Properly Seek and Consume Kafka Messages on Multipartition Topic - python-3.x

I recently found that a topic i've been using is multi-partition rather than single partition. I need to reconfigure my consumer class to handle the multiple partitions, but i'm a touch confused. I am currently using an offset group, let's call it test_offset_group for sake of the below example. Under normal circumstances, I will always be parsing linearly and continuing forward in time; as messages get added to the topic I will parse them and move on, but in the event of a crash or the need to go back and re-run the feed for the previous day, I need to be able to seek by timestamp. Kafka is mandatory in this project so I have no ability to change the type of streaming data service i'm using.
I configure my consumer like this:
test_consumer = KafkaConsumer("test_topic", bootstrap_servers="bootstrap_string", enable_auto_commit=False, group_id="test_offset_group"
In the event I need to seek to a timestamp, i'll provide a timestamp and then seek using the following method:
tp = TopicPartition("test_topic", 0)
needed_date = datetime.timestamp(timestamp)
rec_in = test_consumer.offsets_for_times({tp: needed_date * 1000}), rec_in[tp].offset)
The above functions perfectly for a single partition consumer, but this feels very clunky and difficult when you consider numerous partitions. I guess I could fetch the number of partitions using
and then iterate over each of them, but again, that seems like i'm going against the grain of Kafka and I feel like there should be an easier way to do this.
In summary: I'd like to understand how to seek to a number of offsets with multiple partitions utilizing the offset_group functionality and i'd like to confirm that, by conducting the above operation, I am effectively ignoring all partitions aside from 0?

You are doing the right logic, you just need to perform it on all partitions asigned to this consumer instance.
You can retrieve the current assignment using assignment().


How to prevent Spark from keeping old data leading to out of memory in Spark Structured Streaming

I'm using structured streaming in spark but I'm struggeling to understand the data kept in memory. Currently I'm running Spark 2.4.7 which says (Structured Streaming Programming Guide)
The key idea in Structured Streaming is to treat a live data stream as a table that is being continuously appended.
Which I understand as that Spark appends all incoming data to an unbounded table, which never gets truncated, i.e. it will keep growing indefinetly.
I understand the concept and why it is good, for example when I want to aggregaet based on event-time I can use withWatermarkto tell spark which column that is the event-time and then specify how late I want to receive data, and let spark know to throw everything older than that.
However lets say I want to aggregate on something that is not event-time. I have a usecase where each message in kafka contains an array of datapoints. So, I use explode_outer to create multiple rows for each message, and for these rows (within the same message) I would like to aggregate based on message-id (getting max, min, avg e.t.c.). So my question is, will Spark keep all "old" data since that how Structured Streaming work which will lead to OOM-issues? And is the only way to prevent this to add a "fictional" withWatermark on for example the time i received the message and include this in my groupByas well?
And the other usecase, where I do not even want to do a groupBy, I simply want to do some transformation on each message and then pass it along, I only care about the current "batch". Will spark in that case also keep all old messages forcing me to to a"fictional" withWatermark along with a groupBy (including message-id in the groupBy and taking for example max of all columns)?
I know I can move to the good old DStreams to eliminate my issue and simply handle each message seperatly, but then I loose all the good things about Strucutred Streaming.
Yes watermarking is necessary to bound the result table and to add event time in groupby.
Any reason why you want to avoid that ?
And watermarking is "strictly" required only if you have aggregation or join to avoid late events being missed in the aggregation/join(and affect the output) but not for events which just needed to transform and flow since output will not have any effect by late events but if you want very late events to be dropped you might want to add watermarking. Some links to refer.

Handling Out-Of-Order Event Windowing in Apache Beam from a Multitenant Kafka Topic

I’ve been mulling over how to solve a given problem in Beam and thought I’d reach out to a larger audience for some advice. At present things seem to be working sparsely and I was curious if someone could provide a sounding-board to see if this workflow makes sense.
The primary high-level goal is to read records from Kafka that may be out of order and need to be windowed in Event Time according to another property found on the records and eventually emitting the contents of those windows and writing them out to GCS.
The current pipeline looks roughly like the following:
val partitionedEvents = pipeline
.apply("Read Events from Kafka",
.read<String, Log>()
// Set the watermark to use a specific field for event time
.withTimestampPolicyFactory { _, previousWatermark -> WatermarkPolicy(previousWatermark) }
ImmutableMap.of<String, Any?>(
ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest",
ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "log-processor-pipeline",
"schema.registry.url", options.schemaRegistryUrl
.apply("Logging Incoming Logs", ParDo.of(Events.log()))
.apply("Rekey Logs by Tenant", ParDo.of(Events.key()))
.apply("Partition Logs by Source",
// This is a custom function that will partition incoming records by a specific
// datasource field
Partition.of(dataSources.size, Events.partition<KV<String, Log>>(dataSources))
dataSources.forEach { dataSource ->
// Store a reference to the data source name to avoid serialization issues
val sourceName =
val tempDirectory = Directories.resolveTemporaryDirectory(options.output)
// Grab all of the events for this specific partition and apply the source-specific windowing
// strategies
"Building Windows for $sourceName",
SourceSpecificWindow.of<KV<String, Log>>(dataSource)
.apply("Group Windowed Logs by Key for $sourceName", GroupByKey.create())
.apply("Log Events After Windowing for $sourceName", ParDo.of(Events.logAfterWindowing()))
"Writing Windowed Logs to Files for $sourceName",
FileIO.writeDynamic<String, KV<String, MutableIterable<Log>>>()
.by { row -> "${row.key}/${sourceName}" }
.via(Contextful.fn(SerializableFunction { logs -> Files.stringify(logs.value) }), TextIO.sink())
.withNaming { partition ->}
In a simpler, bulleted form, it might look like this:
Read records from single Kafka topic
Key all records by their tenant
Partition stream by another event properly
Iterate through known partitions in previous step
Apply custom windowing rules for each partition (related to datasource, custom window rules)
Group windowed items by key (tenant)
Write tenant-key pair groupings to GCP via FileIO
The problem is that the incoming Kafka topic contains out-of-order data across multiple tenants (e.g. events for tenant1 might be streaming in now, but then a few minutes later you’ll get them for tenant2 in the same partition, etc.). This would cause the watermark to bounce back and forth in time as each incoming record would not be guaranteed to continually increase, which sounds like it would be a problem, but I'm not certain. It certainly seems that while data is flowing through, some files are simply not being emitted at all.
The custom windowing function is extremely simple and was aimed to emit a single window once the allowed lateness and windowing duration has elapsed:
object SourceSpecificWindow {
fun <T> of(dataSource: DataSource): Window<T> {
return Window.into<T>(FixedWindows.of(dataSource.windowDuration()))
.withAllowedLateness(dataSource.allowedLateness(), Window.ClosingBehavior.FIRE_ALWAYS)
However, it seemed inconsistent since we'd see logging come out after the closing of the window, but not necessarily files being written out to GCS.
Does anything seem blatantly wrong or incorrect with this approach? Since the data can come in out of order within the source (i.e. right now, 2 hours ago, 5 minutes from now) and covers data across multiple tenants, but the aim is try and ensure that one tenant that keeps up to date won't drown out tenants that might come in the past.
Would we potentially need another Beam application or something to "split" this single stream of events into sub-streams that are each processed independently (so that each watermark processes on their own)? Is that where a SplittableDoFn would come in? Since I'm running on the SparkRunner, which doesn't appear to support that - but it seems as though it'd be a valid use case.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated or even just another set of eyes. I'd be happy to provide any additional details that I could.
Currently running against SparkRunner
While this may not be the most helpful response, I'll be transparent as far as the end result. Eventually the logic required for this specific use-case extended far beyond the built-in capabilities of those in Apache Beam, primarily in the area around windowing/governance of time.
The solution that was landed on was to switch the preferred streaming technology from Apache Beam to Apache Flink, which as you might imagine was quite a leap. The stateful-centric nature of Flink allowed us to more easily handle our use cases, define custom eviction criteria (and ordering) around windowing, while losing a layer of abstraction over it.

How to react on specific event with spark streaming

I'm new to Spark streaming and have following situation:
Multiple (health) devices send their data to my service, every event has at least following data inside (userId, timestamp, pulse, bloodPressure).
In the DB I have per user a threshold for pulse and bloodPressure.
Use Case:
I would like to make a sliding window with Spark streaming which calculates the average per user for pulse and bloodpressure, let's say within 10 min.
After 10 min I would like to check in the DB if the values exceed the threshold per user and execute an action, e.g. call a rest service to send an alarm.
Could somebody tell me if this is generally possible with Spark, and if yes, point me in the right direction?
This is definitely possible. It's not necessarily the best tool to do so though. It depends on the volume of input you expect. If you have hundreds of thousands devices sending one event every second, maybe Spark could be justified. Anyway it's not up to me to validate your architectural choices but keep in mind that resorting to Spark for these use cases make sense only if the volume of data cannot be handled by a single machine.
Also, if the latency of the alert is important and a second or two make a difference, Spark is not the best tool. A processor on a single machine can achieve lower latencies. Otherwise use something more streaming-oriented, like Apache Flink.
As a general advice, if you want to do it in Spark, you just need to create a source (I don't know where your data come from), load the thresholds in a broadcast variable (assuming they are constant over time) and write the logic. To make the rest call, use forEachRdd as the output sink and implement the call logic there.

What is the most simple way to write to kafka from spark stream

I would like to write to kafka from spark stream data.
I know that I can use KafkaUtils to read from kafka.
But, KafkaUtils doesn't provide API to write to kafka.
I checked past question and sample code.
Is Above sample code the most simple way to write to kafka?
If I adopt way like above sample, I must create many classes...
Do you know more simple way or library to help to write to kafka?
Have a look here:
Basically this blog post summarise your possibilities which are written in different variations in the link you provided.
If we will look at your task straight forward, we can make several assumptions:
Your output data is divided to several partitions, which may (and quite often will) reside on different machines
You want to send the messages to Kafka using standard Kafka Producer API
You don't want to pass data between machines before the actual sending to Kafka
Given those assumptions your set of solution is pretty limited: You whether have to create a new Kafka producer for each partition and use it to send all the records of that partition, or you can wrap this logic in some sort of Factory / Sink but the essential operation will remain the same : You'll still request a producer object for each partition and use it to send the partition records.
I'll suggest you continue with one of the examples in the provided link, the code is pretty short, and any library you'll find would most probably do the exact same thing behind the scenes.

Using Spark to process requests

I would like to understand if the following would be a correct use case for Spark.
Requests to an application are received either on a message queue, or in a file which contains a batch of requests. For the message queue, there are currently about 100 requests per second, although this could increase. Some files just contain a few requests, but more often there are hundreds or even many thousands.
Processing for each request includes filtering of requests, validation, looking up reference data, and calculations. Some calculations reference a Rules engine. Once these are completed, a new message is sent to a downstream system.
We would like to use Spark to distribute the processing across multiple nodes to gain scalability, resilience and performance.
I am envisaging that it would work like this:
Load a batch of requests into Spark as as RDD (requests received on the message queue might use Spark Streaming).
Separate Scala functions would be written for filtering, validation, reference data lookup and data calculation.
The first function would be passed to the RDD, and would return a new RDD.
The next function would then be run against the RDD output by the previous function.
Once all functions have completed, a for loop comprehension would be run against the final RDD to send each modified request to a downstream system.
Does the above sound correct, or would this not be the right way to use Spark?
We have done something similar working on a small IOT project. we tested receiving and processing around 50K mqtt messages per second on 3 nodes and it was a breeze. Our processing included parsing of each JSON message, some manipulation of the object created and saving of all the records to a time series database.
We defined the batch time for 1 second, the processing time was around 300ms and RAM ~100sKB.
A few concerns with streaming. Make sure your downstream system is asynchronous so you wont get into memory issue. Its True that spark supports back pressure, but you will need to make it happen. another thing, try to keep the state to minimal. more specifically, your should not keep any state that grows linearly as your input grows. this is extremely important for your system scalability.
what impressed me the most is how easy you can scale with spark. with each node we added we grew linearly in the frequency of messages we could handle.
I hope this helps a little.
Good luck
