how can get the formula of a data table in excell_ - excel

this is my data and im trying to get the formula of it, how can i do it ( it dosent have to be using excell only but i dont know how to do it )
0 2 4 6 8
0 100 90 80 70 60
2 85 64.49 53.5 48.15 50
4 70 48.9 38.43 35.03 40
6 55 38.78 30.39 27.07 30
8 40 35 30 25 20
and this is the graphic that i obtain
but when i try to do an adjustment of the data i cant find the option as in a 2d graph

ok i didnt find how to get the equation for those values but this problem its solved by the bilinear interpolation
i used this video
and this calculator to make sure that i didnt messed it up


Why Python throws "<pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotDataItem.PlotDataItem at 0x1dc1a1bf670>" when trying to plot a simple boxplot?

I created the following df that contains the following data:
True Price Range
0 0.3151260504201625
1 0.08403361344537472
2 0.3577441077441151
3 0.2773629187113253
4 0.1715633712202524
5 0.4948364888123946
6 0.30068728522337035
7 0.043261951113993474
8 0.4562242016076512
9 0.1527050610820258
10 0.2185314685314596
11 0.9452626950978232
12 0.459016393442627
13 0.48097944905989937
14 0.17459624618071515
15 0.39534372940917983
16 0.44130626654898236
17 0.440237728373319
18 0.4386926957666129
19 0.4149377593361054
20 0.08748906386702823
21 0.21920210434019272
22 6.046511627906989
23 0.1536772777167961
24 0.06590509666081337
25 0.021987686895345346
26 0.46337157987643834
27 0.3077599472411393
28 0.043907793633368136
29 0.17644464049405312
30 0.29082774049218146
31 0.3157419936851629
32 0.49762497172584935
33 0.24797114517584748
34 0.49571879224875615
35 0.2941842045711658
36 0.49661399548532276
37 0.6515389800044902
38 0.4916201117318546
39 0.6037567084078699
40 1.1599375418246702
41 0.2668445630420171
42 0.28882470562096907
43 0.3771073646849967
44 0.17742293191395805
45 0.022158209616654382
46 0.46532240194991115
47 0.3576218149307117
48 0.15642458100558798
49 0.27008777852802623
50 0.3161698283649531
51 0.18289894833103962
52 0.7097069597069705
53 0.5325306783977797
54 0.13879250520472936
55 0.3940658321743243
56 0.1391465677180067
57 0.301694128568109
58 0.1860897883228582
59 0.1638193306810218
I'm trying to plot its corresponding boxplot, based on this guide, I can run df["True Price Range"].plot(kind='box', title='Boxplot of True Price Range') in the Spyder console to get that.
But after doing so, I get the following output:
Out[3]: <pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotDataItem.PlotDataItem at 0x1dc1a1bf670>
Which I don't understand, I also tried:
df["True Price Range"].plot(kind='box', title='Boxplot of True Price Range').show()
And got literally nothing as output, not even errors.
Finally I tried using the Pandas boxplot function (i.e. df.boxplot(column= "True Price Range")) and got the following error:
AttributeError: module 'finplot.pdplot' has no attribute 'boxplot_frame'
Note: Both matplotlib.pyplot and pandas libraries were imported as pd and plt respectively before running the syntax above
May I get some assistance here?
Regarding your first command, the output you get is simply the object type that you have created (pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotDataItem.PlotDataItem) and the memory address where this object is located (0x1dc1a1bf670). There is nothing wrong with this output. If you want to see the plot, you should add after this command. Therefore, the code should be:
df["True Price Range"].plot(kind='box', title='Boxplot of True Price Range') # displays the figure
The function displays the figure that you have created.
Regarding the line df["True Price Range"].plot(kind='box', title='Boxplot of True Price Range').show(), you shouldn't call the show method on the object you have just created (i.e., the pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotDataItem.PlotDataItem type). Just call the show method as mentioned above.
Regarding the AttributeError you mention last, it means that the method you want to call does not exist.
Solved by running the following lines:
plt.boxplot(x=df, vert = False) # displays the figure
matplotlib.pyplot must have been imported as plt

replacing a value in python

I'm writing a bingo game in python. So far I can generate a bingo card and print it.
My problem is after I've randomly generated a number to call out, I don't know how to 'cross out' that number on the card to note that it's been called out.
This is the ouput, it's a randomly generated card:
B 11 13 14 2 1
I 23 28 26 27 22
N 42 45 40 33 44
G 57 48 59 56 55
O 66 62 75 63 67
I was thinking to use random.pop to generate a number to call out (in bingo the numbers go from 1 to 75)
random_draw_list = random.sample(range(1, 76), 75)
number_drawn = random_draw_list.pop()
How can I write a funtion that will 'cross out' a number on the card after its been called.
So for example if number_drawn results in 11, it should replace 11 on the card with an x or a zero.

DAX help: % monthly share of another table

I have a DAX formula for my Powerpivot I cannot get to solve and was hoping for help.
I have two pivot tables connected already
Showing a cohort of actions taken within Month 1,….X on the sign up month
Total Sign Ups on monthly basis
I have tried to attached the sheet here but somehow I cant so I have add a screenshot of the sheet.1
What I have so far is:
SUM(Range[conversion to KYC completed]),
SUM('Range 1'[Sum of signups]))
But this does not give me what I want as I think I’m missing the monthly grouping somehow.
Question 1:
What I want is to get the share of actions completed within 1,...,X months out of the total sign up that given month (e.g. Jan) (so the data from Table 2)
Question 2:
In best case I would also like to show total sign ups in the beginning of the cohort to make the cohort easier to understand, so having the monthly total sign up (which the cohort is calculated based on). But now I cannot get just the totals month by month. Is there anyways just to add in a monthly total column in the pivot without applying these number as a value across all columns?
Something like this is the ultimate outcome for me 2
Signup month, KYC completed month, Age by month, signups, conversion to KYC completed
Jan-17 Jul-18 18 97 75
Jan-17 Jul-18 18 99 79
Jan-17 Dec-18 23 95 80
Feb-17 May-18 15 99 74
Feb-17 Jul-18 17 90 75
Feb-17 Jul-18 17 95 76
Feb-17 Aug-18 18 92 71
Mar-17 May-18 14 94 73
Apr-17 Jul-18 15 93 75
May-17 Sep-18 16 94 70
May-17 Oct-18 17 98 72
Jun-17 May-18 11 95 79
Jul-17 Oct-18 15 97 74
Jul-17 Jul-18 12 94 78
Aug-17 Sep-18 13 96 74
Sep-17 Nov-18 14 95 80
Sep-17 Oct-18 13 94 79
The % for Month 1....X is calculated KYC Completed / Monthly Sign up
=VAR SignUpMonth = IF(HASONEVALUE('Range 1'[Row Labels]), BLANK())
DIVIDE(CALCULATE(SUM([conversion to KYC completed])),
CALCULATE(SUM('Range 1'[Sum of signups]),
FILTER(ALL(Range), Range[Signup month (Month Index)] = SignUpMonth)))
Thanks for the sample data Franzi. Still not too clear what you're asking for, but perhaps this will help a little.
Signed Up to Signed In Ratio =
VAR SignUpMonth = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Signup month], BLANK())
DIVIDE(CALCULATE(SUM([conversion to KYC completed])),
CALCULATE(SUM(Table1[ signups]),
FILTER(ALL(Table1), Table1[Signup month] = SignUpMonth)))
So. Let's break it down.
If I understand correct, you want to see the cross section of number of signins for a given month ( x axis ) signup combo ( y axis ) and divide that number by the total signups ( y axis ) per signup month.
number of signins for a given month ( x axis ) signup combo ( y axis ):
CALCULATE(SUM([conversion to KYC completed]))
TOTAL signups ( y axis ) per signup month
CALCULATE(SUM(Table1[ signups]),
FILTER(ALL(Table1), Table1[Signup month] = SignUpMonth))

Excel formula to get the count of certain value based on odd/even line

I have this data in Excel.
Line Number Value #1 Value #2
1 21 35
2 21 27
3 21 18
4 10 47
5 50 5
6 37 68
7 10 21
8 75 21
I tried to calculate the total "21" based on odd line number. In this situation, the answer should be 3. However, neither" IF(MOD(A1:A8,2)=1,COUNTIF(B1:C8,21)) " nor " {IF(MOD(A1:A8,2)=1,COUNTIF(B1:C8,21))} "worked and Google didn't yield anything helpful. Could anyone help me? Thanks!!
This works for odd lines:
there may be a better way of writing this formula.
Use this to count even lines:

How can I align columns where the biggest number or greatest string is the align indicator?

How can I right align (and left align?) a block of numbers or text in vim like this:
45 209 25 1
2 4 2 3
34 5 300 5
34 120 34 12
to this:
45 209 25 1
2 4 2 3
34 5 300 5
34 120 34 12
That means the biggest number or greatest string in every column doesn't move.
In the first column it is 45+34, in the second column 209+120, in the third column 300 and in the last column 12.
Have a look at the align plugin, it can do this and much more. Great tool in your utility belt!
Found here
After some serious vimhelp/reading I found the correct AlignCtrl mapping...
Visually select the table, e.g. by using ggVG, then do a \Tsp i.e. <leader>Tsp
Then I get this:
45 209 25 1
2 4 2 3
34 5 300 5
34 120 34 12
From vimhelp:
\Tsp : use Align to make a table separated by blanks |alignmap-Tsp|
(right justified)
You can look into the Tabularize plugin. So if you have something like
45 209 25 1
2 4 2 3
34 5 300 5
34 120 34 12
just select those lines in the visual mode and type :Tab/ and it will format it as
45 209 25 1
2 4 2 3
34 5 300 5
34 120 34 12
Also, it looks like you don't have an equal number of spaces separating the numbers at the moment. So before you use the plugin, replace all the multiple spaces with a single space with the following regex:
%s![^ ]\zs \+! !g
With the Align plugin you can select the rows you want to align and hit :
From Align.txt
\Tsp : use Align to make a table separated by blanks |alignmap-Tsp|
(right justified)
(The help mention \ because it is the default leader but in case you have changed it to something else you must adapt accordingly)
Just trying on my install, I got the following result :
45 209 25 1
2 4 2 3
34 5 300 5
34 120 34 12
In my opinion Align plugin is great but the "align maps" and various commands are not really easy to remember.
With the Align and AlignMaps plugins: select using V, then \anum (AlignMaps comes with Align). One advantage of \anum is that it also handles decimal points (commas) and scientific notation.
I think the best thing to do is to first eat all multiple spaces with
:{range}s/ \+/ /g
And then call Tabularize
:Tab / /r1
Or change that r to l.
