Averaging specific range of data with loop in excel vba - excel

I have a temperature data taken in every second (1Hz).
I want to reduce this data to minutes combined with averaging every 60 seconds of data. Which will be look like this.
I have tried moving average and other things but it didn't work. Is there any VBA code that i can approach my goal or any spesific function.
My time data range is [A3] - [A88739] and data range is [B3] to [B99739]
I will be waiting for your answers.
Thank you!

I think easier way would be using a helper column.
This will work only if your time data is always like the one you've posted and if the last 6 chars are .XXXXX where X can be letter or numbers, but leading dot is critical
My formula in column C is =VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A3;LEN(A3)-6);".";"/"))
Then with Pivot Table you can group your data by day,hour and minute, and get the average.
Setup of My Pivot Table:
Field Helper into rows section, and grouped by days, hours and minutes
Field Temp into values section, and choose average instead of sum up


Excel - Sum of data at equal intervals

I have some time series longitude latitude data which I am trying to sum up for each month. ( 4 x column headings Time, long, lat, precipitation).
Is there a way of summing data automatically for regular intervals or do I have to manually update the sum equation code cell?
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Many thanks
I have tried summing it manually but due to large data mass this will take along time.
You can very easily find the month number of a date, using the =Month() worksheet function. Adding such a column might give you the possibility to use the basic "Subtotals" feature of Excel, as you can see in this screenshot:

Excel average if function for obtaining hourly data

I have minute data for air temperature and relative humidity (about 930,000 cells) for a building and I am trying to obtain the hourly average using excels "AverageIF" function. Here's the criteria that I have come up with: whenever one hour passes, average the air temperature and relative humidity for that hour. I am having trouble communicating these criteria to excel and any help would be appreciated. I have included a pic of what my data looks like:
the yellow row is me manually adding a row after an hour has passed and calculated the average using the average function.
In the example above I went a bit long winded in the formula to deal with time intervals where there was no data, as that generates a divide by 0 error.
Essentially what I did was setup a summary table to the right. I gave a start and end time for each hour (ASSUMING this is based on a 24 hour clock and not 1 hour from some arbitrary start time)
I used the AVERAGEIFS function as you have two criteria. Everything after a start time and everything before an end time. Only lines that match BOTH criteria are included.
The basic formula looks like this and is based on my example cell J4:
If the date is important, then you would need to add a date column to the table on the right and add a third criteria to the formula above.
In order to deal with divide by zero error and display blank instead of zero so you can distinguish between actual average of 0 and no data and still presenting an error when another type of error comes up I use the following formula in J4:
The above formulas can be copied down and to the right.

Statistical functions on non-numerical value

I am not looking for any code or formula but a rationale/logic.
Background: My data set comes in Date/Time format where a new timestamp is created for each new occurrence of an event.
My goal is to calculate number of occurrences within each hour for a given day. Unfortunately, system does not capture number if occurrences per period as integers. So I have count the number of time an hour value appears within the hour i.e number of times 4 o'clock hour appears. I am currently using Pivot Table in Excel to count the number of times each hour appears. Fields in Rows are hour and dates, and field in Values is count of hour.
Trouble is that I cannot use any summarize functions to get stuff like sum, min, max, percentile, and standard deviation. For example, changing count to sum will only add up all hours. So sum of 4 o'clock hour will return 12 instead of 3. So I am having to use array formulas on pivot table to give me max and min etc.
If I was to use this data in data viz tools like Tableau or Power BI. I won't be able to get very far. I am looking for a suggestions/workaround that can allow me to manipulate my data in a way so it can be used in Pivot Tables in Excel and in data viz tools.
I know my questions is not specific to one tool but I am looking to enhance me understanding of data and data manipulations techniques.
EDIT: Please see attached image
Build a data model, using PowerPivot. Join your fact table to a calendar dimension table. Create a row count measure - you can then summarise that measure to suit (sum, average, min, etc)

Can I get the average value for each hour in Excel? Different amount of data for each hour

I have about 160k rows of data which consists of temperatures and flow rates. I need to get it down to being a bit more manageable. I would like to have an average temperature and flow rate each hour instead of several values each minute. I'm not much of a programmer but I don't think this would be a problem if it were the case that I had the same amount of measurements each hour, which is not the case. Each hour has between 200-400 data points and I'm not sure how I would go about this problem. The output I want is something like
date - hr - average1 - average 2 ... and so on.
How the sheet looks
Does anyone have a suggestion of how to go about this?
This is how it looks in a pivot table. I've put in some dummy data which has two different days and two different times to test it.
To get the date without the time I've used
because date-times are stored as decimal numbers where the whole number part contains the date and the fraction part contains the time.
To get the hour I've just used
My test data looks like this
and the resulting pivot table looks like this
I had to use Value Field Settings and Number Format to tidy up the formatting of the date and average columns.

Excel AVERAGEIFS else statement

I'm trying to perform an AVERAGEIFS formula on some data, but there are 2 possible results and as far as I can tell AVERAGEIFS doesn't deal with that situation.
I basically want to have an ELSE inside it.
At the moment I have 2 ranges of data:
The first column only contains values 'M-T' and 'F' (Mon-Thurs and Fri).
The second column contains a time.
The times on the rows with an 'F' value in column 1 are an hour behind the rest.
I want to take an average of all the times, adjusting for the hour delay on Fridays.
So for example I want it to take an average of all the times, but subtract 1 hour from the values which are in a row with an 'F' value in it.
The way I've been doing it so far is by having 2 separate results for each day, then averaging them again for a final one:
=AVERAGEIFS(G3:G172, B3:B172, "M-T")
=AVERAGEIFS(G3:G172, B3:B172, "F")
I want to combine this into just one result.
The closest I can get is the following:
But this doesn't produce the correct result.
Any advice?
Try this
Explaining various steps in the formula as per sample data in the snapshot.
SUMPRODUCT(G3:G17) sums up all the value from G3 to G17. It gives a
value of 4.635416667. This after formatting to [h]:mm gives a value
of 111.15
OP desires that Friday time be one hour less. So I have kept one hour less for Friday's in the sample data. Similar SUMPRODUCT on H3:H17 leads to a value of 4.510416667. This after formatting to [h]:mm gives a value
of 108.15. Which is exactly three hours less for three occurrences of Fridays in the sample data.
=COUNTIF(B3:B17,"=F") counts the occurrences of Friday's in the B3:B17 range which are 3 occurrences.Hence 3 hours have to less. These hours are to be represented in terms of 24 hours hence the Function COUNTIF() value is divided by 24. This gives 0.125. Same is the difference of 4.635416667 and 4.510416667 i.e. 0.125
Demonstration column H is for illustrative purposes only. Infact Friday accounted values that is 108.15 in sample data has to be divided by total data points to get the AVERAGE. The occurrences of data points are calculated by =COUNTIF(B3:B17,"<>""""") with a check for empty columns.
Thus 108:15 divided by 15 data points give 7:13 in the answer.
Revised EDIT Based upon suggestions by #Tom Sharpe
#TomSharpe has been kind enough to point the shortcomings in the method proposed by me. COUNTIF(B3:B172,"<>""""") gives too many values and is not advised. Instead of it COUNTA(B3:B172) or COUNT(G3:G172) are preferable. Better Formula to get AVERAGE as per his suggestion gives very accurate results and is revised to:
This is an Array Formula. It has to be entered with CSE and further cell to be formatted as time.
If your column of M-T and F is named Day and your column of times is named TIME then:
=SUMPRODUCT(((Day="M-T")*TIME + (Day="F")*(TIME-1/24)))/COUNT(TIME)
One simple solution would be to create a separate column that maps the time column and performs the adjustment there. Then average this new column.
Is that an option?
Ended up just combining the two averageifs. No idea why I didn't just do that from the start:
=((AVERAGEIFS(G$3:G171, $B$3:$B171, "F")-1/24)+AVERAGEIFS(G$3:G171, $B$3:$B171, "M-T"))/2
