Smalltalk: Can a single object block the entire system by entering an infinite loop? - resources

Since Smalltalk scheduling is non-preemptive, processes must explicitly yield or wait on a semaphore
Does this mean that one object entering an infinite loop could stall the entire system?
the loop can be interrupted at any time. Even an atomic loop like [true] whileTrue can be interrupted before "executing" the true object
By what can it be interrupted?

It is the Virtual Machine who may interrupt the image. Under a normal execution flow, the VM is basically sending messages, one after the other. However, certain events may impact the natural flow of execution by interrupting it, if needed. While concrete examples may change from one dialect to the other, these usually correspond to OS events that need to be communicated to the image for their consideration.
An interruption may also be caused if the VM is running out of memory. In this case it will interrupt the image requesting it to do garbage collection.
Loops are interesting because they have the semantics of regular messages, so what happens is that the block of code inside the loop is evaluated (#value & friends) every time the loop repeats. So, you should think of loops as regular messages. However, this semantics is usually optimized so the re-evaluation is not explicitly requested by a Smalltalk message. In that case the VM will check for interruptions before executing the block. Thus, if you run
[true] whileTrue
before designating the object true as the current receiver (in this case, of no message) the VM will check whether there is any interrupt to pay attention to (in the same way it checks for interruptions before starting to execute any given method).
Most dialects implement some "break" keystroke that would produce a "halt" and open a debugger for the programmer to recover manual control.
Note that, depending on the dialect, an interruption may only consist of the signaling of a semaphore. This will have the effect of moving the waiting process (if any) to the ready queue of the ProcessScheduler. So, the intended "routine" may not run immediately but change to the ready state for the next time there is a process switch (at that level of priority).
The last example that comes to mind is the StackOverflow exception (no pun intended), where the VM realizes that it is running out of stack space and interrupts the image by signaling an exception.
You may also think of the #messageNotUnderstood: as an interruption generated by the VM when it realizes that an object has received a message for which is has no implementation. In this case, the natural flow will change so that the object will receive the message #messageNotUnderstood: with the actual message as the argument.
One more thing. Whether a loop may or may not stall the system depends on the priority of the process it is running. If the loop is running with low priority an interruption that awakes a process of higher priority will take precedence and be run while the loop is sent to sleep. By the same logic, if your endless loop runs in a process at a higher priority no interruption will stop it.

Yes, it is super simple to just run
[ true ] whileTrue: [ ]
and you won't be able to do anything else.
Pharo has a "ripcord" when you press comand + . on Mac. For Windows or Linux it's either alt or control. This action should halt the thing that you are running and allow you to intervene.


If I "get back to the main thread" then what exactly happens, and how do interrupts work with threads?

Background: I was using Beej's guide and he mentioned forking and ensuring you "get the zombies". An Operating Systems book I grabbed explained how the OS creates "threads" (I always thought it was a more fundamental piece), and by quoting it, I mean it the OS decides nearly everything. Basically they share all external resources, but they split the register and stack spaces (and I think a 3rd thing).
So I get to the waitpid function which's developer docs explain very well. In fact, I read the entire section on threads, minus all the types of conditions after a Processes and Threads google.
The fact that I can split code up and put it back together doesn't confuse me. HOW I can do this is confusing.
In C and C++, your program is a Main() function, which goes forward, calls other functions, maybe loops forever (waiting for input or rendering), and then eventually quits or returns. In this model I see NO reason for it to stop beyond a "I'm waiting for something", in which case it just loops.
Well, it seems it can loop by setting certain things, like "I'm waiting for a semaphore" or "a response" or "an interrupt". Or maybe it gets interrupted without waiting for one. This is what confuses me.
The processor time-slices processes and threads. That's all fine and dandy, but how does it decide when to stop one? I understand that you get to the Polling function and say "Hey I'm waiting for input, clock tick or user do something". Somehow it tells this to the os? I'm not sure. But moreso:
It seems to be able to completely randomly interrupt or interject, even on a single-threaded application. So you're running one thread and suddenly waitpid() says "Hey, I finished a process, let me interrupt this, we both hate zombies, I gotta do this." and you're still looping on some calculation. So, what just happens??? I have no idea, somehow they both run and your computation isn't messed with, 'cause it's single threaded, but that somehow doesn't mean that it won't stop what it's doing to run waitpid() inside the same thread WHILE you're still doing your other app things.
Also confusing, is how you can be notified, like iOSes notifications, and say "Hey, I got some UI changes, get me off of 16 and put me back on 1 so I can change this thing". But same question as last paragraph, how does it interrupt a thread that's running?
I think I understand the splitting, but this joining is utterly confusing. It's like the textbooks have this "rabbit from hat" step I'm supposed to accept. Other SO posts told me they don't share the same stack, but that didn't help, now I'm imagining a slinky (stack) leaning over to another slinky, but unsure how it recombines to change the data.
Thanks for any help, I apologize that this is long, but I know someone's going to misinterpret this and give me the "they are different stacks" answer if I'm too concise here.
OK, I'll have a go, though it's gonna be 'economical with the truth':)
It's sorta like this:
The OS kernel scheduler/dispatcher is a state-machine for managing threads. A thread comprises a stack, (allocated at the time of thread creation), and a Thread Control Block, (TCB), struct in the kernel that holds thread state and can store thread context, (including user registers, especially the stack-pointer). A thread must have code to run, but the code is not dedicated to the thread - many threads can run the same code. Threads have states, eg. blocked on I/O, blocked on an inter-thread signal, sleeping for a timer period, ready, running on a core.
Threads belong to processes - a process must have at least one thread to run its code and has one created for it by the OS loader when the process starts up. The 'main thread' may then create others that will also belong to that process.
The state-machine inputs are software interrupts - system calls from those threads that are already running on cores, and hardware interrupts from perhiperal devices/controllers, (disk, network, mouse, KB etc), that use processor hardware features to stop the processor/s running instructions from the threads and 'immediately' run driver code instead.
The output of the state-machine is a set of threads running on cores. If there are fewer ready threads than cores, the OS will halt the unuseable cores. If there are more ready threads than cores, (ie. the machine is overloaded), the 'sheduling algorithm' that decided with threads to run takes into account several factors - thread and process priority, prority boosts for threads that have just become ready on I/O completion or inter-thread signal, foreground-process boosts and others.
The OS has the ability to stop any running thread on any core. It has an interprocessor hardware-interrupt channel and drivers that can force any thread to enter the OS and be blocked/stopped, (maybe because another thread has just beome ready and the OS scheduling algorithm has decided that a running thread must be immediately preempted).
The software intrrupts from running threads can change the set of running threads by requesting I/O, or by signaling other threads, (the events, mutexes, condition-variables and semaphores). The hardware interrupts from peripheral devices can change the set of running threads by signaling I/O completion.
When the OS gets these inputs, it uses that input, and internal state in containers of Thread Control Block and Process Control Block structs, to decide which set of ready threads to run next. It can block a thread from running by saving its context, (including registers, especially stack pointer), in its TCB and not returning from the interrupt. It can run a thread that was blocked by restoring its context from its TCB to a core and performing an interrupt-return, so allowing the thread to resume from where it left off.
The gain is that no thread that is waiting for I/O gets to run at all and so does not use any CPU and, when I/O becomes avilable, a waiting thread is made ready 'immediately' and, if there is a core available, running.
This combination of OS state data, and hardware/software interrupts, effciently matches up threads that can make forward progress with cores avalable to run them, and no CPU is wasted on polling I/O or inter-thread comms flags.
All this complexity, both in the OS and for the developer who has to design multithreaded apps and so put up with locks, synchronization, mutexes etc, has just one vital goal - high performance I/O. Without it, you can forget video streaming, BitTorrent and browsers - they would all be too piss-slow to be useable.
Statements and phrases like 'CPU quantum', 'give up the remainder of their time-slice' and 'round-robin' make me want to throw up.
It's a state-machine. Hardware and software interrupts go in, a set of running threads comes out. The hardware timer interrupt, (the one that can time-out system calls, allow threads to sleep and share out CPU on a box that is overloaded), though valuable, is just one of many.
So I'm on thread 16, and I need to get to thread 1 to modify UI. I
randomly stop it anywhere, "move the stack over to thread 1" then
"take its context and modify it"?
No, time for 'economical with truth' #2...
Thread 1 is running the GUI. To do this, it needs inputs from mouse, keyboard. The classic way for this to happen is that thread 1 waits, blocked, on a GUI input queue - a thread-safe producer-consumer queue, for KB/mouse messages. It's using no CPU - the cores are off running services and BitTorrent downloads. You hit a key on the keyboard, and the keyboard-controller hardware raises an interrupt line on the interrupt controller, causing a core to jump to the keyboard driver code as soon as it has finished its current instruction. The driver reads the KB controller, assembles a KeyPressed message and pushes it onto the input queue of the GUI thread with focus - your thread 1. The driver exits by calling the scheduler interrupt entry point so that a scheduling run can be performed and your GUI thread is assigned a core an run on it. To thread 1, all it has done is make a blocking 'pop' call on a queue and, eventually, it returns with a message to process.
So, thread 1 is performing:
void* HandleGui{
GUImessage message=thread1InputQueue.pop();
.. // lots of case statements to handle all the possible GUI messages
If thread 16 wants to interact with the GUI, it cannot do it directly. All it can do is to queue a message to thread 1, in a similar way to the KB/mouse drivers, to instruct it to do stuff.
This may seem a bit restrictive, but the message from thread 16 can contain more than POD. It could have a 'RunMyCode' message type and contain a function pointer to code that thread 16 wants to be run in the context of thread 1. When thread 1 gets around to hadling the message, its 'RunMyCode' case statement calls the function pointer in the message. Note that this 'simple' mechanism is asynchronous - thread 16 has issued the mesage and runs on - it has no idea when thread 1 will get around to running the function it passed. This can be a problem if the function accesses any data in thread 16 - thread 16 may also be accessing it. If this is an issue, (and it may not be - all the data required by the function may be in the message, which can be passed into the function as a parameter when thread 1 calls it), it is possible to make the function call synchronous by making thread 16 wait until thread 1 has run the function. One way would be for the function signal an OS synchronization object as its last line - an object upon which thread 16 will wait immediately after queueing its 'RunMyCode' message:
void* runOnGUI(GUImessage message){
// do stuff with GUI controls
message.notifyCompletion->signal(); // tell thread 16 to run again
void* thread16run(){
GUImessage message;
waitEvent OSkernelWaitObject;
thread1InputQueue.push(message); // ask thread 1 to run my function.
waitEvent->wait(); // wait, blocked, until the function is done
So, getting a function to run in the context of another thread requires cooperation. Threads cannot call other threads - only signal them, usually via the OS. Any thread that is expected to run such 'externally signaled' code must have an accessible entry point where the function can be placed and must execute code to retreive the function address and call it.

When is POSIX thread cancellation not immediate?

The POSIX specifies two types for thread cancellation type: PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, and PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED (set by pthread_setcanceltype(3)) determining when pthread_cancel(3) should take effect. By my reading, the POSIX manual pages do not say much about these, but Linux manual page says the following about PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS:
The thread can be canceled at any time. (Typically, it will be canceled immediately upon receiving a cancellation request, but the system doesn't guarantee this.)
I am curious about the meaning about the system doesn't guarantee this. I can easily imagine this happening in multicore/multi-CPU systems (before context switch). But what about single core systems:
Could we have a thread not cancelled immediately when cancellation is requested and cancellation is enabled (pthread_setcancelstate(3)) and cancel type set to PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS?
If yes, under what conditions could this happen?
I am mainly curious about Linux (LinuxThreads / NPTL), but also more generally about POSIX standard compliant way of viewing this cancellation business.
Update/Clarification: Here the real practical concern is usage of resources that are destroyed immediately after calling pthread_cancel() where the targeted thread have cancellation enabled and set to type PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS!!! So the point really is: is there even a tiny possibility for the cancelled thread in this case to continue running normally after context switch (even for a very small time)?
Thanks for Damon's answer the question is reduced about signal delivery and handling in relation to the next context switch.
Update-2: I answered my own question to point that this is bad concern and that the underlying program design should be addressed in fundamentally different conceptual level. I wish this "wrong" question is useful for others wondering about mysteries of asynchronous cancellation.
The meaning is just what it says: It's not guaranteed to happen instantly. The reason for this is that a certain "liberty" for implementation details is needed and accounted for in the standard.
For example under Linux/NPTL, cancellation is implemented by sending signal nr. 32. The thread is cancelled when the signal is received, which usually happens at the next kernel-to-user switch, or at the next interrupt, or at the end of the time slice (which may accidentially be immediately, but usually is not). A signal is never received while the thread isn't running, however. So the real catch here is actually that signals are not necessarily received immediately.
If you think about it, it isn't even possible to do it much different, either. Since you can phtread_cleanup_push some handlers which the operating system must execute (it cannot just blast the thread out of existence!), the thread must necessarily run to be cancelled. There is no guarantee that any particular thread (including the one you want to cancel) is running at the exact time you cancel a thread, so there can be no guarantee that it is cancelled immediately.
Except of course, hypothetically, if the OS was implemented in a way as to block the calling thread and schedule the to-be-cancelled thread so it executes its handlers, and only unblocks pthread_cancel afterwards. But since pthread_cancel isn't specified as blocking, this would be an utterly nasty surprise. It would also be somewhat inacceptable because of interfering wtih execution time limits and scheduler fairness.
So, either your cancel type is "disable", then nothing happens. Or, it is "enable", and the cancel type is "deferred", then the thread cancels when calling a function that is listed as cancellation point in pthreads(7).
Or, it is "asynchronous", then as stated above, the OS will do "something" to cancel the thread as soon as it deems appropriate -- not at a precise, well-defined time, but "soon". In the case of Linux, by sending a signal.
If you need to wonder when the asynchronous cancellation happen, you are doing something terribly wrong.
Following Standards: You are eating ground below your feet by deliberately creating or allowing code to exist whose correctness depends on assumptions about the platform (single core, particular implementation, whatever). It is almost always better, if possible, to follow the standards (and document clearly when it is not possible). The name PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHROUNOUS itself suggests the meaning asynchronous, which is different from immediate or even almost immediate. The original poster specifically states single core, but why should you allow code to exist that will break in non-deterministic ways, when your code is put to run in truly parallel machines (multiple cores or CPUs) where it is practically impossible to have guarantee of immediateness (this would require stopping the other cores from running or waiting for context switch or some other terrible hack which your OS/CPU is not going to support to support your unconventional wishes).
Asynchronous thread cancellation mode is not meant for guaranteed immediate cancellation of a thread. Hence it is a terribly confusing hack to use them in this way even if it would work.
Async-Safeness: If you are concerned about the mechanism of asynchronous cancellation, it raises the suspicion that the threads in question (because of lack of independence) are maybe not purely computational or written in async-cancel-safe manner.
POSIX specifies only three functions as async-cancel safe: pthread_cancel(3), pthread_setcancelstate(3), and pthread_setcancelmode(3) - see IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition, 2.9.5. This cancellation mode is only suitable for purely computational tasks that do not call (other than purely computational) library functions; such code would not provide cancellation points if the threads were set to run in the default deferred cancellation mode. Hence the rationale for defining such mode.
It is possible to write async-cancel-safe code by disabling cancellation during critical sections. But library writers (including POSIX library implementors) in general should not care about async-safetyness by reasons of following general convention, avoiding complexity, and even avoiding performance overhead. Because the library writers should not care, you should never expect async-safetyness unless it is explicitly stated otherwise.
If your code is not async-safe (because for example calling other libraries, including POSIX/standard C libraries without temporarily disabling cancellation or changing cancellation mode) and asynchronous cancellation occurs, you might leak resources (memory, etc), leave behind inconsistent states and locked mutexes dead-locking other threads, and summon many other problems currently imaginable and non-imaginable. (If you are writing in C++, it seems you will have other issues to deal with due to POSIX thread cancellation's close association with exception handling.)

What is the difference between busy-wait and polling?

From the Wikipedia article on Polling
Polling, or polled operation, in computer science, refers to actively sampling the status of an external device by a client program as a synchronous activity. Polling is most often used in terms of input/output (I/O), and is also referred to as polled I/O or software driven I/O.
Polling is sometimes used synonymously with busy-wait polling (busy waiting). In this situation, when an I/O operation is required the computer does nothing other than check the status of the I/O device until it is ready, at which point the device is accessed. In other words the computer waits until the device is ready.
Polling also refers to the situation where a device is repeatedly checked for readiness, and if it is not the computer returns to a different task. Although not as wasteful of CPU cycles as busy-wait, this is generally not as efficient as the alternative to polling, interrupt driven I/O.
So, when a thread doesn't use the "condition variables", will it be called "polling" for the data change or "busy waiting"?
The difference between the two is what the application does between polls.
If a program polls a device say every second, and does something else in the mean time if no data is available (including possibly just sleeping, leaving the CPU available for others), it's polling.
If the program continuously polls the device (or resource or whatever) without doing anything in between checks, it's called a busy-wait.
This isn't directly related to synchronization. A program that blocks on a condition variable (that should signal when a device or resource is available) is neither polling nor busy-waiting. That's more like event-driven/interrupt-driven I/O.
(But for example a thread that loops around a try_lock is a form of polling, and possibly busy-waiting if the loop is tight.)
Suppose one has a microprocessor or microcontroller which is supposed to perform some action when it notices that a button is pushed.
A first approach is to have the program enter a loop which does nothing except look to see if the button has changed yet and, once it has, perform the required action.
A second approach in some cases would be to program the hardware to trigger an interrupt when the button is pushed, assuming the button is wired to an input that's wired so it can cause an interrupt.
A third approach is to configure a timer to interrupt the processor at some rate (say, 1000x/second) and have the handler for that interrupt check the state of the button and act upon it.
The first approach uses a busy-wait. It can offer very good response time to one particular stimulus, at the expense of totally tuning out everything else. The second approach uses event-triggered interrupt. It will often offer slightly slower response time than busy-waiting, but will allow the CPU to do other things while waiting for I/O. It may also allow the CPU to go into a low-power sleep mode until the button is pushed. The third approach will offer a response time that is far inferior to the other two, but will be usable even if the hardware would not allow an interrupt to be triggered by the button push.
In cases where rapid response is required, it will often be necessary to use either an event-triggered interrupt or a busy-wait. In many cases, however, a polled approach may be most practical. Hardware may not exist to support all the events one might be interested in, or the number of events one is interested in may substantially exceed the number of available interrupts. Further, it may be desirable for certain conditions to generate a delayed response. For example, suppose one wishes to count the number of times a switch is activated, subject to the following criteria:
Every legitimate switch event will consist of an interval from 0 to 900us (microseconds) during which the switch may arbitrarily close and reopen, followed by an interval of at least 1.1ms during which the switch will remain closed, followed by an interval from 0 to 900us during which the switch may arbitrarily open and reclose, followed by an interval of which at least 1.1ms during which the switch will be open.
Software must ignore the state of the switch for 950us after any non-ignored switch opening or closure.
Software is allowed to arbitrarily count or ignore switch events which occur outside the above required blanking interval, but which last less than 1.1ms.
The software's reported count must be valid within 1.99ms of the time the switch is stable "closed".
The easiest way to enforce this requirement is to observe the state of the switch 1,000x/second; if it is seen "closed" when the previous state was "open", increment the counter. Very simple and easy; even if the switch opens and closes in all sorts of weird ways, during the 900us preceding and following a real event, software won't care.
It would be possible to use a switch-input-triggered interrupt along with a timer to yield faster response to the switch input, while meeting the required blanking requirement. Initially, the input would be armed to trigger the next time the switch closes. Once the interrupt was triggered, software would disable it but set a timer to trigger an interrupt after 950us. Once that timer expired, it would trigger an interrupt which would arm the interrupt to fire the next time the switch is "open". That interrupt would in turn disable the switch interrupt and again set the timer for 950us, so the timer interrupt would again re-enable the switch interrupt. Sometimes this approach can be useful, but the software is a lot more complicated than the simple polled approach. When the timer-based approach will be sufficient, it is often preferable.
In systems that use a multitasking OS rather than direct interrupts, many of the same principles apply. Periodic I/O polling will waste some CPU time compared with having code which the OS won't run until certain events occur, but in many cases both the event response time and the amount of time wasted when no event occurs will be acceptable when using periodic polling. Indeed, in some buffered I/O situations, periodic polling might turn out to be quite efficient. For example, suppose one is receiving a large amount of data from a remote machine via serial port, at most 11,520 bytes will arrive per second, the device will send up to 2K of data ahead of the last acknowledged packet, and the serial port has a 4K input buffer. While one could process data using a "data received" event, it may be just as efficient to simply check the port 100x/second and process all packets received up to that point. Such polling would be a waste of time when the remote device wasn't sending data, but if incoming data was expected it may be more efficient to process it in chunks of roughly 1.15K than to process every little piece of incoming data as soon as it comes in.

When two threads run a specific process separately, will the program end when one thread returns the value?

Here's the scenario:
You have two threads (which represent different machines) who take the same input from a singular data source, run through the same processes (which do not depend on any shared resources) and return the same value.
If one thread (read:machine) is faster than the other and finishes first, will the program accept that value and end, or will it wait for the other thread to finish? If the answer is the latter, is there anyway to force the program to take the first answer?
The practical reason for this would be to handle unbearably slow machines.
This is entirely you to decide. If you spawn two threads, you can control them from the parent process and decide the behavior you want. You may wait on both threads, or wait until one of them is available (eg. using select from the parent thread or signal from the child thread), and possibly kill the other one (using a signal again, or kill).
For a very good reference on system programming (multi-processing, threads, communications, concurrency..), see Unix system programming in Objective Caml. It has an example (psearch here) where threads collaborate to find a result, and stop as soon as one of them succeeded.

What's the best way to signal threads that sleep or block to stop?

I've got a service that I need to shut down and update. I'm having difficulties with this in two different cases:
I have some threads that sleep for large amounts of time. Obviously I can't wait for them to wake up to finish shutting down the service. I had a thought to use an AutoResetEvent that gets set by some controller thread when the sleep interval is up (by just checking every two seconds or something), and triggering it immediately at OnClose time. Is there a better way to facilitate that?
I have one thread that makes a call to a blocking method call (one which I cannot modify). How do you signal such a thread to stop?
I'm not sure if I understood your first question correctly, but have you looked at using WaitForSingleObject as an alternative to Sleep? You can specify a timeout as well as an object to wait on, so if you want it to wake up earlier, just signal the object.
What exactly do you mean by "call to a blocking thread"? Or did you just mean a blocking call? In general, there isn't a way to interrupt a thread without forcefully terminating it. However, if the call is a system call, there might be ways to return control by making the call fail, eg. cancelling I/O or closing an associated handle.
For 1. you can get your threads into an interruptable Sleep by using SleepEx rather than Sleep. Once they get this shutdown kick (initiated from your termination logic using QueueUserApc), you can detect it happened using the return code from SleepEx and terminate those threads accordingly. This is similar to the suggestion to use WaitForSingleObject, but you don't need another per-thread handle that's just used to terminate the associated thread.
The return value is zero if the
specified time interval expired.
The return value is WAIT_IO_COMPLETION
if the function returned due to one or
more I/O completion callback
functions. This can happen only if
bAlertable is TRUE, and if the thread
that called the SleepEx function is
the same thread that called the
extended I/O function.
For 2., that's a tough one unless you have access to some resource used in that thread that can cause the blocking call to abort in such a way that the calling thread can handle it cleanly. You may just have to implement code to kill that thread with extreme prejudice using TerminateThread (probably this should be the last thing you do before exiting the process) and see what happens under test.
An easy and reliable solution is to kill the service process. A process is the memory-safe abstraction of the OS, after all, so you can safely terminate one without regard for process-internal state - of course, if your process is communicating or fiddling with external state, all bets are off...
Additionally, you could implement the solution which OS's themselves commonly do: one warning signal asking the process to clean up as best possible (which sets a flag and gracefully exits what can be gracefully stopped), and then forceful termination if the process doesn't exit by itself (which ends pesky things like blocking I/O).
All services should be built such that forceful termination isn't harmful, since these processes are system managed and may be terminated by things such as a reboot - i.e., your service ideally should permit this without corrupting storage anyhow.
Oh, and one final warning; windows services may share a process (I presume for efficiency, though it strikes me as an avoidable optimization), so if you go this route, you want to make sure your service is not sharing a process with other services. You can ensure this by passing the option SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS to ChangeServiceConfig.
