. SUM, and you'll be able to go one step further, and so on and so on.
And here is a major difference between evaluating formulas via the Evaluate Formula tool, and repeated "evaluation" via selecting various parts of the function in the formula bar and pressing F9.
The latter will always return an array of values, whether the above two conditions are satisfied or not. However - and not many people realise this - the "evaluation" so obtained can, ultimately, lead to incorrect results, and so should only be used providing one is aware of its limitations.
Take the following example, for instance:
With A1:A10 empty, the formula:
correctly returns 10.
Now select just the part A1:A10 in the formula bar and press F9. Excel, being forced to "evaluate" the range, returns:
which, on further processing, results (correctly, it would seem) in the quite different result of 0.
