API deployed in Azure that doesn't work and i dont know why - azure

PS: Found solution see below
i deployed my API to azure via bitbucket pipleine using FTP, but whehn i open the link of the API it displays "HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start"
Also when i make a request over postman or the frontend SPA it gives me ther same error.
Im realy lost within azure, becouse so many menus and i cant understand whats the problem. It works fine locally and the pipeline was sucessfully.
Can someone help me understand whats going on?
PS: after some diagnostic ( its menu is not intuitive at all) i found this:
: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'. The system cannot find the file specified. File name: 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'
My instaled verson is and version dosent even exist on nuget packet manager. Any ideas?
my pipeline is:
Before the solution the line " cp ./AzureFix/Newtonsoft.Json.dll ./publish" didnt existed and the problem was that the file "Newtonsoft.Json.dll" that bitbucket generated inside the "publish" folder was invalid and when i did "dotnet publish --output publish --configuration release" in my pc that same file was valid.
I found that by using an FTP software to transfer my local files of the "publish" folder to azure and it worked.
So i created a folder in the bitbucket repository with the valid file inside it and in the pipeline i added a line that copy that file to the "publish" folder generated by bitbucket folder and it works like a charm.
Why did that happen ( the generated file of the bitbucket "publish" was invalid) ?

500.30 errors are startup problems, and can stem from a lot of different things, so giving an exact answer is tough. Check your Startup.cs and Program.cs to ensure everything is correct. This could be various dependencies such as DB stuff, cache, KeyVault, etc. or issues with ASP.Net versions.
If you have App Insights running for this App Service, check to see if it reports any issues. Or turn on application logging (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/troubleshoot-diagnostic-logs).
You can also use Kudo to do advanced debugging: https://zimmergren.net/solving-asp-net-core-3-on-azure-app-service-causing-500-30-in-process-startup-failure/

Please check if all the NuGet packages are updated -
I struggled with this error for four days and tried every possible suggestion on forum.
And finally after updating all NuGet packages the problem was resolved.


Object removed from assembly still referred to after deploy to Azure, local is fine

ASP.NET Core 2.1
We have a shared dll, that is used in a few projects (via project reference)
We have class in that was named Proofer, and is now named ProofReader.
This was done through mass find and replace.
Nowhere in our source files locally exists any files containing the text Proofer.
VSTS builds the application without issue, then we send it via a release pipeline to Azure. All succeed.
Despite this we attempt to run the web app and get the following:
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
TypeLoadException: Could not load type
'MainShared.Models.Proofer' from assembly 'MainShared,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
pModule, IRuntimeMethodInfo pCtor, Byte** ppBlob, Byte* pEndBlob,
Int32* pcNamedArgs)
We are having trouble determining if this is in the build, maybe something not being rebuilt when it should be, or something still cached on Azure that isn't being overwritten.
A few places I can suggest you look into -
If you are using app service web apps in azure , we can use the kudu (web app extension to remove/clean the files) to make sure you have a clean destination.
Check the VSTS Release logs if you have access to , it shows the files which are overwritten and the ones which could not be. Once i had a similar issue and found that the logs were already warning me that a few could not be overwritten.
If you are using VM's for your app deployment if has access to it , remove/backup the files under your site folder.
I had a similar problem after some redesign for a Web App using ASP.NET Core 2.2 (hosted on Azure), that some old not even anymore existing references causing the Load type exceptions to happen and the Web App simply refused to come up. I tried to clean everything up in Visual Studio, even deleted the bin and object directories, but the old reference was still looked for. In Kudu on the Azure portal I saw the *.PrecompiledViews.dll and *.PrecompiledViews.pdb files, which were very old. I simply removed them directly on the Azure server and could then simply start up my app and everything came up again. This fault should be fixed from the source. If I do a complete rebuild, I expect this old garbage to be taken care of during the publishing to the website. This is something that Microsoft should fix and as I can see this happened to others over half a year ago. Thanks Mark Johnson for your very useful hint about those files!

Publishing Web App to Azure

I have a web app on Azure. When I publish an update to it using WebDeply it doesn't work. I get a 502.5 Process Failure error. Upon investigation the content of the error is:
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
at Web.Program.Main(String[] args)
Does anyone know why I would be getting this?
It works locally but not when published. The most recent update I did to the AspNetCore ddls was done as part of this release where I upgraded the NuGet packages reference to be the latest patch fixes ie. from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2. Is it something I did wrong?
I eventually solved the issue by using an FTP, deleting all of the DLLs in the website folder and re-publishing the application.
Seems Web Publish or VS decided not to update those files for some reason.
Addional information for Adam Stapleton.
As Adam Stapleton mentioned it seems that Web publish or VS doesn't update the related files. If we update the AspNetCore, I recommend that we could remove the Azure WebApp files during republish the WebApp. We also could do this with VS. For more detail information, please refer to the screenshot.

Can't publish a dummy F# Suave app as an Azure WebApp. What am I doing wrong?

The project was generated through Ionide and Visual Studio Code. I'm deploying to an Azure WebApp through GitHub.
The GitHub repository is: https://github.com/laygr/suave-dummy
The activity log says:
Command: build.cmd
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
D:\Program Files (x86)\SiteExtensions\Kudu\59.51109.2534\bin\Scripts\starter.cmd build.cmd
It is as simple as a Suave app gets. I hope that this can help others.
After restarting fresh again (new repo, new web app, new day, new hopes), azure showed a different error which allowed me to figure out the rest. I'll leave the repo so that anyone can see how to deploy the simplest Suave app as an Azure Web App through GitHub
So, after an improvement on the error shown by Azure, I could figure out how to deploy the app.
I had to:
remove .exe from the .gitignore generated by Ionide for Visual Studio Code.
create .deployment
create web.config
modify the build.cmd (I copied it from somewhere else)
modify the build.fsx to perform the correct build
modify the startup file (suave-dummy.fs) to use the correct port
Feel free to check the repo to see what I mean in code. Relevant files:

What is this vague error with 'redirection.config' while building a Web Deploy package?

I'm trying to build a Web Deploy package via msbuild on a new machine and it's not working. It builds fine on other machines, but here I get the following vague error:
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Filename: redirection.config
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Error: Cannot read configuration file
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error :
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Unknown error (0x80005000)
I'm not sure what 'redirection.config' is, and the line reference to the .targets file doesn't help at all.
How can I fix this?
redirection.config is a file that lives in the IIS configuration directory, typically %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv\config. Here are two possibilities:
The account building your project doesn't have access to the IIS config dir. This might happen if you have an automated build identity with special permissions, or you if you need to start Visual Studio as an administrator.
You don't have IIS installed at all on the new machine. Check to be sure the IIS config directory, and redirection.config in particular, even exist. If not, you'll need to install IIS.
If you receive this error when deploying with Release Managment (via IISConfig.exe) be sure that the deployment agent service account is in the local Administrators group. You may need to restart the deployment agent service.
Similar Issue resolved below - Might help
Insufficient Permissions Problems with MSDeploy and TFS Build 2010
For me, simply running visual studio as admin gave it the elevated permissions it needed to operate against this folder.
May work for others.
I got this error when I tried to use a relative path for the contentPath setting. I fixed it by settings the contentPath to the full path of the folder. Without the full path, the contentPath provider thinks it is a site path or application path and looks for it in in the IIS configuration.
This error just appeared to me when my C# project was referencing the Microsoft.Web.Administration, Version= assembly. It looks like this assembly only works with IIS Express. For IIS, we must use Microsoft.Web.Administration, Version=
After hours of testing and troubleshooting this problem turned out to be an issue with the users profile.
This was found by logging in as myself and I didn't receive the same issue.
To fix this issue:
Log into the machine as an administrator and delete the contents of the corrupt profile from C:\Users (or rename the folder to username.OLD)
Open up the registry and navigate here – HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Find the corrupt profile and rename this to .OLD or remove it.
You can read more about it at this article.
As this is high in search engines when looking for this error, I'll post my solution.
I used Azure Pipelines to release the app to IIS and had this error. My issue was that I mistakenly used Build Agent job instead of Deployment Group job when configuring the release pipeline.
On server 2012 this error can be caused by UAC which needs to be disabled via the registry.
This article explains why...
change DWORD "EnableLUA" from 1 to 0

Setting Up Kudu On IIS

A couple of days ago, Microsoft released the engine they're using to do git deployments to Azure. I've had a task on my TODO list for a while to get that kind of functionality set up on my DEV IIS server, so I'm interested in trying out Kudu for that purpose.
The "Getting Started" document shows how to run the web front-end, but everything in there uses "http://localhost:PORTNUMBER" type URL's for git repositories, site URL's, etc.
I realize this is probably getting too far ahead of them, but I'm wondering if anyone has pointers for how to set it up using real domains on "regular" IIS instead of all of the localhost bits?
This is an old question, so I'm giving an updated answer with more current info since I just worked through setting up Kudu on an internal deployment server. The currently selected answer only deals with if you are directly running Kudu from within a development environment.
If you are deploying to a "production" type environment and don't want to install Visual Studio on the target server, there is a good guide on the project website on github.
On the target server, you will need to install:
MSBuild ( http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=309745 ) - comes with Visual Studio
NodeJS ( http://nodejs.org )
Git ( http://git-scm.com/downloads )
Back on your development machine, clone the git repo and build using the "build.cmd" file, following instructions in the above link.
In running build.cmd I got several test failures which blocked the build from producing artifacts. These were all related to Mercurial, which we don't use. Installing a Mercurial client didn't make them magically go away, so I disabled the tests rather than sink a bunch of time into debugging my environment.
Your build output will indicate the failures. I disabled by commenting out the [Fact] attribute.
These are the tests I disabled:
tests/Kudu.Core.Test/HgRepositoryFacts.cs (all tests)
Once you have a successful build that has created all the items in the artifacts you can move to deploying the Kudu website and web service code. The below instructions are for setting up a distinct web application instance, rather than dumping everything in c:\inetpub\wwwroot, which is how the instructions read.
Copy "artifacts\Release\KuduWeb" to the target area on the server where your website will run from. I run my kudu install with a separate host header, but you could as easily use a separate port or run as the root website. This directory will be the root for your web application.
Create an empty "App_Data" folder immediately under the KuduWeb folder.
Copy "artifacts\Release\SiteExtensions\Kudu" to the same level as the folder in step 1 and rename to "Kudu.Services.Web". This location is set as a relative path in the KuduWeb web.config file - setting serviceSitePath.
Open IIS Admin and create a website pointing to the "KuduWeb" folder from step 1.
Configure the app pool from step 4 to run as "LocalSystem". This is required to manage IIS Sites.
Create a new folder "apps" at the same level as KuduWeb. This is where deployments will be sent. Note: this location is controlled in the KuduWeb web.config file - setting "sitesPath"
Change filesystem permissions to grant "Users" full access to the "apps" folder created in the above step.
On starting my Kudu website, I got the following error.
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
For some reason it didn't copy the appropriate MVC version into the deployment artifacts.
If you hit this error, the MVC 5 file can be obtained via NuGet. I found that my source code was built against 5.1.0, so this is the appropriate link:
In order to extract the dll, I set up a new dummy project and used NuGet to pull down the dll via the package manager console.
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc -Version 5.1.0
Once you get the binary, copy it from package directory ( .\packages\Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.5.1.0\lib\net45\System.Web.Mvc.dll ) to the website bin directory on the target machine.
At this point you are up and running. Use the web interface to create your application. It will create a subfolder under the "apps" directory with a tree that should be self explanatory. It will also have created two new websites for your application:
In a production situation, you should create an additional website running on appropriate port/host header that points to: .\apps\\site\wwwroot
Now you can add a git remote for your deployment. Go to your source location in a git console (ex: Git Bash) and add the remote as identified by Kudu. Note: you may need to change localhost in the url to be the appropriate server name.
git remote add deploy http://:52711/your-app-name.git
Push your code to the new "deploy" remote and see what happens. You should see all the normal push messages, plus the build output.
git push deploy master
My initial push failed to build and deploy due to "node" not being recognized. It was in the path, so a server reset convinced the path environment variable to be refreshed. You may find additional errors to work through. For instance, I had an issue with MSBuild being imported and causing a hiccup.
error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Visual Studio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found.
YMMV, but these are all solvable problems now. Good continuous deploying!
The project automatically sets up two websites on IIS for each application you add using the web front end. Kudu doesn't automatically map the bindings for them but it's relatively easy to open IIS and find the two sites named "kudu_appname" and "kudu_appname_service". The service website is the one that you point GIT too and the other one is the site itself. Just add public bindings to them by right-clicking and "edit bindings". You can then add public hostnames to them.
This is the easy part. The hard part that I'm still working on is getting authentication working so any random Joe isn't able to push to my kudu repository!
