I can't move any element in the constraint layout through the design Tap, I can't move the item and drag it, what is the problem? - android-studio

As you see in the image I am trying to set the constraints of the TextView but I can't in the Android Studio Design mode.
Is there a solution for my problem?

Change your settings to code view.


In Android Studio How To Remove Guidelines?

I'm learning Android Studio, so I clicked a few buttons to add vertical and horizontal guidelines, but how to roll back ? In the following image you can see how they look, but I can't figure out how to not show the guidelines ?
I figured it out, select it, make sure it turns blue, then hit "Delete" key to get rid of it.
Select the guidelines or just go into the COMPONENT TREE window below the Palettes and delete the guidelines you want.

Why does Android Studio never show layout decorations when I open it?

As you can see in the image below, every time I open a project in Android Studio, the layout decorations option is deselected. How can I have it selected for default?
look on the top left of constraintLayout that you currently open, click on the eye icon and then click Show Layout Decorations. then you will be able to see it. but i don't know how to access it.
I think is not possible. I never see about that the solution

Xamarin ios designer left & right margins

Im using xamarin designer with autolayout and cannot align the UITabBar to the left & right edges of the root. There is always a small margin how to remove it?
If you are in Xamarin using Visual Studio I finally discover how to tackle this annoying problem.
Click on the widget or view in the storyboard. In the properties window->layout you can see the constraints. Click on the constraint.
Before I was using -20 for constraints:
Now I fixed by having a constant of 0 and changing the constraint configuration:
Just remove the selection on the "Relative to Margin" checkbox.
Set the constant to -20 on the Trailing Margin Space and Leading Space layout elements to the Superview. I have no idea whether this is the preferred way to do this but it worked for me on my Table View.
Xcode has an option not use margins when a constraint is added.
In the iOS designer in Visual Studio, there doesn't seem to be an option when a constraint is being created.
Xcode & Visual Studio constraint margins
A work around is to create the constraint and then edit it after it has been created.
On another note, you might review why you're not using a UITabBarController which would place the Tab Bar correctly for you.
You need to uncheck the Constraint to Margin option when giving constraints for left and right using auto layout
Auto Layout guide

Android Studio - How to change layout

In Eclipse, I can right - click on my layout (say LinearLayout) and click on Change Layout
In Android Studio, I dont see anything like that. I do see Morphing but that will now show up at all times. For example, if you create simple HalloWorld with RelativeLayout, if you right click on that Layout while in Graphical mode, Morphing will not show.
If you right click on a widget in that layout, Morphing shows but to change widget type, not layout type.
If you want to change the Layout, you can do Two things:
1. Simply click into your Xml file and select the "Text" option at the bottom on your screen
2.Change to layout
1.Just drag another layout in Design and put your items in it, delete your old layout PS. you can have layouts in other layouts
Hope I helped!
In Android Studio 3.6.3 the easiest way to change the Layout is to right-click on the layout in your Component Tree and click Convert view….
The other option is to delete this layout and create new activity layout with type you want to be.
You also can use AbsoluteLayout, just change RelativeLayout to AbsoluteLayout in activity_main.xml. With AbsoluteLayout you're more "free"

Switching TabHost Tabs in Android Studio UI Designer

How can I switch between the tabs of a TabHost in the UI Designer for inserting content? Is there a keyboard shortcut or something else
I found a way to visualise any tab using TabHost in the UI Designer. Is probably not the best way, but it works.
1. Go to the Component Tree, where you have all the elements of the UI.
2. Inside the FrameLayout that TabHost automatically creates for you, there are the tabs.
3. If you change the order of the tabs just drag and dropping in the Component Tree, you get to see the one that is placed in the first position.
According to this answer there is no way to change the tabs of a TabHost. That question refers to IntelliJ; I don't know if it applies to Android Studio.
Also, it seems that TabHost has been replaced by FragmentActivity and ActionBar. See Android how can i replace the deprecated tabhost? for a discussion.
It is defined as "Select next Tab in multi-editor file" in Settings -> Keymap.
On Windows it seems to default to CRTL+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT or ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT. On my Mac it defaults to CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT.
Note that Studio doesn't allow the default Keymap to be edited so you will first need to copy the default and give it a new name.
Also see Shortcut to switch between design and text in android studio.
By mouse, select the FrameLayout then long left click on any space in it.
