Heterogenous sized vectors where the types "work elsewhere" - haskell

Suppose I have a function that works on a vector with size known at compile-time (these are provided by the vector-sized package):
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs #-}
module Test where
import Data.Vector.Sized
-- Processes vectors known at compile time to have size 4.
processVector :: Vector 4 Int -> String
processVector = undefined
Fine, but what if I don't want to process vector of ints, but a vector of vectors?
-- Same thing but has subvectors of size 3.
processVector2 :: Vector 4 (Vector 3 Int) -> String
processVector2 = undefined
Fine, but there each sub-vector is of a fixed size. I want a function where the subvectors can each be of a different size but still known at compile time.
We can do this with existential quantifications:
data InnerVector = forall n. InnerVector (Vector n Int)
processVector3 :: Vector 4 InnerVector -> String
processVector3 = undefined
Fine, but what if I want to return not a String but a vector of the same dimensions?
processVector4 :: Vector 4 InnerVector -> Vector 4 InnerVector
processVector4 = undefined
This does not work because the second vector might have differently sized subvectors from the input subvectors! I want them known to be same at compile time. (So the subvectors at index 0 have same size, subvectors at index 1 have the same size, and so on.)
Is this possible to achieve? If not, do you know of (or can you create) a data structure that makes this possible?
I am avoiding tuples because:
My vectors will have size over 100.
Vectors make general processing easy (using 0-based indexes), so my processing functions continue to work even if I add more items to my vector.
I do indeed only want values of one type within the inner vectors (Int in the example).

By using existential quantification you effectively hide the sizes of the inner
vectors. But if you want to write code with types that convey that you are
preserving those sizes, you don't want them hidden. Instead you want your types
to be loud and clear about them.
So, let's define some types that broadcast these inner sizes. Essentially, you
need your "vector-of-vectors" type to be a type of heterogenous lists that
restricts the elements of these lists to be vectors. For sure, there are some
libraries out there that can help you put together such a type, but here we'll
roll our own. Just because it's more fun to do so.
Let's start with enabling some language extensions and then writing some types for the inner vectors and their sizes:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, InstanceSigs, KindSignatures, TypeOperators #-}
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data Vector :: Nat -> * -> * where
VNil :: Vector Zero a
VCons :: a -> Vector n a -> Vector (Succ n) a
instance Functor (Vector n) where
fmap f VNil = VNil
fmap f (VCons x xs) = VCons (f x) (fmap f xs)
Next up is our type of "jagged" matrices (i.e., a vector of variable-size
vectors). As said, this is just a specific type of heterogeneous lists:
data JaggedMatrix :: [Nat] -> * -> * where
MNil :: JaggedMatrix '[] a
MCons :: Vector n a -> JaggedMatrix ns a -> JaggedMatrix (n : ns) a
There, that's it. The type of jagged matrices is indexed by a list that contains the sizes of the inner vectors. The outer dimension is not explicated in the type, but can simply be derived from the length of the inner-dimensions list.
Let's put it to work and write a dimensions-preservering
function. Here's an obvious one:
instance Functor (JaggedMatrix ns) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> JaggedMatrix ns a -> JaggedMatrix ns b
fmap f MNil = MNil
fmap f (MCons xs xss) = MCons (fmap f xs) (fmap f xss)


What does data Vector :: * -> Nat -> * where mean in Haskell?

I'm looking at https://wiki.haskell.org/GHC/Kinds and I found this:
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data Vector :: * -> Nat -> * where
VNil :: Vector a Zero
VCons :: a -> Vector a n -> Vector a (Succ n)
I tried looking about what does the where does in Haskell but I could not find info about it together with data. I have an idea of what a kind is. A constructor that takes no parameters has kind * and a constructor that takes one parameter has kind * -> *, it's the 'type' of the constructor. I think it's defining the kind of Vector as being * -> Nat -> * which means something that can take anything, a natural number and return a Vector?
And more important: why would someone use this stuff for?
The data ... where ... syntax is GADT syntax. (The wiki you were looking at also has a page about GADTs, linked from the page you were reading)
GADT syntax is enabled with the GADTs language extension. It gives you an alternative to the standard data declaration syntax, where instead of listing the data constructors as if they were applied to the types of their fields (thus implicitly defining the overall type of the constructor), you instead write an explicit type signature for each constructor.
For example, the standard Maybe type is defined like this in traditional syntax:
-- Maybe type constructor takes an argument a;
-- all data constructors implicitly return Maybe a
data Maybe a
= Just a -- Just data constructor takes an argument **of type** a, not a itself
| Nothing -- Nothing data constructor takes no arguments
And like this in GADT syntax:
-- Maybe type constructor takes an argument a
data Maybe a where
Just :: a -> Maybe a -- Just takes an argument of type a to return a Maybe a
Nothing :: Maybe a -- Nothing is simply of type Maybe a
This syntax is more verbose. In complex cases it can arguably be clearer, since we explicitly write the type of the constructors in ordinary type expression syntax, rather than defining them in a weird special-purpose syntax where we pseudo-apply term-level data constructors to the types of their arguments.
But more importantly, GADT syntax1 opens up the door to new features that simply cannot be expressed in the original syntax. That is happening in your example.
Primarily the new features come from control over the return type of each constructor. If we wanted to try to define Vector using the traditional data syntax, we would have to do something like this:
data Vector a n
= VNil
| VCons a (Vector a n)
The n parameter is supposed to represent the vector's number of elements at the type level. The idea is so that we can do things like zip two vectors together with the compiler enforcing that the two vectors have the same length, rather than doing something like Data.List.zip where it simply gives up and silently discards any remaining elements from one list when the other runs out of elements.
But what we've written above can't do that. VNil always returns a value of type Vector a n, and it doesn't have any fields of type n (or a) so any VNil can be used with any n type parameter at all; n isn't going to say anything about the size of the vector! And similarly VCons has a field with a Vector a n in it, but is also going to end up constructing a value of type Vector a n, where the n parameter is the same, when we want it to indicate that the size is one larger than the tail-vector's size.
GADT syntax allows us to fix those problems:
data Vector a n where
VNil :: Vector a Zero
VCons :: a -> Vector a n -> Vector a (Succ n)
Now we can explicitly say that the VNil constructor is a vector of size Zero; it's not like Nothing :: Maybe a where it is always polymorphic in that type variable. (Our VNil is still polymorphic in the type variable a, of course, since having no elements means we shouldn't constrain what the element type will be). And VCons takes an a and a Vector a n to produce a Vector a (Succ n)2; specifically a vector that is "one item larger" than the vector inside it.
We missed a step though, which is actually defining Zero and Succ anywhere. The way to do that is simply:
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
This says: A natural number2 is either Zero, or it is the Succ of some other Nat. We can pattern match a Nat repeatedly and we'll eventually3 hit Zero; if we wanted to convert this to a "normal" number we'd do that and count the Succ constructors.
But that has only given us Zero and Succ as data constructors. We were wanting to use them in the types of our VNil and VCons. For that we'll need another extension: DataKinds. It just allows use to use any data declaration both to define a (type-level) type constructor and its associated (term-level) data constructors and to define a (kind-level) "kind constructor" and its associated type constructors (which in turn do not contain any values at the term-level; they're purely for type manipulation).
Note that the wiki page you were looking at appears to be describing a not-yet-implemented language extension called Kinds, which is clearly the same as what is now DataKinds. As such, that wiki page is extremely old, so you should probably just ignore it. If you were looking for reading material about kinds in general (rather than the DataKinds extension specifically), you probably need to continue your search.
But using DataKinds we can do this (actually compiles now):
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds #-}
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data Vector a n where
VNil :: Vector a Zero
VCons :: a -> Vector a n -> Vector a (Succ n)
Here we defined Nat (at the type level) and Zero & Succ (at the term level) as normal. But then in the definition of Vector we use Zero and Succ at the type level. This is enough for GHC to infer that in Vector a n the n must be of kind Nat (because it is used with type constructors in that kind). But we can also use yet-another extension KindSignatures and be more explicit about the kind of the type constructor Vector, like so:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data Vector :: * -> Nat -> * where -- this line is where the difference is
VNil :: Vector a Zero
VCons :: a -> Vector a n -> Vector a (Succ n)
Before we were just saying data Vector a n and trusting both the compiler and the reader to figure out from the usage below that a must be of kind * (it's used as the type of an actual value in the VCons constructor) and n is of kind Nat (because that position in the Vector type constructor is filled by type-level Zero and Succ n in the constructors). Now we can explicitly give the compiler and the reader more information up front with data Vector :: * -> Nat -> *; Vector takes a type parameter of kind *, another type parameter of kind Nat, and results in a type of kind * (which means it's a type that can actually have values at the term level).
It can be a little confusing with DataKinds whether a token like Zero refers to the term-level Zero (of type Nat, which is of kind *) or the type-level Zero (of kind Nat). Most of the time the compiler can perfectly tell which is which because it keeps very strong track of whether a given expression is a term expression or a type expression. But DataKinds gives you a way of being more explicit; if you prepend a type constructor with a single quote (like 'Zero) then it definitively means the data constructor promoted to type level. Some people consider it good style to always use this explicit marking.4
So that is pretty much everything in that is going on in your example.
As for what it's all for... at the most basic level it allows you do things like keeping track of the length of lists5, and then have the compiler enforce that multiple lists have the same size (or have sizes that have some specific other relationship, like being larger, or smaller, or twice as large, etc). People use that capability for a huge number of things that I can't possibly sum up in a single post (and not just with sizes of things; there are countless ways to use DataKinds and GADTs to reflect information at the type level so that the compiler can enforce things for you); it's a bit like asking "what are functions for". But here's a couple of example functions that do interesting things with the type-level length:
vzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a n -> Vector b n -> Vector c n
vzipWith _ VNil VNil = VNil
vzipWith f (a `VCons` as) (b `VCons` bs)
= f a b `VCons` vzipWith f as bs
The zip that enforces the vectors have the same length, as I mentioned earlier. Guarantees that you can't have a bug because one list was accidentally shorter and you simply ignored elements of the other, instead the compiler will complain. Here's vzipWith at work in GHCI:
λ vzipWith replicate (1 `VCons` (2 `VCons` VNil)) ('a' `VCons` ('b' `VCons` VNil))
VCons "a" (VCons "bb" VNil)
it :: Vector [Char] ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))
With a bit more work we can define how to add type level Nats (using even more extensions, which I won't explain in detail here). Then we can append vectors while keeping track of the combined length:
type Plus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
type family Plus n m
where Zero `Plus` n = n
Succ n `Plus` m = Succ (n `Plus` m)
vappend :: Vector a n -> Vector a m -> Vector a (n `Plus` m)
vappend VNil ys = ys
vappend (x `VCons` xs) ys = x `VCons` vappend xs ys
And at work:
λ vappend (1 `VCons` (2 `VCons` VNil)) (3 `VCons` (4 `VCons` (5 `VCons` VNil)))
VCons 1 (VCons 2 (VCons 3 (VCons 4 (VCons 5 VNil))))
it ::
Num a => Vector a ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero)))))
If you want to play around with it in GHCI, put all of this in a file and load it:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data Vector :: * -> Nat -> * where
VNil :: Vector a 'Zero
VCons :: a -> Vector a n -> Vector a ('Succ n)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Vector a n)
vzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a n -> Vector b n -> Vector c n
vzipWith _ VNil VNil = VNil
vzipWith f (a `VCons` as) (b `VCons` bs)
= f a b `VCons` vzipWith f as bs
type Plus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
type family Plus n m
where Zero `Plus` n = n
Succ n `Plus` m = Succ (n `Plus` m)
vappend :: Vector a n -> Vector a m -> Vector a (n `Plus` m)
vappend VNil ys = ys
vappend (x `VCons` xs) ys = x `VCons` vappend xs ys
Here I have also added yet another extension StandaloneDeriving so we can derive a Show instance for Vector, so you can play around in the interpreter and see what you get.
1 There is in fact an extension GADTSyntax that enables just the new syntax, but doesn't allow you to define any types that you couldn't have defined in the old syntax. Hardly anyone uses this extension as far as I know; GADTs are well-regarded and anyone who bothers to learn the new syntax only does so in the context of learning about GADTs, so if they like the new syntax and want to use it everywhere they're probably just enabling GADTs everywhere.
2 "Succ" is short for "successor". The standard way of defining natural numbers from first principles is to assume that there exists the first natural number (zero), and that for any natural number has a successor which is a different natural number (and is not the successor of any other number). It's a fancy way of saying you can start at zero and count up from there as far as you want to go. But this inductive structure of natural numbers happens to map very nicely into Haskell's type logic, making it very easy to count things at type level using numbers defined this way, which is why it's being used here.
3 Unless it's infinite, which means our attempt to "count the succs" will never terminate, which is another way to produce bottom/undefined in Haskell.
4 This "tick" syntax is necessary in some cases, for disambiguation. For example, with DataKinds we can have type level lists of types, like [Bool, Char, Maybe Integer], because we can promote lists to operate at type-level instead of term-level. [Bool, Char, Maybe Integer] is a type-level list of kind [*] (a list of things of kind *, i.e. a list of types). The problem arises when we consider things like [Bool]. This is definitely a type expression, but is it the list type constructor applied to Bool (meaning, the type of terms that are a list of boolean values), or is it a singleton list-of-types (i.e. the list data constructors : and [], promoted to type level), whose single value happens to be the type Bool? One is of kind *, and the other is of kind [*]. There's no way to tell the programmer's intent from looking at it, so the rules of DataKinds say we prioritise the pre-DataKinds interpretation; [Bool] is definitely the type of lists of boolean values. We can use the tick mark to explicitly choose the other interpretation: '[Bool] is a singleton list of types.
5 Lists whose type reflects the length of the list are traditionally called vectors, to distinguish them from ordinary lists whose type says nothing about the length. Perhaps this is not ideal, since there are several other things that are also called "vectors" to distinguish them from ordinary lists. But it's established terminology.

Matrix dimensionality checks at compile time

I was wondering whether is was possible to use the matrix type from Data.Matrix to construct another type with which it becomes possible to perform dimensionality checking at compile time.
E.g. I want to be able to write a function like:
mmult :: Matrix' r c -> Matrix' c r -> Matrix' r r
mmult = ...
However, I don't see how to do this since the arguments to a type constructor Matrix' would have to be types and not integer constants.
I don't see how to do this since the arguments to a type constructor Matrix' would have to be types and not integer constants
They do need to be type-level values, but not necessarily types. “Type-level” basically just means known at compile-time, but this also contains stuff that isn't really types. Types are in particular the type-level values of kind Type, but you can also have type-level strings or, indeed, natural numbers.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Matrix
newtype Matrix' (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) a
= StaMat {getStaticSizeMatrix :: Matrix a}
mmult :: Num a => Matrix' n m a -> Matrix' l n a -> Matrix' l m a
mmult (StaMat f) (StaMat g) = StaMat $ multStd f g
I would remark that matrices are only a special case of a much more general mathematical concept, that of linear maps between vector spaces. And since vector spaces can be seen as particular types, it actually makes a lot of sense to not use mere integers as the type-level tags, but the actual spaces. What you have then is a category, and it allows you to deal with both dynamic- and static size matrix/vector types, and can even be generalised to completely different spaces like infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.
newtype StaVect (n :: Nat) a
= StaVect {getStaticSizeVect :: Vector a}
data LinMap v w where
StaMat :: Matrix a -> LinMap (StaVec n a) (StaVec m a)
-- ...Add more constructors for mappings between other sorts of vector spaces...
linCompo :: LinMap v w -> LinMap u v -> LinMap u w
linCompo (StaMat f) (StaMat g) = StaMat $ multStd f g
The linearmap-category package pursues this direction.

How to "iterate" over a function whose type changes among iteration but the formal definition is the same

I have just started learning Haskell and I come across the following problem. I try to "iterate" the function \x->[x]. I expect to get the result [[8]] by
foldr1 (.) (replicate 2 (\x->[x])) $ (8 :: Int)
This does not work, and gives the following error message:
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ [a]
Expected type: [a -> a]
Actual type: [a -> [a]]
I can understand why it doesn't work. It is because that foldr1 has type signature foldr1 :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> t a -> a, and takes a -> a -> a as the type signature of its first parameter, not a -> a -> b
Neither does this, for the same reason:
((!! 2) $ iterate (\x->[x]) .) id) (8 :: Int)
However, this works:
(\x->[x]) $ (\x->[x]) $ (8 :: Int)
and I understand that the first (\x->[x]) and the second one are of different type (namely [Int]->[[Int]] and Int->[Int]), although formally they look the same.
Now say that I need to change the 2 to a large number, say 100.
My question is, is there a way to construct such a list? Do I have to resort to meta-programming techniques such as Template Haskell? If I have to resort to meta-programming, how can I do it?
As a side node, I have also tried to construct the string representation of such a list and read it. Although the string is much easier to construct, I don't know how to read such a string. For example,
read "[[[[[8]]]]]" :: ??
I don't know how to construct the ?? part when the number of nested layers is not known a priori. The only way I can think of is resorting to meta-programming.
The question above may not seem interesting enough, and I have a "real-life" case. Consider the following function:
natSucc x = [Left x,Right [x]]
This is the succ function used in the formal definition of natural numbers. Again, I cannot simply foldr1-replicate or !!-iterate it.
Any help will be appreciated. Suggestions on code styles are also welcome.
After viewing the 3 answers given so far (again, thank you all very much for your time and efforts) I realized this is a more general problem that is not limited to lists. A similar type of problem can be composed for each valid type of functor (what if I want to get Just Just Just 8, although that may not make much sense on its own?).
You'll certainly agree that 2 :: Int and 4 :: Int have the same type. Because Haskell is not dependently typed†, that means foldr1 (.) (replicate 2 (\x->[x])) (8 :: Int) and foldr1 (.) (replicate 4 (\x->[x])) (8 :: Int) must have the same type, in contradiction with your idea that the former should give [[8]] :: [[Int]] and the latter [[[[8]]]] :: [[[[Int]]]]. In particular, it should be possible to put both of these expressions in a single list (Haskell lists need to have the same type for all their elements). But this just doesn't work.
The point is that you don't really want a Haskell list type: you want to be able to have different-depth branches in a single structure. Well, you can have that, and it doesn't require any clever type system hacks – we just need to be clear that this is not a list, but a tree. Something like this:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Rose [Tree a]
Then you can do
Prelude> foldr1 (.) (replicate 2 (\x->Rose [x])) $ Leaf (8 :: Int)
Rose [Rose [Leaf 8]]
Prelude> foldr1 (.) (replicate 4 (\x->Rose [x])) $ Leaf (8 :: Int)
Rose [Rose [Rose [Rose [Leaf 8]]]]
†Actually, modern GHC Haskell has quite a bunch of dependently-typed features (see DaniDiaz' answer), but these are still quite clearly separated from the value-level language.
I'd like to propose a very simple alternative which doesn't require any extensions or trickery: don't use different types.
Here is a type which can hold lists with any number of nestings, provided you say how many up front:
data NestList a = Zero a | Succ (NestList [a]) deriving Show
instance Functor NestList where
fmap f (Zero a) = Zero (f a)
fmap f (Succ as) = Succ (fmap (map f) as)
A value of this type is a church numeral indicating how many layers of nesting there are, followed by a value with that many layers of nesting; for example,
Succ (Succ (Zero [['a']])) :: NestList Char
It's now easy-cheesy to write your \x -> [x] iteration; since we want one more layer of nesting, we add one Succ.
> iterate (\x -> Succ (fmap (:[]) x)) (Zero 8) !! 5
Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Zero [[[[[8]]]]])))))
Your proposal for how to implement natural numbers can be modified similarly to use a simple recursive type. But the standard way is even cleaner: just take the above NestList and drop all the arguments.
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
This problem indeed requires somewhat advanced type-level programming.
I followed #chi's suggestion in the comments, and searched for a library that provided inductive type-level naturals with their corresponding singletons. I found the fin library, which is used in the answer.
The usual extensions for type-level trickery:
{-# language DataKinds, PolyKinds, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies #-}
Here's a type family that maps a type-level natural and an element type to the type of the corresponding nested list:
import Data.Type.Nat
type family Nested (n::Nat) a where
Nested Z a = [a]
Nested (S n) a = [Nested n a]
For example, we can test from ghci that
*Main> :kind! Nested Nat3 Int
Nested Nat3 Int :: *
= [[[[Int]]]]
(Nat3 is a convenient alias defined in Data.Type.Nat.)
And here's a newtype that wraps the function we want to construct. It uses the type family to express the level of nesting
newtype Iterate (n::Nat) a = Iterate { runIterate :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> Nested n a }
The fin library provides a really nifty induction1 function that lets us compute a result by induction on Nat. We can use it to compute the Iterate that corresponds to every Nat. The Nat is passed implicitly, as a constraint:
iterate' :: forall n a. SNatI n => Iterate (n::Nat) a
iterate' =
let step :: forall m. SNatI m => Iterate m a -> Iterate (S m) a
step (Iterate recN) = Iterate (\f a -> [recN f a])
in induction1 (Iterate id) step
Testing the function in ghci (using -XTypeApplications to supply the Nat):
*Main> runIterate (iterate' #Nat3) pure True

Pattern matching on length using this GADT:

I've defined the following GADT:
data Vector v where
Zero :: Num a => Vector a
Scalar :: Num a => a -> Vector a
Vector :: Num a => [a] -> Vector [a]
TVector :: Num a => [a] -> Vector [a]
If it's not obvious, I'm trying to implement a simple vector space. All vector spaces need vector addition, so I want to implement this by making Vector and instance of Num. In a vector space, it doesn't make sense to add vectors of different lengths, and this is something I would like to enforce. One way I thought to do it would be using guards:
instance Num (Vector v) where
(Vector a) + (Vector b) | length a == length b =
Vector $ zipWith (+) a b
| otherwise =
error "Only add vectors with the same length."
There is nothing really wrong with this approach, but I feel like there has to be a way to do this with pattern matching. Perhaps one way to do it would be to define a new data type VectorLength, which would look something like this:
data Length l where
AnyLength :: Nat a => Length a
FixedLength :: Nat a -> Length a
Then, a length component could be added to the Vector data type, something like this:
data Vector (Length l) v where
Zero :: Num a => Vector AnyLength a
-- ...
Vector :: Num a => [a] -> Vector (length [a]) [a]
I know this isn't correct syntax, but this is the general idea I'm playing with. Finally, you could define addition to be
instance Num (Vector v) where
(Vector l a) + (Vector l b) = Vector $ zipWith (+) a b
Is such a thing possible, or is there any other way to use pattern matching for this purpose?
What you're looking for is something (in this instance confusingly) named a Vector as well. Generally, these are used in dependently typed languages where you'd write something like
data Vec (n :: Natural) a where
Nil :: Vec 0 a
Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (n + 1) a
But that's far from valid Haskell (or really any language). Some very recent extensions to GHC are beginning to enable this kind of expression but they're not there yet.
You might be interested in fixed-vector which does a best approximation of a fixed Vector available in relatively stable GHC. It uses a number of tricks between type families and continuations to create classes of fixed-size vectors.
Just to add to the example in the other answer - this nearly works already in GHC 7.6:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, TypeOperators #-}
import GHC.TypeLits
data Vector (n :: Nat) a where
Nil :: Vector 0 a
Cons :: a -> Vector n a -> Vector (n + 1) a
That code compiles fine, it just doesn't work quite the way you'd hope. Let's check it out in ghci:
*Main> :t Nil
Nil :: Vector 0 a
Good so far...
*Main> :t Cons "foo" Nil
Cons "foo" Nil :: Vector (0 + 1) [Char]
Well, that's a little odd... Why does it say (0 + 1) instead of 1?
*Main> :t Cons "foo" Nil :: Vector 1 String
Couldn't match type `0 + 1' with `1'
Expected type: Vector 1 String
Actual type: Vector (0 + 1) String
In the return type of a call of `Cons'
In the expression: Cons "foo" Nil :: Vector 1 String
Uh. Oops. That'd be why it says (0 + 1) instead of 1. It doesn't know that those are the same. This will be fixed (at least this case will) in GHC 7.8, which is due out... In a couple months, I think?

Dynamic typing over containers of finite domain of basic types

I have a problem with writing a simple function without too much repeating myself, below is a simplified example. The real program I am trying to write is a port of an in-memory database for a BI server from python. In reality there are more different types (around 8) and much more logic, that is mostly expressible as functions operating on polymorphic types, like Vector a, but still some logic must deal with different types of values.
Wrapping each value separatly (using [(Int, WrappedValue)] type) is not an option due to efficiency reasons - in real code I am using unboxed vectors.
type Vector a = [(Int, a)] -- always sorted by fst
data WrappedVector = -- in fact there are 8 of them
FloatVector (Vector Float)
| IntVector (Vector Int)
deriving (Eq, Show)
query :: [WrappedVector] -> [WrappedVector] -- equal length
query vectors = map (filterIndexW commonIndices) vectors
commonIndices = intersection [mapFstW vector | vector <- vectors]
intersection :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
intersection = head -- dummy impl. (intersection of sorted vectors)
filterIndex :: Eq a => [Int] -> Vector a -> Vector a
filterIndex indices vector = -- sample inefficient implementation
filter (\(idx, _) -> idx `elem` indices) vector
mapFst :: Vector a -> [Int]
mapFst = map fst
-- idealy I whould stop here, but I must write repeat for all possible types
-- and kinds of wrapped containers and function this:
filterIndexW :: [Int] -> WrappedVector -> WrappedVector
filterIndexW indices vw = case vw of
FloatVector v -> FloatVector $ filterIndex indices v
IntVector v -> IntVector $ filterIndex indices v
mapFstW :: WrappedVector -> [Int]
mapFstW vw = case vw of
FloatVector v -> map fst v
IntVector v -> map fst v
-- sample usage of query
main = putStrLn $ show $ query [FloatVector [(1, 12), (2, -2)],
IntVector [(2, 17), (3, -10)]]
How can I express such code without wrapping and unwrapping like in mapFstW and filterIndexW functions?
If you're willing to work with a few compiler extensions, ExistentialQuantification solves your problem nicely.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module VectorTest where
type PrimVector a = [(Int, a)]
data Vector = forall a . Show a => Vector (PrimVector a)
deriving instance Show Vector
query :: [Vector] -> [Vector] -- equal length
query vectors = map (filterIndex commonIndices) vectors
commonIndices = intersection [mapFst vector | vector <- vectors]
intersection :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
intersection = head -- dummy impl. (intersection of sorted vectors)
filterIndex :: [Int] -> Vector -> Vector
filterIndex indices (Vector vector) = -- sample inefficient implementation
Vector $ filter (\(idx, _) -> idx `elem` indices) vector
mapFst :: Vector -> [Int]
mapFst (Vector l) = map fst l
-- sample usage of query
main = putStrLn $ show $ query [Vector [(1, 12), (2, -2)],
Vector [(2, 17), (3, -10)]]
The StandaloneDeriving requirement can be removed if you write a manual Show instance for Vector, e.g.
instance Show Vector where
show (Vector v) = show v
The standard option for wrapping a single type without a performance hit is to do
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -- so we can derive Num
newtype MyInt = My Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Num)
newtype AType a = An a deriving (Show, Eq)
Because it creates a difference only at the type level - the data representation is identical because it all gets compiled away. You can even specify that values are unboxed, BUT... this doesn't help you here because you're wrapping multiple types.
The real problem is that you're trying to represent a dynamically typed solution in a staticly typed language. There is necessarily a performance hit for dynamic typing which is hidden from you in a dynamic language but made explicit here in tagging.
You have two solutions:
Accept that dynamic typing involves additional runtime checks over static typing, and live with the ugly.
Reject the need for dynamic typing, accepting that polymorphic typing tidies up all the code and moves the type checking to compile time and data aquisition.
I feel that 2 is by far the best solution, and you should give up trying to list an program all the types you want to use, instead programming to use any type. It's neat, clear and efficient. You check validity and handle it once, then stop worrying.
