Why does Spark crossJoin take so long for a tiny dataframe? - apache-spark

I'm trying to do the following crossJoin on two dataframes with 5 rows each, but Spark spawns 40000 tasks on my machine and it took 30 seconds to achieve the task. Any idea why that is happening?
df = spark.createDataFrame([['1','1'],['2','2'],['3','3'],['4','4'],['5','5']]).toDF('a','b')
df = df.repartition(1)

You call a .distinct before join, it requires a shuffle, so it repartitions data based on spark.sql.shuffle.partitions property value. Thus, df.select('a').distinct() and df.select('b').distinct() result in new DataFrames each with 200 partitions, 200 x 200 = 40000

Two things - it looks like you cannot directly control the number of partitions a DF is created with, so we can first create a RDD instead (where you can specify the number of partitions) and convert it to DF. Also you can set the shuffle partitions to '1' as well. These both ensure you will have just 1 partition during the whole execution and should speed things up.
Just note that this shouldn't be an issue at all for larger datasets, for which Spark is designed (it would be faster to achieve the same result on a dataset of this size not using spark at all). So in the general case you won't really need to do stuff like this, but tune the number of partitions to your resources/data.
spark.conf.set("spark.default.parallelism", "1")
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "1")
df = sc.parallelize([['1','1'],['2','2'],['3','3'],['4','4'],['5','5']], 1).toDF(['a','b'])
spark.conf.set sets the configuration for a single execution only, if you want more permanent changes do them in the actual spark conf file


Avoid data shuffle and coalesce-numPartitions is not applied to individual partition while doing left anti-join in spark dataframe

I have two dataframe - target_df and reference_df. I need to remove account_id's in target_df which is present in reference_df.
target_df is created from hive table, will have hundreds of partitions. It is partitioned based on date(20220101 to 20221101).
I am doing left anti-join and writing data in hdfs location.
val numPartitions = 10
val df_purge = spark.sql(s"SELECT /*+ BROADCASTJOIN(ref) */ target.* FROM input_table target LEFT ANTI JOIN ${reference_table} ref ON target.${Customer_ID} = ref.${Customer_ID}")
I need to apply same numPartitions value to each partition. But it is applying to numPartitions value to entire dataframe. For example: If it has 100 date partitions, i need to have 100 * 10 = 1000 part files. These code is not working as expected. I tried repartitionby("date") but this is causing huge data shuffle.
Can anyone please provide an optimized solution. Thanks!
I am afraid that you can not skip shuffle in this case. All repartition/coalesce/partitionBy are working on dataset level and i dont think that there is a way to just split partitions into 10 without shuffle
You tried to use coalesce which is not causing shuffle and this is true, but coalesce can only be used to decrese number of partitions so its not going to help you
You can try to achieve what you want by using combination of raprtition and repartitionBy. Here is description of both functions (same applies to Scala source: https://sparkbyexamples.com:
PySpark repartition() is a DataFrame method that is used to increase
or reduce the partitions in memory and when written to disk, it create
all part files in a single directory.
PySpark partitionBy() is a method of DataFrameWriter class which is
used to write the DataFrame to disk in partitions, one sub-directory
for each unique value in partition columns.
If you first repartition your dataset with repartition = 1000 Spark is going to create 1000 partitions in memory. Later, when you call repartitionBy, Spark is going to create sub-directory forr each value and create one part file for each in-memory partition which contains given key
So if after repartition you have date X in 500 partitions out of 1000 you will find 500 file in sub-directory for this date
In article which i mentioned previously you can find simple example of this behaviourm, chech chapter 1.3 partitionBy(colNames : String*) Example
#Use repartition() and partitionBy() together
.write.option("header",True) \
.partitionBy("state") \
.mode("overwrite") \

Splitting spark data into partitions and writing those partitions to disk in parallel

Problem outline: Say I have 300+ GB of data being processed with spark on an EMR cluster in AWS. This data has three attributes used to partition on the filesystem for use in Hive: date, hour, and (let's say) anotherAttr. I want to write this data to a fs in such a way that minimizes the number of files written.
What I'm doing right now is getting the distinct combinations of date, hour, anotherAttr, and a count of how many rows make up combination. I collect them into a List on the driver, and iterate over the list, building a new DataFrame for each combination, repartitioning that DataFrame using the number of rows to guestimate file size, and writing the files to disk with DataFrameWriter, .orc finishing it off.
We aren't using Parquet for organizational reasons.
This method works reasonably well, and solves the problem that downstream teams using Hive instead of Spark don't see performance issues resulting from a high number of files. For example, if I take the whole 300 GB DataFrame, do a repartition with 1000 partitions (in spark) and the relevant columns, and dumped it to disk, it all dumps in parallel, and finishes in ~9 min with the whole thing. But that gets up to 1000 files for the larger partitions, and that destroys Hive performance. Or it destroys some kind of performance, honestly not 100% sure what. I've just been asked to keep the file count as low as possible. With the method I'm using, I can keep the files to whatever size I want (relatively close anyway), but there is no parallelism and it takes ~45 min to run, mostly waiting on file writes.
It seems to me that since there's a 1-to-1 relationship between some source row and some destination row, and that since I can organize the data into non-overlapping "folders" (partitions for Hive), I should be able to organize my code/DataFrames in such a way that I can ask spark to write all the destination files in parallel. Does anyone have suggestions for how to attack this?
Things I've tested that did not work:
Using a scala parallel collection to kick off the writes. Whatever spark was doing with the DataFrames, it didn't separate out the tasks very well and some machines were getting massive garbage collection problems.
DataFrame.map - I tried to map across a DataFrame of the unique combinations, and kickoff writes from inside there, but there's no access to the DataFrame of the data that I actually need from within that map - the DataFrame reference is null on the executor.
DataFrame.mapPartitions - a non-starter, couldn't come up with any ideas for doing what I want from inside mapPartitions
The word 'partition' is also not especially helpful here because it refers both to the concept of spark splitting up the data by some criteria, and to the way that the data will be organized on disk for Hive. I think I was pretty clear in the usages above. So if I'm imagining a perfect solution to this problem, it's that I can create one DataFrame that has 1000 partitions based on the three attributes for fast querying, then from that create another collection of DataFrames, each one having exactly one unique combination of those attributes, repartitioned (in spark, but for Hive) with the number of partitions appropriate to the size of the data it contains. Most of the DataFrames will have 1 partition, a few will have up to 10. The files should be ~3 GB, and our EMR cluster has more RAM than that for each executor, so we shouldn't see a performance hit from these "large" partitions.
Once that list of DataFrames is created and each one is repartitioned, I could ask spark to write them all to disk in parallel.
Is something like this possible in spark?
One thing I'm conceptually unclear on: say I have
val x = spark.sql("select * from source")
val y = x.where(s"date=$date and hour=$hour and anotherAttr=$anotherAttr")
val z = x.where(s"date=$date and hour=$hour and anotherAttr=$anotherAttr2")
To what extent is y is a different DataFrame than z? If I repartition y, what effect does the shuffle have on z, and on x for that matter?
We had the same problem (almost) and we ended up by working directly with RDD (instead of DataFrames) and implementing our own partitioning mechanism (by extending org.apache.spark.Partitioner)
Details: we are reading JSON messages from Kafka. The JSON should be grouped by customerid/date/more fields and written in Hadoop using Parquet format, without creating too many small files.
The steps are (simplified version):
a)Read the messages from Kafka and transform them to a structure of RDD[(GroupBy, Message)]. GroupBy is a case class containing all the fields that are used for grouping.
b)Use a reduceByKeyLocally transformation and obtain a map of metrics (no of messages/messages size/etc) for each group - eg Map[GroupBy, GroupByMetrics]
c)Create a GroupPartitioner that's using the previously collected metrics (and some input parameters like the desired Parquet size etc) to compute how many partitions should be created for each GroupBy object. Basically we are extending org.apache.spark.Partitioner and overriding numPartitions and getPartition(key: Any)
d)we partition the RDD from a) using the previously defined partitioner: newPartitionedRdd = rdd.partitionBy(ourCustomGroupByPartitioner)
e)Invoke spark.sparkContext.runJob with two parameters: the first one is the RDD partitioned at d), the second one is a custom function (func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) that will write the messages taken from Iterator[T] into Hadoop/Parquet
Let's say that we have 100 mil messages, grouped like that
Group1 - 2 mil
Group2 - 80 mil
Group3 - 18 mil
and we decided that we have to use 1.5 mil messages per partition to obtain Parquet files greater than 500MB. We'll end up with 2 partitions for Group1, 54 for Group2, 12 for Group3.
This statement:
I collect them into a List on the driver, and iterate over the list,
building a new DataFrame for each combination, repartitioning that
DataFrame using the number of rows to guestimate file size, and
writing the files to disk with DataFrameWriter, .orc finishing it off.
is completely off-beam where Spark is concerned. Collecting to driver is never a good approach, volumes and OOM issues and latency in your approach is high.
Use so the below so as to simplify and get parallelism of Spark benefits saving time and money for your boss:
shuffle occurs via repartition, no shuffling ever with partitionBy.
That simple, with Spark's default parallelism utilized.

spark.sql.shuffle.partitions of 200 default partitions conundrum

In many posts there is the statement - as shown below in some form or another - due to some question on shuffling, partitioning, due to JOIN, AGGR, whatever, etc.:
... In general whenever you do a spark sql aggregation or join which shuffles data this is the number of resulting partitions = 200.
This is set by spark.sql.shuffle.partitions. ...
So, my question is:
Do we mean that if we have set partitioning at 765 for a DF, for example,
That the processing occurs against 765 partitions, but that the output is coalesced / re-partitioned standardly to 200 - referring here to word resulting?
Or does it do the processing using 200 partitions after coalescing / re-partitioning to 200 partitions before JOINing, AGGR?
I ask as I never see a clear viewpoint.
I did the following test:
// genned a DS of some 20M short rows
val ds1 = df0.repartition(765)
val ds2 = df0.repartition(765)
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "765")
// The above not included on 1st run, the above included on 2nd run.
val joined = ds1.join(ds2, ds1("time_asc") === ds2("time_asc"), "outer")
On the 1st test - not defining sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "765"), the processing and num partitions resulted was 200. Even though SO post 45704156 states it may not apply to DFs - this is a DS.
On the 2nd test - defining sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "765"), the processing and num partitions resulted was 765. Even though SO post 45704156 states it may not apply to DFs - this is a DS.
It is a combination of both your guesses.
Assume you have a set of input data with M partitions and you set shuffle partitions to N.
When executing a join, spark reads your input data in all M partitions and re-shuffle the data based on the key to N partitions. Imagine a trivial hashpartitioner, the hash function applied on the key pretty much looks like A = hashcode(key) % N, and then this data is re-allocated to the node in charge of handling the Ath partition. Each node can be in charge of handling multiple partitions.
After shuffling, the nodes will work to aggregate the data in partitions they are in charge of. As no additional shuffling needs to be done here, the nodes can produce the output directly.
So in summary, your output will be coalesced to N partitions, however it is coalesced because it is processed in N partitions, not because spark applies one additional shuffle stage to specifically repartition your output data to N.
Spark.sql.shuffle.partitions is the parameter which decides the number of partitions while doing shuffles like joins or aggregation i.e where data movement is there across the nodes. The other part spark.default.parallelism will be calculated on basis of your data size and max block size, in HDFS it’s 128mb. So if your job does not do any shuffle it will consider the default parallelism value or if you are using rdd you can set it by your own. While shuffling happens it will take 200.
Val df = sc.parallelize(List(1,2,3,4,5),4).toDF()
df.count() // this will use 4 partitions
Val df1 = df
df1.except(df).count // will generate 200 partitions having 2 stages

How to auto calculate numRepartition while using spark dataframe write

When I tried to write dataframe to Hive Parquet Partitioned Table
It will create a lots of blocks in HDFS, each of the block only have small size of data.
I understand how it goes as each spark sub-task will create a block, then write data to it.
I also understand, num of blocks will increase the Hadoop performance, but it will also decrease the performance after reaching a threshold.
If i want to auto set numPartition, does anyone have a good idea?
numPartition = ??? // auto calc basing on df size or something
First of all, why do you want to have an extra repartition step when you are already using partitionBy(key)- your data would be partitioned based on the key.
Generally, you could re-partition by a column value, that's a common scenario, helps in operations like reduceByKey, filtering based on column value etc. For example,
val birthYears = List(
(2000, "name1"),
(2000, "name2"),
(2001, "name3"),
(2000, "name4"),
(2001, "name5")
val df = birthYears.toDF("year", "name")
By Default spark will create 200 Partitions for shuffle operations. so, 200 files/blocks (if the file size is less) will be written to HDFS.
Configure the number of partitions to be created after shuffle based on your data in Spark using below configuration:
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", <Number of paritions>)
ex: spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "5"), so Spark will create 5 partitions and 5 files will be written to HDFS.

How to set multiple spark configurations for same spark job

I am dealing with a weird situation , where I have small tables and big tables to process using spark and it must be a single spark job.
To achieve best performance targets, I need to set a property called
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 12 for small tables and
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 500 for bigger tables
I want to know how can I change these properties dynamically in spark ?
Can I have multiple configuration files and call it within the program ?
apache-spark documentation describes this property:
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions 200 Configures the number of partitions to use when shuffling data for joins or aggregations.
according to above description you need just to load your data to rdds and when you want to apply the join or aggregation on them you can change partition numbers using repartition method.
As mentioned in documentation the default value is 200 then you need one increasing and one decreasing in partition numbers. Then you should use repartition and coalesce method. Repartition is useful for both decreasing and increasing but in decreasing is has a shuffle overhead but coalesce does not have this overhead and is more optimized than repartition.
If you have the tables in parquet files for instance, you could read files in advance and know if is small table or big table and change the value of your shuffle partitions.
val hadoopConfig = new Configuration()
val hdfs = FileSystem.get(hadoopConfig)
val shuffle12 = "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 12"
val shuffle500= "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 500"
val total = hdfs.getContentSummary(new Path(pathTable)).getLength
if (total < x) shuffle12 else shuffle500
