Haskell what does the ' symbol do? - haskell

As the title states, I see pieces of code online where the variables/functions have ' next to it, what does this do/mean?
function :: [a] -> [a]
function ...
function' :: ....

The notation comes from mathematics. It is read x prime. In pretty much any math manual you can find something like let x be a number and x' be the projection of ... (math stuff).
Why not using another convention? well, in mathematics It makes a lot of sense because It can be very pedagogical... In programming we aren't used to this convention so I don't see the point of using it, but I am not against it neither.
Just to give you an example of its use in mathematics so you can understand why It is used in Haskell. Below, the same triangle concept but one using prime convention and other not using it. It is pretty clear in the first picture that pairs (A, A'), (B, B'), ... are related by one being the vertex and the prime version being the midpoint of the oposite edge. Whereas in the second example, you just have to remember that A is the midpoint of the oposite edge of vertex P. First is easier and more pedagogical:

As the other answers said, function' is just another variable name. So,
don'tUse :: Int -> IO ()
don'tUse won'tBe''used'' = return ()
is just like
dontUse :: Int -> IO ()
dontUse wontBeUsed = return ()
with slightly different names. The only requirement is that the name starts with a lowercase-letter or underscore, after that you can have as many single-quote characters as you want.
Prelude> let _' = 1
Prelude> let _'' = 2
Prelude> let _''''''''' = 9
Prelude> _' + _'' * _'''''''''
...Of course it's not necessarily a good idea to name variables like that; normally such prime-names are used when making a slightly different version of an already named thing. For example, foldl and foldl' are functions with the same signature that do essentially the same thing, only with different strictness (which often affects performance memory usage and whether infinite inputs are allowed, but not the actual results).
That said, to the question
Haskell what does the ' symbol do?
– the ' symbol does in fact do various other things as well, but only when it appears not as a non-leading character in a name.
'a' is a character literal.
'Foo is a constructor used on the type level. See DataKinds.
'bar and ''Baz are quoted names. See TemplateHaskell.


How to define all musical note names .. Cbb Cb C Cs Css .. as constructors in Haskell

I was playing with musical note names having the goal to not confuse enharmonic equals, i.e. I wanted to get the accidentals (sharps and flats) right. The note a perfect fifth above the note B needs to be Fs and not Gb, even though Fs and Gb are the same key on a piano keyboard.
Also I wanted the convenience of writing e.e. Fs in a haskell program, without spaces, quotes or an extra function.
I ended up defining 35 constructors, ranging from Cbb to Bss. While this worked and did get the accidentals right, I was unhappy about the limitation to at most two accidentals. Internally, the accidentals we represented asInts anyways.
Is there a way to define an infinite number of constructors as indicated in the title, so notes with any number of accidentals (like Cbbbb) could be used? Template haskell maybe?
Or alternatively, can I get the convenience of writing Cbbbb in a haskell program (without quotes, spaces or an extra function) without making Cbbbb a constructor?
I agree with Carsten that actually having lots of disperate constructors like that is a bad idea. It's much more sensible to use data like
data BaseNote = C | D | E | F | G | A | B
data PitchClass = PitchClass
{ baseNote :: BaseNote
, accidentals :: Int }
data Note = Note
{ pitchClass :: PitchClass
, octave :: Int }
As for
Also I wanted the convenience of writing e.e. Fs in a haskell program, without spaces, quotes or an extra function.
you have multiple options.
You could use -XPatternSynonyms. This lets you procure matchable constructors for already-defined data types.
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
pattern Cn = PitchClass C 0
pattern Cs = PitchClass C 1
pattern Cb = PitchClass C (-1)
These can be provided by a TemplateHaskell macro to avoid code duplication.
You could provide a function that makes it look as compact as single constructor names, but actually isn't.
(♮), (♯), (♭) :: BaseNote -> Int -> Note
bn♮octv = Note (PitchClass bn 0) octv
bn♯octv = Note (PitchClass bn 1) octv
bn♭octv = Note (PitchClass bn (-1)) octv
Now you can write things like
[A♮2, A♮2, C♯3, C♯3, D♮3, D♮3, C♯3]
TBH I don't think either of these is really good though. IMO it makes more sense to specify musical material not in absolute pitches at all, but rather as a sequence of either scale degrees or interval steps.

Haskell # type annotation [duplicate]

I've come across a piece of Haskell code that looks like this:
What does the # symbol mean in this context? I can't seem to find any info on Google (it's unfortunately hard to search for symbols on Google), and I can't find the function in the Prelude documentation, so I imagine it must be some sort of syntactic sugar instead.
Yes, it's just syntactic sugar, with # read aloud as "as". ps#(p:pt) gives you names for
the list: ps
the list's head : p
the list's tail: pt
Without the #, you'd have to choose between (1) or (2):(3).
This syntax actually works for any constructor; if you have data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a], then t#(Tree _ kids) gives you access to both the tree and its children.
The # Symbol is used to both give a name to a parameter and match that parameter against a pattern that follows the #. It's not specific to lists and can also be used with other data structures.
This is useful if you want to "decompose" a parameter into it's parts while still needing the parameter as a whole somewhere in your function. One example where this is the case is the tails function from the standard library:
tails :: [a] -> [[a]]
tails [] = [[]]
tails xxs#(_:xs) = xxs : tails xs
I want to add that # works at all levels, meaning you can do this:
let a#(b#(Just c), Just d) = (Just 1, Just 2) in (a, b, c, d)
Which will then produce this: ((Just 1, Just 2), Just 1, 1, 2)
So basically it's a way for you to bind a pattern to a value. This also means that it works with any kind of pattern, not just lists, as demonstrated above. This is a very useful thing to know, as it means you can use it in many more cases.
In this case, a is the entire Maybe Tuple, b is just the first Just in the tuple, and c and d are the values contained in the first and second Just in the tuple respectively
To add to what the other people have said, they are called as-patterns (in ML the syntax uses the keyword "as"), and are described in the section of the Haskell Report on patterns.

Why must equations of a function in Haskell have the same number of arguments? [duplicate]

I noticed today that such a definition
safeDivide x 0 = x
safeDivide = (/)
is not possible. I am just curious what the (good) reason behind this is. There must be a very good one (it's Haskell after all :)).
Note: I am not looking suggestions for alternative implementations to the code above, it's a simple example to demonstrate my point.
I think it's mainly for consistency so that all clauses can be read in the same manner, so to speak; i.e. every RHS is at the same position in the type of the function. I think would mask quite a few silly errors if you allowed this, too.
There's also a slight semantic quirk: say the compiler padded out such clauses to have the same number of patterns as the other clauses; i.e. your example would become
safeDivide x 0 = x
safeDivide x y = (/) x y
Now consider if the second line had instead been safeDivide = undefined; in the absence of the previous clause, safeDivide would be ⊥, but thanks to the eta-expansion performed here, it's \x y -> if y == 0 then x else ⊥ — so safeDivide = undefined does not actually define safeDivide to be ⊥! This seems confusing enough to justify banning such clauses, IMO.
The meaning of a function with multiple clauses is defined by the Haskell standard (section via translation to a lambda and case statement:
fn pat1a pat1b = r1
fn pat2a pat2b = r2
fn = \a b -> case (a,b) of
(pat1a, pat1b) -> r1
(pat2a, pat2b) -> r2
This is so that the function definition/case statement way of doing things is nice and consistent, and the meaning of each isn't specified redundantly and confusingly.
This translation only really makes sense when each clause has the same number of arguments. Of course, there could be extra rules to fix that, but they'd complicate the translation for little gain, since you probably wouldn't want to define things like that anyway, for your readers' sake.
Haskell does it this way because it's predecessors (like LML and Miranda) did. There is no technical reason it has to be like this; equations with fewer arguments could be eta expanded. But having a different number of arguments for different equations is probably a typo rather than intentional, so in this case we ban something sensible&rare to get better error reporting in the common case.

What makes a good name for a helper function?

Consider the following problem: given a list of length three of tuples (String,Int), is there a pair of elements having the same "Int" part? (For example, [("bob",5),("gertrude",3),("al",5)] contains such a pair, but [("bob",5),("gertrude",3),("al",1)] does not.)
This is how I would implement such a function:
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
hasPair = napkin . sortBy (compare `on` snd)
where napkin [(_, a),(_, b),(_, c)] | a == b = True
| b == c = True
| otherwise = False
I've used pattern matching to bind names to the "Int" part of the tuples, but I want to sort first (in order to group like members), so I've put the pattern-matching function inside a where clause. But this brings me to my question: what's a good strategy for picking names for functions that live inside where clauses? I want to be able to think of such names quickly. For this example, "hasPair" seems like a good choice, but it's already taken! I find that pattern comes up a lot - the natural-seeming name for a helper function is already taken by the outer function that calls it. So I have, at times, called such helper functions things like "op", "foo", and even "helper" - here I have chosen "napkin" to emphasize its use-it-once, throw-it-away nature.
So, dear Stackoverflow readers, what would you have called "napkin"? And more importantly, how do you approach this issue in general?
General rules for locally-scoped variable naming.
f , k, g, h for super simple local, semi-anonymous things
go for (tail) recursive helpers (precedent)
n , m, i, j for length and size and other numeric values
v for results of map lookups and other dictionary types
s and t for strings.
a:as and x:xs and y:ys for lists.
(a,b,c,_) for tuple fields.
These generally only apply for arguments to HOFs. For your case, I'd go with something like k or eq3.
Use apostrophes sparingly, for derived values.
I tend to call boolean valued functions p for predicate. pred, unfortunately, is already taken.
In cases like this, where the inner function is basically the same as the outer function, but with different preconditions (requiring that the list is sorted), I sometimes use the same name with a prime, e.g. hasPairs'.
However, in this case, I would rather try to break down the problem into parts that are useful by themselves at the top level. That usually also makes naming them easier.
hasPair :: [(String, Int)] -> Bool
hasPair = hasDuplicate . map snd
hasDuplicate :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
hasDuplicate = not . isStrictlySorted . sort
isStrictlySorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
isStrictlySorted xs = and $ zipWith (<) xs (tail xs)
My strategy follows Don's suggestions fairly closely:
If there is an obvious name for it, use that.
Use go if it is the "worker" or otherwise very similar in purpose to the original function.
Follow personal conventions based on context, e.g. step and start for args to a fold.
If all else fails, just go with a generic name, like f
There are two techniques that I personally avoid. One is using the apostrophe version of the original function, e.g. hasPair' in the where clause of hasPair. It's too easy to accidentally write one when you meant the other; I prefer to use go in such cases. But this isn't a huge deal as long as the functions have different types. The other is using names that might connote something, but not anything that has to do with what the function actually does. napkin would fall into this category. When you revisit this code, this naming choice will probably baffle you, as you will have forgotten the original reason that you named it napkin. (Because napkins have 4 corners? Because they are easily folded? Because they clean up messes? They're found at restaurants?) Other offenders are things like bob and myCoolFunc.
If you have given a function a name that is more descriptive than go or h, then you should be able to look at either the context in which it is used, or the body of the function, and in both situations get a pretty good idea of why that name was chosen. This is where my point #3 comes in: personal conventions. Much of Don's advice applies. If you are using Haskell in a collaborative situation, then coordinate with your team and decide on certain conventions for common situations.

Defining a function by equations with different number of arguments

I noticed today that such a definition
safeDivide x 0 = x
safeDivide = (/)
is not possible. I am just curious what the (good) reason behind this is. There must be a very good one (it's Haskell after all :)).
Note: I am not looking suggestions for alternative implementations to the code above, it's a simple example to demonstrate my point.
I think it's mainly for consistency so that all clauses can be read in the same manner, so to speak; i.e. every RHS is at the same position in the type of the function. I think would mask quite a few silly errors if you allowed this, too.
There's also a slight semantic quirk: say the compiler padded out such clauses to have the same number of patterns as the other clauses; i.e. your example would become
safeDivide x 0 = x
safeDivide x y = (/) x y
Now consider if the second line had instead been safeDivide = undefined; in the absence of the previous clause, safeDivide would be ⊥, but thanks to the eta-expansion performed here, it's \x y -> if y == 0 then x else ⊥ — so safeDivide = undefined does not actually define safeDivide to be ⊥! This seems confusing enough to justify banning such clauses, IMO.
The meaning of a function with multiple clauses is defined by the Haskell standard (section via translation to a lambda and case statement:
fn pat1a pat1b = r1
fn pat2a pat2b = r2
fn = \a b -> case (a,b) of
(pat1a, pat1b) -> r1
(pat2a, pat2b) -> r2
This is so that the function definition/case statement way of doing things is nice and consistent, and the meaning of each isn't specified redundantly and confusingly.
This translation only really makes sense when each clause has the same number of arguments. Of course, there could be extra rules to fix that, but they'd complicate the translation for little gain, since you probably wouldn't want to define things like that anyway, for your readers' sake.
Haskell does it this way because it's predecessors (like LML and Miranda) did. There is no technical reason it has to be like this; equations with fewer arguments could be eta expanded. But having a different number of arguments for different equations is probably a typo rather than intentional, so in this case we ban something sensible&rare to get better error reporting in the common case.
