Move all rows in a tsv with a certain date to their own file - linux

I have a TSV file with 4 columns in this format
dog phil tall 2020-12-09 12:34:22
cat jill tall 2020-12-10 11:34:22
The 4th column is a date string Example : 2020-12-09 12:34:22
I want every row with the same date to go into its own file
For example,
file 20201209 should have all rows that start with 2020-12-09 in the 4th column
file 20201210 should have all rows that start with 2020-12-10 in the 4th column
Is there any way to do this through the terminal?

With GNU awk to allow potentially large numbers of concurrently open output files and gensub():
awk '{print > gensub(/-/,"","g",$(NF-1))}' file
With any awk:
awk '{out=$(NF-1); gsub(/-/,"",out); if (seen[out]++) print >> out; else print > out; close(out)}' file
There's ways to speed up either script by sorting the input first if that's an issue.


Lifting over GWAS summary statististic file from build 38 to build 37

I am using the UCSC lift over tool and the associated chain to lift over the results of my GWAS summary statistic file (a tab separated file) from build 38 to build 37. The GWAS summary stat file looks like:
1 chr1_17626_G_A 17626 A G 0.016 -0.0332 0.0237 0.161
1 chr_20184_G_A 20184 A G 0.113 -0.185 0.023 0.419
Follwing is the UCSC tool with the associated chain I am using:
chain file:
I want to create a file in bed format from GWAS summary stat fle that is the required input by the tool, where I would like the first three columns to be tab separated and rest of the columns to be merged in a single column and separated by a non tab separator such as "." so as to preserve them while running the lift over. The first three columns of the input bed file would be:
awk '{print chr$1, $3-1, $3}' GWAS summary stat file > ucsc.input.file
#$1 = chrx - where x is chromosome number
#$2 position -1 for SNPs
#$3 bp position hg38 for SNPs
The above three are the required columns for the tool.
My questions are:
How can I use a non tab separator say ":" to merge rest of the columns of the GWAS summary stat file in one column?
After running the liftover, how can I unpack the columns separated by :?
I am not sure if this answers your questions but please take a look.
You can use awk to merge multiple columns by :
awk '{print $1 ":" $2 ":" $3}' file
and then say you want to replace : by tab in $1 then you can do
awk -F ":" '{gsub(/:/,"\t",$1)}1' file
Is this of any help?

Extract substring from first column

I have a large text file with 2 columns. The first column is large and complicated, but contains a name="..." portion. The second column is just a number.
How can I produce a text file such that the first column contains ONLY the name, but the second column stays the same and shows the number? Basically, I want to extract a substring from the first column only AND have the 2nd column stay unaltered.
Sample data:
application{id="1821", name="app-name_01"} 0
application{id="1822", name="myapp-02", optionalFlag="false"} 1
application{id="1823", optionalFlag="false", name="app_name_public"} 3
So the result file would be something like this
app-name_01 0
myapp-02 1
app_name_public 3
If your actual Input_file is same as the shown sample then following code may help you in same.
awk '{sub(/.*name=\"/,"");sub(/\".* /," ")} 1' Input_file
Output will be as follows.
app-name_01 0
myapp-02 1
app_name_public 3
Using GNU awk
$ awk 'match($0,/name="([^"]*)"/,a){print a[1],$NF}' infile
app-name_01 0
myapp-02 1
app_name_public 3
awk 'match($0,/name="([^"]*)"/){t=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH);gsub(/name=|"/,"",t);print t,$NF}' infile
app-name_01 0
myapp-02 1
app_name_public 3
$ cat infile
application{id="1821", name="app-name_01"} 0
application{id="1822", name="myapp-02", optionalFlag="false"} 1
application{id="1823", optionalFlag="false", name="app_name_public"} 3
Here's a sed solution:
sed -r 's/.*name="([^"]+).* ([0-9]+)$/\1 \2/g' Input_file
With the parantheses your store in groups what's inbetween.
First group is everything after name=" till the first ". [^"] means "not a double-quote".
Second group is simply "one or more numbers at the end of the line preceeded with a space".

Linux - putting lines that contain a string at a specific column in a new file

I want to pull all rows from a text file in linux which contain a specific number (in this case 9913) in a specific column (column 4). This is a tab-delimited file, so I am calling this a column, though I am not sure it is.
In some cases, there is only one number in column 4, but in other lines there are multiple numbers in this column (ex. 9913; 4444; 5555). I would like to get any rows for which the number 9913 appears in the 4th column (whether or not it is the only number or in a list). How do I put all lines which contain the number 9913 in column 4 and put them in their own file?
Here is an example of what I have tried:
cat file.txt | grep 9913 > newFile.txt
result is a mixture of the following:
CDR1as CDR1as ENST00000003100.8 9913 AAA-GGCAGCAAGGGACUAAAA (files that I want)
CDR1as CDR1as ENST00000399139.1 9606 GUCCCCA................(file ex. I don't want)
I do not get any results when calling a specific column. Shown by the helper below, the code is not recognizing the columns I think, and I get blank files when using awk.
awk '$4 == "9913"' file.txt > newfile.txt
will give me no transfer of data to a new file.
This is one way of doing it
awk '$4 == "9913" {print $0}' file.txt > newfile.txt
or just
awk '$4 == "9913"' file.txt > newfile.txt

script to compare two large 900 x 900 comma delimited files

I have tried awk but havent been able to perform a diff for every cell 1 at a time on both files. I have tried awk but havent been able to perform a diff for every cell 1 at a time on both files. I have tried awk but havent been able to perform a diff for every cell 1 at a time on both files.
If you just want a rough answer, possibly the simplest thing is to do something like:
tr , \\n file1 > /tmp/output
tr , \\n file2 | diff - /tmp/output
That will convert each file to one column and run diff. You can compute the cells that differ from the line numbers of the output.
Simplest way with awk without accounting for newlines inside fields,quoted commas etc.
Print the same
awk 'BEGIN{RS=",|"RS}a[FNR]==$0;{a[NR]=$0}' file{,2}
Print differences
awk 'BEGIN{RS=",|"RS}FNR!=NR&&a[FNR]!=$0;{a[NR]=$0}' file{,2}
Print which are the same different
awk 'BEGIN{RS=",|"RS}FNR!=NR{print "cell"FNR (a[FNR]==$0?"":" not")" the same"}{a[NR]=$0}' file{,2}
Same different
cell1 the same
cell2 the same
cell3 the same
cell4 the same
cell5 the same
cell6 not the same
cell7 the same
cell8 not the same
cell9 the same
cell10 not the same
cell11 not the same
cell12 not the same
cell13 not the same
cell14 not the same
cell15 not the same

Grep find lines that have 4,5,6,7 and 9 in zip code column

I'm using grep to display all lines that have ONLY 4,5,6,7 and 9 in the zipcode column.
How do i display only the lines of the file that contain the numbers 4,5,6,7 and 9 in the zipcode field?
A sample row is:
15 m jagger mick 41 4th 95115
I am going to assume you meant "How do I use grep to..."
If all of the lines in the file have a 5 digit zip at the end of each line, then:
egrep "[45679]{5}$" filename
Should give you what you want.
If there might be whitespace between the zip and the end of the line, then:
egrep "[45679]{5}[[:space:]]*$" filename
would be more robust.
If the problem is more general than that, please describe it more accurately.
Following regex should fetch you desired result:
egrep "[45679]+$" file
If by "grep" you mean, "the correct tool", then the solution you seek is:
awk '$7 ~ /^[45679]*$/' input
This will print all lines of input in which the 7th field consists only of the characters 4,5,6,7, and 9. If you want to specify 'the last column' rather than the 7th, try
awk '$NF ~ /^[45679]*$/' input
