Convert to JSON and map to new JSON object in Alteryx - alteryx

I am using Alteryx to take an Excel file and convert to JSON. The JSON output I'm getting looks different to what I was expecting and also the object starts with "JSON": which I don't want to happen and I would also like to know how/which components I would use to map fields to specific JSON fields instead of key value pairs if I need to later in the flow.
I have attached my sample workflow and excel which are:
Excel screenshot
Alteryx test flow
JSON output I am seeing:
"JSON": "{\"email\":\"\",\"startdate\":\"2020-12-01\",\"isEnabled\":\"0\",\"status\":\"active\"}"
"JSON": "{\"email\":\"\",\"startdate\":\"2020-12-02\",\"isEnabled\":\"1\",\"status\":\"active\"}"
What I expected:
"email": "",
"startdate": "2020-12-01",
"isEnabled": "0",
"status": "active"
"email": "",
"startdate": "2020-12-02",
"isEnabled": "1",
"status": "active"
Also, what component would I use if I wanted to map the structure above to another JSON structure similar this one:
} ]

In the workflow that you have built, you are essentially creating the JSON twice. The JSON Build creates the JSON structure, so if you then want to output it, select your file to output and then change the dropdown to csv with delimiter \0 and no headers.
However, try putting an output straight after your Excel file and output to JSON, the Output Tool will build the JSON for you.
In answer to your second question, build the JSON for Contact Details first as a field (remember to rename JSON to contactDetails). Then build from there with one of the above options.


Dynamically define csv table structure based on HTTP request body in Logic apps

So, I have a logic app that looks like below
enter image description here
The main idea of the app is to get the list items of a list and copy the contents in a csv file in blob storage.
The site name and list name are passed through the HTTP request body.
However, I would like to also define the Select operation column mapping dynamically.
The body looks like this
"listName" : "The list name",
"siteAddress" : "SharepointSiteAddress",
"columns" : {
"Email": " #item()?['Employee']?['Email']",
"Region": " #item()?['Region']?['Value']"
In the 'Map' section of the 'Select' Operation I use the 'columns' property as shown below
enter image description here
However, in the output stream of the 'Select' Operation, email and region column values are resolved with the string that is passed instead of retrieving the actual item value that I am trying to refer to.
Can I somehow create the csv table dynamically through the HTTP request while also being able to access the items' values?
Using expressions, you can create CSV file with Dynamic data. I have reproduced issue from my side and below are the stepts I followed.
Created Logic app as shown below,
In Http trigger, I have defined sample payload as shown below,
"listName" : "The list name",
"siteAddress" : "SharepointSiteAddress",
"columns" : {
"Email": " Email",
"DisplayName": "DisplayName"
In select action, from is taken from Get items value. In Map row, key is taken from Http trigger and value is from SharePoint item as shown below,
Key -triggerBody()?['columns']?['Email']
Value - item()?['Editor']?['Email']
Output of Get Items action in my case is like below. Hence written expression according to that.
"value": [
"#odata.etag": "\"1\"",
"ItemInternalId": "3",
"ID": 3,
"Modified": "2022-11-15T10:49:47Z",
"Editor": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
"Claims": "i:0#.f|membership|",
"DisplayName": "Test",
"Email": "",
"JobTitle": ""
Tested logic app. It ran successfully and csv file is generated like below,
Csv file:

Getting all classes in a python project and assigning dummy values to each attribute depending on the field type for test purposes

I have a FastAPI application. I need to test it using test data. I have a shell script written to load the data from a json file and run to test it and it works perfectly. I just need a way to automatically derive the json test file. The Json file contains something like this
"name": "registration-test",
"endpoint": "/user/register",
"method" : "post",
"request": {
"name": "hello ",
"email": "",
"password": "123456"
"expression": "email",
"expected": ""
To get the request data I need a way to get all the classes in the project and assign dummy values and return it in a JSON format.

Logic App - Expression to get a particular substring from a json

I have out form one of the tasks in Logic App:
"headers": {
"Connection": "close",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": {
"systemAlertId": "....",
"endTimeUtc": null,
"entities": [
"$id": "us_1",
"hostName": "...",
"azureID": "someID",
"type": "host"
"$id": "us_2",
"address": "fwdedwedwedwed",
"location": {
"countryCode": "",
"type": "ip"
I need initialize some variable named resourceID that contains value someID which is read from above example.
Value someID will always be found in the first member of Entities array, in that case I guess need to use function first
Any idea how expression of Initial variable should look?
Considering the mentioned data you are receiving from Http trigger, I have used Parse JSON in order to get the inner values of the mentioned JSON. Here is how you can do it.
and now you can initialize the resourceID using 'Initialise variable' connector and set its value to azureID as per your requirement.
Have a look at the Parse JSON action.
To reference or access properties in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) content, you can create user-friendly fields or tokens for those properties by using the Parse JSON action. That way, you can select those properties from the dynamic content list when you specify inputs for your logic app. For this action, you can either provide a JSON schema or generate a JSON schema from your sample JSON content or payload.
With the information in the JSON available in an object, you can more easily access it.

How to read json files with nested categories in node.js

I am using Perspective API (you can check out at: for my discord application. I am sending an analyze request and api returning this:
"attributeScores": {
"spanScores": [
"begin": 0,
"end": 22,
"score": {
"value": 0.9345592,
"summaryScore": {
"value": 0.9345592,
"languages": [
"detectedLanguages": [
I need to get "value" in "summaryScore" as an integer. I searched it on Google, but i just found reading value for not categorized or only 1 times categorized json files. How can i do that?
Note: Sorry if i asked something really easy or if i slaughtered english. My primary language is not english and i am not much experienced on node.js
First you must make sure the object you have recived is presived by nodeJS as a JSON object, look at this answer for how first. After the object is stored as a JSON object you can do the following:
Reading from nested objects or arrays is as easy as doing this:
If you look closer to the object and its structure you can see that the root object (the first {}) contains 3 values: "attributeScores", "languages" and "detectedLanguages".
The field you are looking for exists inside the "summeryScore" object that exists inside the "TOXICITY" object and so on. Thus you need to traverse the object structure until you get to the value you need.

How do you check if any objects in an array has a property with value in Azure Logic App?

I am building a Azure Logic App which recieves a webhook. I need to parse the body and validate if a array contains any object with a property that matches either of two values, but have no idea how to do it.
Any ideas?
The JSON i am recieving in the webhook is like below, shortened for brevity. I am looking at the components-array:
"id": "12601",
"components": [
"id": "10021",
"name": "Value1"
"id": "10022",
"name": "Value2"
"id": "10023",
"name": "Value3"
From this array I need to output a parameter true/false if any properties with name == "Value1" or "Value" appears.
Is there any syntax similar to LINQ in C#, or do you use a foreach? I have not been able to find any simple way like:
If(Arr.Any(x => == "Value1"))
Perhaps you can use Parse Json to parse the Json string you received, and then use condition to determine whether the name contains value1.
Please refer to my logic app:
