How to combine and scatter plot with a parametric plot in gnuplot - gnuplot

I am trying to plot some data with en ellipse on top in gnuplot. I want to plot the ellipse parametrically, and not using set object ellipse.
The following code will plot the data:
plot "my_file.dat" u 1:2
The following code will plot the ellipse:
x0 = 1
y0 = 2
a = 3
b = 2
f(t) = x0 + a*cos(t)
g(t) = y0 + b*sin(t)
set parametric
plot [0:2*pi] f(t),g(t)
How do I combine these plots in a single plot?
I am running gnuplot 5.2.

Any plot command in parametric mode can be reformulated to produce the same plot in non-parametric mode using the pseudofiles '+' for one parametric variable or '++' for two parametric variables.
So your
set parametric
plot [0:2*pi] f(t),g(t)
is exactly equivalent to
unset parametric
plot sample [t=0:2*pi] '+' using (f(t)) : (g(t))
In this form it is trivial to mix it with other data plots.

Well, check the gnuplot manual or on the gnuplot console help plot.
plot {<ranges>} <plot-element> {, <plot-element>, <plot-element>}
Simply add a plot element separated by comma. For better readability you may want to put it into a new line using \ as last character of the previous line.
plot [0:2*pi] f(t),g(t), \
"my_file.dat" u 1:2


gnuplot badly renders heat map on uneven grid

I am trying to plot a heat map of 3D results, a f(x,y) function, obtained on an uneven grid.
The plot I obtain gives me some ugly empty spaces at the top of the graph.
Below are minimal scripts to reproduce the issue I am facing.
#Generate some dummy data
f(x,y) = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
set table
set samples 1000
set output "table.dat"
splot [0:10][0:10] f(x,y)
The plotting script :
# plot it
set term x11
set out
set pm3d map
splot [1:5] [0:2] "table.dat" u ($1):($2/$1):($3)
Since the y-axis value depends on the x-axis, the grid is now even. As can be seen in the following figure gnuplot fails to fill-up some space close to the top border of the plot. Changing the axis limits doesn't help.
sample impage plot
Any idea how to fill-up the white triangles and make this plot look nicer ?
Thanks for your help.
You can use dgrid3d for 2-d interpolation. With your using specification ($1):($2/$1):($3) the domain where you have data points is very irregular. It helps to tell dgrid3d that you are interested only in a small rectangle by setting all other values to NaN. For example:
set pm3d map
set dgrid3d 100,100 qnorm 4
splot [1:5] [0:2] "table.dat" u ($1 >= 1 && $1 <= 5 ? $1 : 1/0):($2/$1 > 0 && $2/$1 < 2 ? $2/$1 : 1/0):3
You will have to experiment with the various options of dgrid3d to get a reasonable interpolation.

Fitting graph and draw lines by selecting ranges in horizontal axis

I am trying to plot a graph and fitting it using a linear line.
fit [0:80] f1(x) 'diff-xy-bcmLyo25perS.dat' via a1,b1
fit [100:220] f2(x) 'diff-xy-bcmLyo25perS.dat' via a2,b2
And I tried to plot both the plots into the same graph using command:
f(x) = x < 60 ? f1(x) : f2(x)
plot 'diff-xy-bcmLyo25perS.dat' using 1:2 with lines linestyle 1 title "{/Symbol b}BCMal-C_{12}C_{8}", f(x) lw 3.0 lc rgb 'black'
I get a plot as above.
In that plot one could see that there are two lines intersecting at 80 (horizontal scale) and it makes shape like 'v'.
I wish to eliminate that 'v' shape intersection and I would like to get two separate lines, one from 0 to 80 and the other one from 100 to 220.
How I could get this?
Appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.
You could exploit that gnuplot doesn't plot infinity and NaN values (as 1.0/0)
plot_if_in_range(y,x,lower,upper) = (x>=lower && x<=upper)?(y):(1.0/0)
You could easily plot any function in given domain:
plot plot_if_in_range(exp(x) , x, -5, 2), \
plot_if_in_range(sin(x)+x, x, -2, 5)
With gnuplot 5.0 you can specify different range for different functions:
set style data lines
plot 'diff-xy-bcmLyo25perS.dat' using 1:2 ls 1, \
[0:80] f1(x) lw 3.0 lc rgb 'black',\
[100:220] f2(x) lw 3.0 lc rgb 'black'
Note, that this works only, because you first plot the data file. Plotting only
plot [0:80] f1(x), [100:220] f2(x)
wouldn't work, since the first range settings are equivalent to a global set xrange [0:80] (it has always been), so that the second function wouldn't be visible at all.
However, in your case it should work fine.
Sorry, this is basically the same idea as Sergei Izmailov's answer which I missed.
Use the special file "+", which provides x values for your plot that you can then sample using a function of your choice, including one that ignores input if it's outside of range. Then you can use your f1(x) and f2(x) directly:
plot "+" using ($1):(0 < $1 && $1 < 80 ? f1($1) : 1/0), \
"+" using ($1):(100 < $1 && $1 < 220 ? f2($1) : 1/0)

Gnuplot: Use fit in log scale

I need to make a linear approximation. However it needs to be in a log scale.
Here is my gnuplot script:
f(x)= a*x+b
fit f(x) "d0.dat" via a,b
set logscale x
set logscale y
plot "d0.dat" with points lt rgb "#ff0000" title "Points", \
f(x) with lines lt rgb "#ff00ff" title "Approximation"
Clearly the approximation is wrong. Can anyone help me to fix it. I didn't find any thing in google.
Gnuplot is correctly fitting your data to the function you provided--a straight line.
The problem is that using a log scale for the y axis does not scale the data--just how the data are plotted.
Try fitting it to a power law:
f(x)= a*x**b
fit f(x) "d0.dat" via a,b
set logscale x
set logscale y
plot "d0.dat" with points lt rgb "#ff0000" title "Points", \
f(x) with lines lt rgb "#ff00ff" title "Approximation"
I actually recommend a fit in logscale directly:
fl(x) = a+b*x
fit fl(x) 'data.dat' u (log($1)):(log($2)) via a,b
replot exp(fl(log(x))) t 'log approx'
The difference is appreciable when (a few) values for large x are out of the fit. The cost-function is otherwise too strongly affected (because x and y are exponentially large).

Conditional execution of the plot command

I'm using gnuplot to create graphs of a rather simply structured file. In particular, the file contains 8 columns, the first 4 columns describe "measured" values, the second 4 "predicted" values. I want to create two plots, one comprising only measured values, one comprising both.
Since my gnuplot script is rather long, I would like to introduce a variable to set the flag whether predicted values should be contained or not. I want to use different line types, axis and labels, and hence, cannot use the "using" approach.
Here is what I use so far:
plot 'file.txt' using 2:xticlabels(1) title "Val1 (Measured)" with
lines axes x1y1, '' using 3:xticlabels(1) title "Val2 (Measured)"
with linespoints axes x1y2;
if (settingCompareToAggretagion == 1)
plot 'file.txt' using 4:xticlabels(1) title "Val1 (Aggregated)" with lines
axes x1y1, '' using 5:xticlabels(1) title "Val2" with linespoints axes x1y2;
There is obviously the problem that I get two plots but one. I also tried to "attach" the second set of plots to the command with an inline if condition (bool.exrp. ? x : y) but this is not working.
Thank you!
That can be done with the replot command:
plot x, x**2
replot x+5, x**2 + 5
That plots a single graph with four plots.
In your case the following should work:
plot 'file.txt' u 2:xtic(1) t "Val1 (Measured)" w l,\
'' u 3 t "Val2 (Measured)" w lp axes x1y2
if (settingCompareToAggregation == 1) {
replot 'file.txt' u 4 t "Val1 (Aggregated)" w l,\
'' u 5 t "Val2 (Aggregated)" w lp axes x1y2

How can I fix zero to be at the same place when using separate y axes in gnuplot?

I have a data file, with column 1 as the independent variable and columns 2 and 3 as dependent variables. I want to plot variables 2 and 3 on different y axes using something like this:
plot "file.out" u 1:2 axes x1y1, "file.out" u 1:3 axes x1y2
When I do this, the "0" for both axes are offset from one another. How can I fix the zero of one y-axis to the zero of the other y-axis, without explicitly setting yrange to be symmetric for both quantities?
It is possible form version 5 to use set link. However it does not autofit the ratios, so you're left with calculating them yourself
stat "file.out" u 1:2
stat "file.out" u 1:3
set link y2 via min(MAX1/MAX2,MIN1/MIN2)*y inverse y/min(MAX1/MAX2,MIN1/MIN2)
plot "file.out" u 1:2 axes x1y1, "file.out" u 1:3 axes x1y2
Here is a solution which works without linking axes, hence it also works even with gnuplot 4.4 (the version from 2010).
Although, it doesn't need stats but as a disadvantage it requires to replot the data to get the proper scaling of the y2-axis.
### aligning zero on y1- and y2-axes
set ytics nomirror
set y2tics nomirror
set xzeroaxis
set key top left
plot \
sin(x) axes x1y1 w l, \
cos(x)-0.5 axes x1y2 w l
y2_min_new = abs(GPVAL_Y2_MIN)>abs(GPVAL_Y2_MAX) ? GPVAL_Y2_MIN : R0*GPVAL_Y2_MAX/(R0-1)
y2_max_new = abs(GPVAL_Y2_MAX)>abs(GPVAL_Y2_MIN) ? GPVAL_Y2_MAX : (R0-1)*GPVAL_Y2_MIN/R0
set y2range[y2_min_new:y2_max_new]
### end of code
Unfortunately, you can't (at least not in general). If the yrange has the same percent above and below 0, it should probably work, e.g.:
set yrange [-5:10]
set y2range [-10:20]
But if you don't want to do that, then I don't know that there's a better solution...
