how to Run .py file - python-3.x

I have written a "random movie suggester" code that will basically read the files of the directory where the .py file is stored and randomly pick one of them and print it out.
My problem is -
How to make .py file simple to run for non-technical person?
(e.g. I tried .bat but i had to hard code the path of the file).
Other solutions ask to install IDEs and run it.

First you have to install python on your computer.
Then you can type in your terminal:
python [the file name or the path to access it]
But I don't think this is what you are looking for...
You can create a .exe file with your python program using the pyinstaller module then running this in your terminal.
pip pyinstaller
pyinstaller --onefile [the name of the file]
The first line installs the module using pip.
The second line will create a .exe file that does exactly the same as your python code.


How can I decompile an exe file I made with Pyinstaller?

I made a .py file and was looking how to convert it into an .exe file. I found pyinstaller and while messing around with it I was able to create a basic exe file with pyinstaller. The problem is that I didnt have a copy of my .py file as backup because I'm a beginner and now I can't look at my source code. Is there a way for me to decompile the pyinstaller files to attempt to recover some of my code?
My .py file was created in python 3.8 if that is relevant

Where can i find the pyc file?

The python3 version is Python 3.5.3 in my os.
mkdir workspace
cd workspace
print("i am learning")
Saved and exit.
i am learning
As far as i knew, python source file was parsed and compiled into pyc file when to execute it.
There is no pyc file in workspace directory,where is the complied file then?
sudo find / -name ".pyc"
The find command still can't search pyc file such as print.pyc .
python3 -m compileall can create the compiled file for manually,where is the compiled file for created by python itself?
Does python3 delete the print.pyc after executing python3
Ok this is one big of a problem I ever had when I'm started to learn python few years back. Python is just like any other oop programming languages which does compilation before program execution. When python compiles its program, it creates the bite code which is you can see by standard library called dis.
import dis
Sometimes (not always) python creates .pyc file for the running programs to improve the speed up the loading of import modules but not to improve the execution time. So hope you get intuition behind .pyc, furthermore .pyc only creates when your module is import by another module.
As an example, Imagine you have this (Let's modify it shall we)
def return_print_statment(statement):
print('Printed version: ', statement)
Suppose this module imported by another custom module called In there is a module_view which will use the return_print_statment
from print import return_print_statment
def module_view():
So in the compilation, since you have imported the python will generate print.pyc file for it. In python 2.0 python will put the .pyc to right next to your program in the same folder, but in python3 instead of creating in the same folder python will create separate folder called __pycache__ in the same directory to put these byte codes.
python3 -m compileall .
To compile all .py files in your current directory.

How to create a Python Executable that can run other python-files stored in a folder?

Is it possible to create a Python Executable file (using PyInstaller or similar) that can in its code access other Python-files stored in a specific folder?
The reason for that it MUST be an Executable is that the script sometimes must be run from computers that has not it's own Python installed. I have no problem creating an executable (with PyInstaller for example) and they work fine. The python script itself loads various kinds of data into a database. But everytime there is a new kind of data that has to be loaded into the database I have to recreate the hole exe-file. I'm looking for a way for the executable to access python-files (with Data Load Instructions) so that the actual pyton load-files can be altered instead of the exe-file.
I have tried to find a solution using this:
import os, time
from subprocess import call
for file in os.listdir('.'):
if file == '':
call(['python', file])
cwd = os.getcwd()
input('To EXIT progran press ENTER.')
It works running it from a python editor but when I turn this into an exe-file it does not. If I creat an exe-file with "call(['python', file])" commented out the rest works which I interpret that the exe-file can find the file in question but not run it.
I would be gratefule for any help.

how to install python library (Imported in our script file) automatically in windows 7

I have a script file named
inside this file i am importing openpyxl,
i downloaded the tar file and extracted , went to file directory and ran python install because pip was not working in my case.
my question is : if i give my to some one else, it will give error related to installation of the opepyxl library
Is there any way(like a script file that installs library) to insatll openpyxl library automatically before running
i tried to write a file but it didnt work. please give me suggestions to achieve this (how to specify dependencies in file ) file has simple code to access a excel sheet, I am not creating a package.

Exe to python with pyinstaller?

So I made a huge mistake and deleted my code file (python). The only thing I have is my python file as .exe that I created with pyinstaller. Is there a way to reverse this and to extract my code file from .exe?
You can extract the contents of the .exe file using PyInstaller Extractor. Run it like this:
python executable.exe
You will then get a bunch of files, including your original python file.
